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Child Of Darkness

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"thank you its good to know where my blood is held......i look forward to seeing this hunter" simple proceeded to walk away when he turned around and said "so when the next battle tournament anyway?" he couldn't put his finger on it..... but the more he hanged out with the devil the more he acted like a devil....it was impulsive... and felt natural...

Caras: "Next battle tournament is held between The House Of Zecz and the lowly house of Storms. It should start in about an hour or so. We gather in the centre of the city to watch these events together, it is the greatest of Devil entertainment after all. Niruna and I are going, you want to come with us?"


Chrysteel smiles and says, "You May call me that. Love of family is but one of three true loves that exist. There is true love. There is the love of family. Finally there is the love of friendship. For a being like me, directed forms of these loves make us stronger. I don't know exactly what it will do beyond that but Simple's careing feelings for me did cause a change within. Not only do I feel stronger but I also feel more free from a problem that has plagued my kind for as long as many care to remember.


From what memories I do have, the Flutterling's Honor was a Crystal given to the devils along time ago. As to its current location and who has it, I don't know. It was given to the leading house of Devils before the fall of the Flutterlings. I also know that it will be able to work with Flutterling's Heart and Flutterling's Blessing. I have the heart and the divines have the blessing. I don't know what will happen when the three are gathered but it's going to be an event of a life time. Last time the items were together peace was made possible. Who knows what will happen this time."

Niruna: "A crystal given to the Devil Lords? Lucifer was not always on top. That title use to belong to the now extinct House Of Immortals. Caras use to belong to the House Of Immortals, maybe he will know more. Onii-Sama, do you know anything about a crystal that was given to the House Of Immortals?"


Caras: "I have some memories of it. The Head of the house, said that a crystal was given to his ancestors and they hid it away of fear of what it could do. Scared fools. I don't remember much of it, it was nearly 11000 years ago. And during a time in which I was only driven by desire. I could my dear friend Zecz tomorrow after his battle and ask him to look up some things for me."

Clayton sighed as he sat down. "Anyway, I was just on a routine patrol and to my surprise, I find you guys. " He said, giving a slight smirk. "Anyway, the closest outpost is a mile south of here, so you weren't really to far. I also heard about what happened in the crystal empire."

Golden: "You people are quite quiet. I didn't even know you had an an outpost this far north. Expecially since you know what happened to the Crystal Empire, I would have thought you would have retreated further south. 'Maybe this incarnation of the mortal cycle breeds the strongest so far.' Ahh, now them, yeah. The crystal empire. You most likely have not heard the full story, it was a massacre. No contest really, we relied too much on Old Tactics and thinking they would do the same. And that cost the lives of 1000 good soldiers. May they rest in peace amount the Goddesses embrace. They will be coming further south, that we can promise you.


Dawn nodded slightly, but felt strange. She could feel something nearby and shook her head, before standing up. "I'm going to find Tempest." She said.

Golden: "Dawn, you really should not be moving about freely right now. Your condition is still quite bad and you're likely to cause damage to yourself. I won't stop you looking for him, but be careful. Listen to your Guardian Angel on this one." Edited by Child of Darkness

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Dawn sighed and thought for a moment. "I know, but something doesn't feel right." She said, glancing at Golden. "Don't tell me you can't feel it, a chill blowing through the air."  The alicorn didn't want to say it, but something big was coming, and it wasn't going to end well for anyone. "Could you at least go find him, please?"


Tempest sighed as he cleared his thoughts. "I think it would be safer if you came into my mind. I don't know how the others would react." He said. "This doesn't mean that I trust you, though."


Nephyer nodded and was drawn into Tempest's mind. He didn't mind using somepony to further his plans and it helped that Xena was close as well. "I understand."


The bat pony felt his power grow and his whole appearance started to look more dark. He hadn't expected this, but it was still a possibility.

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Chrysteel says, "Is there a way to find that Crystal? If I can gather it and the one held by the divines in one location along with the three base loves, The love of Friendship, The love of family and true love, something good will happen. I think it may be the key to my true power."

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Caras: "Next battle tournament is held between The House Of Zecz and the lowly house of Storms. It should start in about an hour or so. We gather in the centre of the city to watch these events together, it is the greatest of Devil entertainment after all. Niruna and I are going, you want to come with us?"


Niruna: "A crystal given to the Devil Lords? Lucifer was not always on top. That title use to belong to the now extinct House Of Immortals. Caras use to belong to the House Of Immortals, maybe he will know more. Onii-Sama, do you know anything about a crystal that was given to the House Of Immortals?"


Caras: "I have some memories of it. The Head of the house, said that a crystal was given to his ancestors and they hid it away of fear of what it could do. Scared fools. I don't remember much of it, it was nearly 11000 years ago. And during a time in which I was only driven by desire. I could my dear friend Zecz tomorrow after his battle and ask him to look up some things for me."

Golden: "You people are quite quiet. I didn't even know you had an an outpost this far north. Expecially since you know what happened to the Crystal Empire, I would have thought you would have retreated further south. 'Maybe this incarnation of the mortal cycle breeds the strongest so far.' Ahh, now them, yeah. The crystal empire. You most likely have not heard the full story, it was a massacre. No contest really, we relied too much on Old Tactics and thinking they would do the same. And that cost the lives of 1000 good soldiers. May they rest in peace amount the Goddesses embrace. They will be coming further south, that we can promise you.


Golden: "Dawn, you really should not be moving about freely right now. Your condition is still quite bad and you're likely to cause damage to yourself. I won't stop you looking for him, but be careful. Listen to your Guardian Angel on this one."

(well.... looks like i'm going to battle tournament...... whether i like it or not.... something is compelling me to..... i'm sure it's nothing ) simple proceeded to listen in to the conversation chrysteel was having........ "so chrysteel your looking for a magical crystal i'll help in whatever way i can" simple proceeded to smile..... he could feel the wounds between them healing.....


Chrysteel says, "Is there a way to find that Crystal? If I can gather it and the one held by the divines in one location along with the three base loves, The love of Friendship, The love of family and true love, something good will happen. I think it may be the key to my true power."

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Dawn sighed and thought for a moment. "I know, but something doesn't feel right." She said, glancing at Golden. "Don't tell me you can't feel it, a chill blowing through the air." The alicorn didn't want to say it, but something big was coming, and it wasn't going to end well for anyone. "Could you at least go find him, please?"


Tempest sighed as he cleared his thoughts. "I think it would be safer if you came into my mind. I don't know how the others would react." He said. "This doesn't mean that I trust you, though."


Nephyer nodded and was drawn into Tempest's mind. He didn't mind using somepony to further his plans and it helped that Xena was close as well. "I understand."


The bat pony felt his power grow and his whole appearance started to look more dark. He hadn't expected this, but it was still a possibility.

Golden: "I will go look for him. Go with this Stallion and try to make your way to the outpost. I will inform Tempest of your new location." Golden Leaf ran into the forest, trying to follow Tempest by his aura which pointed her in the right direction, but the aura she was following shifted to a more dark sense. "I don't like this. Tempest!? You over here? Dawn is awake and she's asking for you."


Chrysteel says, "Is there a way to find that Crystal? If I can gather it and the one held by the divines in one location along with the three base loves, The love of Friendship, The love of family and true love, something good will happen. I think it may be the key to my true power."

Caras: "So if the three powers of love combined with the Crystal that represents it, something will happen. Sounds like a big shot in the dark. I like it. I can search around the archives in the underworld in my next visit in a few days, they should have something on Strange items gifted to the Extinct houses."

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Tempest's ear twitched as he turned his gaze in Golden's direction. "I might as well get this over with." He thought to himself. The bat pony then trotted to where Golden was. "It's ok. I was just meeting up with an old friend of Xena." The bat pony then gave a slight smirk. "Sorry about not telling you. I didn't want to worry you and Dawn, and I figured that this was more of a personal matter."


Dawn nodded and stood up, before glancing at Clayton. "So, where is this outpost?" She asked, slightly curious. The alicorn didn't mind being around Clayton, mainly in part because of his history with Tempest.

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Clayton nodded slightly and picked up his scythe, placing the weapon on his back. "The outpost is about a mile south of here, so it won't take to long." He said. "Listen, I know you trust Tempest, but something doesn't seem right and when that happened, he's normally in the middle of it. Please, make sure he doesn't do anything drastic." The unicorn then began to trot in the direction of the outpost.

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(well.... looks like i'm going to battle tournament...... whether i like it or not.... something is compelling me to..... i'm sure it's nothing ) simple proceeded to listen in to the conversation chrysteel was having........ "so chrysteel your looking for a magical crystal i'll help in whatever way i can" simple proceeded to smile..... he could feel the wounds between them healing.....

She nods and says, "Thank you. It will be a great help. Plus even without the crystals, the three loves will make me stronger." She gives Simple a hug.



Caras: "So if the three powers of love combined with the Crystal that represents it, something will happen. Sounds like a big shot in the dark. I like it. I can search around the archives in the underworld in my next visit in a few days, they should have something on Strange items gifted to the Extinct houses."

Chrysteel smiles and says, "That will be much appreciated. There aren't many willing to help. I am also curious as to why they gave the crystals to the three. One held by the devils, Flutterling's Honor. One held by the Mortals, Flutterling's Heart. One held by the Divines, Flutterling's Blessing. Once each is gathered we may find out more about what these items can do. I will watch over Niruna until the time comes for us to part ways. Also I have been thinking about what you said and if the devils challenge me. They will find me a worthy foe. The crystal Flutterling's Heart is connected with the love of Family. Flutterling's Honor would probably be connected to the love of Friendship and Flutterling's Blessing would be connected to true love."


Chrysteel looks to Caras and then to the others. "I will not challenge others myself but if they challenge me I will prove myself. Also if either is to die, so be it."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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She nods and says, "Thank you. It will be a great help. Plus even without the crystals, the three loves will make me stronger." She gives Simple a hug.


Chrysteel smiles and says, "That will be much appreciated. There aren't many willing to help. I am also curious as to why they gave the crystals to the three. One held by the devils, Flutterling's Honor. One held by the Mortals, Flutterling's Heart. One held by the Divines, Flutterling's Blessing. Once each is gathered we may find out more about what these items can do. I will watch over Niruna until the time comes for us to part ways. Also I have been thinking about what you said and if the devils challenge me. They will find me a worthy foe. The crystal Flutterling's Heart is connected with the love of Family. Flutterling's Honor would probably be connected to the love of Friendship and Flutterling's Blessing would be connected to true love."


Chrysteel looks to Caras and then to the others. "I will not challenge others myself but if they challenge me I will prove myself. Also if either is to die, so be it."

in dreamlike state




simple blushes..... he didn't really know how to react to the hug......mainly because something about it felt different....."UGH" simple proceeded to pass out....... 


"where am i...."  he hears his mother calling his name.... "we must talk son.... its about your keysword...." simple summoned it and look at it "what about it" "it's the key sword to unlock people's hearts.........using it will allow you to take other persons dead body and suck they power from it.... but the only problem is......for it to rise to its full potiential... for you to bring peace..... you'll need Three ponies.... a magical friendship beyond compare.... true love and yourself" simple tried to pin point names "so i'm guessing niruna is the magical friendship..... and chrysteel must be the true love right...." "Not exactly" try turning the order of the names around"... simple thought and said "no that couldn't be the case niruna is way to young for me..... she's.... um.... younger than caras i'm not actually sure but she looks to young anyway....." "true love son does not always = marriage remember that" simple proceeded to wake up 


"ugh!...... that was the weirdest black out yet....."

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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Tempest's ear twitched as he turned his gaze in Golden's direction. "I might as well get this over with." He thought to himself. The bat pony then trotted to where Golden was. "It's ok. I was just meeting up with an old friend of Xena." The bat pony then gave a slight smirk. "Sorry about not telling you. I didn't want to worry you and Dawn, and I figured that this was more of a personal matter."


Dawn nodded and stood up, before glancing at Clayton. "So, where is this outpost?" She asked, slightly curious. The alicorn didn't mind being around Clayton, mainly in part because of his history with Tempest.

Golden: "Okay. I understand. Anyway, a soldier from Equestria stumbled upon us while you where away and directed us to an outpost about a mile south of our location. Dawn has moved to that location and it's best if we start getting a move on. Also, you seem Darker than before. Did something happen to you?"



She nods and says, "Thank you. It will be a great help. Plus even without the crystals, the three loves will make me stronger." She gives Simple a hug.


Chrysteel smiles and says, "That will be much appreciated. There aren't many willing to help. I am also curious as to why they gave the crystals to the three. One held by the devils, Flutterling's Honor. One held by the Mortals, Flutterling's Heart. One held by the Divines, Flutterling's Blessing. Once each is gathered we may find out more about what these items can do. I will watch over Niruna until the time comes for us to part ways. Also I have been thinking about what you said and if the devils challenge me. They will find me a worthy foe. The crystal Flutterling's Heart is connected with the love of Family. Flutterling's Honor would probably be connected to the love of Friendship and Flutterling's Blessing would be connected to true love."


Chrysteel looks to Caras and then to the others. "I will not challenge others myself but if they challenge me I will prove myself. Also if either is to die, so be it."

Caras: "I see. So Devils have the piece that represents friendship. How peculiar. How very odd indeed. Maybe they gave the crystals to the three as a representative of how all three sides may one day coexist as beings. The motif is friendship and peace. This all makes sense in my mind. Anyway, I thank you for your offer to watch over Niruna and you already seem to be embracing one of our traditions. But the time has come for me to take Niruna to another one of our events. A battle is being held between Zecz house and the Storm house. A wonderful opportunity to see how the Zecz house handle their business. It's rather entertaining. Niruna! It's time, get ready."


Niruna: "Battle time! Yay!" Niruna ran off to her room to change out if he indoor clothing and get ready for the event.


Caras: "Fun fact. When ever Zecz talks in the battle, they have to mute the audio or some of the weaker devils will be convinced by his words and commit suicide. Even through indirectly speaking to the world, he can still kill with his words. That is the power if the Zecz house. Scarey when you think about it."

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Golden: "Okay. I understand. Anyway, a soldier from Equestria stumbled upon us while you where away and directed us to an outpost about a mile south of our location. Dawn has moved to that location and it's best if we start getting a move on. Also, you seem Darker than before. Did something happen to you?"




Caras: "I see. So Devils have the piece that represents friendship. How peculiar. How very odd indeed. Maybe they gave the crystals to the three as a representative of how all three sides may one day coexist as beings. The motif is friendship and peace. This all makes sense in my mind. Anyway, I thank you for your offer to watch over Niruna and you already seem to be embracing one of our traditions. But the time has come for me to take Niruna to another one of our events. A battle is being held between Zecz house and the Storm house. A wonderful opportunity to see how the Zecz house handle their business. It's rather entertaining. Niruna! It's time, get ready."


Niruna: "Battle time! Yay!" Niruna ran off to her room to change out if he indoor clothing and get ready for the event.


Caras: "Fun fact. When ever Zecz talks in the battle, they have to mute the audio or some of the weaker devils will be convinced by his words and commit suicide. Even through indirectly speaking to the world, he can still kill with his words. That is the power if the Zecz house. Scarey when you think about it."

"kind of......." simple shrugged and got change into some more battle suited clothing..... in case he had to fight anything...... or anyone...... "i'm ready.... now where's niruna" simple walks and to niruna and whispers "you know the way i'm suppose to protect you......well i could make a clone of that sword that caras used on me... and i could say...... train you in some self defense...... would you like... that..." simple looked at niruna with a happy face

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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"kind of......." simple shrugged and got change into some more battle suited clothing..... in case he had to fight anything...... or anyone...... "i'm ready.... now where's niruna" simple walks and to niruna and whispers "you know the way i'm suppose to protect you......well i could make a clone of that sword that caras used on me... and i could say...... train you in some self defense...... would you like... that..." simple looked at niruna with a happy face

Niruna: "That's a kind offer. But don't underestimate me because I'm quiet young. Never forget that I am from the house of Lucifer and I have the strength that can rival that of a 200 year old Devil. I can defend myself when needed. Want to see what I can do with magic? I really cool."

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Niruna: "That's a kind offer. But don't underestimate me because I'm quiet young. Never forget that I am from the house of Lucifer and I have the strength that can rival that of a 200 year old Devil. I can defend myself when needed. Want to see what I can do with magic? I really cool."

"okay maybe later...." simple smiles as he does not want to doubt her abilities.... considering the house she's from "come on then niruna we've got a tournament to watch" simple grabs niruna hand and walked out the door.....he couldn't wait to watch his first tournament..... it sounded so much more fun the more he heard about it.....

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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Tempest thought over what Golden had said and nodded. "Yes. I now have a second aura beast in my mind. You may know him as Nephyer." He said, watching for Golden's reaction. He figured that it would be best to be ready should she try something. The bat pony figured that it would be best not to tell Golden about what was happening to Naga.


Dawn cast Clayton a suspicious glance. "And what makes you sure of that. We both know he has a pure heart and a kind spirit." She said, slightly worried. "I'm pretty sure that even you know that." The alicorn began to think, though. What was Tempest's purpose in this war.

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Chrysteel makes herself ready and adjusts herself for the event to come. She already feels a bit stronger. She does consider Niruna a sister, in a way. "Well, when yall are ready, let's go." Chrysteel may not like to kill herself but she won't push her ideals on another.

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"okay maybe later...." simple smiles as he does not want to doubt her abilities.... considering the house she's from "come on then niruna we've got a tournament to watch" simple grabs niruna hand and walked out the door.....he couldn't wait to watch his first tournament..... it sounded so much more fun the more he heard about it.....

"Okay let's go. You're going to love this as much as I love you Onii-Chan." She gave Simple a kiss on his cheek and proceeded to walk by his side. "Hey! Caras-Oniisama! We're ready."


Caras: "Okay. It's at the town center, follow me and we will avoid the main crowds. Everyone will be attending so if we keep to some side pathways we should be fine. But expect to run into trouble. Nothing we can't handle." Caras opened the front door and a large noise of Devils making their way towards the middle of the city, the streets were filled and it not much room to move freely. "To the right is a small ally way, no one takes that path. And for good reason. We'll go that way." He started walking and issued the others to follow him closely.




Tempest thought over what Golden had said and nodded. "Yes. I now have a second aura beast in my mind. You may know him as Nephyer." He said, watching for Golden's reaction. He figured that it would be best to be ready should she try something. The bat pony figured that it would be best not to tell Golden about what was happening to Naga.

Golden: "Nephyer of the dead. Commonly known in folk lore and among the Divines as Death himself. Personally I would not put your trust in that creature, death is its business, but I trust your judgment Tempest. I tell you this though, one step out of line from him, and I will use extreme measures."

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Chrysteel follows Caras and keeps close to Niruna. As she walks with them she asks, "Why doesn't the others use this way?"


She makes herself ready for anything. She also thinks about what happened. 'Their is Love coming off of Niruna towards me as a sister and towards Simple as well. Simple's love is about unsure but leaning towards Niruna. I do consider him a friend. But where will I find the third love?'

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Tempest nodded and looked into the air. "I doubt you will have to, but riddle me this. Am I just some weapon for the divine to use in this war, and what justification could there possibly be for wiping out an entire species. I'm sure I don't have to tell you which ones I mean. The aura beasts, my ancestors, and possibly the demons should the trend continue." The bat pony then told Golden exactly what the demon from earlier had told him. "All I want is answers and I think I have a right to know. If anything, it'll put some portion of my mind at peace."

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Tempest nodded and looked into the air. "I doubt you will have to, but riddle me this. Am I just some weapon for the divine to use in this war, and what justification could there possibly be for wiping out an entire species. I'm sure I don't have to tell you which ones I mean. The aura beasts, my ancestors, and possibly the demons should the trend continue." The bat pony then told Golden exactly what the demon from earlier had told him. "All I want is answers and I think I have a right to know. If anything, it'll put some portion of my mind at peace."

"The aura beasts are dangerous, and they are not ment to exist in the first place. They are placed in the same category of existence as we put the demons in, byproducts. Demons where created as the byproduct of Divines being born, just as aura beasts are byproducts of God's being created. I'll admit, it seems they had found a place in this world, but we can see the darkness that exists within them. That kind of darkness is not evil like the devils, but it's a corruption away from the light that guides and protects the world. The ponies they lived with would have been brought down to live in the dark, blinded by the corruption of these beasts. You know of what I speak of, you yourself have changed since meeting with Xena and now Death, haven't you Tempest. We tried to kill them to prevent them from spreading a seed of corruption that would engulf the world. We did what we had to do. Demon as evil. They are born from Cruelty and find violence and chaos as the path forward. This is their nature, so we can't change It. So we try and exterminate it. They are pests, nothing more. And you are not just a weapon. We asked you to aid us as you are one of few capable of saving this world from Demons. We needed hero's, so we asked you."




Chrysteel follows Caras and keeps close to Niruna. As she walks with them she asks, "Why doesn't the others use this way?"


She makes herself ready for anything. She also thinks about what happened. 'Their is Love coming off of Niruna towards me as a sister and towards Simple as well. Simple's love is about unsure but leaning towards Niruna. I do consider him a friend. But where will I find the third love?'

Caras started to countdown out loud from 10 to 0. Once he said 0, a shield appeared around them and 6 devils dropped down behind them.


Caras: "This is why no one comes down this way. These scum think they can kill for power. Most people avoid them as they are officer level demons. Smart, agile and very powerful. And fun to fight."


Niruna: "Can I fight them?"


Caras: "Of course. Observe everyone! And watch how the house Lucifer fights."


Niruna stepped out from the group and smiled at the group Demons threatening them. "Do you want to know a secret? The secret is, I'm gonna kill you." Niruna made several circles of magic appear in the area around the hostile Devils, and more at their hooves, snaring them in place. From the other magic circles, severe spouts of flame arose and targeted the Hostile Devils, reducing them to ash in seconds. All of the magic in the area was dropped and Niruna was breathing a little heavier than before. "Problem solved. Shall we continue?"

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At that point, Xena took over and wasn't exactly pleased with what had been said. When he spoke, he had to stop himself from basically roaring at Golden. "Don't you dare accuse my kind of being like the demons or mindless beasts. We simply represent the elemnts that make this world what it is. By your logic, then Icarus would've been evil, but no. He represented the good in the hearts of all living things. Cella brought the rain that farmers needed. Baz made the island suitable for life through he connection with nature and in other regards was basically what Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is today and I control the passage of time. Yes, Vaketh could've been considered evil, but he also protected our home from any attack and improved the morale of our warriors. WE were content with the island we lived on and helped the ponies who settled there, but you kill every last one of us, outside of Baz and myself."

Nephyer then took over and was just about as angered as Xena. "By the way, just because someone represents death, doesn't mean they are evil. I was the judge who decided wheather or not a soul would go to heaven or my gut, but I already gave that song and dance to Tempest." A few souls then drifted by and he gave a slight smirk. "Excuse me for a sec. Business calls can be so tedious, especially during war time." Nephyer then drew the souls in and devoured them all. "Hmmm, those were probably demons. Not really different, but they definitely have more of a kick to them. Spicy with a hint of brimstone, but what do I know about the dead." The aura beast then laughed a bit as he went back into his host's mind.

Tempest regained control and turned his cold gaze to Golden. "Yes, I have changed, but for the better. I was weak, ignorant, and maybe a tad arrogant before I ever found Xena and through him, I have gained a better understanding of this world, both on the physical and spiritual planes.Of course, I did have a few good qualities, but those were kept when all was said and done. I do not control them and they do not control me. I let them speak when they want and do not inhibit any of their abilities. As for Nephyer, only time will tell what will happen, but I trust that Xena will keep him in line." The bat pony then thought for a moment as his aura surrounded him. He heard all he wanted and his patience was growing thin. "And what do you intend to do when this war ends? Are you going to take Xena, Baz, and Nephyer like you did the others. You do that, and you lose some of the best 'heros' currently alive and I doubt any of us will go down without a fight."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Chrysteel smiles, "We should. I may not have that bracelet anymore, but it held back several of my aura powers."


Chrysteel now realized they wanted the mortals to rely on the divine's power. She only trusted one divine, Venus. She moves with the group. She makes herself ready for what is next.

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Clayton sighed and shook his head, before looking at Dawn. "Look, I've been hearing whispers about him from a few other ponies. They think he's no different than the demons that are trying to take over. I don't think they know about your relationship with him, so it would be best if you don't interact with him." He said. The unicorn knew that this wasn't easy, but he figured that Dawn would be the best to tell this to.

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Dawn stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Clayton. "You're asking me to cut all ties with the pony I love just because of some idiots who can't keep their mouth shut." She said, trying to calm the growing anger in her. "He's supposed to be your friend and you would just as soon turn your back on him. I'm sorry, but I can't do that."  The alicorn then flew into the air and flew back to where the camp was. She didn't know where else to go and she needed to find Tempest.

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Clayton sighed as he shot out a magic pulse aimed at Dawn. He didn't want to hurt a friend, but that would happen no matter what, seeing as how the attack itself was intended to paralyze a target for about an hour or two. She was a part of the Equestrian military and being with Tempest would either get her killed or basically exiled. "Hopefully they can forgive me after this whole ordeal."

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The attack hit the nape of the alicorn's neck and Dawn didn't have the experience to absorb such magic yet, meaning that the attack itself was a success. She felt pain when she hit the ground and she soon found that she couldn't move her body. "What did that fool do to me?" She thought to herself as her vision faded into darkness.

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