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open Slice Of Life: Canterlot (SoL/Romance)


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129495-slice-of-life-canterlot-solromanceopen/?p=3796841#entry3796841


I've been planning on returning to role playing for a while now, and making my own Rolplay, so here I am :D

This is going to be a simple Slice of Life Roleplay taking place in Canterlot, and in this roleplay you will play as your Original Character; you can: Make friends, fall in love, go on an adventure, whatever you want that's within the setting.


-Comply with the forum rules

-please at least try to read everyone's OC bios so that you'll know who the character is, and how they act and stuff

-no gore/grim dark

-give a clear description of your character

-use readable grammar

-no alicorns (just nah)

-you ARE allowed to be a: changeling, griffin, etc.

-no godmode

-don't kill anyone randomly




If you're curious about my character, he is in my signature


Characters in Roleplay

I will be accepting 6 people, then I will start the Roleplay


-Jellal Fernandes-https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dj-br0n-3-r4076






let's BEGIN!!!

It was a sunny summer day in Canterlot. The streets are bustling and ponies are walking around in differant directions. Sketchy, enjoying the nice hot weather, is trotting on the side walk breathing in the fresh air. sketchy was on vacation from his home Seaddle, and so far he has been enjoying the rich city of Canterlot.

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"See you later..." muttered Spellbind as she left the house.


"Goodbye, sweetie!" replied her mother as the younger mare left.


Mom sighed, looking at her husband. "She always wants to be out of this house. Unless she's asleep or playing video games."


Spellbind meanwhile was beating herself up as usual. "I'll find somewhere to eat. Wouldn't want to be a bother if they had to cook dinner for me. They deserve better than me." She said as she wandered aimlessly through Canterlot.

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Grell stood by his shop watching the ponies walk by he stood quietly a few coffins leaning against the wall he was casting a spell on them putting the finishing touches on them he seen a pony eyeing them "you can purchase one now and lock in the price do your family a favor" grell said

(Totally forgot to follow this doing so now))

Edited by dashian500

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Sketchy had been walking a while, and begand to feel hungry *maybe I should get something to eat* he thought, but the problem was that he didn't know anything about Canterlot, so he needed directions, and maybe somepo u's preferences, so he can find a good restaurant Sketchy went and asked the first pony he saw, sketchy taps her on the shoulder. "Excuse me?" He says to the mare.

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Spellbind turned after being tapped to look at the pony beside her. "Oh, um hey there," she said politely, bowing her head. She didn't go out actively seeking attention, but deep down she yearned for company. "Can I help you?" she asked to continue the conversation.

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He gave a grin "hi, sorry if I'm

Interrupting anything, but I'm not from here, and was wondering where I can get some lunch here, Can you tell me any places where I can get some good food? 'Cause I have no clue where I'm going." Since he kind of left home in a rush, Sketchy hadn't planned out his vacation entirely well.

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"No probs, I was thinking of finding somewhere to eat myself actually!" replied Spellbind. She scanned the area and found a casual cafe. It was the one restaurant she could think of in Canterlot that served something beside weird expensive food.


"Right there perhaps?" she said.

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Grell sold the coffin his stomach rumbling he magic his things into the shop closing and locking it he telported to his favorite cafe and sat down the waitress walked over "hey grell the usual?" She asked grell simu nodded and she walked away (same cafe that you guys are heading to)

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Serendipity happily trotted down the street, looking about her as she did so. She was on a trip to Canterlot; her usual home was in the Crystal Empire, where she worked at the palace. The young mare was half crystal pony and half unicorn; her magic didn't usually go as planned, but ended up working out a lot better than she had thought it would do. Feeling hungry, Serendipity decided to go to a nearby cafe; she didn't really like the posh restaurants, where they often just served up silly food in tiny helpings. Once she had seen a meal presented as a single daisy head on a plate! She went into the cafe and started to look at the menu.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Serendipity happily trotted down the street, looking about her as she did so. She was on a trip to Canterlot; her usual home was in the Crystal Empire, where she worked at the palace. The young mare was half crystal pony and half unicorn; her magic didn't usually go as planned, but ended up working out a lot better than she had thought it would do. Feeling hungry, Serendipity decided to go to a nearby cafe; she didn't really like the posh restaurants, where they often just served up silly food in tiny helpings. Once she had seen a meal presented as a single daisy head on a plate! She went into the cafe and started to look at the menu.

Grell looked over at the crystal pony that just walked in he finished his meal and trotted over to her sliding into the seat across from her "you're a unique pony" grell said with a smile" and I unique pony needs a unique coffin I'm grell undertaker and coffin builder" grell said magicing up his card and setting it in from of her

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Sketchy looked over at the café and smiled "thanks a bunch it really helps. "I'm sketchy by the way" sketchy didn't like ending conversations abruptly, so out of politeness He held his hoof out for a hoofshake. Maybe he could even make a friend while he's here in Canterlot

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"Spellbind" she introduced herself and shook the hoof of Sketchy. She noticed two more ponies enter the cafe as well at the same time she and Sketchy entered it.


There was only one table and two chairs left. Spellbind picked up a chair. "You can have this table, I'll just go eat in the corner over there..."

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Sketchy entered the cafe, and Spellbind said that she would sit in the corner, sketchy raised an eyebrow, sketchy didn't want to feel bad for taking the last table and having another pony not" what? You can't just sit there, let's just share the table, it shouldn't be a problem." he said to her. "I insist"

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Spellbind couldnt help but sigh and smile. "Very well then," she said, returning the chair to the table it belonged to.


Not that long after she sat down, a waiter arrived. "What can I get for you?" asked the waiter kindly with a smile to Spellbind and Sketchy.

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Sketchy sat at the table and then the waiter comes by. Sketchy just ordered a sandwich and some water. He glances at Spellbind *This is a perfect opportunity to get to know someone from Canterlot* he thought. "So..." He mumbled "uhm, so you from here in Canterlot right?" He asked, just to start a simple conversation without being too nosey.

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"Yeah," said Spellbind. "I live here. It can be kind of nice and sweet at times, but I like visiting Ponyville. Sometimes that can be more fun."


She looked up at the waiter. "Can I get a sandwich and water too please?" she requested.


"Sorry sirs and madam," said the waiter. "But we're out of sandwiches."


Spellbind looked back at the menu to order something else.


"But no problem!" said the waiter. "I can fetch some from the cellar. Though that will extend the waiting time by 10 minutes."


"But um..." SHe spoke softly. "Could you too possibly come with me? I get scared in there..."


(We've got ourselves a new plot point :D

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@@dashian500, Serendipity smiled politely. "Oh, I wasn't thinking of needing a coffin so soon, but thanks anyway," she said, taking the card and tucking it carefully into one of her saddlebags. She studied the menu. All of it looked nice and it was so hard to choose! Would she be considered greedy if she had one of everything?



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Sketchy held back some laughter when the waiter said he's scared of a cellar *maybe I should just order something else, but then again... Might as well go...* he thought. Sketchy stood up "oh come on, it shouldn't be that scary." He said jokingly "but ok, I guess we can go with you" sketchy shrugged.

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Spellbind glared at Pelate. "Maybe you've never been scared of cellars," she said. "What's harmless to you may not be to somepony else."


She turned to the waiter. "Sure, we'll go with you," she said, beaming.


"Then let us be on our way!"


The waiter led them to the cellar. Spellbind walked in front of her through it. "This is kind of daunting..." said Spellbind. "Like something is about to pop out."

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Grell smiled "you may not need it soon but the price of coffins hasn't fallen in years in fact it's only risen it'd be smart to buy one now" grell said "the princesses have a standing order for the best coffins I can make at the time of their death" grell added

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Don't worry I'm just joking" he replied.

As they walked through the dark cellar, sketchy was following them in the back. sketchy focused his eyes "sheesh, this cellar could use a little more light, I can't see nothing. That or I need to get my eyes checked heheh"

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@@dashian500, "I don't think so, anyway," Serendipity replied. "I think I'd prefer to use one from a local shop back home, when the time comes." She turned to rather pointedly look at the menu. Serendipity wasn't sure about why this pony was talking to her about coffins, it seemed such a depressing subject.


"I'll have one of each cake, and a cup of peppermint tea," she said, giving her order to the waitress. Serendipity decided that she didn't care about being thought greedy; she needed cake.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Oh and if your worried that this will cause me to lower your tip," said Spellbind to the waitress "Don't! If anything, this has raised your tip. It's not every day I get to walk through a cellar instead of sitting around waiting for food."


The waitress smiled at the kind mare.


They stopped in front of a box. The waitress opened it, expecting sandwich ingredients...


Vampire fruit bats flew out! They flew out of the cellar...


...and flew freely around the restuarant! Then spread to the rest of Canterlot! Spellbind was alarmed off her butt and ducked.

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@@Littlecandylulu903, Serendipity gasped in surprise as a cloud of fruit bats flew all around. She aimed her horn at a group, meaning to make them disappear, but instead her magic made the bats' wings ridiculously small. Flapping uselessly, the bats sank to the floor and stayed there, squeaking helplessly.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Grell gathered them up using his magic "perfect o have a Few experiments that needed fruit bats" grell said placing them in his bag he looked at serendipity "if that's what you wish but it's best to plan ahead instead of leaving the burden to your family" grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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