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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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(i kind of meant it in a friendly way not in a relationship way sorry for the confusion)


"i know that...it was just a friendly kiss....." starlight laugh "i'm sorry.... i apologize....." he proceeds to let go and puts on a awkward face "so......... what happened after you left......... beside your brother dieing of course........" starlight was very excited to get to know his friend again........

"well sparkle almost died after falling from really high in the sky that's basically how i met her. my brother's funeral happened and *rolls eyes* that was fun. i got in a bar fight and threatend by some other stallion's who wanted my ring. oh and me and sparkle got shipwrecked on a desert island i have too tell you about that one. but what's been up with you? " White looked curious "oh and my parents it's best not too talk about them"

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Spellbind seemed a bit surprised by everything that was going on in the discussion. Somepony getting killed by a train, and a nine year old at that... Spellbind wiped away a tear.


There was also talk of relationships.


"Okay... should I come back at a later time?" she questioned.

"um...... what are you doing here?.... are you from one of the main boats........ their on the beach....... if your lost.... but while your here........ i'm starlight,this is white, and this pony is sparkle....." starlight smiled and shook her hoof.... "is there anything you need....... if not then your welcome to stay as long as you want......."

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Spellbind looked around at each of the ponies as Starlight (lol did you make her before or after the season 5 premiere :P) as Starlight introduced them.


"Well, hello," she said. She bowed her head. "Spellbind."


"I can stay with you? Gee, thank you," she said, sitting down.

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@@AspenSwift, @@Ochre_Dust,

Blitz set the plates down next to each of them and sat down herself, still levitating her bowl with her magic. She sipped from it. It was still warm, and all the chefs from each boat had come together brilliantly to make this. Needless to say, it was delicious.


She blinked when Aspen began counting out money and chuckled. "There's no need at all to pay! It was free for me since I helped cook." Though the question of money did bring something up-- what was the currency they would be using?

Well, in almost every start-up town it was a barter system... she would use that at first. Maybe, at the end of her life, they could start a slow transition to bits if they started a mine.

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sparkle woke up " what's all the noise about guys can't a mare get some sleep around here?" sparkle looked at spellbind " oh hey spellbind" she said beginning too go back too sleep " wait spellbind where've you been all this time i missed you" sparkle gave her a hug " it's been ages since we shipwrecked on that island "

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"Sparkle?" asked Spellbind when she looked at the source of the for-some-reason familiar voice. "Oh, it's you!" she said quite happy. It seemed that it was not uncommon for her to bump into ponies she had already met, as it had happened multiple times...


"How are you doing?"


(You mean this roleplay or New Lands?)

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(New Lands)

"i'm doing fine .how are you? " sparkle said hugging her again

"h...hey spellbind you remember me right? White Wing? you know the one who got caught by stallions? yeah me... i'll never live that down"

"he he of course you won't cause i'll bring it back every time" sparkle laughed

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"Yes, of course I remember you too, White Wing," said Spellbind. "But what is there to live down? You were the victim of a dangerous situation. Anypony with a heart would have sympathy instead of mocking you."


"Good thing those stallions ran off before I had to use my magic on them..."

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"yeah you turned that one guy into a drink once! i wonder how he's doing? probably still manning the same rum and larger shop in manehatten" White laughed 

"hey spellbind" said sparkle "have you heard from Caramel recently i could do with some captaining lessons" she looked ashamed of herself

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@ @Little Red


Peregrine prodded Blitz after having finished her own meal. "Hey, what's up? You look like you were thinking of something. Were you deciding whether or not you wanted me to see what I can do with your hooves?" She looked intently at Blitz, awaiting a response.

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@@Little Red, @@AspenSwift, @@Ochre_Dust,

"Oh, good," Glider said, upon hearing the food was free. "Were the cooks nice ponies? Well, I'm sure they were," she amended, acutely aware of the fact that Peregrine or Aspen might know one of the cooks and be offended on her thinking they could possibly be not nice. "That was very nice of you to help them, Blitz."

She turned to Aspen as Peregrine pushed Blitz, seeming to be trying to comfort her sister. Well, that was what it looked like to Glider--she was even offering Blitz free hoof care! "Uh, so, Blitz and I brought along all our bits for this trip, but the truth is that we didn't have very many," she told Aspen. "Since you were the captain, do you know if we're still going to be using bits?"

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"yeah you turned that one guy into a drink once! i wonder how he's doing? probably still manning the same rum and larger shop in manehatten" White laughed 

"hey spellbind" said sparkle "have you heard from Caramel recently i could do with some captaining lessons" she looked ashamed of herself

"guys you do realize i'm still here......" starlight smiled "oh white,sparkle..... its nothing important.....i just wanted to tell you.... that its still pretty late..... you all need a good rest....." starlight handed out his two sleeping bags to......... white and sparkle....... " now i hope you also have a sleeping bad as well Spellbind........if not i have some leather which i haven't gotten to using yet.... you can have that....."

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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Blitz blinked. "My hooves...? Oh, are you a groomer?" Blitz's face brightened. She hadn't been professionally groomed since before the boat ride, let alone gotten a hooficure. "I was actually thinking about what we might do with money... but I'm now thinking about what you can do with my hooves," she said, smiling.

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"guys you do realize i'm still here......" starlight smiled "oh white,sparkle..... its nothing important.....i just wanted to tell you.... that its still pretty late..... you all need a good rest....." starlight handed out his two sleeping bags to......... white and sparkle....... " now i hope you also have a sleeping bad as well Spellbind........if not i have some leather which i haven't gotten to using yet.... you can have that....."

"where'd you get that leather anyway?" sparkle said curiously

"oh we killed a cow right starlight?" White turned too starlight

sparkle felt faint 

"mmm hmm in fact starlight ate 50% of it's meat we're saving some for you." White lied 

sparkle fainted 

"ohh mabye i took it a bit too far?" White said

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@ @Little Red


Peregrine's face brightened at Blitz's response. "It's my specialty!" She reached for Blitz's hoof, gingerly picking it up. "If I may?" She angled her head around the appendage, not waiting for permission to move it during her examination "Hmmm... you need a bit of a trim on the pastern and coronet, and there are some chips that should be filed away and smoothed. Honestly it's probably better than two thirds of the ponies on the voyage." She examined the bottom of the hoof and clicked her tongue. "Bottom's a little gunky and thick. We'll get that all in order, when would you like to get started?"

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Definitely a professional. Blitz thought about it. The sooner she got trimmed up, the better it would be for her. She did need to look passable if she wanted to head a town, after all.


"Well, I would love to start tonight," she said, "but, how long do you take? After all, we do both need sleep."

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@ @Little Red


"True, it is a little late, and I will need light to make sure I don't miss anything. Perhaps tomorrow morning, after breakfast?" Peregrine set down Blitz's hoof. "As for time, perfection is something always approached, but never breached. We're set to be making a town, so I think making it so your hooves shouldn't touch the ground might not be wise." Peregrine winked. "We can save the truly royal treatment for when we all have roofs over our heads, instead of tents. Basic care to keep your hooves healthy shouldn't take more than an hour."

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Glider looked at her own hooves, rather self-conscious about the topic. She yawned at the suggestion of sleep, abruptly realizing she was tired after the emotional exertion of the day, and walking on land and pitching the tent after many days on a boat. "I'm ready for bed," she replied cheerfully, finishing her food. "Tomorrow's going to be a big day, after all." she trotted over to her sleeping bag, slipping into it and watching her tent-mates. "Good night, everypony," she smiled, turning over and facing the wall. She mused about the new land, all the exciting things that were waiting for her and Blitz in the time to come, the nice new ponies she had met, and eventually grew drowsy enough for a quiet sleep.

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Reaver, @@AspenSwift,


Blitz nodded at Peregrine, settling down on her little bundle of blankets. She smiled at Glider's yawn. She wanted to ask the other ponies' of their plans here, but didn't want to disturb Glider, who seemed to already be falling asleep. She lay her head on the blankets, though did not sleep for a long time, continuously glancing out at the moon and caught up in the excitement of the day.

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"where'd you get that leather anyway?" sparkle said curiously

"oh we killed a cow right starlight?" White turned too starlight

sparkle felt faint 

"mmm hmm in fact starlight ate 50% of it's meat we're saving some for you." White lied 

sparkle fainted 

"ohh mabye i took it a bit too far?" White said

Spellbind seemed horrified at the fact that they had killed a cow for a blanket, and ate its flesh.


"I-I'm sorry, I-I don't think I can be with you after all..." she said quietly, slowly backing away. She disappeared into the forest.


(Spellbind is a firm believer of animal rights and welfare)

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(Announcement:  Just to make everything less confusing, let's say the time is officially morning.  Two timelines were making my head spin)

Aspen woke up to the sound of waves.  Of course, over the space of the time on the boat, waves on the hull were constant, but they sounded much different on the beach.  It's much calmer; even like a lullaby.  That was probably why he had fallen asleep so much earlier than the rest of the ponies of the tent.  All he remembered was that delicious, delicious hay burger and then he fell asleep.  He looked around at the other three mares around the tent.  They were really nice to him, honestly.  On the boat, he'd really only had two friends; Wally and Ocean Moon.  But after only one day, he'd made three new friends.  And it was nice last nice, talking and eating with friends who were so nice and interesting.  However, Aspen had duties to attend to, and he didn't want to miss out on anything important.  He wrote a quick not to the three, and stepped out of the tent.

The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon of the ocean, illuminating the five boats anchored a few hundred meters out.  The grey masts fluttered lightly, as the wind was blowing gently.  He walked past the cooking tent, and to a tent with a very high ceiling.  Inside, some of the other "government representatives," as Aspen had decided to call them, were filtering in.  This is where they had arranged to have their meeting.  Aspen walked inside, greeting some of the other ponies.

He found Ocean Moon, and trotted over to her.  "So, how were your first experiences on the island?" he asked.

"I took a team of ponies out exploring yesterday," she said, "but we didn't find much.  We traveled north, into the jungle, but the undergrowth got so dense that we had to turn back.  We did find signs of natives, however."

Aspen raised his eyebrows.  "Natives?  Like, ponies here before us?"

"Probably not ponies," Ocean replied, "we couldn't identify the tracks, but they definitely not from a hoof."

Aspen shuddered.  He couldn't help but imagine huge, hulking monsters that lived on the island and ate ponies for breakfast.

Right then, a light purple mare with a silver mane stomped on the ground, getting everypony's attention.

"Alright, everypony, it's good too see us all in one place once again.  We have incredibly important matters to attend to this morning, and we would like to get on with it so that we can get to work soon."  She spoke calmly, but sternly, as though she wanted to get information to the listeners as soon as possible.  Aspen noticed that she wore a necklace with the official Canterlot stamp imprinted in it, which most likely symbolized her as the leader of the whole operation.

"If you had not been on my boat, you probably don't know me.  I am Sylvia Lace, and I have been appointed by the Princesses themselves as the official leader of government here.  Any problems from the settlers go to you.  Any of your problems go to me.  My say is final.  Any questions?"  Silence.  "Good.  Let's start with reports.  Who led the cooking operation?"
"Tha-that would be me, ma'am," came a stallion's voice from the back, "we recruited volunteers to help cook last night, and plan on setting up a sign-up sheet for volunteers."

"Good work.  I want you to make two meals a day, leaving the ponies to make the other by themselves.  They can't rely on others forever."

"All right, who led the exploration team?" said Sylvia, looking around.

"I did," said Ocean Moon from beside Aspen.

"Thank you." came the reply, "and what did you find?"

"We couldn't go too far, the foliage was pretty thick out there." said Ocean, looking at some notes she had brought.  "We found some plants that we never had discovered, some strange bugs...oh yeah, and we found a footprint."

Sylvia turned to Ocean.  "Pony?"

"Nope, we couldn't really figure it out.  It was very strange.  Oh yeah, and pretty close to the footprints, we found some markings on a tree.  They looked like runes, but it was hard to see.  All we know was that they were on purpose.  Whatever made them was very careful.  The being must have at least some form of sentience."

Sylvia thought for a second.  "Very interesting, send out another team as soon as possible," she finally said.  "I believe that we should work quickly on making a fort somewhere soon.  It can be crude, but we need someplace that we can defend if attacked.  You there," she said, quickly turning to face a stallion. "Yes?" he said, startled.

"I want you to find a team to start construction on a fort."  she said.
He nodded, "I'll start right away."

"Speaking of construction," Sylvia said, looking around outside the tent.  "I think we should start work on some more permanent buildings.  First, we should make a proper mess hall...then, of course, a large storage facility.  Maybe a meeting hall?  Anypony want to volunteer to lead a team of construction ponies?"

"I'll do it!" said a mare close to Aspen.

Sylvia nodded.  "Thank you.  Well, unless anypony has anything else to say..." she waited for a second, "meeting adjourned."

Ponies started to shuffle out of the tent.  Aspen turned to Ocean.

"It was good to see you," he said.

"Good to see you, too!" she replied, smiling at him.  She turned and trotted off in the opposite direction.  Aspen made his way back to the tent.

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Blitz got up shortly after Aspen had left. She had heard him leaving vaguely, but had simply curled up tighter in her blankets. She opened her eyes eventually when she felt something soft on her blanket.


She got up and the soft thing fell off. She blinked, then smiled. It was her cat, Socks. I was wondering when he would finally get out of the boat, the silly kitten, she thought, fondly, petting his head. He blinked up at her adoringly. He was slightly wet. Socks liked water, he had probably jumped into the ocean.


She got up quietly, so as not to disturb the other two, and noticed  a paper lying on the ground. She moved over to it and peered at it. It was from Aspen, explaining he had to attend a meeting.


So, that confirmed that Aspen was important. Good to know. Too bad she hadn't gained enough of a reputation on the boat to get into that meeting, it would have been useful. But she would eventually. She would rise up, no matter how patient she had to be to do it.


She sniffed. There was the smell of a just beginning meal in the air. She would go help out again, maybe she would see Aspen on the way.


She turned to Socks. "Stay here," she informed the cat. That way, Glider would know she hadn't just upped and left and was going to come back-- though Glider would probably figure that, anyway.


She walked out of the tent flaps and began trotting towards the cooking area, near the center of the huge camping area. It was a long trot. She decided that she would ask Peregrine for some trimming up later that night.

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"where'd you get that leather anyway?" sparkle said curiously

"oh we killed a cow right starlight?" White turned too starlight

sparkle felt faint 

"mmm hmm in fact starlight ate 50% of it's meat we're saving some for you." White lied 

sparkle fainted 

"ohh mabye i took it a bit too far?" White said

"Nah..... he's fine....... he'll get up soon...." starlight laughed "so......yeah i hope that doesn't bother you Spellbind........" starlight walk up to Spellbind "as you can see.... sparkle isn't the strongest when it comes to new concepts if you know what i mean...." starlight laughed........ "come...come.......... you all need some good rest......"

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Finally, Omar awakes from his slumber. "Hmm, I wonder what's for dinner", Omar thought to himself not knowing that he had actually slept through the entire night. Getting up from the spot he was laying in the shade, he started to search for where meals were served.


"It's seems kind of bright for evening... Must be something about this land." Omar thought to himself.

Edited by Omar
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