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The Search

Strong Hooves

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Ooc thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/13112-the-search/page__pid__287117#entry287117

(opening setting)


It was a warm sunny day in ponyville. Normally ponies would all be out among the town. But today they were all gathered outside of town. They were all crowded around a large racetrack, where many Pegasi were preparing for one of their many great races. It is five minutes until the race, the Pegasi are making their final peparations.


Meanwhile, a lone earth pony wanders into the town, confused as to why the town was empty. "What's this all about?" he said aloud. His ear twitched as he heard a rumble of cheering some distance away, his curiosity making him walk toward the noise.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"There's no doubt in my mind i'll win today, guys. I can feel it in my wings!"

"Some confidence you got there, maybe you should put it to good use instead of flapping your lips?"


'Typical', thought Ali, as she finished stretching her wings, 'always confident, that one, and never too far from his so called "group" of friends.'


"Will the racers please take their starting positions? The race is about to begin!" announce the ref. "I don't want to see any foul play out there, y'here?"


Agreeing, the Pegasi took their starting positions on the blocks. Some ponies looked nervous, others confident. Ali was neither. Sure, she hoped for a first place prize, but she never got one. Always second or third. Never in the lead. Nonetheless, Ali was determined not to give up, not to let down, and not to give slack. She would try her best, as she always did.


The ref put his whistle to his lips, and an adrenaline rush shot through Ali's system. 'Today feels different' she thought, 'maybe i'll win today.'


The whistle was blown, and the racers were off.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strong reached the track just as the whistle was blown, he soon saw the blur of Pegasi as they raced, his eyes widened and a smile came across his face as he watched. Each Pegasus was rather speedy, one of them however caught his attention, a gray mare with a yellow and dark green mane. 'Woah, she's fast' he thought as she sped by.

Edited by Nico
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'I'm in the lead, i'm actually in the lead!' thought Ali as she raced around the track. 'Don't get ahead of yourself, there's still two more laps.'


Staying in the lead, she crossed the finish line for the second time. With only one lap to go, Ali slightly increased her speed, victory just within her grasp. Coming around the bend, however, she saw a lone, dark brown earth pony with a black mane, staring right at her.


Wondering why this mysterious stallion wasn't with the rest of the crowd, Ali didn't notice she was veering off the track.


Too little, too late, she noticed the tree not three feet in front of her. She tried to evade it, but to no avail. Whack! Her head now pounding, she quickly recovered and headed back for the track.


Due to her failure to observe her surroundings, combined with the throbbing pain in her head, Ali finished the race in fourth.


Slightly angry, she turned to the spot where she had seen the Earth Pony, only to find that he had moved.


"Where did you get off to?"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strongs jaw dropped when she crashed, only to breathe a sigh of relief to see she was alright as she continued the race. He had moved when the crowd began to move toward the racers at the finish line. It was getting a little crowded now, and many ponies were flashing nervous glances toward him. He backed up toward a more clear part of the field, watching from a distance.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Still searching for the Brown stallion, Ali moved throughout the crowd, with more than several people asking if she was alright after such a crash.


"Yes, yes, i'm fine, and i thank you for your concern" Ali said, still searching. Finally, she found him, and started to head in his direction, when she heard someone from the crowd behind her say "Oh, poor thing, she doesn't even have her cutie mark yet!"


Rage built up inside Ali, as she whipped around to see an elderly woman jerk back at the outburst. "By Celestia, girl, what's wrong with you?" the woman pondered.


"Sorry ma'am, I don't like being pitied over. It really irks my nerves." Ali said, calming down. Apologizing once more, she started to head back to the Earth Pony from Earlier.


As she got closer, she noticed that this Pony was Big, bigger than big, enormous! 'He might be even bigger than Big Macintosh!' Ali thought. However, she continued her advance, knowing full well how to handle herself if things got ugly.


"Hey!" she called out, getting closer, "I'd like a word with you!"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strong heard the mare calling him out and raised an eyebrow, she was obviously mad. It could be seen the way she glared at the elderly mare. "Alright then." was all he said, still surprised that she was talking to him and not shying away.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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'Alright then? It's like he doesn't even care!'


"Who do you think you are, standing over here by your lonesome when you should be with the crowd? Are you scared of being around other ponies or something?"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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When she asked this, Strong chuckled. "Try the other way around. Anyway, why you so worried about a total stranger like me being on my own?". As amusing as this was, he couldn't figure out as to why she was asking him this.

(Sorry for the delay)


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"I'm not 'worried' about you, but you being by yourself distracted me, and I ran into a tree because of it! You know what that's like? It's not good, i'll tell you that!" Ali couldn't help but realize her voice was raising slightly as she went along. Why am i being so mean to him? I'm not a bully! "And whaddya mean 'the other way around'?"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strongs ears turned back slightly as she rose her voice, but kept a firm tone of voice, "Don't go blaming me for you being distracted, if you're mad go on and say it." he then broke eye contact and looked away, "What mean by the other way around is that..." he sighed, "ponies... Don't like to be around me. They do nothing but shy away". He then turned to look at her again, "Care to yell anymore?" he said, "Honestly you've spoken more to me than any other pony".


In the distance slight murmurs could be heard, "Don't get near that huge stallion, you don't know what he'll do"


"Why is she speaking to him? Is she crazy?"


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Seeing the stallions glance at the crowd behind them, coupled with the murmurs that they could barely hear, Ali made a suggestion. "Maybe we should go somewhere more secluded from the judging glance of others? And I'm sorry for yelling, you're right, it wasn't your fault i crashed, it was my own." As they begin to walk off toward Ponyville, she realized that they don't even know each others names. "My name's Ali. Ali Finish. What's yours?"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strong gave a small smile as they walked, glad to have somepony to talk to. "I'm Strong Hooves" he said. He looked around the town, it seemed rather nice to him, "So I'm guessing you live in this town?" he asked


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"Yep, but only for 4 years now. I used to travel a lot looking for.... well, traveling for my own purposes." Uh oh, I hope he didn't notice that slight stutter there, Ali thought. "Then I settled down here because of the Pegasi Races. You see, I had almost run out of bits when I arrived here, and the races have been my way of earning more. Never seen you around here, so I guess you're a traveler of sorts too?"

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strong noticed her stutter when speaking of why she traveled, but said nothing about it. Instead he answered her question, "Yep, I kinda just drift from place to place. Not that I have to, but I don't really have anything better to do" he chuckled dryly, "Being a lone traveler gets pretty boring after a while. But seeing as I got nopony to turn to, I might as well deal with it".


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Noticing the similarities, Ali replied with "What do you mean, nopony to turn to? You must have your parents, a sibling, maybe even a friend?" Trying not to think about the answer she'd receive, Ali couldn't help but to wonder 'What if he's more like me than i thought?'


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strong chuckled dryly again, "Friend? Have you seen the way other ponies look at me? Sibling, I'm an only child, and as for parents..." he looked away and said quietly, "I'd rather not talk about it...". His parents were always a touchy subject for him, it was something he didnt like to bring up, his face could show it, but only for a little bit before he regained his composure.


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In that instant, that brief instant that Ali saw Strong's face, she knew. She knew, that Strong had never seen his parents. "I'm sorry, Strong. I never knew my parents either. They left me on the side of a road when i was not even a year old. I was raised by a caravan of traveling merchant ponies. That's why i've been traveling all these years. That's why I needed to stop here to earn money. I want to find my parents, Strong." Ali stopped walking, her head hung low. With a quivering voice, she said, "I need to know if they're okay, I need to know if they're...." she trailed off, not being able to speak anymore on the subject.

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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The sudden confession from Ali surprised Strong. He looked at her quivering form, and for some strange reason, his heart felt heavy, not just about her story, but for her as well. He didn't know much of what to do. Eventually he set a hoof gently on her shoulder, "It seems were at an understanding then" he told her with a small smile. Then a sudden idea popped into his head, "You want to find them huh? Well... why don't we then? You and me? I'll help you find them Ali. That is... If you accept my assistance."


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"H-help? Me? Y-you want to help, m-me?" A feeling of surprise rang throughout Ali, for no one had ever wanted to help her with anything that dealt with matters outside Ponyville.


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Strong smiled again and replied, "Of course. If your parents are out there somewhere, isn't it only fair that you get to find them? I couldn't just sit here and say 'Tough luck' to you. Especially when I know exactly how you feel" his eyes held a saddened look as he thought of his own situation, not exactly the same, but still enough to know how she was feeling. He felt the want to help her, not out of pity, but out of the reason it was the right thing to do to try and reunite her with her family.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Smiling, Ali raised her head, wiped away a few stray tears, and lept forward, wrapping Strong in a bear hug that even HE almost couldn't handle, as she felt him stumble a bit. "Thank you so much, Strong! I think it's only fair that I help you with your problem too, as a return of favor." Ali stepped back, saying "We should wait until morning to set out, unless you'd like to stay a bit longer?"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Alright then, you can stay with me overnight, so you'll have a place to rest your head, and we'll leave in the morning, follow me please."


As they walked away, Ali couldn't help but to let her mind wander again. No need to return the favor? A favor this big? Either Strong isn't telling the full truth, or he's not so bright. And I don't believe the second option. I'll not press it though, He has no right to tell me his whole story, just as I have no right to know it. I just hope his dark past isn't TOO dark. ((the first dark as in dark, the second dark as in evil))


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Strong continued to follow Ali, "Thank you" he told her, "For letting me stay the night". He continued to walk alongside Ali. Many of the townsponies were returning to their homes, but as they neared Strong, they would either go the other way or quickly dart out of his path. He seemed unfazed by this however. (going to bed now, go ahead and post and I will get to it when I wake)


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