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open ~* Equestria Girls - Dance To The Finish *~

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When he was done, Gloom recapped the flask and out it back in his bag. He flipped it back behind him and took a few step to get use to this body. "We might as well. We ain't getting shite done by just standing, or lying here. "  He slowly walked towards the school. "Uh, I think I might have to stay out side. I'm a little too old be going to high school."

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"i'm kinda 18 so i think i'll pass on this... unless, you see i'm kinda small so i could probably get off as being a 16 year-old just don't make me talk to any teachers they'll see through it straight away unless i can talk in a less... masculine voice like i haven't properly matured yet... then again just not taking should be good"

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-outside the school-


A group of 5 gothic looking beings approaches the recent arrivals. The center one a female steps forwards. "Are you here for the Dark one? If you are Lord Shifter and Sunset are waiting for you." She says. The others look ready for anything.

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Nothing's happened yet."


Rarity said, "Maybe we just need a catalyst, like with the battle of the bands contest. It was music before, maybe it's something else this time?"


"What about the dance contest?" asked Fluttershy in a near whisper.


@@Gloomfury, @, @@Hurricane, "Maybe you could pretend to be an exchange student, or something," Clover murmured as she struggled to walk properly in her platform boots. It felt funny to be walking on two feet, instead of on four hooves. As she got to the entrance to the school, five students approached them. The female one said that Lord Shifter and Sunset were waiting for them.


"We're supposed to be meeting with someone called Sunset Shimmer, is that who you mean?" Clover asked.



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Midnight awkwardly followed Clover toward the school. It was hard for her to stay on two feet, but she managed. The more she walked, the more steady she got. When the group of strangers approached them, she was thankful she could stop walking and just stand still for a moment. Midnight was curious about who they were and why they came up to them. She figured she would just let Clover do the talking.

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The female looks to the others. "Our task is to watch the gate. I will personally escort them to Lord Shifter and Miss Sunset. They may have more information about the Dark one."


The others carwheel into the shadows and vanishes like ninjas.


She turns to the group, "Follow, I will take you to them and don't worry about your admission. Lord Shifter will talk with principal Celestia and vice-principal Luna."

-inside the band room-


"That may be the case. However we have some recent arrivals to meet. My second is escorting them here now. They say they seek you Sunset."

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"exchange student got it" Sparkle heard the female say something about admition before he triped over his right foot and fell flat on his face "it's not as easy as it looks trust me" he said using his hoof like apendages with little stick like things on the end (arms and hands) to get himself back on the two other hoof like apendages

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @, @@Hurricane, @@Gloomfury,


"Um, alright," Clover said. She motioned to the others to follow. She hoped it would be alright, whoever these strangers were.




"Seek me?" Sunset asked in surprise. "Who are they? They must be from Equestria to know who I am... but, I thought that it was only Twilight who could come here."



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Midnight followed Clover as the stranger escorted them to where they needed to be. She looked around the school in bewilderment as she walked. There were people walking around, some doing other activities like Frisbee and playing guitar. She noticed a small group of kids gathered under a tree with small electronic devices in their hands. they were tapping it and turning it around and reacting as if it were a game.


Midnight tried to absorb in everything that had happened. She was just sucked into a new world full of strange creatures and strange things and wasn't even given time to soak it all in before a shadowy group people came for them. This day was so weird.

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Shifter says, "if you know that there is a possibility of interdimentional meetings, Two of the same looking being at the exact same location, wouldn't you not allow such to pass through. There are several females and several males. Each with unique traits. One actually knows of twilight. Her heart tells my second so. But what has me confused is, she has worry wrapped around that part of her heart. I will let them explain. My second will be here shortly."

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Sparkle slowly followed the rest of the group just starting in amazement at everything that was happening when he saw a girl just a little younger than himself as she brushed her crimson hair behind her ear he whistled but she just looked around confused before closeing her locker and walking off

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-school area-

The female leads the group causally to the music room. She makes sure the students politely movement the way, with kind gestures. As she reaches the door she knocks.


-music room-


Shifter says "And there she is. Why dont you all let them in."


He brings out his new keytar and practices with it, while doing a small dance.

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Gloom followed everyone into the school. Before he entered he put his cigar out and put it in his pocket.  As he walked though the campus he watched some the students. Seeing what they were doing, how they acted, anything that can give him a clue on what this world is like. He also watched the older looking beings that they passed pay. Because he was really sure he wouldn't pass as a student. Maybe a grounds keeper or a janitor?  Maybe a teacher. 


Cause is he was going to complete this job he had to bee where the action is.

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Gloomfury, @@Hurricane, @,


Sunset opened the door. Standing there, next to a girl she recognised as one who she'd seen hanging out with Shifter, was a small group of strangers; two boys and two girls. All of them looked very awkward, and Sunset hurriedly introduced herself and the Rainbooms.


"Hello, I'm Sunset Shimmer," she said. "These are my friends; Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy."


Clover smiled nervously. This was the girl that Luna had told them to go and talk to; but who was that boy with them? "My name's Clover," she said, letting the others introduce themselves. "Princess Luna sent us here to bring back an evil creature who's come into this world."



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Shifter says, "We guessed it was the dark one that came through before you. Kelpi, a normally neutral race. It took me a while to place her heart's nature."


He steps over and gently now's like a noble. She then says, "I am shifter leader of The Shifters. It will take some explaining but first. What of twilight. I fear for her well being."

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Clover sighed, took a deep breath and then spoke, addressing herself to both Sunset and Shifter. "I'm afraid I have some bad news. When the Kelpie Cora escaped from Tartarus, she kept herself hidden thruout all the business with Tirek. Then, afterwards, she broke into the palace in order to get to the portal. To stop Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight from coming after her, she froze them into statues. The spell is a complex one, and Princess Luna told us that only Cora can take it off. She herself could not go, as she had to remain to raise the sun and the moon. So she sent us to come instead. I'm very sorry."


Sunset gasped in horror. She hadn't heard anything from Twilight when she'd written to her the previous night, but she never could have imagined anything like this happening to her friend.



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"I feared as much. Those Kelpie are normally neutral. This one for some odd reason has dark intent in her heart. She may also just not wish to return to Tartarus."


Shifter speaks of what he knows about the Kelpie. He then says, "I will speak with the principal and vice principal. This should take care of your problems for being on campus. Your choice of how to best fit in."


He looks to the rainbooms, "Would that be fine?"

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Gloom was leaning against the wall, listening to the others talk. And he was getting board pretty quickly.  He pulled out his knife and twirled it a bit in his hand, so he could get use to it. "Can we get things going already?" He said as he walked over to them, still twirling his knife. "Plus, why ya asking them? Not like their the rulers of this world." He turned to Shifter.


"This is our job. Who cares what happened to the damn princesses. All I care about is getting this job done and getting payed. Not like I care what happens to Equestria anyway. Not even from the blasted place." He said as he walked towards the door. "Tell the principals I wanna be a teacher or something. Whatever gets me closer to the students. Makes it easier to find her." He sheathed his knife and left the room.

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Shifter looks to be getting angry about something but holds himself back. He then says, "They aren't but the principal and vice principal are the ones in charge of this school. Also that will be confiscated if you are found carrying it. My suggestion is put it in a bag."


He looks to the others and says, "all I can do is inform them of your living situation and the fact you need to get into this school. It's all yours after that. I have a dance competition to prepare for and the rainbooms need to relink to their gifts again."


he turns to the rainbooms, "if it is dance that grants access to your gifts, my shifters and I have a dance club at the school. We know every dance style there is and will help you find the one that works for you. Rainbow, I think break dancing would be good for you. It takes into account your athletics and is the base for a martial arts style you might like."


(Am thinking 'stomp the yard' type dancing.)

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"WAIT!!!! two questions: number two did you just really say dance compotion? and number one: who knows more about that white girl with red and gold hair i should... interrigate her to she what she knows and mabye take her on a date... oh and can you mention i'm an exchange student from... where evers good..."

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Gloomfury, @, @@Hurricane,


Clover looked annoyed at what Gloom said but said nothing. Let him be antisocial and unhelpful if he wanted, but he wasn't going to get paid unless he co-operated and helped. Luna was the one employing them, and she wasn't about to pay someone who just sat back and did nothing on the mission.


Rainbow Dash looked eager at Shifter's suggestion. "That sounds a great idea!" she exclaimed. "I thought that a dance competition would just mean all that boring formal dancing, like what Rarity likes."



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Shifter facepalms, "Really Rainbow? A dance competition is usually comprised of all kinds of dance styles. If a group can sinc the different styles together and work as a team, fhey would make for a show stopper of a group. A dance group is also much like a band and the rainbooms would be complete without you."


He looks to the others and says, "Sense we need to get yall into the school first, I can show you to their office."


He then looks to sunset, "Sunset, would it be possible to take you to dinner on Friday at 6?"

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Sunset nodded. "Yes, that would be fine," she said.


Clover replied, "Thanks, that would be helpful. I hope that we can just integrate into the school properly. It would make the search for Cora so much easier. I suspect that, just like before, she plans to hide herself away for a time before coming out on the attack. We need to find her before that happens."



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After he left the others, he walked around the campus to map it out in his mind.  He was a mercenary/ bounty hunter, among other things. Not some bleeding heart peace keeper. As fare as he could tell he was the oldest in the group, he could also tell he's the only one to have done something like this before.


His job is to hunt down and catch someone, not stand around and talk about. Or some stupid dance contest he over heard them talking about after he left.


He reached into his bag and pulled out his cigar. He lit it while it was in his mouth with another mach. He left another trail of smoke as he walked around the school. First he walked around the out side then the inside, not caring to put the cigar out when he went inside.


((One of the principals could stop him or something. I want some conflict.))

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Midnight stayed quiet while she they were being introduced to the Rainbooms. She didn't know how much she would have to interact with them. She was always more of an introvert and didn't typically like talking to new ponies...or people.


Midnight broke into a smile when she heard Sparkle's remark. "We're here on royal business, not for you get a mare friend." she rolled her eyes. "All stallions are the same." She then watched as Gloom carelessly lit his cigar and began to walk around. She coughed a little when she got a whiff of the smoke. She wasn't too fond of his bad attitude. This was an interesting group and led Midnight to expect an interesting journey.

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