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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

open The VIP

Love Doctor Blaze

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Link to the RP: https://mlpforums.com/topic/132412-the-vip/#entry3913764

There were thousands of ponies attending this years, grand prize for most talented ponies. 10 ponies. 10 prizes. Everypony was excited. Celestia and Luna were the ponies hosting this event "Citizens of equestria! We have assembled thee to celebrate these extremely talented ponies!" Shouted luna in her infamous canterlot voice. Celestia cringed and stepped up in front of luna, and adressed the audience, with a much more polite tone. "We have 10 prizes to give out this time around, the first being..."

45 minutes later

The 10 ponies sat at a table and dined with the princess. These ponies were:

Blazedtime, Demiro Desertstorm, Norhligt, Spitfire, Fancypants,Sparky , Banner, Rarity, Ace, Octavia melody,



Blazedtime rose up from his seat and cleared his throat "Greetings everypony i think that introductions are in order! As you all know i'm Blazedtime the best DJ around for now. I live in ponyville, and i'm 18 years old. I'm a veteran royal guard. How about you guys?"

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North sat there, having enjoyed the celebrations and watching talented ponies of varying sizes and ages acquiring prizes for their works.

Even he had been up on stage, acquiring a prize of his own. For what, he did not know, he hadn't paid attention in that very moment, and he had had no idea he was even nominated for any.

The whole thing had had been somewhat awkward for most of those there - he spent a good minute getting himself over to the stage, and he spent most of his time there quiet and in wonder. He did manage to thank a few friends and family members though before he was almost pushed off of the stage.


Over at the dining table, he was happy to have some food and to be in a calmer environment. After the first and a few more had introduced themselves, he only had to raise his head to stand as tall as some of the others, when they had introduced themselves.

"I am North Light. I am from far up north. I am 20 years of age, though most think I am a wee bit older. I play a few instruments... And travel a lot." he said, before lowering his head again.


His plate was empty, practically clean. The food was good, but the portions tiny for someone of North's size.

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"I'm Ace!" said Ace, eagerly flying out of his seat and doing some awesome moves in the air before he landed and plopped his rump back onto his seat. "19, and I did a bent sonic rainboom!"


He had been rather sloppy in eating his food, and in fact his muzzle was covered in it.

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Banner sat there with the rest of the ponies and saw as each of them introducing each other so she thought she should to "I am General Banner, age 22 and I have defended equestria from many monsters" she said in a monotone voice and sat down. I just have to wait out the party and go home Banner thought the only reason I'm here is because of the princess

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Blaze could feel the awkwardness in this room. None of these ponies had anything in common, except for him and the general and Ace. Figuring that the general was as talkative as a rock, he approached North light "What's up Nortlight, you up for something tonight?"

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North looked up as he noticed someone asking him a question.

"Hm... Well, my schedule is always open. In fact, I have not looked at it since I was told I was expected at the ceremony earlier." he said, before stretching his neck a bit. "I was mainly planning on travelling anyways."

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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North looked up as he noticed someone asking him a question.

"Hm... Well, my schedule is always open. In fact, I have not looked at it since I was told I was expected at the ceremony earlier." he said, before stretching his neck a bit. "I was mainly planning on travelling anyways."




"Cool. I have this local club not so far away from the castle. Wanna join? And maybe create some jams while we are there, i bet we could create something awesome!"."Incase your wondering about money, i got you covered since i'm the owner of the club" Said Blaze with a wink

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North gave Blazedtime a confused look at the wink.

"I guess there is no harm to it... Not too familiar with clubs and the like." he said.

"My types of instruments are as far as I know not all that common at them either... As for bits, I have a few, but saving them, I suppose that is good."

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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North gave Blazedtime a confused look at the wink.

"I guess there is no harm to it... Not too familiar with clubs and the like." he said.

"My types of instruments are as far as I know not all that common at them either... As for bits, I have a few, but saving them, I suppose that is good."


"I was more thinking about your singing"."But that aside, it was more so we could have a drink, talk and stuff like that". Blaze leaned in to his ear and whispered "This place is awkward as heck no pony wants to interact with each other, they only talk with the princesses"."Let's bail" said Blaze and walked out the door

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"If ye say so." North said, giving everyone a nod, before getting up from where he sat, and followed Blazedtime.

"Did I mention that I don't sing? I'm more of an instrument person."he said with a chuckle, towering behind Blazedtime as they walked towards his club. 

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"If ye say so." North said, giving everyone a nod, before getting up from where he sat, and followed Blazedtime.

"Did I mention that I don't sing? I'm more of an instrument person."he said with a chuckle, towering behind Blazedtime as they walked towards his club. 



"Meh, i don't sing either. My magic is at the turntable though ,i can't play any instruments except for the piano, I actually got pretty good at the piano to, so good that luna made me play a melody for her" Blaze let out a sigh "A very beautifull melody too i can tell you that much"."So what instruments do you play?" asked Blaze while passing by some castle maids

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"I play a type of fiddle made for pegasi from my hometown." he said, keeping his eyes up at the sky or ceiling - depending on where they walked - or down near his feet.

"So, how did you come to own a club of your own? You did well earlier, or was it a stroke of luck?" he continued, trying not to trip over someone.

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"I play a type of fiddle made for pegasi from my hometown." he said, keeping his eyes up at the sky or ceiling - depending on where they walked - or down near his feet.

"So, how did you come to own a club of your own? You did well earlier, or was it a stroke of luck?" he continued, trying not to trip over someone.



"Huh, that's pretty interesting, never heard of such an instrument. But his isn't my only club. I have clubs all over equestria"."As for how i got to have so many clubs...Well it was a bit of luck and success". Blaze walked around a charged pulled by guards, and offered a salute, the guards did the same"."Before being a DJ, i was a guard, a special kind of guard. Because of my rank and my musical skill, Celestia helped me out with my fist club here in canterlot."."Which then turned to a huge success and before i know it, every city has a club from me" Blaze chuckled "Oh, and before we walk in" Said blaze and stopped in front of a huge entrance."make sure you have something to cover your ears  cause it's LOUD in there" Said Blaze and walked in

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"well two are already gone" she said with her meal finished. were they talking about some sort of club before they left? I would rather be there and get drunk than here she thought "I'm going to that club those ponies were talking about, if anypony want to come with me or something they can it does beat being here" she said to everypony at the table to get a few disapproving looks from what she said "look I don't care what you think these places are boring to me" she said as she started to walk out

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Sparky came back from the bathroom. She had missed the last few minutes of this conversation. "Sorry to interrupt." She said as she sat down on the chair. She shone with pride for winning the prize for 'Best Innovator of the Year'. "So, have any of you ever met Sparkyetta?" She retrieved a box from her purse. "Are you ready for a surprise. One! Two! Three!". She opened the box and took out a small plastic figure that resembled an abstract pony. Here's Sparkyetta. She has mobile legs that can allow her to walk. She placed the figure on the table. It walked across, knocking over a glass, falling on the floor, then breaking. "Well, its still in developement stage."


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"I see. We can all do with a bit of luck every now and then." he said, before heeding Blazedtime's warning, and pulling out a pair of earplugs to protect him from any unexpected loud noises. He also had a pair of small round shades on top of everything in his bag in case he had to walk around in daylight.

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"I see. We can all do with a bit of luck every now and then." he said, before heeding Blazedtime's warning, and pulling out a pair of earplugs to protect him from any unexpected loud noises. He also had a pair of small round shades on top of everything in his bag in case he had to walk around in daylight.



"Nice shades dude"."Let's go to the bar, so we can get a few cocktails, or just some soda if you prefer that"."Do you think we should have invited any others, they looked bored to death" Said Blaze while pushing through the crowd, while offering highfives to his fans. They got to the bar. "Yo bartender, a smoothie with strawberry please, what do you want to drink north?"

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"well I take no pony going to my side as a 'no' so good bye" she said to the table when she left the party and that made her start thinking about things because that's the only thing she could do why did I book a hotel here for three nights for a one night party? right it was on sale, Chain pointed me to it and said "I was there once they had a pool! I uh didn't go swimming of course because it was near winter but it looked cool" he can be an idiot sometimes I swear she thought as she arrived at a club I don't care if this club is owned by the pony I heard or not but as long as they have a bar I am fine she thought as she entered the club and went strait to the bar and sat down "surprise me" 

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"well I take no pony going to my side as a 'no' so good bye" she said to the table when she left the party and that made her start thinking about things because that's the only thing she could do why did I book a hotel here for three nights for a one night party? right it was on sale, Chain pointed me to it and said "I was there once they had a pool! I uh didn't go swimming of course because it was near winter but it looked cool" he can be an idiot sometimes I swear she thought as she arrived at a club I don't care if this club is owned by the pony I heard or not but as long as they have a bar I am fine she thought as she entered the club and went strait to the bar and sat down "surprise me" 


"Surprise me could be heard from his left, and there to his surprise sat the General. Blaze approached her "Hey Banner, how is life treating you? Is the guard slacking off? Do i need to go back in and hit some sense into them?" Blaze chuckled "I miss the guard...."

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Sparky turned to Banner and said: "I also feel very bored. So what do you want to do?" She motioned towards an arcade down the block. "Do you want to exit here for a few minutes, and have some fun." She said as stuffed a few napkins into her purse. "I'm sure nobody will notice, and even if they do, who cares?"


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"no no Everything is fine there the only problem is that my life keeps playing on repeat I go on an adventure I kill or retrieve something and then I go back to normal life until somepony needs me again but since I live in ponyville where everypony wants to capture and keep them alive just to send them out into the wild again" she took a deep breath "it gets boring after a while and I cant do anything"

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"Nice shades dude"."Let's go to the bar, so we can get a few cocktails, or just some soda if you prefer that"."Do you think we should have invited any others, they looked bored to death" Said Blaze while pushing through the crowd, while offering highfives to his fans. They got to the bar. "Yo bartender, a smoothie with strawberry please, what do you want to drink north?"

"They looked bored?" North said, tilting his head while seemingly not looking at anything in particular. "Well, I guess we could have offered them to come with us, but I suspect..." he continued, as he noticed some of the others coming in. "...Some of them heard us anyways." he finished, looking back ahead of him.

"I guess I would go far with some crystal berry soda, or just juice if that isn't available."

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"no no Everything is fine there the only problem is that my life keeps playing on repeat I go on an adventure I kill or retrieve something and then I go back to normal life until somepony needs me again but since I live in ponyville where everypony wants to capture and keep them alive just to send them out into the wild again" she took a deep breath "it gets boring after a while and I cant do anything"


Blaze thought about it for a bit "That's one of the reasons i quit you know" said Blaze with a sigh, he lays a hoof on her shoulder "Look, the only advice i can give, is that you ask celestia for a break. I know that you don't want to quit, so i wont suggest that. But like i said, ask for a break i'm sure Celestia would be ok with it" Said Blaze with his best encouraging smile

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"so what I'm hearing is I use my stocked up vacation days so I can do some fun things, I could go and do the things on my bucket list" she paused and thought with a grin on her face "not all of them has to do with monster killing by the way, I have a lot of interest in getting to know more about equestrian I mean I protect it all the time but I barely experience what I'm protecting" Banner looked happy happier than she had ever been before "with a few friends it would make it a whole lot better" she looked at Blaze "I'll gladly take you and your friends, my treat!" she said to him because she remembered that she never really had an actual friend she had Chain but she did not count him.     

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"so what I'm hearing is I use my stocked up vacation days so I can do some fun things, I could go and do the things on my bucket list" she paused and thought with a grin on her face "not all of them has to do with monster killing by the way, I have a lot of interest in getting to know more about equestrian I mean I protect it all the time but I barely experience what I'm protecting" Banner looked happy happier than she had ever been before "with a few friends it would make it a whole lot better" she looked at Blaze "I'll gladly take you and your friends, my treat!" she said to him because she remembered that she never really had an actual friend she had Chain but she did not count him.     

Blaze smiled when he saw that Banner realised what he meant "Yeah that sounds like a great idea! I'll ask Northlight if he wants to join later. we can always train our fighting skills as well, i have gotten quit rusty." Said Blaze with a devious smirk "Let me know when you leave, i'll be there" said Blaze and took a sip of his smoothie

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