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private A little twinkling snowflake [private with PeytonJay]

Silver W. Valensnow

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rune looked at the castle, with a grin on his face. "shy? when have i ever been shy?" he asked, "i used to live next door to this place, after all!"


rune glanced at the guard, who warned him that she's been having a lot of boyfriends recently, and it set off a red light in his head. what if the reason she's been having so many boyfriends, is because she gets with them, and dumps them almost immediately?


what if -celestia forbid- she's just out for his money?!


no....no, she's not like that. rune has faith. she's different from he others. she wouldn't do that. 


then it must be option number two. for some reason, she's been getting dumped. be it because her personality, or the fact that she has a baby on the way, something about her didnt fly with most stallions.


"...thanks for the heads up." he said to the guard. "but im afraid thats not your concern."


rune walked with her, looking about. "so...the canterlot castle, huh?" he murmured. "iv been here only a few times...one to meet celestia, and the other to have my mission given to me...its been so long..."


he grinned. "although, this is better then last time. im with you!"


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Silver smiled a broad and genuine smile at those words, they were living together now, well, if the princesses allowed it, but that wouldn't be a problem. She would get her permission, for she had always gotten it for her sake of love. Silver stopped in front of the door and thought for a moment and then said; "l got an idea, how about we take a nice stroll through the grounds first and relax together?" She offered her hoof to Rune and looked at him questioningly as her mind went back to all the times she had been there, the beauty, the feeling of closeness, the peace and quiet, ... it had everything a pony in love could wish for and Silver wanted to share that awesomeness with Rune. Just being alone with him, being close to him, even if words did not come immediately. She did not expect deep conversations from the getgo anyway, but if he wanted to talk, well, they would have the privacy there.

"Finally, l have been feeling down for so long, please let Rune be the one to stay with me, please. By out mother sky, l ask of you this one gift; l'll pray, for the safety and happiness that may befall him, for the connection that might soon bind us and for the trust and loyalty following our years. Please mother sky, let us be happy and remain thus for the rest of our lives" she thought deep as she prayed and get a blanc stare in her face, seeming to space out for the moment, the moment right after she had asked if Rune would accompany her, which was unfortunate.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune was walking with her, and he was thinking about how celestia should be cool with him staying here. after all, he was a favorite of hers when he was in the school for gifted unicorns.


and when silver suggested going to the garden, he smiled. that place had always been so quiet...the perfect place for him to study without being interrupted.


"sure, we'll be able to have our privacy there." he said, grinning.


they headed there, and rune was feeling more confident. he was absolutely sure that she...was the one. he found himself actually looking forward to being there for her. even being there for the baby.


he shook his head. woah. getting a little ahead of himself. what if as it turns out she didnt like him? well, his horoscope did say romance...


he was really starting to wonder how accurate horoscopes were. after all...it had certainly been right about this night...


but until such time as it proved itself again, he'll just say that it was a fluke.


"so, silver..." he broke the silence, "would you mind telling me a little more about yourself?"


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Was happily leading Rune into the garden and then heard the question he asked and got quiet a bit while walking on. She regained her voice after more than a few seconds, albeit a somewhat cautious voice now. "Well, l was born in the Crystal empire and euh...l have been to many places, you can ask about them if you want. my talents are love and snow and..."she stepped into a secluded area of the garden, showing a fountain with a swinging bench to Rune, all surrounded by bushes. "... l like flying very much. l am actually pretty good at it, if l may say so myself". Silver turns around and places her behind on the bench while looking absent-mindedly to the water playing in the fountain, falling silent at that very moment.

"What's wrong with me? l have never been so eager to share information with anypony. How come l don't feel shy that much around him, is he really the one? Hmm, maybe l should ask 'him' some questions after he is satisfied, get to know him better and see if we really click like l thought we would when we were at that restaurant". Silver had zoned out a little, but smiled and regained her awareness, looking at the colt while patting on a spot beside her to ask if he wanted to sit down with her. Oh, how many times she had been on this bench, how many times she had comforted herself, talked to herself here, thinking everything was going to be allright. She had more such thinking spots, but this one was the most valuable to her, for it was here that she had discovered that she was pregnant.

She leaned back, into the support of the bench and it swayed a little. "Please come and sit with me" she said after having indicated the spot. She looked at Rune with her ruby-colored eyes and seeemed a bit solemn. This place meant a lot to her and it always quieted her how much influence this place had on her. She had many memories of this place, many hours of wonder, joy, sadness, exhileration and then some enthousiasm, though that was the more rare one. Silver felt she was about to zone out again, but kept herself from it for Rune's sake. He deserved her attention and she was going to give it to him now, every last second she could give of it. they would make new memories here, shattering the negative feeling she had over her now, for she really began to believe in Rune and in how he loved her. Her smile widened as she realised that the very instant after asking him to sit down and she sighed. "This is going to be a wonderful time".

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune listened to everything she said with bright eyes, eager to learn more. she does seem troubled by her past, though. it might even be that she had a tragic past.


and from what he knew, ponies dont like being asked about their past, if it brings up bad memories. he'll...wait for her to reveal more. but until then, what she had said was good enough. so, she was good at love, snow, and flying...well, he certainly liked snow. and loving. and he absolutely wished he could fly.


he allowed his eyes to dart around, and then looked at her eyes which were drifting around the place. obviously, this particular spot holds a lot of memories...some better then others...but at the same time, it reminds her of days long past. interesting...


he took her up on her offer, sitting down next to her, and simply basking in her presence for a few moments...taking in that feeling he gets when he gets close.


'she's just so...full of thought, and dedication.' he thought, 'a trait that i haven't seen until i met her. of course, i, myself, have those traits...part of the reason why ponies like me almost immediately...'


"...so, snow, have you given any thought to your, erm, baby?" he asked, trying to spark conversation.  "like...names, and such?"


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"The... babies, well, l have given it some thought, to be honest, but l would hear your thoughts on it as well, seeing as how you are going to be their father". She thought back on what had happened and how the pregnancy had been in possible jeopardy when she saved Jack's life, falling down from a great height while trying to slow the descent with her wings and holding the paralised lover. She remembered the operation  and the words of Celestia herself that she had been lucky and that the foals still lived everything had seemed doomed to her at that moment, but it turned out that she and the babies were all in reasonable health and heable.

"l think one should be named Frostspark something, for it's a colt and the other something with whiteflower, since it is a mare". She sat closer to Rune and lay her head on his shoulder with a relieved sigh. She was feeling so awesome, she was at her favourite spot, with sompony who had turned her feelings to happy ones without a problem and she was relaxed, very relaxed.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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he wondered what had she been thinking of, when he saw that look in her eyes. another bad memory, no doubt. but...she seemed content. and that was good enough for him.


"...well, now, im gonna have to ponder this." rune said softly, barely above a whisper, smiling slightly as she put her head on his shoulder. "lemme think for a moment..."


he reacted by putting his hoof over her, and drawing her closer. he snuggled into her hair a little, taking in her scent.


part of him just wanted to stay like that forever.


he gave some thought to the babies, over six-hundred names came to mind. but none could come close to the names snow had suggested.


"...man, a genius IQ, and i cant top those names..." he murmured. "some coltfriend i am, huh? cant even think of some names..."


he chuckled slightly. 


'...i cant remember the last time i was this...relaxed. everything she does is perfection to me, and im the lucky guy who she chose to be her marefriend. she's just so...gentle. bringing out the best in ponies around her...and she seems to be at ease around me, too.' he thought. 'but, shes been through some tough times. and i dont know who hurt her...but...he certainly doesn't deserve my respect. or any respect, for that matter.'


ah, boy. there he went again, getting himself all fired up. he calmed himself down by looking at her. she truly was a beauty, even in her current state. she must be positively glowing when she has proper nutrition.


"...i love you" he whispered in her ear. "will you be mine, forever?"

Edited by PeytonJay


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Silver felt a lovely tug from her lover and allowed the things to unfold as he pleased. She felt him all around her, not only physically, but his attention made her feel so great that she nearly sank into a waking trance. She heard him speak of being unable to com eup with names and softly chided; "Ahw come on, you are not a bad coltfriend because you cannot think of a few names, you silly". She softly hummed in appreciation and basked the cuteness that was her lover. She was nearly brainfried over it, how could she have been so lucky? That was also what she thought to herself at that moment.

She nudged Rune and softly whispered in his ear; "What do you think of Blossomwing Whiteflower, ...". She smiled at that and gave a small lick over Rune's earlobe before adding; "... my love?". The name seemed somehow right to her, for reasons she didn't know. a shiver of pleasure ran up her spine and every second that was added to the time she was spending with Rune made everything that much more beautiful, the flowers around, the little fountain closeby, even the ordinairy bark from the trees that secluded the place they were sitting in from the rest of the garden.

Silver's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, what would she do now that she had her coltfriend? How would she do with birthing her foals? how would the reactions of the princesses be like? What beautiful things was Rune going to bring her? What beautiful feelings and sensations were going to play between them? The list was endless. "l think l am going to drown in his cuteness and never be the same again, he seems so understanding, so dedicated to make me happy, l can still hardly believe this is really happening to me. he is so gentle and he allready knows how to make me shiver and feel plus one, It's so awesome! l can only hope he feels the same from what small things l can give him".

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune hugged her tighter. every second he spent in contact with her just made everything in the entire world better. maybe it was because she seemed to be everything rune could look for in a marefriend, or maybe its just because she was so gentle, a trait that rune valued above all else.


he felt a shiver up his spine when she licked his ear, and his grin intensified. "blossomwing whiteflower...it sounds long, and pretty. its perfect~"


he decided to return the favor, and gently nibbled on her ear tip. the fact that she had called him 'love' was more then enough for him to fall completely. 


it was in that moment that he realized that no other mare in the world would ever come close to the goddess in front of him. every other mare he had taken interest in faded to the deepest pits of his mind, as silver became his top priority in everything. her happiness, her well-being, her state of mind...everything. 


he decided that tomorrow, he'll sing a song. in the morning, as a way to wake her up. yes...'soul sister' should be perfect....

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, Silver felt quite pleased with the name she had picked and marvelled at the skill that Rune possessed to make her feel very special, she felt him even more when he tightened his hug and closed her eyes in bliss, drinking in his compliment about the name she had- "NGH" The moan escaped her mouth ever so slightly and her eyes flew open again as a shiver ran all across her body and back. Rune had softly nibbled on her ear and with that she felt so special that everything else, even the thought of her foals, faded. Every thought that had existed in her was replaced by but one desire with a name in the forefront of her brain: Rune. She fought against the hug and finally broke free looking at the colt with more than just love in her eyes. She used her hoof to press him against the back of the bench and sat on his lap with her backlegs to the side. She unfurled her wings and drew in Rune with her hooves to wrap them around him ever so tenderly before starting to lick his cheek with deliberate slowness to express how much she cared for him.

"Oh Rune, l love you so much. Oh Rune, RUNE, l will be there for you for always! Can there ever be a stallion better than you?" Silver thought with a lovedrunk mind, still sane, but oh so rattled by the expertise with which Rune had wowed her, that she could do naught but care for him and make sure he felt as awesome and loved as possible. Tears of joy started gathering in her eyes as she moved her tongue back to his ear, holding him firm so he could not move.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune was just hugging her, basking in her presence, when she suddenly struggled out of the hug after he nibbled on her ear. 


for a terrifying moment, he wondered if he did something wrong. had he nibbled too hard, did he--


he was pushed against the bench, and she was in his lap. his eyes widened when she looked at him. a look so lustful, so full of love, so full of caring.


he was put into a trance, as he, too, began to think of only one thing. two words, one name.


Silver Snow.


the very fact that she existed was more then enough for rune to be completely, and totally happy with life. he could die right now, and his only regret would be that he didnt spend more time with her. he legitimately wondered where had she been his whole life. 


he started looking back at her with that same passion, brushing her hair ever so slightly to the side. he was merely letting her do whatever she felt like, and was extracting pure pleasure from the sensation he felt in his cheek, and ear. he had noted the tears in her eyes, and had identified them as tears from joy.


and for the first time in ten years, his own eyes started to water up. "oh, silver!" he said, holding her tight, "you are everything i need to live!!" he had the brightest grin on his face, and anyone could see that he was purely, and truly happy.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Silver was in poniheaven and continued to administer her care to the one and only pony that mattered to her now. No more worries clouded her mind, no more doubt was present in her stream of thoughts, she wanted this stallion and this stallion alone for there would never be a stallion like Rune again and she knew it. nopony could ever hope to rival what was going on here, nopony and, in Silver's line of thought, every other stallion had missed it's chance to be with her, ever.

Silver took as long as she needed, for her love for this pony was endless. She had only one worry and she was going to keep a close eye on it. She couldn't let her urge get the best of her and do things that she would later regret and risk losing Rune over a careless move on her part. She licked the bridge of Rune's nose and engaged in a kiss again, fervently restricting herself not to cross the line even though she was feeling very ready for it. She burned with passion and that was very strongly reflected in the way she handled the kiss, inviting, nearly challenging Rune to dare and kiss her back as waited for him to open his mouth to allow for the more deep kissing experience.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune was still fawning over her, when she licked his nose. he barely had any time to properly enjoy that sensation when it was replaced by something even better: her kissing him full on the lips.


once again, all his muscled both tensed and relaxed. his mind went blank, his eyes closed, that tingling in his spine returned, and all that he could think of was kissing back.


he was so lost in this blissful experience, that he actually leaned forward into the kiss so much, that he was cradling her back with his front hooves to make sure she didnt fall backwards off the bench. his tongue slipped in, gently caressing hers.


granted, he had never been this love-drunk before, and as such, never displayed such emotion through body-language. once again, another reason why silver was the only one for him.


but this also meant that this was his first time actually getting serious with a mare this much. he was almost clueless as to what to do next.


...he decided that he'll let her take control, and see what she does.

  • Brohoof 1


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Silver felt she was doing the right thing and tonguewrestled with for a tiny bit before finally ending her care-assault on Rune with the disengage of the passionate kiss and the rub of her soft wings over his body. She coudl do this every day for her entire life with him and never get bored of it. She tucked in her wings again and sat next to Rune while laying her head on his chest. "So how did you like that, Mister Colt?" she poked with a little bit of a challenging tone. She knew the answer to it allready, but she wanted to see what expression came with it and hear how he would say it to her.

"Oh my gosh, that was perfect, l feel so happy, he is such a wonderful colt that l could hug him all day and never get tired of it. l should really show him all the lovely places and luxuries of the castle, l think he would like them, Maybe we could have fun with the princesses after l have introduced him and go play some games" Silver thought, her mood surpassing that of regular enthousiasm to go to the level where it would be deemed loveblind, were it not that Silver was very much aware of the situation.

((R34 stuff happens offscreen after this post))

Edited by Silver Snow

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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(time skip happened, on account of the private RP that took place... ;) its about a thirty minutes later.)


rune was relieved that the guard had left. after all, it would've been a rather hard situation to explain. but he managed to hide them both, and the guard left after a little.


"so...silver...shall we go on to meet everyone, like you said?" he asked her, once he was sure they were truly safe. "what did you say exactly...'the guards, funny bunch, and princesses'...?"


he grinned at her. "i cant wait to meet them." he said enthusiastically. "and i certainly cant wait to meet this 'funny bunch.'" he added, extending a hoof. 


'wow. she was really something else.' he thought, 'forget what i said before about her being merely the best thing thats happened to me, she's downright the best thing thats happened, ever!!'


the fact that he was re-meeting royalty didnt really register to him. he was jsut still wrapping his head over how great a mare she is. how kind she was, how gentle...caring...compassionate...


he could be offered anything in the world, anything at all, and he wouldn't choose anything over her. 


silver snow...just thinking about her name sent a jolt of happiness through him. and the mere fact that he was next to her only added to his attitude. he was just so freaking ecstatic to be with her.


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Silver breathed heavily as she heard what Rune was saying and slowly frowned at that. "Rune, are you forgetting the fact that we just had sex? l think it is best that we took a shower first and made ourselves presentable before we meet royalty, huh?". Silver chuckled softly poked the stallion on the nose. "We're also pretty exhausted, perhaps we should wait till tomorrow before we make your presence known, how about we make this an evening we will never forget and then see if we can meet Twilight in her study tomorrow morning?" she asked with a matter-of-fact voice.

Silver chuckled and thought; "What a silly pone sometimes, handsome and silly. Maybe l need somepony who is a bit silly, for l think l am a bit silly myself as well. Suggesting to meet the royal sisters when we're exhausted and smell like this, hehe, what was he thinking? Oh well at least he shows enthousiasm for it, that is something nice to begin with. l think he will definately like it here on a more permanent basis, l just hope l am right. To think that he would leave m- NO, don't think like that, Silver, we're both doing great, don't think negative about this!".

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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"oh. crap, your right!" rune exclaimed, "we do smell like..."


he burst out laughing. laughing, because that was the first simple mistake he had made in a long time. laughing, because she had actually corrected him, a genius. 


and...it seemed that silver was a mare that actually made it to where he didnt think things through. that was good. he needs to live in the present, and not the future.


he's always planning...always coming up with strategies...for every possible thing that could happen. often times, he didnt enjoy things in the here-and-now.


he finished his little laughter moment, and wiped a tear from his eye. "ah...silver, we're made for eachother, you and me." he said, "we're just so...happy together."


'and it seemed that we bring out the best in eachother, too.' he thought. 'and when we're together, our flaws almost disappear...'


quite honestly, he just wanted to hug her. nuzzle into her fur, and be there forever...just be as close as he could, for all eternity...


...but like she said, the world didnt work that way. and he actually felt down. 


but he remembered that he was in her presence, and brightened up immediately.


"so, silver, how shall we clean up?" he asked, "after all, im spent on magical energy..."

  • Brohoof 1


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Silver chuckled again as Rune saw his error and listened to his words before replying; "Follow me, sweetheart, l know the entire castle and it so happens that l also know that one of the trees in this garden has a branch that comes close enough to the window of the guest-bathroom, not so close you could jump in there, but close enough that l could carry you in there with a running start. You'll like the bathroom by the way, just wait and see". She giggled again, something she did because Rune was certainly making her nervous, being the best colt she could ever have and such. She just didn't want to mess things up with him and put him in a bad mood, shewanted to care for him, as if he was her own foal, only with some more years of life experience.

Silver kept thinking of her love, continuously. So mnay ways to tell you what she was thinking, but everything came down to this; she loves him so much that she has dedicated herself entirely to him while caring about him. Every superlative wasn't enough to describe the ecstacy she experienced when he would touch her with care, same as that no words could ever hope to match what she had felt just a few minutes ago. Her thoughts were riddled with different views on that moment, all trying to make sense of why it had felt thus, but she just couldn't make anything out of it. "Maybe that is what true love does, it leaves you rattled and confused, but oh so wanted".

Silver brought her hoof to her cheek and felt that it was gowing hotter than a figurative vulcano and looked at Rune with a big smile on her face while thinking on how cute she actually found him when he seemed to be like this, just like a little foal. She did not say this ofcourse, she knew he wouldn't take offense to it, but it was not something she felt she wanted to say. No, instead she opened her mouth and seductively chided; "Are you going to follow me, sexy colt?".

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune was still thinking about how he was going to please her, in any way possible, be it massage or simply being there for her, when she proposed her idea. 


"a running start, and carrying me, in your condition?" he asked softly, concerned. "im sorry, but...i would rather try to teleport us in. i know i dont have a lot of magic right now, but i should be able to pull it off. unless...we could both try together?"


he smiled, as any idea that involved them doing anything together was pleasing to him, to say the least. he really understood the term love-drunk, and this point, and he hoped that he never got out of it. and even then, him teleporting a short distance, combined with her wings should be able to make the distance necessary.


it was simply, and plainly, too good to be true. and this made a small part of his brain afraid. he honestly didnt know if he would be able to cope with the hypothetical situation that she would leave...for some reason...any reason...but for now, he pushed that thought far, far away. 


he looked at her blushing, and smiled wider when she called him 'sexy colt'.


he even adopted a smirk, and with the same amount of seductiveness in his own voice, replied "only if you can handle all that i am~"


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"How in Equestria did l get to be so lucky? He knows exactly how to answer me. He is doing ti so well, infact, that he gives me a challenge with it, keeping things interested". Silver smiled, she liked this, very much. She opened her wings and took off, flying in the direction of said tree. Silver flicked her tail softly in Rune's face while passing him and said with an even more challenging voice. "Talk is cheap, you can show me 'all you are' when we get there". She chuckled in that challenging matter before starting to lead the way through the giant garden.

"Oh, we are 'so' going to have fun, you and l, you don't even know the half of it, Rune. l'll show you this castle fully and then you will be even more impressed when you know what hides behind some of these walls. For now, let's just relax and take a fine shower, 'if' mister colt wants to follow me" Silver thought with wild abandon. Rune was even now turning her on so very much that she had a hard time not loving him into the ground over and over again. Such was the way, things needed to be balanced between fun and responsibility and both needed to monitor the other and tell them when they were going astray, just like Silver had done with Rune a bit before. Things were going to be allright though, she knew that much. It would take a very big force to seperate them and a ner-impossible force to do so forever.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune sneezed a little, when she flicked her tail. he was staring after her form, a small smile playing at his lips. that fear he pushed to the back of his mind was smashed out of existence. obliterated, to nothing more then a mere memory, something that will never happen again. he realized, in one fell swoop, one moment in time that he will never forget, and will always cherish. the moment that he realized that he'll be happy forever, even in death, for he'll die knowing that he was in a loving relation ship with that mare known as silver snow.


the moment he realized that she was his, and he was hers. and thats how it will always be. forever...and ever.


"oh, you are so going to get it!" he exclaimed, chasing after her towards the tree. after all, with sly, seductive remarks like that, no doubt she wanted more.


and who was he to refuse her what she wanted?


he started climbing the tree that she had flown to, hoisting himself up onto it. "so, silver, how is this gonna work...you get on my back, i run us both in that direction, you glide, and i teleport?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Sorry for being so late with my post, dear Rune

Silver saw the stallion chase after her and giggled at that, landing on the branch of the tree and waiting for him to join her there. When he finally joined her, she was looking at the beautiful sundown that was now going on. Time had moved and they hadn't been aware of it. She acknowledged Rune's presence as he came to sit next to her and asked her a question. She kept looking at the sun, suddenly entranced by it's beautiful redness. "Sit and admire the nice view with me please. Look at that besutiful sundown" she said with her mouth unconsciously opened a bit in awe. 

She felt so very happy to sit there at that moment, her special somepony close while watching something very majestic. "Life keeps throwing me for weird moments, sometimes it makes me sad, sometimes it makes me happy, like now. Let me just enjoy what is given to me and be there for the ponies that mean well with me". Silver sighed out in awe of the moment and felt awesome. Maybe, just maybe, her future wasn't bleek anymore. Maybe she could have a life of peace now withoutsadness and sorrow. She heavily believed in it and swore to herself that she would be there for Rune, all the time she could. She wanted to show him how beautiful life can be if you get loved on a very regular basis and have much fun with eachother.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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(((aw, its alright, @Silver Snow at least you've replied. ^_^)))


"hmm? sunset? i wasn't aware the sun was settin--...woah." rune had climbed the tree, and was talking to snow, but then he looked at the sun setting, and he'll admit this was the first time the sun actually made him stop what he was doing, and simply appreciated the scene in front of him. there was something different about it this time, but he'd wager a hoof it was because everything he did with silver made it all that much better. 


he sat next to her, watching the sun. it didnt seem to be too bright, today, so it should be safe to stare for a little while longer. and for a while, they did just that.


rune was complementing the fact that she seemed like a better mare, every second he spent with her, and he was honestly at this point wondering 'how much love for her do i even have?!'


'of course, while the sun is beautiful, and all, it still cant hold a candle to her.' rune thought, 'honestly, id rather just stare at her, but...im not sure if that would be weird, if i were to just start staring...'


he found himself doing just that, staring at every inch that she was, with a look that was similar to someone who just won the jackpot, and wasn't quite sure if this was real, or not yet.

  • Brohoof 1


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Silver just sat there and admired the redness in the sky, the colouring it did in the sky and the different teints it split the heavens with. A goofy smile played on her mouth and she sat like this for a few minutes, fully at peace while feeling the presence of the pony she loved.
A beam of light caught on the cloud beneath it and nearly seemed to split it with it's intense focus and Silver gasped and said a very breathy "woooow" after that. "So beautiful". She slowly looked to the side to see a lovedrunk Rune taking her in, inch by inch and suddenly became very shy. She placed her hooves against her cheeks that were now the color of strawberry-red. "So, you want to adore my body, huh colt? let me give you what you want before we go inside".

Silver stood on her hindlegs, slightly rotated so her cutiemark was visible and opened her wings in all glory while softly beginning to preen her feathers with care to show the colt that she was extra beautiful when she did that. The dying light cast a slight, mysterious, orangy glow with shadows upon her that riveted in changing patterns due to the trees' it's leaves shifting by the wind. "l will show you how beautiful l am, Rune!". When she was done with one wing, she turned to stand angled the other way by swaying her hip and turning to briefly show him her back and region as a tease while her tail flicked the colt again. She then began to preen her other wing, showing off her cutiemark even closer to the colt's face now. She enjoyed it, yes, teasing was entirely her thing and that was something Rune would have to learn and learn pretty well.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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rune was drinking in her sight, when she suddenly looked at him. he blushed, and almost looked away, when she stood up on her hind legs, and started preening her feathers. 


quite sassily, he might add. he found himself staring even more intently then before, almost like an exclusive show, just for him.


and damn if he didnt like it.


he watched as she slowly preened one wing, and actually sneezed when she flicked her tail. he watched her preen her other wing, as the sun rays hit her, making her that much more beautiful. 


he realized his mouth was hanging open, and closed it. "shall...shall we go inside, then?" he asked, perhaps more eager then he meant to come off as. 


'its not enough that her personality gets better by the second, nor that i fall harder for every second. she gets more beautiful, as well!' rune thought excitedly. 'i truly lucked out, with a goddess of a mare...'


he got up, and gestured towards the open window. "you glide, i use magic, and we both get in. that was the plan, right?" he asked.


sure, he wanted to stay here, and continue watching her, but someone might see them. and one close call was enough.


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