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private Caramel and Diamond [1x1]


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Diamond rubbed his hoof over Caramel's cheek and made her look into his eyes before saying; "l need you to look in my eyes, see that l am telling the truth". He took five seconds to compose himself, staring at the yellowish eyes all the time, those beautiful eyes, before finally saying; "When l was young, as l had told, l was taken in by an orphanage and gang, being there and being away from my family made me forget forget them, eventually. It was many, many years after when l was taken into the care of Celestia's court as a guard and yay even later when l showed l was strong and wise enough to proceed to the rank of captain. l soon also showed that l was fearless and that is why they promoted me to be the court's executioner. l was to kill offenders that had done such bad that they would be enemies of empire".

Diamond Rustscythe took a deep breath and continued; "So, like any other execution, l did my part, not knowing who l was killing. l remember all the names of the ponies and creatures l have executed and remembered them well, for when, a long time later when l started researching about my family, l finally chanced upon the scroll that would answer everything, was when l got traumatised. l kept reading the name and there could be no mistake. That day, so long ago, was when l executed our brother and l had no idea of it". Tears started gathering in his eyes again, but he kept looking at caramel for a second or two more before collapsing to the floor, crying thick streams of agony. While he lay on the ground and she sat on the bed something broke inside of Diamond and he wasn't sure what it was, but it made him very, VERY sad.

Edited by Silver Snow

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Caramel went silent. Not for a short while but for a very long time. She was processing everything Diamond had said, her mind was still thinking of a proper reaction to all the information. All she did was stare at him, dead silent. It took a while but finally a few tears made it to her eyes, without even blinking, those tears rolled over her cheek. She swallowed, took a deep breath and opened her mouth but she made no sound as if she forgot what she wanted to say. Another deep breath.


"No." Caramel said. The only thing she said was no. Yet no can mean so many things. She got up on her hoofs, put her sword away, grabbed her bag and walked out the door. She wasn't in a hurry, she walked down the stairs slowly. She was doing it all without knowing she was the one doing it. It felt like she wasn't in control of her body anymore, as if it walked out of the hotel by itself. 


She grabbed the key behind the desk in the front so she could unlock the front door of the hotel. She walked outside, closing the door behind her, throwing the key in the mailbox. She started to walk again, not really sure where she was going, she was just walking.

Edited by Pucksterv
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Diamond Rustscythe held his tongue and watched with pain how the mare reacted to what he had told her. His mind seemed empty at that moment, void of thought, sanity, reason, everything, he just observed and took in the painful sight before him. he had deserved it.When Caramel walked to the door and left him he also did nothing but let out a sigh that was somewhat stuttered due to emotions. After a bit he realised he was still in the apartment and began thinking that he had no right after what had happened just now. He fetched a piece of parchement that was sticking out of Caramel's bag and checked if she had enough. After verifying this fact he also took the quill and ink and began writing a letter. He had no idea what he wanted to write, but, strangely enough, the words came to his mind when he needed to write them.

It was a minute or ten later when he put the dot on the last line and went down to sign it with his name. He sighed, the letter had spared no detail of emotion, truth about how he felt and when he folded the paper a few tears fell on it. He cursed to himself and turned the paper around to write Caramel's name on the outside in nice calligraphical letters. He didn't know why he spent so much tmie on the detail, it just... gave him comfort. Two minutes later he cleared away the quill and ink and placed the letter on Caramel's bed. He had to see the bed with that and  quickly made it presentable and tightly squeezed again, like how it would be after cleaning service.

Seeing as how there was nothing left to do to keep making excuses to stay, he sighed and slowly walked to the window to leave. He looked back one more time as another tear rolled over his cheek... and faced the outside. He jumped out and put on quick burst of speed to fly away as fast as possible, to what he thought was his inevitable destiny...

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Caramel was still walking around Canterlot. She walked by the bar but she didn't feel like drinking. She had enough drinks that day anyways. She walked past the Canterlot prison, reminding her of her time there. Despite being locked up for five years, she had a great time making friends. That thought brought a smile on her face. She promised her cellmate to visit, she had to do that sometime soon. Tomorrow maybe, if the day went well. She shook her head and started walking again. She looked around, trying to focus her mind on something other than Diamond. It was hard as all the things around her reminded her of the conversation. 


She walked strolled around the town for a few hours until she finally saw the sunrise. "Time to head back to the hotel, Diamond should be gone by now." She muttered to herself. She walked past the front desk, first time she did not greet the mare with a smile. "Goodmorning miss captain!" The mare said cheerfully. "Goodmorning dear." Caramel said a but depressed as she walked up the stairs. The mare behind the desk gave a worried look. "Do you need anything miss Caramel?'' She said in an attempt to cheer her. "No, just leave me alone, I'll be fine." 


Caramel arrived at her room, grabbed her bag and sword. She noticed the letter but didn't open it. She didn't have time for that now. The train was going to leave any minute, if she was lucky, she could escape this forsake town on time. She hopped out the window towards the train station.

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Diamond Rustscythe sat on the bench of the station's platform with a determined mind. he had told himself what he was going to do over and over again and it had become a near-truth for him. He looked down, sleepy, wiping his running nose, a courtacy of him staying up all night at the station while it was cold. He did not care about it, he could hardly care about anything anymore seeing as to where his plans lead him. The early train would take him to appleloosa, the city where, supposedly, Redhoof Goldenstar was living, the last pony he owed something. He would straighten every word he had spoken to promises before going back to the underworld for one last chat.

He saw the rising of the sun and admired the sight of it one time more, standing up to get a better view of it. Every detail was unusually beautiful to him, as if it shone extra colors and compassion just for him. He knew that wasn't true, but it was this moment in which he had resolved to go where nopony could follow that made everything in life that much more awestriking to hin. The stationpony said a cheery goodmorning to DR before starting to open up everything. Diamond walked to the ticket booth and said his replicating reply while waiting for his ticket. He paid it with no words whatsoever and walked back towards the bench to wait for the train to arrive.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Caramel trotted over the train station. She wanted to buy a ticket but quickly hide herself behind one of the buildings as she saw Diamond standing in front of the ticket stall. She waited until he walked away but instead he sat down on the bench. She had to buy a ticket somehow without him seeing her. She saw a shy stallion walking towards the station. "Perfect victim" Caramel said to herself. She pulled the stallion to her, pinning him against the wall of the building and herself.


"Hey there handsome.'' She whispered in his ear. As a result, the stallion blushed. "uh...thank you mam...what uh..what do you need?" He said nervously. "Well, I need a ticket for the train but the pony at the ticket stall refused to give a ticket because I wasn't beautiful enough." She said in a sad voice. "You seem like such a nice stallion, could you buy a ticket for me, wherever your going?" She said blinking with her eyelashes. He nodded nervously, her charms worked as always. She let the stallion go. She watched him as he bought a ticket for her. He returned quickly. "Tw..Two tickets to Appleloosa!" The stallion said nervous and excited. "Oh thank you! You are my hero!" Caramel said with a smirk.

  • Brohoof 1
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Diamond simply sat at the bench again and just looked straight forward and busied himself with studying the trees on the opposite side of the traintrack. A few early birds were playing in it that had caught his attention.

The pony blushed as he heard Caramel's praise and handed the ticket to her with an eager smile on his face. He had always been a lonepony and finally and, quite out of nowhere he would say, a mare had hit on him and hit on him hard without even trying to hide the fact that she wanted him, or so he thought. "Y-you're welcome, Miss... euh, sorry, what is your name, beautiful and why am l so lucky as to be called a nice stallion, if l might ask?". Nervousness was plain in his voice and he was breathing slightly deeper than he usually would. It was this time that the station began to fill up with ponies waiting for the train that was nearly due to arrive, which was fortunate for Caramel, seeing as how the unknowing pony started to walk towards the platform while looking at her with more than mere conversational attention.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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"Miss Caramel!. And Well you are so lucky because you are just a nice stallion and I find you very attractive. Can't a mare just find a stallion attractive without reason?" She said, still smiling. She walked after the pony towards the platform. The train had just arrived, she rushed inside quickly. grabbing the stallion by his hoof and dragging him with her. She sat him down and then sat next to him. She glared through the window at Diamond who was still sitting on the bench. ''Maybe another train?'' Caramel hoped.


She then looked back at the stallion with a smile. She could hear his heavy breathing from before. The blush was also still on his face. She chuckled with her hoof in front of her mouth. ''Rave is not going to like this.'' Caramel thought to herself with another chuckle. "So, handsome! I told you who I am... who are you?" Caramel said while putting a hoof on one of his legs. "You seem like an interesting pony, tell me about yourself dear." she said with a smirking smile on her face. She blinked with her eyelashes again, smirking even more.

  • Brohoof 2
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Diamond Rustscythe took his time to notice the train and slowly got of the bench with a sigh to find a place inside the train and head to Appleloosa, by this time his movement began to feel almost robotic, as if he wasn't walking by himself anymore, but rather somepony else walked for him, maybe it was because of what awaited him later, he had made peace with the fact that it was going to happen...

Redhoof Goldenstar softly pressed himself against Caramel and placed his head on her shoulder before replying; "l am Redhoof Goldenstar, Miss Caramel and l think you are absolutely right, love and care shouldn't have a reason to be given to anypony". He hummed in soft approval before continuing; "You are very nice, w-would you... want to live with me? Seeing as how you were going 'anywhere where l was going'". He rubbed the side of his head affectionately over Caramel's shoulder and savoured the moment. Did he finally have somepony that cared about him, a pony that would love him as much as he would love her?

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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"Nice to be meeting you Redhoof." Caramel said, a bit uncomfortable with him nuzzling on her shoulder. She listened to his offer, she did not know how to react at first. "Well Red, you see, uhm... I'm not like most mares... I'm not the sort of pony to settled down with. I can't do that, I want to have freedom ye see." Caramel said carefully, not wanting to hurt the poor stallions feelings. "Ye seem like a nice pony and all but I can tell you now. I'm not going to stay." Caramel with a sad face. 


She got out of her seat as she was not the kind of pony who liked clingyness."I can't do this, I can't, sorry." Caramel said before she ran of through the train. She ran to another cart, opened up a window and climbed on the roof of the train. Ponies were looking at her strange, she hissed back. "What are ye looking at? Never seen anypony do that before? Of course not, ye dull folk." Caramel said before pulling herself on the roof completely. The sound of a whistle rang through her ear, the train started it's engine and drove off. Caramel laid down on her back, looking at the clouds above her.

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