Bronium 512 April 24, 2012 #551 Share April 24, 2012 Scopes was in shock. Fear had kissed Honey but then Honey...kissed him back. And it was real. "I-I got to go somewhere." "Yeah sure" said Honey Wow, just wow. You'd think Honey was more of this quiet mare but nope. Full on meanie. She must have been eyeing Fear all this time. Scopes sighed. My cave sounds really nice right now. I really hope the bear is away. Oh don't be so stupid Scopes, go and kiss Honey. Don't be a stupid Frenchman Demon #3. If I kiss Honey, she'll go all ewwww. But Fear could do it. Yeah but Fear is like this bucking attractive stallion and I'm just this loner. I really can't stand this. Scopes walked off. To even make matters worse it was raining. Great, my life has just been switched upside down. What next everyone starts kissing everyone? I wonder if there are any new books at the library. Books made him happy. 1 This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 #552 Share April 24, 2012 he pulls back but keeps his muzzle in electrobolts neck, "wanna go lay down or something?" he blushed, "wouldbe alot more comfortable then standing here for hours." midnight blushed brighter and looked down Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 24, 2012 Author #553 Share April 24, 2012 Honey Dew giggled and nuzzled Fear. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 #554 Share April 24, 2012 Electrobolt nodded as he said, "Yes, that would be better than standing like this..." He let out a chuckle as he said that, the blush still showing on his face. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 24, 2012 #555 Share April 24, 2012 Lovely felt so safe when she was with Cloud, like she didn't have a care in the world. "Thanks for that." Lovely was blushing again, "you're incredible." Lovely twisted her tail around Cloud's and smiled. Suddenly Lovely heard a crying coming from outside her room, she got up to inspect and saw Scopes crying by himself, "hey are you alright? Where's Honey?" 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 24, 2012 Author #556 Share April 24, 2012 Honey Dew was laying next to Fear, cuddling him and blushing. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 24, 2012 #557 Share April 24, 2012 Cloud smiled back and was about to reply when he too heard the crying. He remade the bed and followed after her, a concerned look on his face as he saw Scopes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 #558 Share April 24, 2012 midnight leads electrobolt over to the other couch, and lays down pulling electro beside him and snuggles into him, blushing like mad, but this still felt right, "i-im sorry if i seem a bit too forward," he blushed and layed his head on the back of electros neck "id just rather get comfortable now then have it be super akward later.....if you know what im saying.....oh boy im rambleing again arent i?" Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 #559 Share April 24, 2012 "Heh... Don't worry about it..." was all Electrobolt responded as he just lay there, letting Midnight lay his head on the back of his neck. *Why... Why does this feel right?* he thought, still smiling. *I don't know why, but... Darn it feels so right... Maybe I should stop worrying about it...* Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 24, 2012 #560 Share April 24, 2012 (edited) Scopes went back to his room to pack his sack and get back to his cave. There really wasn't much for him to pack. In fact...there was nothing to pack...Why am I here? I really had nothing to tie me down here I guess. And who were you kidding Demon #3? I can't believe you thought that Honey was falling for me. Come on, she was on joking right? We Frenchmen always just randomly kiss other Frenchmen. What about Frenchwomen? Oh no, that's just gross. Scopes began to sob a bit. Oh come on man. You always do this. I just have something in my eye. A lot of something in my eye. Scopes ears were perked up. Sheesh Cloud and Lovely are coming inside. I better teleport out of here. And with that Scopes teleported out of the room, into the rain. "Well off to the library I go." (Before you guys say it I HAVE NO IDEA! Edited April 24, 2012 by Scopes This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 #561 Share April 24, 2012 midnight smiles and tries to relax, placing his unbroken wing, the one next to electrobolt and wraps it around him, and shuts his eyes softly, hoping this wasnt a dream, and that he wasnt sleeping. "oh celestia, please let this be real." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 #562 Share April 24, 2012 Electrobolt felt as Midnight wrapped him in his non-broken wing and simply smiled. He didn't care what was going on around him as he felt at peace right at this moment, with Midnight. Closing his eyes, Electrobolt gave one more light kiss to Midnight as sleep slowly pulled him in. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 #563 Share April 24, 2012 midnight smiled and took a soft breath not wanting to break this, he smiled and let electrobolts mane tickle his nose, "mmmm." then felt the light kiss and smiled more. "this is truely home." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 24, 2012 #564 Share April 24, 2012 Lovely and Cloud were shocked by Scope's sudden disappearance, why was he trying to avoid them? Lovely shrugged it off and took Cloud to get some much needed rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 #565 Share April 24, 2012 Overdrive shortly returned to the house with his repaired guitar strapped to his back. He saw that Cloud and Lovely were finally finished with their 'activities' and rolled his eyes as he passed them. "whew that was quick, cloud! I didn't take you as a one pump chump!" he playfully teased. "anyways, I've gotta go check up on a guest of mine. Later QuickDraw McGraw." overdrive strolled back into his room and plopped himself down on the couch. He looked up at the guest in his bed. She was tossing and rolling around in her sleep. "yup, she's definitely me. Well... Mare me." He chuckled softly. He pulled out his guitar and quietly began to play. (Dust in the Wind by Kansas) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 24, 2012 #566 Share April 24, 2012 Cloud was almost asleep when he heard Overdrives comment. He gave an angry and sleepy glare at the door then laid back down, Lovely was fast asleep next to him, curled up closely to his body. A gentle smile came across his face, <I can't believe this wonderful, beautiful mare chose me... how did I become so lucky?> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 24, 2012 #567 Share April 24, 2012 *Schwartz sat up and yawned. She looked around with a confused look.* "Dafuq? Where am I?" *She sat there with a blank look on her face while she tried to work her mind out of its confusion. Then she saw Overdrive on the couch playing his guitar.* "Oh yeah, the good will house or whatever." I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 #568 Share April 24, 2012 Electrobolt slowly began to open his eyes, waking up to the new day. When his eyes were fully open and he saw Midnight, a smile appeared on his face. Being careful not to wake him up, Electrobolt slowly got up and walked over towards the kitchen door. However, he stopped after looking towards the front door. *Wait...* he started to think. *My parents... They haven't checked on me at all lately... And they don't even know about what I've been doing... What if... What if they found out and they don't like it...?* He shook his head, and instead went searching for a paper and pencil. After finding a sheet of paper and a pencil, Electrobolt began to write a note, saying that he went out for a bit and not to worry about him, saying he'd be back in a bit. After signing his name on the bottom, he folded it up and stuck it under one of Midnight's legs. After that, he gave Midnight a light peck on his cheek and quietly hurried out the door, making sure to shut the door quietly. Once outside, he proceeded to head for his house, in a full gallop. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 24, 2012 #569 Share April 24, 2012 (edited) I really wish somepony had come after me. I could have been Overdrive telling me to stop being so silly. Or maybe Lovely telling me to stop being so M-Popey. That would be funny. Maybe once Honey had stopped slobbering-. Which is disgusting and totally inappropriate. Indeed Demon #3. Maybe once Honey had stopped slobbering-. Which is also extremely sad and whorish and is not deserving of you. Totally man. Maybe once she had stopped gushin- Which is also - OK Demon #3, I get it. Give her a break ok? Jeez, just trying to help a brother out. I'm sorry. Just- I thought me and her had a connection you know? I know pony, I know. And then BAM Fear was all over Honey. And here I am talking to myself- You mean to me. Yeah, here I am talking to a fake- I'm real you flankhole. Fine, fine. So here I am talking to my inner demons. Inner Demon. OK, just shut up, won't you? Go ahead. Here I am talking to my inner demon about the girl who I would have slaved for in the rain. It's just- Don't say it man. Pathetic. Great. You said it. Buck you. I'm wallowing in self pity and your being a total loser. No one likes people like that you know. That's probably why Honey left you for Fear. Too far man, too far. Sorry... The two paused for a bit. Can I tell you something? You can't by thinking it you have already told me so yeah. I'll tell you anyway. I really wonder if I should continue to exist you know? My life is going no where. I couldn't even hold my job for a day and I'm definitely not a smart pony with anything to contribute. So why bother? If you're saying you're going to kill yourself, don't be an idiot. This is serious colt, Lovely isn't going to go all, Oh Scopes stop being so Popey, she's going to cry. I'm serious. Don't do it. Why would you care. You are a figment of my imagination and don't deny it. You are there to simply satisfy my need for companionship. That is all. I'm warning you Scopes. Please, I'll plead with you, I'll do anything. Just don't do it. Scopes said nothing afterwords. He walked to the top of a cliff, one where the clouds. Scopes, I am warning you. Please for the sake of all things good. Do not jump. Why? What reason do I have to stay in Equestria? None, but isn't that reason enough? That fact you exist is a marvel in of itself and your lack of a reason to exist is testament to that fact. The sheer randomness and lack of it all should make you want to live. Look at the scientist in you. He begs for understanding. Please Scopes, don't do it. The two stopped talking. Scopes was blocking him out in his mind Scopes raised his left hoof. Don't. He put his left foot near the edge. He raised his right hoof. He placed it near the edge. He looked around all of Equestria, all around he saw the world of Equestria. What a great last picture. Scopes closed his eyes. He hovered his left hoof above nothing. Nothing. That was the point of it all, nothing. Huh, ironic. Don't do it. You can't revert back time if you're dead. This might be the last decision you will ever make. So why if it's my last decision. Not like any choices I made ever mattered. Even you said that life is random. My choices are random and without effect. So what is life is random. The choices you make shape that randomness. You guide it. That doesn't make any sense. I'm tired and sick of it all. That doesn't mean anything. Don't be selfish. If you're going to take your life, take it because you need it not because you want it. Everyone will be affected. That'll be a first. Scopes, listen I know life hasn't always worked out for you. It never has. Yet what if it all changes. What is suddenly it does work out for you. The probability is quite small. Yet possible? I admit. It is possible. Then why take that risk of losing it all? It's illogical. Then again life is random. It is not logical. No matter how much one shapes it, it will always go a different way. I don't know Scopes. I cannot stop you from jumping. But listen. If a part of you is debating whether to jump or not, wouldn't that mean you have the slightest interest in the idea of survival. You are nothing but a means of debate. To weigh the possibilities. Nothing more. Scopes relaxed his muscles. In a second I will fly. In the next I will die. Huh, that rhymes. My last day in Equestria. Who knew that it would be this exiting. I guess I might as well count down 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-... You're hesitating. You want to live. You know it. I know it. You're...wrong. Ze- I know you're not going to do it. I am you. You aren't going to do it. I am you. I know what you're going to do Ze-ze-ze I hear Electro coming. You need to do it quick if you're going to do it. Ze-Ze He is walking up to you. Ze- He is behind you. Zero What?!?! No wait, don't do it. Scopes...let go. He was falling down. It was going to a long ten second drop. ( Well folks what'll it be? Jump or not? . Feeling pretty down now guys. Sorry about making this post really serious. Looks like this might be my second last post. I will miss you all dearly. This has been my favorite RP ever guys. Love you.) Edited April 24, 2012 by Scopes This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 #570 Share April 24, 2012 On 2012-04-24 at 3:58 PM, 'Gilda the Griffin' said: *Schwartz sat up and yawned. She looked around with a confused look.* "Dafuq? Where am I?" *She sat there with a blank look on her face while she tried to work her mind out of its confusion. Then she saw Overdrive on the couch playing his guitar.* "Oh yeah, the good will house or whatever." "not sounding too grateful there, champ." overdrive droned. He didn't look up from his guitar and continued to repeat a simple riff so he could have a conversation. "so, I know that you fell because you were drunk, but why were you flying over ponyville in the first place? There's plenty of large cities with more opportunity than this place." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 #571 Share April 24, 2012 midnight streached and opened his eyes, noticing electrobolt was not there, his ears drooped wondering if it had just been a dream, then noticed a note and picked it up opening it: "went out, ill be back in a bit-electro" midnight smiled then yawned and got to his hooves and streached hearing a few cricks and cracks in his back. "ohhh oh my celestia, that felt good." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 #572 Share April 24, 2012 While Electrobolt was running, he eventually began to slow down, a thought coming to mind. "Hey... I didn't see Scopes lately..." he whispered to himself. "I mean, sure he can be pretty crazy at times, but... That's just who he is... And he can be pretty funny at times too..." Letting out a small sigh, he added, "I hope he's alright..." Shaking his head, he slowly continued his walk. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 #573 Share April 24, 2012 midnight yawned again, "well...get some breakfeast." he turned toward the kitchen and looked around, biting his lip wondering if honey might be alright with him cooking, he shrugged and began getting pots and pans and ingredients, then began making breakfast. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 #574 Share April 24, 2012 Electrobolt continued to walk, before stopping once again. Looking over to the cliff, he saw it looked like it could touch the clouds. "Why..." he began. "Why does it feel like I should go up there...?" He had no idea why, but he just had this feeling he had to go up this cliff. "I don't know why, but... It feels as if I need to go up there..." Shaking his head, he slowly approached the cliff, beginning his ascent after reaching the base. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stargaze 8 April 24, 2012 #575 Share April 24, 2012 *Suddenly, a dark blur flew by, and snatched Scopes out of the air, right before he hit the ground. It was a pegasus mare, She had a dark blue mane and tail, her bright blue coat shimmered in the light, and her bright green eyes, twinkled with determination to keep the falling pony alive.* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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