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A New Life in Ponyville


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"nice!" overdrive smirked. He slid his guitar away and stood up. "I don't do 'jobs' like you ponies do. Never liked authority, or superiors. We're all... Equals, right? Nopony should tell you what you can and cant do." he sat back on the chair and stretched his forelegs. "anyways, when are we going to go help your marefriend move?"

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Electrobolt continued to eat his breakfast, still blushing from all the compliments Lovely had given out. If his entire body could turn red from blushing, it most likely would. Eventually, he finally finished eating, and just as soon as he did, in came Scopes saying he got a job. Smiling, he said, "That's great!" Then he heard Overdrive speak up, and just hearing the word 'marefriend' had returned the blush on his face. "Um, well..." he began. "I'm ready when Honey Dew is..."

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"ugh, all it takes is one mare to turn you two into a couple of schoolfillies. That tall one, lovely was it? She was quite the mare... Tall, beautiful, and she likes music to boot! Never got the chance to talk to her though..." overdrive thought out loud. "maybe I'll see her on the streets"

He stood up and stretched his forelegs again before walking over to cloud. "I believe you were at my little roadside show yesterday! Name's overdrive, nice to meet you." overdrive flashed another one of his charming smiles .

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midnight blushed at the comment, "n-no.....my coat is natural." he blinked "interesting, i thought there might be other ponies with coats like mine...." he finished his food and went into the living room, sitting silently next to cloud


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"And by the way overdrive, im not acting like a schoolfilly, I just happen to think Lovely is a rather nice mare, and I would like to get to know her better" said Cloud to Overdrive. He noticed Midnight sit down, "Sup" he said. He caught whiff of the food Honey had cooked, his stomach growled again, more audible, but he ignored it.


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look's over and cloud and smiles "nothing much really, just taken back by lovelys comment."


(well, i have to head off to work for about 6 hours, so if someone could control midnight for me, they win a billion internets, hes shy but warms up quickly.)


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"And by the way overdrive, im not acting like a schoolfilly, I just happen to think Lovely is a rather nice mare, and I would like to get to know her better" said Cloud to Overdrive. He noticed Midnight sit down, "Sup" he said. He caught whiff of the food Honey had cooked, his stomach growled again, more audible, but he ignored it.


"you look like a schoolfilly to me! I dare you to prove me otherwise." overdrive challenged. He didnt mean what he was saying, but overdrive was bored and felt like being a jack***. "I challenge you to a competition of ultimate masculinity!"

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Electrobolt heard what Midnight had said, before lightly chuckling. "Me too, Midnight... Me too..." he whispered to Midnight. Just then, he heard Overdrive calling out Cloud and shook his head in surprise. *Now what's going on???* he thought, surprised at the turn of events.

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Overdrive leaned back in his chair. "I'll be ready, try not to embarrass yourself" he laughed. Overdrive picked up his guitar and began to absentmindedly run through scales.

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Overdrive frowned for a second, "that's what my old man called me... I hated my old man." emotions from his constant fighting with his father boiled up inside him, and threatened to surface past his calm facade. He had to find a way to vent quickly. He started to wail on his guitar and sing (Raise Hell by Hed PE)

When he finished, he walked out of the house. "be there"

(be back in 4 hours)

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Electrobolt just watches, surprised by the sudden turn of events. When Overdrive said he hated his father, he was lost as to what he should think. He wanted to try and say something, but all he could do was open his mouth, then shut his mouth, no noise coming out of his opened mouth. *This is all just... Ugh...* he thought, unable to make anything out of this.

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Morning Dew stretched her legs as she hears the school bell ring. "Dismissal class!"sings Cheerilee as the fillies are walking out of the room. "Wow I could really use a walk, my legs are killing me!" exclaimed Morning Shine. During her walk she sees Electrobolt looking somewhat sad. "What's up?" asked Morning Shine.

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Suddenly the door of Honey's house swung open and Lovely made her entrance, "please hold you applause!" She joked as she laughed to herself. Lovely looked around to see breakfast just finished up, "good we need to get this move on the road!" Lovely used her unicorn magic to pick up the dishes and load them into the dishwasher. "Honey has never been on to travel lightly, prepare to break your backs!" Lovely cheered excitedly. The house had a mood that didn't sit with Lovely well, she was trying to lift the other ponies' spirits and livin' them up a little.

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midnight smiles and stands streaching, "lets do this, im ready." he looked at lovely, then at honey, so, what needs to be moved first?


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Overdrive returned to honey's house without a word and sat over by the pile of boxes. He nodded a hello to everypony in the house and then sat down by the boxes. He stared at the ground in front of him with furrowed brows. "let's just move the boxes already." he grumbled.

Overdrive had calmed down somewhat, but was still in a bad mood from his memory of his life back in canterlot.

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"Alright! Alright! Mister grumpy-pants!" Lovely giggled in regards to Overdrive's remark. "Now who's the strong pony that's going to move the piano in? Might take all of you guys. We also need some muscles for the bed."

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sighs "alright, where does it go?" he looked at the piano and swallowed, "yeesh."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Scopes held back his applause. How did she know? Telekinesis. Lovely if you're reading my mind please stop reading my mind. My mind is not very mindful about what it thinks. Get it "Mindful"

"So Lovely, why don't stay at Honey's house? I mean once me and Fear get out of here, you'll have 5 whole rooms to yourself"

Scopes seemed oblivious to the tension within the room. I wonder how the cake family will contact me? Magic? No.no they don't own a baby dragon...I think"

Well, I think the unicorns in this room should probably lift the pian- gee oh wow that is a big piano. Well, I'll give it my best go!" Scopes focused his Magic on the piano. The piano was raised 3 feet. "Huzzah! I did it" Scopes lost focus and the piano fell. "Dammit. Umm, I'm sure the Piano is fine everypony." The Piano suddenly fell to pieces. "Dang it."


(OOC: It' short cause everypony's posting)


"It's ok everypony, does any pony know how to repair a piano? Anyone have any books on the subject? This isn't really going to be so easy now is it. Oh well, you know how it goes. Many hooves make light work." And with that Scopes moved towards the piano and began to fix it. Ok now this string appears go somewhere. I'm not really sure where though." Pondering what to do, he looked to Overdrive. "Hey Overdrive, you're a musical pony and your guitar has some strings...so any suggestions?"

What if we can't fix it! I'll have to pay damages! I really, really hope this piano was ten bits. I might have to do a lot of work just to pay for this piano. Oh doo-doo, what if this things cost like 724360 bits! I'll be working more than a hundred years!

"MY LIFE IS RUINED!" Scopes yelled in the highest pitch he every went. Can everypony pitch in like a 100,000 bits so I can repay Honey for this piano? I know it's a bit steep and a bit sudden but you know I'm good for it right? HAHAHAHA." said Scopes, chuckling nervously.

Edited by Scopes
  • Brohoof 1


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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midnight laughs "scopes, calm down buddy, your gonna have a heart attack." he shakes his head putting a hoof on scopes back in a friendly way,

"how much do piano's like this cost?" he looked up thoughtfully, "cant be too bad."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Midnight! This is serious! 724360 BITS! Do you know many bits that is? And with the sudden increase of prices during the Celery recession a cherry can go up to 10 bits! Do you understand? I can only live of a cherry a day?" Suddenly what Scopes said hit him in the face. "I eat about 10 cherries a day, in the Everfree Forest. Oh Celestia, I'm a slave! Is ten bits a day fair? Can I get him arrested or something? REVOLUTION! We are the 99%! Fight the business owners of Ponyville! We.Are.The.1%! Now who is with me?"

Scopes looked around the room expecting cheers but only heard crickets. Lovely was giggling. "Guys, can't we at least report him to the Fair Trades Commission or something? And you know what I didn't even get healthcare REVOLU- Oh wait, I already did that."


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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"scopes, scopes, buddy, calm down, ive built up a small fortune, adventuring, working, winning compititions, that sort of thing, 724,360 bits isnt a problem, just take a deep breath, and calm down." midnight smiled "your overthinking this buddy."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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