Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Might as well help Honey Dew with the dishes. It is quite apparent that carrying heavy pianos is not exactly my thing.Scopes moved by Honey's side and started helping with the dishes. Using his horn he lifted up the wet dishes and began wiping them. I might as make conversation with Honey Dew. "So Hone-" *Dishes break as they fall to the ground* Scopes lost all focus and forgotten about the dozens of dishes he has been holding up in the air. "Poop!" Poop. Really. You said poop. What are you? A school filly or something. "I mean uhh Buck!" Better. "Sorry Honey, I'll go clean this right up. Just tell me where the broom is and I'll clean it up. I'll make sure that I won't snap it in half" said Scopes semi-seriously. Honey Dew pointing in the general direction of the closet, where the broom was stored. "Thanks" Scopes opened the closet door with his magical abilities and took out the broom. As he was began sweeping the floor he turned to Honey. "So like I was saying-" Scopes had stopped talking as the broom had snapped in half. Scopes was lost for words. I think I'll just stand in the corner. It seems nice and safe, right?" Legitimately wondering if he could break a corner. So he walked himself to the corner of the kitchen cramming himself between the closet and the workbench. "If you need me, I'll be here" Scopes said redder than Big Mac himself. "I'll repay the damages, let me just work for a few weeks and you'll definitely be payed back...with interest" Scopes pleaded with Honey Dew. I am the worst pony EVER! As (Guys what time of day is it? Fear tells us it's midnight but I thought we're cleaning the dishes from breakfast. Twilight anyone?) This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 Honey Dew nodded to Lovely, and went out to the living room. "Scopes, you can come out here and sit with me if you like." Honey Dew smiled sadly and sat down on her couch, nibbling on a honey cake. "By the way, what was that gigantic crash I heard earlier?".. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Scopes sat down next to Honey. Ok, this won't be awkward. This won't be awkward. "I really like your mane today, Honey" Ok, not awkward. So far so good. "So, umm Honey Dew, I don't think we actually had time to really have a proper convers- I mean conservati- I mean conspri- I mean talk. Ok, it's awkward... Don't worry, we can still salvage this. "So tell me about yourself. It's not like I just know your background like it was pasted on a forum somewhere." Ok, topical humor. Good. The recent Scootaloo Safety Act really speaks wonders about your political awareness. At least I got to know a few things when I go to Pony-. Wait. Political Humor. Bad. Dammit. "Eh-heh, I'm just kidding about Politics. I mean who likes Politics right? All the Luna 1011 is ridiculous isn't it?" I really hope that she doesn't think that I'm stupid. I really like her man today. It looks so contemporary, yet so traditional. " Do you do your mane by yourself Honey? It's amazing. The style, the shape, the way the sun reflects of it, giving it a whole new shade. It's magnificent. You should model for Rarity. You'll do an amazing job. Heck, you can just stand in front of Carousel Boutique and the ponies will just flock. She has a great tai- wait what are you saying. You don't say that. I don't want her to think I'm a creep. Just keep complimenting her you creepy colt. "You have really got a great mane." Nodding, with a large grin on his face. No need to worry about being creepy anymore. You already look like a creep. Scopes immediately stopped nodding and toned down the grin to a smile. "So honey, here I am raving on about your man when I haven't even let you talk. Please tell me about yourself." This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 Honey Dew tried hard to hold her laughter back, but she just couldn't do it. She burst out laughing, and she couldn't stop. Tears formed in her eyes and still she couldn't stop. Finally, about two minutes later, she calmed herself down enough to talk. "Listen, you don't have to be so nervous around me. I'm not gonna bite. I'm a shy pony too, so you have nothing to worry about. And thank you for the compliments, you're very sweet.." Honey Dew blushed deeply. "Anyway, umm, about me... Let's see.. Um, well, I used to live out in the country, near Applejack's farm. My mom and dad are dead, recently, so.. Well, my dad died when I was 16, my mom died two months ago.. I moved here, to start a new life with Morning Shine. But she's usually at a friends or daycare, or school, so I never really see her. It's been hard for me. I mean, I just turned 18, and I haven't had any time to grow up, my parents left me so early.." Honey Dew began to silently cry. "I'm sorry, I'm talking too much, and now I'm crying, oh gosh." Honey Dew blushed and looked away. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) "Your parents are dead? I'm-I'm sorry. I never meant to make you cry. That must be really really hard on on you.I mean I could never know what it's like to feel the way you do right now. My parent were always ignoring me. No matter how much trouble I got into they didn't care. No matter how many (A)s I got in Pony School they didn't care." Scopes let out a single tear as well, he quickly wiped it away so he wouldn't trouble Honey. "It's like they never existed, you know?" Seeing that talking about his own sufferings wasn't exactly helping, he decided to make a joke. "Well, if anything now we know that we're both bipolar" Scopes let out a nervous chuckle in hopes that Honey wouldn't get offended. Thankfully, Honey seemed to laugh a little as well. You know, this pony isn't so different compared to me and she can be a great friend. "Well, you said you lived in the country. You don't sound like you do. Your voice is way more elegant. Not that I'm saying country ponies are not elegant. Not that I'm saying that you're snobs. Hahahaha. I just don't know what to say. I'm really bad with other ponies. Especially around beautiful ponies." Scopes was really hoping that that his compliment help. He would do anything to make Honey stop crying. "And you have such an awesome mane." Scopes grinned hoping that his little joke would seal the deal. Sadly it fell flat but Honey seemed to have stop crying. This made Scopes smile. Which in turn made Honey Dew smile. Which made Scopes smile an even bigger smile. This kept on going till the ponies began laughing again, forgetting what they were crying about. (OOC:When I said seal the deal I meant making Honey happy, you dirty dirty ponies. ) Edited April 21, 2012 by Scopes 1 This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (OOC: Pffft, we all know what Scopes really wants! Bow chika wow wow) Lovely cleaned up the rest of Scopes' mess in the kitchen. At least he stopped trying to 'help' now. Man was a weird pony, it was like as if he was from another planet, or something. Lovely noticed Midnight still hard at work cleaning the dishes. She watched as he put sudsy dishes onto the drying rack, it was obvious he hadn't had much practice. I guess I'll just re-clean them later, stallions can be so hopeless. Lovely trotted over to the sink and pick up a hoof full of bubbles and blew them into Midnight's face as she giggled, "I think you'd be more helpful out moving boxes, cleaning takes a mare's touch." Lovely glanced out into the living room to see Honey and Scopes chatting. They look so adorable, and *gasp* is she laughing? My heart is melting right now. I can't handle the cutest. Lovely began making sexy faces at Honey when they made eye-contact for a moment, suggesting that Honey and Scopes had a connection. Lovely turned back to go into the kitchen bumping into Fear, "Whoops! Well excuse you," she joked. Lovely heard soft crying coming from the living room and decided to put on some tea to cheer Honey up. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Cloud found a box of pots and pans that somehow found it's way to the hallway, he lifted it and took it to the kitchen, he saw Lovely putting on some tea, "Heya Lovely" he said smiling. He heard crying in the living room, with confused concern he asked "What's the matter back there?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) Scopes still laughing turned to Cloud. "Oh, it's nothing. Hahahaha! We were just telling a few jokes to each other. You see we were a bit sad and we just started telling jokes and ohh..." Scopes was gasping for breath. "and we just started laughing. Don't worry everypony. The pony with the best mane isn't shedding no more tears tonight!" Scopes then put on his serious face. There was a serious question he had to ask Lovely. "What were those faces you were making, Lovely. It looked liked you were having a seizure. Do you need to go to the hospital or maybe you need to some medical assistance" Lovely just started laughing and walked back into the kitchen. She should really get checked. I know I'm no doctor but still those faces she was making was really really weird. I could really use one of Honey's famous Honey Cakes. "Hey Honey, I'm just going to check the fridge for some of your awesome cakes!" Honey still giggling nodded. "Awesome!" Scopes went to the kitchen and got some of those amazing Honey cakes and brought them to the couch. "I brought one if you want." Scopes began nibbling on the cakes. "These are amazing, even if they're cold!"I love yo- I mean I love these!" Trying to hide his red cheeks. Scopes was still laughing. I'm still laughing? This is definitely something else. Sweet Celestia. This is feels better than Pinkie's Smile Song.. Let me tell you something about Scopes. He never really had much of a family. I doubt that you could even call what he had a family. It was more of a collection of ponies who had for some reason lived in the same house. This was much more than that. This was his real family. (OOC:Hey! Everpony! Keep this G rated. No Bow Chika wow wow. OK? I'm looking at you Shankweld! The post is dedicated to all the awesome ponies in the awesome roleplay! I love you all. I'm even tearing up . ) Edited April 21, 2012 by Scopes This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (OOC: Hey! I merely hint at the obvious (; you two are the ones that need to keep this G-rated) Lovely smiled happily to see Cloud actually doing something. "Ooou. A big tough stallion that knows his way around the kitchen, a colt after my own heart." Lovely teased as she watched Cloud walk in with a box of plates and the likes. Lovely immediately got to putting the dishes away. An organized home is a happy home, she continually told herself. Lovely glanced back at Cloud, a strand of her hair hanging in front of her face from working hard, "excuse my hair. Work is not a good look for me." Lovely laughed at her own joke again. And what? I'm hilarious and do what I want! "Oh those two are just canoodling on the couch. I'd disinfect before sitting down there if I were you," Lovely winked at Cloud. Lovely shook her head in regards to Scopes remark and laughed to herself. That pony REALLY needs a marefriend. Lovely watched Scopes almost let the L-word slipped and face-hoofed. Some ponies are so clueless. "Don't go scaring her off now, loverboy," Lovely advised Scopes in a hushed tone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Cloud smiled at Lovely, she was quite a free spirited mare, he admired that quite a lot. "Well one can't be living on his own without knowing his way around places" he said. When she mentioned Scopes and Honey he chuckled, "Don't worry, I don't plan on sitting there". When she mentioned work wasn't a good look for her, he somewhat unconsciously said "I don't think there's a look you can't pull off". Realizing what he said he blushed and looked away "Ehh... sorry about that, it kinda slipped out" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "You live on your own?" Lovely asked cutely, "it's comforting to know you aren't living in the basement of you parent's home I suppose. Passing your time by chatting with under-aged fillies." Lovely paused and made a strange face, "I don't know why that came to mind. My brain takes me to weird places sometimes and I lost my filter a long time ago. Filter." Lovely repeated giving Cloud a knowing look. Lovely laughed as Cloud got embarrassed, "better out than in, right? And yes, I do realize I quoted a fillies' movie, sue me." Lovely winked, "and there happens to be lots of looks I can't pull off I'll have you know." Lovely poked Cloud's chest as she spoke, "What if I pulled a Brittney Mares and shaved my head bald, hm? Then what?" Lovely laughed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Cloud laughed and facehoofed, "ok, you win, there are looks no one can pull off. And yeah, though I don't really have much of a house. I kinda just travel around, finding jobs here and there so I can pay for my dads stay here at Ponyville in the retirement home". As he said this, a slightly sad expression came to his eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Lovely's smiling face instantly changed to a look of concern. She didn't know how to handle serious, emotional situations; they always made her feel uncomfortable. An unbearable silence filled to room. Lovely wanted to make a joke, but knew it wasn't the right time. Lovely gulped realizing she had to do something she extended her hoofs and took Cloud into an embrace. "There, there." Lovely patted Cloud of the back trying not to sound too robotic. Lovely contemplated rubbing his back, but didn't want to come off as too creepy. What was too creepy though? What crossed the line? How do you comfort someone you've just met? Is this hug even appropriate? Oh my Celestia the hug! Have I been hugging him this whole time? If I let go now would that be considered too long, or too short? Lovely's head filled with insecurities as she held Cloud. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Cloud was surprised by the hug, <She's... hugging me? That's... unexpected... yet...> he sighed and returned the hug. Eventually they both pulled away, Cloud had a sad smile on his face, "Thanks Lovely" he said Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "So, why are you ponies hugging?" Scopes asked as he entered the kitchen, oblivious to the obvious discomfort he was causing in this emotional scene. I really hope I'm not disturbing a tender scene. I heard that it was bad for to developing one's character. "So hey guys, I think Honey fell asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to disturb her so I left her on the couch. "She looks really nice on that couch, doesn't she" Scopes sighed."Well fellas, I'm going to nap. Call me if anything special happens. Scopes lazily went up the stairs into one of Honey's rooms.Golly, I almost said I love you to Honey. That would have been awful if she realized what I said, luckily for me, she seemed to be quite sleepy. She probably feel asleep while I was talking. Scopes couldn't have helped blushing at the thought, that maybe, just maybe that she had heard it. He thought about what that would have meant for him. "She didn't say anything back to me. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" Scopes sadly whispered to himself. "No,no I'm over thinking this. Just go to sleep, I'm sure that we'll be fine." We'll? Scopes giggled. He felt like a schoolcolt gossiping with his friends. Scopes lay on his unmade bed and closed this eyes, thinking happy thoughts of his future. This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Deciding to leave these two ponies alone for now, Electrobolt decided to go and work on getting more of the boxes put up. Remembering his tumble he recently took, he just worked on the boxes that needed to be relocated on the ground floor. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "hey now," he sighed, "i dont have very much practice with this, clouds.....dont come with dishwashers....or dishes for that matter." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Overdrive watched Lovely hug Cloud and felt a small pang of jealousy. It had been years since he had a marefriend, and that was when he still lived in canterlot. He set the last of the boxes down and sighed. "Celestia, I'm so lonely." overdrive had no family and no friends. <ive gotta get out of here> he thought as he slowly made his way for the door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Once he was done setting the box he was carrying down on the floor, he sighed. "Phew, that was a lot of lifting..." he muttered to himself. Heading back to the living room area, Electrobolt looked over to the area where the boxes were piled up, then looked around the room again. As soon as he saw Overdrive heading towards the door, he thought, *What's up with him...?* "Hey, Overdrive...?" he eventually called out. "Is... Something wrong...?" Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 midnight shook his head, not fully understanding what was going on, he moved into the living room and began to help with moving the few boxes that were left, staying silent most of the time. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 Honey Dew woke with a start on the couch. What happened? She yawned and went to the kitchen, where she saw it was all clean again. "Lovely, thank you so much for cleaning~" Honey Dew looked around, but Lovely wasn't in the kitchen. Actually, no one was around. How long did I sleep for??... Honey Dew went upstairs to see if anyone was there. "Hello? Anypony here?" BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Once he was done setting the box he was carrying down on the floor, he sighed. "Phew, that was a lot of lifting..." he muttered to himself. Heading back to the living room area, Electrobolt looked over to the area where the boxes were piled up, then looked around the room again. As soon as he saw Overdrive heading towards the door, he thought, *What's up with him...?* "Hey, Overdrive...?" he eventually called out. "Is... Something wrong...?" "yeah... It's um, I need a minute" overdrive walked out the door and sat down on the street right next to Honey's house, face in hooves. "what have I done with my life? I'm an alcoholic street performer with no friends or anypony in my life!"Without thinking, overdrive pulled out his guitar. (Creep by Radiohead) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Electrobolt watched as Overdrive left the house after saying he needed a minute and sighed. It seemed something was putting the unicorn in a foul mood. *I hope whatever's got you down will wash away soon...* he thought, before hearing Honey Dew calling out. It sounded like she was upstairs. "I'm down here," he called out, hoping Honey Dew could hear him. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Lovely rolled her eyes at Scope's comment, if awkwardness was a disease he'd have it in the fatal stages. Lovely laughed at Midnight's comment, "well luckily Cloudsdales as mares to do all the hoof-cleaning for you," she winked and nudged him. Lovely watched a sleepy Honey waltz upstairs. Oh my hope she doesn't 'accidentally' fall in bed with lover boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 Honey Dew heard someone from downstairs, and she went back down. "Hey, where'd everypony go? No pony was here a minute ago..Maybe I'm going crazy." Honey Dew opened her fridge and got a glass of milk. "I'm not feeling so good.." BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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