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A New Life in Ponyville


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Scopes was woken by a voice. "Hello, Anypony there?." It was Honey Dew. Ahh, Honey Dew. Good ol' Honey.

"I'm down here!" another pony called out. Oh well, might as well go and see Honey Dew. As he went into the kitchen, he called out to Honey. Honey wasn't replying.Curious. Why wouldn't she reply? Maybe she didn't hear him.

As Honey took a glass of milk from outside the fridge she whispered "I'm not feeling too good."

Scopes was worried. "Are you ok Honey" he called, yet Honey seemed to be ignoring him.

"Hey guys! Honey is...umm... well to quote her not feeling so good. She seems a bit dazed and her movements are mesmerizing... I mean slow and deliberate.

"Lovely,come over here. Is this normal behavior for Honey, she doesn't seem to good. Should we get her to the hospital or something?"


(OOC:Sorry for the shortness of this one, I didn't have much to say and it's like I'm going to take her to the hospital. Honey what are you doing actually?)


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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"Everypony, we got a crisis on our hands! Everypony on deck, everypony on deck."

"Shut up Scopes," Overdrive yelled.

"No guys, this time it's serious. Honey just fainted or something. She was really tired and I was talking to her and then she fainted. Come on guys, hurry the buck up."

"Haha Scopes, stop being so Popey" Lovely yelled back, giggling.

"Why is nopony taking me seriously? Goddammit"

Scopes levitated Honey onto the couch. He began walking around the room, worried. "What did they tell me, what did the tell me?" Scopes was trying to remember what his coach had taught him.

"Step 1: Call." Scopes went to the nearest phone and called the Ambulance." Step two, what was step two goddamit. That's it pump!

"Step 2: Pump." Scopes began pushing down in the center of the chest quickly. He was pumping so fast, he himself almost forgot to breathe.

It wasn't working.Dammit, step three step three. What was it ?? Blow!

"Step 3:Blow." Scopes tilted Honey's head back and lifted the chin. He pinched her nose and moved closer and closer to her lips.

(OOC:That felt really weird writing that)

Scopes was blowing and blowing as hard as he can." Come on Honey, come on.

Honey woke up a few seconds later right as Scopes was going down to blow for the third time.


(I'm not sure if a fainting pony would need CPR. Just go with it. :( Is good for health)

  • Brohoof 1


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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"Oh crap! Where the buck are my sunglasses" overdrive looked all around himself for any sign of them, but they were nowhere to be found. <they must be in Honey's house then... Right> overdrive tried to attract as little attention to himself as he walked towards the kitchen, where he thought his sunglasses were. He saw Honey passed out on the floor and reacted as quickly as he could, dropping his guitar and sprinting over to the prone form, shoving scopes aside in the process.

"what are you doing? She needs help, not a make out session!"He felt her forehead, it was burning up. "ice! Ice! Quit gawking and find me some ice!"

(OOC: don't worry cowboy, I'm not trying to steal her. Overdrive just needs some friends right about now.)

Edited by Power Ten
  • Brohoof 1

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Electrobolt turned around in time to see Honey Dew faint as she tried to reach the couch. This caused his eyes to go wide as he hurried over to her side. But Scopes got to her first and Overdrive spoke up, asking for ice. Quickly, Electrobolt hurried to the kitchen and pulled out a kitchen towel and a small plastic bag. Loading the bag with ice and then sealing the bag tight, he took the towel and wrapped the bag of ice inside of it. Carrying the towel-wrapped bag of ice over to the living room area, he handed it over to Overdrive. *Come on, Honey Dew... Please be alright...* he thought as he kept an eye on her.

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Overdrive took the pack of ice and put it on Honey's forehead. He turned to Scopes "I need you to hold this on her forehead. Can you do that for me?". Scopes nodded back. "good" scopes was the most excitable, and overdrive had to calm him down.

"does anypony know about any conditions or allergies she might have?" overdrive asked all ponies present.

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"Hot Damn!" Lovely shouted as Scopes locked lips with Honey, "get 'er done cowboy!" Lovely laughed to herself.

"She's fine!" Lovely announced as all the colts spun out into a tizzy. "Moving can be very stressful and Honey doesn't handle stress very well, now move away form her and give her some room to breathe." Lovely opened the windows of the house to air it out a bit.

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(OOC: Oh Lovely... So funny xD )


Electrobolt looked back to Lovely as she spoke and simply nodded. *Hopefully that's the real reason...* he thought as he slowly backed away and sat down on one of the available chairs that wasn't the couch. His eyes were still locked onto Honey Dew though, as he couldn't help be feel worried for her.

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"But I- she was- you weren't-" Scopes stuttered, realizing what he might have been misinterpreted as kissing Honey. "I panicked ok. I'm not a medical pony, I saw all these hospital dramas when I was a colt in Canterlot and they always did this." Scopes said having a mini-panic attack. Gosh this is embarrassing. She was breathing as well, you idiot. "

Anyway are you sure that it's moving stress. She pretty content with us around. What is she's in a real medical emergency. She could die! Do you want your best friend to die?" Scopes shouted at lovely, at bit too harshly. "And I wasn't kissing her ok?" Scopes pouted and looked away, trying to hide his red face. "I was resuscitating her using CPR. What if I saved her life huh? Did you ever think about that?" This is a losing battle man, just give up. "You guys are just sick in the head, ya hear?" Scopes said in all seriousness. It was pretty funny though. I mean I was kissing Honey. I wonder what Fear would have said. That would be pretty funny.

"It was pretty funny though right? I mean we got over hooves in a mix just for nothing" Scopes let out a suppressed giggle, which became a chuckle which became a full blown laugh. Suddenly Lovely was laughing and the Electro was laughing as well, a bit nervously though. Only Overdrive wasn't laughing. "Come on Overdrive, join in," said Scopes.

" Yeah, it'll make you feel much better," added Lovely.

"You ponies are just...so...weird..."


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Overdrive cast a doubtful look towards Lovely, but she knew Honey the best. He slowly stood up. There wasn't much more he could have done for her anyways. "I hope you're right, Lovely." He said as he walked over to his guitar and picked it up. He shouted in shock and anger when he saw a massive crack in the neck of his guitar from when he dropped it to help Honey. He used his magic to try and fix it, but that only ended up completely snapping it off. "NOTHING CAN EVER GO MY BUCKING WAY, CAN IT?!" he screamed to the heavens as he dropped his now broken guitar into its case. "I've had that bucking thing since I was ten years old." Overdrive's voice began to break.

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Electrobolt slammed his eyes shut as soon as Overdrive had shouted out loud after trying to fix his guitar, only for it to break into two. Looking over to Overdrive, Electrobolt saw how upset he was. And he can understand why he was upset, after hearing him say he had the guitar ever since he was ten. But that wasn't the only thing that had Electrobolt feel bad for Overdrive. It was the fact that he said nothing could ever go his way. A slight hint of worry was in his voice as he asked, "Wh... What do you mean... Nothing can ever go your way...?"

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midnight rubbed his face, he was very confused, and all he could really do was sit there and play dumb.


(X3 im confused XD)


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"I mean, nothing ever works out for me! I've been disowned, have a drinking problem, can't hold a job, can't find friends, much less a marefriend! And now I just broke the one thing that still makes me happy! My whole life had been a constant s*** storm! That's what I mean!" Overdrive saw his sunglasses and snatched them as he stalked out of the house, leaving his broken guitar behind. <At least I found these...> He thought.

He walked quickly into the bar and silenced whatever welcome Berry was going to isssue to him. "I need a drink. A strong one."

Berry sighed and pulled out a bottle of apple whiskey out from under the counter. She filled a shot glass and slid it to him. "You can't drink your problems away, Brass"

Overdrive's eyes darkened, "I told you never to call me that." He downed the shot in one gulp. "A wise pony once told me: Booze isn't the answer, but if you drink enough, you might just forget the question for a little while."

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When Overdrive spewed out his problems, Electrobolt's heart suddenly began to pound. He was surprised at how horrible he made his life sound. As Overdrive bolted off, Electrobolt shook his head. "Overdrive, wait!" he called out as he looked out the door. Unfortunately, he was too late, as Overdrive was long gone. Letting out a long sigh, he shut the door before returning to the chair he was sitting in. *But... I thought we were friends...* he thought, covering his face with his hooves.

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looks around, a bit in shock as overdrive left, and electro had his face in his hooves, then cloud comes in, "i dont know....."

he then trotted over and looked at the gituar, the broken giutar, "hmmm," looking at electro and cloud, "know anypony that can fix giutars?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Lovely was stunned by Overdrive's reaction. Somepony needs to see a therapist. Lovely shook her head and went over to Honey, patting the wet cloth on her forehead. Yep. She's just fine.

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"blinks, well....umm," midnight blinked he was at a loss for words, not really knowing what to do he slowly trots for the door.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Overdrive finished off another shot of whiskey. "give me another one!" he slurred at Berry Punch.


"no Brass! You're done. I can't let you do this to yourself.". Berry yelled at Overdrive. "I'm not selling you another drink until you can get it together!"


Overdrive stood up and left without a word. He was now stumbling around the streets ofponyville.

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"i....i dont know really....." he sat on his haunches, "im a little confused about whats going on."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Hey everypony, I think I'm going to find Overdrive, I think he needs a smile on his face and I guess I'll have to do the dirty work"

So Scopes left the house and walked to the nearest watering hole. "Brrr, it's really chilly out here, so much for the sunny day. I really hope I find him quickly".

I wonder what made Overdrive so frustrated. I mean sure his guitar broke, but he probably needed a new one.Luckily for Scopes and unfortunately for Overdrive, Scopes found him stumbling into a tree. Ouch, that look liked it hurt. Still I found him.

"Oh hey Overdrive, it's me Scopes.I've come to cheer you up."

Overdrive groaned.

"Listen. Life isn't all that bad, right? I mean look at me. One moment I'm lived in a cave doing nothing but eating as many cherries as I want and now I'm a slave eating one cherry a day." Scopes said with a smile on his face.

"I mean, just yesterday I was like you. Well, except I wasn't bumping into trees and other ponies I didn't break the only thing that mattered to me, but otherwise I'm just like you" Scopes said still smiling.

"Please Scopes,you aren't helping." sighed Overdrive.

"Listen, we all have our ups and our downs and I know what those downs feel like.Look at me, I lived in a down for 3 years. Sometimes, I dig a hole in my down and get even downer than I already was. But one thing's for sure, once you climb back up, you;re really up, ya know. Unless you're a Pegasus, I guess they could just fly, but never mind that. What I'm saying is look up buddy, times are a changing and I feel, no I know that you'll get to the top of that up and you'll be upper than any other pony could be. Also this is the first time I've given feedback so any feedback on my feedback will be greatly appreciated." Scopes said still smiling. Why am I smiling so much? Oh well, I like this feeling, so who am I to argue with it?


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Lovely rolled her eyes. "Honey took a nap, Scopes stole a kiss and Overdrive, overreacted." Lovely laughed to herself. I'm so punny. Lovely waltz over to a nearby box and opened it pulling out drapes. Lovely gasped in horror. "The drapes don't match the carpet!" Lovely used her magic to incinerate the curtains. "We need new ones immediately!"

  • Brohoof 1

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