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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private 1x1 romance (Private with Vinylwubs)

Love Doctor Blaze

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Crescendo thought of where to look. He figured that the best place to look would be at a bar, that's where all the juicy gossip is. So perhaps he could get a lead there. He was about to find a bar, but decided to get a hat first. He didn't want to mellt his brain at the most important mission of his life


Alice sighed and sat down by the sheriffs barn, looking quite bored and hot at the same time. Along came a pony with a very excited expression on his face and was wearing his leather "jacket" on. "Well howdy there miss! I haven't seen you around here before! The names Braeburn! What's yours?" He asked as he shook hooves with the mare. "It's Alice Cookie but.. You can call me Alice.." Alice replied, smiling back. "Alice.. That's a unique name! Well.. I gotta scatter off but you know who to call if you need help around APPLELOOSA!!" He shouted before handing her, his phone number and running off. "Umm.. Thank you Braeburn?"

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Crescendo walked out of the store with a new stetson. A white stetson to match his karate uniform. He heard Braeburns voice in the distance, and instantly decided to try and find him. If someone knows something in this town, it's him. He walked up to the stallion "Hello Braeburn, long time no see" Said Crescendo politely 

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Crescendo walked out of the store with a new stetson. A white stetson to match his karate uniform. He heard Braeburns voice in the distance, and instantly decided to try and find him. If someone knows something in this town, it's him. He walked up to the stallion "Hello Braeburn, long time no see" Said Crescendo politely


Braeburn turns around to see Crescendo. With a serious look, Braeburn asks him. "Howdy Crescendo.. What brings you into town..mushing up the town folks or kicking down our trees like you always do.." He growled gently before lifting his hat slightly, not very interested about the stallion being in his town.

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Crescendo rolled his eyes "You know as well as i do, that i payed for those trees for training purposes only" Said the giant stallion "But that's not why i'm here. Have you seen a new mare in town? Blue coat, pink mane. She goes by Alice Cookie" Said Crescendo with despiration

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Crescendo rolled his eyes "You know as well as i do, that i payed for those trees for training purposes only" Said the giant stallion "But that's not why i'm here. Have you seen a new mare in town? Blue coat, pink mane. She goes by Alice Cookie" Said Crescendo with despiration

Braeburn nodded his head gently. "She's right over there... by the drinking well.. they say it was gonna be like the desert around here so.. make sure to get a hat soon or your gonna melt into the ground and never see the equestrian world ever again." He warned him before walking off in an furious temper of rage.

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Crescendo shook his head "What's his problem?" Muttered the golden stallion under his breath, he looked over towards the bar "Well i could use a drink, so why not kill two birds with one stone?" Said Crescendo. He walked inside, and sat down next ot the bar. His eyes where surveying the area. Looking for Alice 

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Crescendo shook his head "What's his problem?" Muttered the golden stallion under his breath, he looked over towards the bar "Well i could use a drink, so why not kill two birds with one stone?" Said Crescendo. He walked inside, and sat down next ot the bar. His eyes where surveying the area. Looking for Alice


Alice wiped off a sweat of realise as she got her most desired interest, water. "Oh thank celestia, for a second I thought I was going to parch myself to death." She said in a relived tone of voice as she noticed a familiar stallion in the bar. "Crescendo?" She muttered under her breath. "N-no.. Couldn't be... I have to look.." With a little breath of inhale, she made her way to the bar. Once she got inside, she sat down on the other side of the bar tender.

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Alice wiped off a sweat of realise as she got her most desired interest, water. "Oh thank celestia, for a second I thought I was going to parch myself to death." She said in a relived tone of voice as she noticed a familiar stallion in the bar. "Crescendo?" She muttered under her breath. "N-no.. Couldn't be... I have to look.." With a little breath of inhale, she made her way to the bar. Once she got inside, she sat down on the other side of the bar tender.


Crescendo looked around, completely oblivious to Alice's position. He ordered a strong whisky, and awaited his order. He decided to collect his thoughts Alright, this has been a really hectic week, i could really use a vacation once i find Alice. That's it! A vacation! That's such a great idea, i must find her ASAP! Crescendo got up, and bumped in to a certain blue mare....

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Crescendo looked around, completely oblivious to Alice's position. He ordered a strong whisky, and awaited his order. He decided to collect his thoughts Alright, this has been a really hectic week, i could really use a vacation once i find Alice. That's it! A vacation! That's such a great idea, i must find her ASAP! Crescendo got up, and bumped in to a certain blue mare....

Alice wobbled her hooves and fell (not to hard) onto the ground. "Would you mind if you don't bump into me? I could've damaged my bones from that.. Other stallion who attacked me.." She said in a clear voice, as the blue unicorn took off her hat to wipe off some sweat from the blazing sun that was nearly "killing her". Alice looks up to see a familiar golden unicorn who was ready to leave the door. "Crescendo?" She said, still with a clear voice.

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Crescendo quickly half heartedly apologized, and went for the door. Suddenly the mare spoke in a recognizable voice. He quickly turned around and saw Alice. He quickly ran across the room and hugged her gently. Minding her injuries "I can't believe i finaly found you!" Said Crescendo with evident glee 

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Crescendo quickly half heartedly apologized, and went for the door. Suddenly the mare spoke in a recognizable voice. He quickly turned around and saw Alice. He quickly ran across the room and hugged her gently. Minding her injuries "I can't believe i finaly found you!" Said Crescendo with evident glee


Alice smiled and hugged him back. "It's so good to see you to Crescendo!" She smiled and nuzzled his neck quite gently. "After arriving here in Appleloosa, I thought you weren't coming for me.. But.. I guess I was wrong." Alice said, in a low voice. Trying to not disturb the other ponies that were continuing their life and gaming for at least an hour. Alice then, wiped off some sweat from her forehead. "Oh Luna it's hot.." She muttered to herself as she let go of the certain stallion.

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Crescendo pulled his head back in mock offense, and gasped "You thought i wouldn't come for you?! You must be mad dear" Said the giant stallion with a chuckle. He took Alice by the hoof "Alright, let's get out of here. I think that a vacation is in order after what we have been through"


(Sorry for taking so long. Real life stuff happened :(

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Crescendo pulled his head back in mock offense, and gasped "You thought i wouldn't come for you?! You must be mad dear" Said the giant stallion with a chuckle. He took Alice by the hoof "Alright, let's get out of here. I think that a vacation is in order after what we have been through"


(Sorry for taking so long. Real life stuff happened :( )


Alice smiles, feeling the warmth of her lover again from such various events that had been "performed" on both of the two ponies. "Okay okay! Where are we going dear? Los Pegasus? Canterlot?" She asked the unicorn as she started thinking of all the places, Crescendo could take her for a vacation.

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Crescendo put a hoof to his muzzle "Hmmm... Canterlot is very easy to visit. Los pegasus in an option... How about Moscow? It should be a really interesting place" Said Crescendo. They rounded a house, and began walking towards the train station. "But i'm going to let you chose this vacation"  

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Crescendo put a hoof to his muzzle "Hmmm... Canterlot is very easy to visit. Los pegasus in an option... How about Moscow? It should be a really interesting place" Said Crescendo. They rounded a house, and began walking towards the train station. "But i'm going to let you chose this vacation"



Alice stopped to think of all the places she would like to go. "Hmm.. Well.. I don't mind Moscow. Sounds like a nice place to explore and take photos o- oh wait.. I don't have my camera or phone here.. Dang it.." She slowly being to mutter, as she was continuing to catch up with Crescendo, making her time to choose.

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Crescendo patter her on the back "Don't worry love, i got a good camera you can use back at home" Said Crescendo. The train arrived, and they boarded. Crescendo took a seat at the coldest place in the cabin, and let out a content sigh "So is it going to be Moscow?" Asked Crescendo hopefully 

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Crescendo patter her on the back "Don't worry love, i got a good camera you can use back at home" Said Crescendo. The train arrived, and they boarded. Crescendo took a seat at the coldest place in the cabin, and let out a content sigh "So is it going to be Moscow?" Asked Crescendo hopefully


Alice boarded the train and sat down on the seat on the left, since Crescendo was sitting opposite her. And also she was wanting to have her personal space back again. She then, turns her head towards the stallion she loved for so long. "Yea.. Definitely Moscow." She said with a gently smile on her face.

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Crescendo clapped his hooves together "Excellent! I know just the hotel for us to live on. It even includes russian dance lessons!" Said Crescendo. His excitement could match a foal on hearthswarming eve. He went over and put a leg around Alice "This vacation is going to be awesome!" Said Crescendo with pure glee 

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Crescendo clapped his hooves together "Excellent! I know just the hotel for us to live on. It even includes russian dance lessons!" Said Crescendo. His excitement could match a foal on hearthswarming eve. He went over and put a leg around Alice "This vacation is going to be awesome!" Said Crescendo with pure glee


Alice smiles and claps her hooves in excitement just like a school filly would do. "Russian Dance lessons? That sounds like fun!" She said in glee. For some reason, her smile turns into a frown. "... I hope I can see one of my friends there.." Mumbled Alice as she erased the frown, she had on her face and leaned onto the nearby unicorn, next to her.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Crescendo took notice of her frown, and brought her into a hug "Which friend?" Asked Crescendo carefully not wanting to open some old wounds. A waiter from the train walked inside to sell drinks, and food. She was about to announce her arival, untill Crescendo brought his hoof up to his muzzle, as a sing to remain silent. Crescendo levitated two bottles of cold water out of the cart, and payed her 4 bits for them. She nodded, and left the room 

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Crescendo took notice of her frown, and brought her into a hug "Which friend?" Asked Crescendo carefully not wanting to open some old wounds. A waiter from the train walked inside to sell drinks, and food. She was about to announce her arival, untill Crescendo brought his hoof up to his muzzle, as a sing to remain silent. Crescendo levitated two bottles of cold water out of the cart, and payed her 4 bits for them. She nodded, and left the room


Alice looks at Crescendo with a small frown, spreading across her face. "A friend I met in Canterlot. She was very unique and.. Very handy at fixing technology/Furniture blah blah blah.." Alice said no more as the train, suddenly went darker! Alice turned her head towards the window. "Oh.. Only a tunnel.. Heh my bad." She said, relived that it wasn't a monster, attacking the train Or the train has driven into the cage. She shivered at the sight but decided not to get her worries over her. After all, she was going on vacation.

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Alice looks at Crescendo with a small frown, spreading across her face. "A friend I met in Canterlot. She was very unique and.. Very handy at fixing technology/Furniture blah blah blah.." Alice said no more as the train, suddenly went darker! Alice turned her head towards the window. "Oh.. Only a tunnel.. Heh my bad." She said, relived that it wasn't a monster, attacking the train Or the train has driven into the cage. She shivered at the sight but decided not to get her worries over her. After all, she was going on vacation.

Crescendo chuckled and squeezed Alice harder "Hey now, don't worry! I also have a friend who lives in moscow. I rarely get to see him too, with all the military stuff he does." Said Crescendo also adopting a frown, he quickly shook it away though. But the frown quickly returned with gusto, and Crescendo had to concede. "It get's kinda lonely without him you know? I mean you are my love of my life, and i would share anything with you!" Crescendo looked down "But it's just something else to have a good male friend. Me and him where really close" Crescendo let out a sad sigh

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Crescendo chuckled and squeezed Alice harder "Hey now, don't worry! I also have a friend who lives in moscow. I rarely get to see him too, with all the military stuff he does." Said Crescendo also adopting a frown, he quickly shook it away though. But the frown quickly returned with gusto, and Crescendo had to concede. "It get's kinda lonely without him you know? I mean you are my love of my life, and i would share anything with you!" Crescendo looked down "But it's just something else to have a good male friend. Me and him where really close" Crescendo let out a sad sigh

Alice looks at Crescendo and wraps a hoof around him, squeezing him gently. "Well, let's just cross our hooves and wait for the results.. Shall we?" She said before sighing happily and leaning onto him. Using her aura, she levitated the recent water bottles that he had brought from the waitress. Unscrewing the cap from the resisting water bottle, she took a sip of the refreshing water in one big gulp.

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Crescendo smiled and draped a hoof around Alice and stroked her mane "I suppose only time will tell" He levitated his own bottle of water and drank half of it in one gulp. "But i hope that we will be reunited with our friends you know? I don't know about you but i wouldn't be able to handle it if i went to Moscow, and didn't say hi to my best friend" Said Crescendo 

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Crescendo smiled and draped a hoof around Alice and stroked her mane "I suppose only time will tell" He levitated his own bottle of water and drank half of it in one gulp. "But i hope that we will be reunited with our friends you know? I don't know about you but i wouldn't be able to handle it if i went to Moscow, and didn't say hi to my best friend" Said Crescendo


Alice looks at Crescendo with a positive smile. "Well.. This may not involve your friend but I know a quote that my father said to me every time I drop off to sleep.." A tear escapes her eye as she remembered that wonderful feeling. She can just hear her fathers words.. His soft, low voice with a bit of maturity in his eyes. His eyes shine whenever he hugged the small filly he loved. That memory is now no more.. And still trapped inside her head forever. Clearing her throat from bawling out, she replied. "When you live for someone, you're prepared to die.." She smiled and nodded at crescendos comment about seeing their friends over in Moscow. "I just hope.. My father is save.." She mumbled as she remembered the last time, seeing her father.. At the age of 14.. At Moscow.

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