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ooc From The Stars Came Ashes (OOC - private)


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[[ This is a one on one game between Strong Hooves and myself! Sorry! ]]


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Ponyville is a newly developing town in the shadow of Canterlot. Every morning at dawn there are ponies rising with only one thought in mind: survival. Sweet Apple Acres was swimming with business from all kinds of ponies craving their appletastic treats, and from their business began to grow a new economy. The love child of settlement and farming was the result of Ponyville.


It seems like a peaceful little community when it boils down to it. Honest ponies making an honest living, right? Wrong. From the moment Ponyville voted in their mayor, a corrupt system was already seeping its way into the heart of this town like poison. A brief encounter with a charcoal coloured pegasus had left the town in an uproar but nothing had come of it. She soon found herself leaving the town in the dead of night, leaving no trace of herself save for the peculiar stone and map found in her saddle bag.


One year later, Ponyville is almost in completion and attracting travelling sales ponies (nonpareil!). One in particular is a young mare named Sage; an aspiring botanist who specializes in herbs and spices. She is spending her time helping the little town with their landscaping and planting natural herbs to grow.





Cloud Chaser

Edited by SkySong


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