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private First Words [Roleplay]


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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Ochre's ears perked in interest. Even in all his tours of duty, he hadn't seen a creature  quite like this. It had a tall, lanky appearance that reminded him of the princesses and Saddle Arabians though. "Well, actually I live in a cabin nearby, but I work in Ponyville. I grew up at a rock farm outside of Ponyville though." He inclined his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Stormcloud. If you'd like, I could help you with preparing a meal?"

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Stormcloud grinned, glad that things seem to be going relatively smoothly after a rather rocky start.  "Well, I can definitely eat some fi- food right now.  Better get rid of that piece of charcoal before someony else gets worried."  She looked around the forest, then said,"Hey, to repay you, maybe I-" Her offer got cut short by a bit of coughing.  "Ah, sorry, the house is rather dusty."

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"Did you just move in?" asked Ochre once they were back at the cabin. "Your furniture looks a little sparse... and the windows are boarded up."


Soon he helped dispose of the fish-shaped lump of charcoal, before looking to Stormcloud. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but where are you from? I've never seen a pony like you anywhere I've been, and I like to consider myself well-travelled."


((Last post of mine for today.))

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Cresent was surprised and a little disappointed he found his way into ponyville. "gusse that's another way out" he said shrugging. That's when he remembered he didn't have breakfast yet, might as well take adventage of it being in the store front area. He walked around looking for a good seller or bite to eat when he noticed another mare who seemed lost in thought


'maybe I could help' he thought approaching the grey mare in the coat 


"heya names cresent, you look like you could use some eats to help think, want to find a good bite with me?" he asked extending his hoof for a bump.


Dusk almost jumped in the air when suddenly this other pony was right in front of her. One of the first things she noticed was his eyes, they were different from a normal pony, like hers. Hesitently she bumped his hoof. "Um, hi, I'm Dusk, yeah I have been a little distracted." She said with a small blush. "I suppose it's getting close to dinner time, was there any where you had in mind?" 

  • Brohoof 1

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Akari of Duskshire,


"A precise question indeed. " Dark Star would stand in the doorway, his silverish chestplate armor lightly reflecting the sunlight into the room, a badge of the canterlot guard visible clipped to his cloak. He'd inspect the building from the inside, coughing lightly from the dust but not being bothered more.


"A very precise question indeed. And I wouldn't mind hearing the answer. "


[There, all mysterious. : D ]

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Dusk almost jumped in the air when suddenly this other pony was right in front of her. One of the first things she noticed was his eyes, they were different from a normal pony, like hers. Hesitently she bumped his hoof. "Um, hi, I'm Dusk, yeah I have been a little distracted." She said with a small blush. "I suppose it's getting close to dinner time, was there any where you had in mind?" 

Cresent saw her nearly jump 'smooth cres now she's on edge' he thought to himself


"dinner? its more breakfast for me but thats just part of being nocturnal anyways I was thinking somewhere with pasta, best food for thinking things thru. ok at least for me but im open to other options" he said with a smile hoping it'll relax the mare. And hoping she wouldn't be this jumpy while eating    

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"Oh really?" Dusk asked him. "Same here, it's a little earlier than I would like even for breakfast though, I'm usually not up myself for a couple more hours, I'm actually nocturnal myself." She said managing a small smile back to the stallion in front of her. "Pasta isn't really much of a breakfast food but I suppose we don't have many other options this time of day so it works for me." Dusk stepped off to the side a little to let him lead the way.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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"Oh really?" Dusk asked him. "Same here, it's a little earlier than I would like even for breakfast though, I'm usually not up myself for a couple more hours, I'm actually nocturnal myself." She said managing a small smile back to the stallion in front of her. "Pasta isn't really much of a breakfast food but I suppose we don't have many other options this time of day so it works for me." Dusk stepped off to the side a little to let him lead the way.

Cresent smiled relaxing to the fact of not scaring the poor mare, he started forward with dusk in hoof, "well its boring eating alone honestly pluse its kind funny how I started in the forest and wound up here" he looked back at the mare realizing her eyes were also different. He wanted to ask her the obvious question but that'll come later  "so what brought you out to this fine evening?" he said

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Dusk blushed slightly when Cresent put his hoof around her. "I agree, it's much more fun to eat with somepony, how did you end up here in ponyvile anyway? I live here in Ponyville, I just have a small apartment but it works when it's just me. Usually I'm not out for a couple more hours yet actually, but for some reason I just couldn't sleep well and decided to go for a walk earlier than usual." She noticed him staring in her eyes for a couple of moments but she decided not to mention it since it might make it awkward. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Dusk blushed slightly when Cresent put his hoof around her. "I agree, it's much more fun to eat with somepony, how did you end up here in ponyvile anyway? I live here in Ponyville, I just have a small apartment but it works when it's just me. Usually I'm not out for a couple more hours yet actually, but for some reason I just couldn't sleep well and decided to go for a walk earlier than usual." She noticed him staring in her eyes for a couple of moments but she decided not to mention it since it might make it awkward. 

(ooc when I ment in hoof it was equvlent for the term "in toe" but this will work too) Cresent smiled at the mare "actualy I live in the everfree forrest in my tree house. Its nice on the eyes being nocturnal not worry about getting blind looking out the window. I wound up here tonight when I tried to find an deeper rout inside the forest. kind of making a map of it" he said looking ahead now for a good place to eat.

The mares pretty, he caught himself, odd eyes told more about her but that wasn't the question that poped up in his head. She had the blood beat of an batpony yet she had an coat on? that'll come later he told himself "living in the forest helps too not many ponys bug me unless they know me or few fillys and colts dare each other"

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(think the proper word there is in tow) "I try to avoid the forest personally, way too many dangerous things live there than I care to run into. As far as I'm concerned I've seen one timberwolf and I've see them all." She said with a small smile. "A map might be a good idea, make it less dangerious in terms of getting lost anyway." She twitched her wings a little bit to move her jacket into a more comfortable position glad he still hadn't asked about it, she could try to explain away her eyes, her wings though were another story entirely. Though she was feeling more comfortable because this stallion at the same eyes she did, she still wasn't entirely sure about the whole wings thing. "I don't mind being bothered too much myself, it tends to not happen very much though. Almost everypony sleeps through the night, they miss out on all the stars though and the new patterns Princess Luna makes every night." She said with a smile. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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The tavern, she reflected, had a certain charm to it on which she could not quite put her hoof. It was a seamless blend of modernism and antiquity. The curves of the cobbled walls and supports drew the eyes easily, but not so much that the polished wooden counter-top of the bar, with its angular rigidity, went unnoticed. Taking a booth on the more dimly lit side of the room, she gestured to the barcolt. She was not an alcoholic, but to say that she was a novice to such beverages was stretching the truth to a breaking point. She preferred to savour the taste of the drink itself, rather than drinking to eviscerate one's petty troubles into a haze. With her request made, the bartcolt trotting off promptly, she let the atmosphere wash over her. Everything, and everypony, had all the markings of Manehattan's higher society, herself included...although she never enjoyed the thought of considering herself better than others simply based on her class. Everypony, that is, except one.


At first glance, one might have thought that the stallion was dreadfully lost. His features, his mannerisms, the way he bore himself were all indicative that he was not from this side of Manehatten, yet he had about him an air of confidence that he was exactly where he wanted to be. In the midst of these observations, the barcolt returned with a glass of her favourite red, Nero d'Avola. Thinking the stallion might make the mistake of ordering one of the less refined beverages, to which she would not wish anypony's tastes to be subjected, she made yet another request of the barcolt. In a whisper that sounded rather conspiratorial, she asked that a Jura whisky be delivered to him, no ice, no embellishments to detract from the drink's own merit, just straight. With the barcolt once again trotting off to bring refinement to yet another pony, Aria spared the stallion a final glance before returning to the dry, full-bodied drink before her. She could smell how strongly reminiscent it was of blackberries. Complimenting the drink, she took a swig, and appreciated how getting lost sometimes had its own merits.

Edited by Wubtavia
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While Tungsten waited for the bartender he didn't pay attention to the stares he was getting from the upper crest of society.When the bartender came by he thought he was gonna ask him to leave. But instead he gave him a glass of whiskey, straight.  He looked up to the barkeep to say he didn't order wit. But before he could he said someone ordered it for him. The barcolt pointed to another booth near the back.


Tungsten looked over to booth and sew a attractive mare enjoying her drink. He looked at her from under his hood with half his face covered by his mane.  He kept looking at her till he caught himself staring. He picked up his glass of whiskey. He held it up to the light to look at it. Then he gave it a few sniffs. His boss liked high class drinks like this. He sometimes gave a bottle of whiskey as presents for the holidays. So he he had two bottles back at his apartment. But they were different brands.


But this one smelled really nice. Honey, smokey, well aged barrel. He also picked up how to drink it from his boss. He took a sip and slowly swallowed it so he could taste it. It was very good. He called over the barceep and asked for a some food that would go good with it.


As he waited he leaned back a little enjoying the whiskey.As he did he would sometimes look over at the mare. He thought he should thank her. He looked over at her again and waited till she looked at him. He raised his glass and gave her a thankful nod and a half smile.

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(think the proper word there is in tow) "I try to avoid the forest personally, way too many dangerous things live there than I care to run into. As far as I'm concerned I've seen one timberwolf and I've see them all." She said with a small smile. "A map might be a good idea, make it less dangerious in terms of getting lost anyway." She twitched her wings a little bit to move her jacket into a more comfortable position glad he still hadn't asked about it, she could try to explain away her eyes, her wings though were another story entirely. Though she was feeling more comfortable because this stallion at the same eyes she did, she still wasn't entirely sure about the whole wings thing. "I don't mind being bothered too much myself, it tends to not happen very much though. Almost everypony sleeps through the night, they miss out on all the stars though and the new patterns Princess Luna makes every night." She said with a smile. 

looking up cresent looked at the sky "agreed that's a pro about being nocturnal more room to fly" He then realized they were standing outside an restruant "think I justy found our breakfast" he said with a smile opening the door for the mare to go through first.

once through the two met an recepctionist "table for two" cresent said. The two batponys were led to an outside patio with an small candel lit on the table. When cresent over looked the menu he realized they found themselves in one of those bar and grill type of restruants. He shrugged,

'not exactly pasta but nothing wrong with a berger' he mused to himself   

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After receiving a nod of gratitude, and giving one of welcome in kind, Aria was left to ponder. Despite the appearance of the stallion, from which one might believe him to be impertinent, his gesture was sincere. Higher class ponies of course would have made the same gesture, but to those who are not so naive to the ways of this higher culture, they would have known it to be a hollow one. The class itself was, for the most part, a game to be played, observing the proper civilities in hopes of establishing the proper connections with those of a higher position. And so scrambled the pieces, all attempting to get a glimpse of the view and a breath of the air at the top. Well, not all, mused Aria. She liked to think that she was not part of this game, but as she had once read in a book, and which so aptly described high society, "in life, we're all kings or pawns." Unfortunately for Aria, not attempting to climb nearly any of the rungs on the social ladder had left her as one of the lowest pawns of the class. But there was one connection on which she could rely...


The hour was turning late. Unsure of the distance that this stallion traveled, and how late it might be after his return, she felt it prudent to make some preparations. Ponies in this sophisticated district would not take so kindly to one that looked so bedraggled. Taking pen and paper from her saddlebag, she quickly jotted down her name and number. Replacing the pen with bits from her bag, she proceed towards the stallion in the elegant fashion in which high society tended to mold a pony.


"Should you feel the need to spent the night on the West side of Manehattan," said Aria, placing the paper before the stallion. "There is a Mareiott three blocks east of here on Trottingham. Find a bellhop named Wesley and tell him Aria Rosewood sent you. Should complications arise, tell him to call me on that line." Upon throwing the appropriate amount of bits on the counter to pay for her drink and his, she turned to leave. It was not until she had reached the door before she called over her shoulder, "unfortunately for you, darling, I am not going to be there."


Outside of the tavern in the orange glow of sunset, Aria could hardly suppress her giddiness. Damn, I'm awesome. And so on rested hooves and high spirits, Aria headed in the proper direction of her home.

Edited by Wubtavia
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@@Professor Annabella


The museum in Debryshire was Pathfinder's home for quite awhile; as well as his place of work. He loved every moment he spent there; whether it was care taking his precious maps, making new ones for clients, overlooking the place with his partner and friend Sojourner, or just relaxing. Every once in a while though he needed to take a break, and he was afforded one a few days ago.


To take advantage of this he decided to spend some time in Ponyville. He had already been here a few times and it was a nice, small town to get some rest and relaxation in. He rented a small apartment and took time to soak in the scenery and the sheer beauty of the area. He hated to admit it sometimes, but his work sometimes clouded his judgement and he would forget just how beautiful the outside world was.


One day he had noticed he was running low on food. Deciding the time was right to restock he left the apartment and made his way to the local shop to stock up on some needed items. As he arrived his thoughts went to some strange words on his hoof of which he never really understood the meaning behind. They simply said In the sky the stars of two shall shine like the morning dew.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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 Tungsten stared at the mare as she left. Then he looked at the slip of paper with her name and number. 'Aria Rosewood', he read her name a few times to memorize it. He liked the name. But at first  it sounded like she wanted to meet at the Mareiott for some "coffee". But as it turned out it wasn't. He could tell she was too classy for a random one night stand. 


As he thought about what she said he pondered about how she meant it. Did she think he was homeless and stumbled into a bar to get a drink with the money he had left? Or maybe she felt sorry for him? He didn't know. But he did get her umber. And in a way, she sort of made the first move.  Plus he didn't really care how others thought of him. He would have to ask her himself one day.


He finished his drink and payed for his feed and left. He head towards the Mareiott. Pity or not he's getting a free night in a hotel room. 


After getting there he asked for the stallion the mare told him about. When he dropped her name the stallion led him to his room. After tipping him with five bits he sat on the bed. He took off his wet hoodie and lied down, staring at the ceiling. He stayed like that for about an hour or tow. Taking in the quite. Back at his apartment a second of quite was nearly impossible to happen.


While he stared off he thought back to the mare.  He sat up, picked up his hoodie and pulled out the slip of paper she gave him. He then pulled the phone over to him that was next to the bed and stated dialing the number. It's been a while since he's talked to a mare he just met. He put in the numbers slowly as he took in some breaths. He still didn't like talking to new ponies. But for some reason he wanted to.


After putting in the last number he put the receiver to his ear and waited for someone to answer.

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Akari of Duskshire,


"A precise question indeed. " Dark Star would stand in the doorway, his silverish chestplate armor lightly reflecting the sunlight into the room, a badge of the canterlot guard visible clipped to his cloak. He'd inspect the building from the inside, coughing lightly from the dust but not being bothered more.


"A very precise question indeed. And I wouldn't mind hearing the answer. "


[There, all mysterious. : D ]

Stormcloud was just about to make her offer when she heard the armored pony walk in. Instinctively, her hooves shifted into a regular fighting stance that she had trained to perfect so many times. But she relaxed her stance when she sensed that he probably wasn't a threat. So bowing once again, she answered,"Neighpon. What..." Momentarily forgetting a few words in Equestrian, she asked,"...do you seek? Wait, what brings you here?"

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Jazz sighed, running a hoof through her mane as she exhaled deeply. Something’s really off today. I’m not even sad, I just feel… Well, empty. She thought, biting on her lower lip as her guitar bumped against her hip. She’d been aimlessly walking about for a while now, and her hooves were really beginning to feel it. What to do… Pausing, she looked up to take a small breather, only to find that she was right in front of the train station.


Hm. Weird. Guess my hooves had a mind of their own. Maybe a change of scenery would help.


Jazz was not regularly one for spontaneity, but sometimes the situation called for such.


Ah screw it. What do I have to lose?


Walking forward she purchased a one way ticket on “the first train leaving”, and, before long, found herself seated in the carriage, her guitar across her lap as the train began to rattle its way towards Canterlot.


... I guess Remix is rubbing off on me.

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@@Akari of Duskshire, @@Akari of Duskshire,


He'd carefully inspect the two, not bothered by the semi-dragon things defensive pose. Raising a brow as she'd lift her defense so quickly he'd straighten out his pose, getting into a more noble pose.


"I'm on my quest for the finest silverware in Equestria, and you just lowered your guard." He'd smirk for a second, this clearly intended as a joke. 


"Okay, now seriously. I was sent to check out distant smoke coming out from some nowhere. Lots of dragon sightings lately, so you know... better safe than sorry. But now that I'm here I honestly ain't sure what I found. "


He'd run his hoof on the wall, looking at all the dust on his hoof, hearing the pony presenting himself. 


"Well, pleasure to meet you. " He'd face them once more. "Well then, you may start explaining yourselves, not often does one find a Royal Engineer and...who- oh wait, nevermind. I recognize your kind.... I just can't recall the name. " He'd think for a second before finishing his through. "-Sitting in what looks like an abandoned house with boarded up windows, smoke coming out of this place before not long ago. "  


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Aria's apartment was by no means iconic of her class, and she much preferred it that way. The high rises, the walls of windows, the space; they were all too much for her taste. They did not seem indicative of refinement, but merely a way to display one's excessive wealth. She did, however, make sure to furnish her's with a personal touch...that is, almost none at all. Aria lived as she played: efficiently. Each piece of furniture was a note not to be out of place lest it clash with the natural rhythm, and only the essential notes existed without any embellishment. She allowed the style of the furniture to add a certain dynamic to the room; sparse, yet elegant in its perfection.


It had taken her longer than she anticipated to return from the tavern, according to the faceless clock on the wall. She had wanted to sleep for hours, ever since the recital that afternoon. Yet now that that she was laying on her bed, onto which she had promptly thrown herself upon her return, it was the very last thing on her mind. There had been rumors that Julian Brayms was in the city, attending various venues. Julian Brayms, the renowned classical guitarist who had been responsible for changing the public's general opinion on the guitar as an orchestral instrument. Exhilarating as it would be to meet one of her idols, Aria sincerely hoped that he would not be in attendance at tomorrow's recital. She did not think she would even have the heart to take the stage.


In the midst of her mild anxiety, a soft ringing met her ears. At first, she had suspected it to be Wesley, but the number listed was unfamiliar to her. Curiosity aroused, she picked up the phone and answered with the most sensible greeting of which she could think.



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 Tungsten placed the voice right away when his call was answered.  He remembers voices very well.  It's been about a week since he's smoke to anyone. He only said a few rods to the bartender and the guy who led him to his room. But now he was on a phone. And he's going to have to speak clearly. Usually he just talk under his breath.


He took one more breath before speaking. "Um...I'm the stallion from the bar. Thanks for the drink and room." His voice was fairly deep and a little raspy. You could tell he hasn't done a lot of talking for a while. His words were also straight to the point while using a few words. 

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The stallion. 


Well this is certainly a turn of events.


And she said as much.


"Well this is certainly a turn of events."


In hindsight, she perhaps should not have been surprised. She gave him her number, and what does that typically say about a mare? With the seemingly superficial differences between them, however, she had not considered this possibility. She had, in truth, expected nothing more than for her name to be dropped. The number was just insurance against the hotel's policy. And again with the sincerity; that he would call just to thank her...


Another worrying thought. I'm on the phone. Talking. With another pony. Her suave, sometimes flippant remarks were made either for banter or directness. "Small talk" was impractical; a necessity to retain social graces, but impractical nonetheless as she had no desire to ascend the social ranks. Yet this stallion had called to thank her; she might as well be cordial.


"I am just happy to be of assistance. How are you finding the room?"


Well, as cordial as she could be.

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Stormcloud was glad for the support Ochre Dust was giving, because she could practically hear her mother's voice in her head when the guard pony mentioned her lowering her guard.  "A warrior does not drop her weapons or loosen her stance until the danger is without a doubt good and gone."  It took lots of willpower to not lower her ears and flick her tail in annoyance at both him and the memory.  Though the silverware comment was quite amusing.


"Well, my friend," she started, glancing at Ochre Dust. "-also came here to see the smoke.  I had burned up some food on accident and I was just letting the smoke out.  Also, I just came here to rest for the night.  I was to leave today, for I hear Canterlot is quite a wonder."  She ended her explanation with a smile that may or may not have came out as more sheepish than polite like she intended.

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