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private First Words [Roleplay]


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 Tungsten sat on the floor and leaned his back against a wall while he thought of what to say while listing to the calming melody. "Might as well start with simple things. My mother abandoned me when I was ten, my father was gone before I was even born. I had to live on my own most my life. Been in and out of juvy and prison many times. Mostly for fighting. Free food and a place to sleep so I didn't mind. 


In my spar time I roam the streets and bet others to fight me. I sometimes do underground fights and unlicensed boxing bouts. My main job is working for the second head and Capo of the Semi crime family, as part of his crew and a enforce or Goon, which everyone seems pron to tall us.


I think it's because it easier to say then enforce. 


And like I said, I have no friends and no one I'm close to. About the only ponies I say more then three words too are my boss and the owner of the gym I go too.  And now you, I guess."

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A bemused smile crept across Aria's lips as he began, though it vanished as the telling went on. She had not thought his wounds would run so deeply. As she finished the piece with a bell-like harmonic, so too did Tungsten's story come to a close. "Yes, that was quite as simple as this orchestral piece I just played," she said in jest. Taking time to retune the guitar, she mulled over the information; there was no positive outlook about it of which she could conceive. Letting her hooves settle on the body of the guitar, she tried walking through the information with Tungsten.


"Well, I may have seen one too many plays about crime, but if art imitates life, I cannot imagine walking away from such a job will be so easy. Or possible. But we shan't worry about that at the moment.


Nor are your parents of concern. The most beautiful thing about the past is that it isn't the present. Or rather, the present isn't the past. Either way, your parents obviously did not define you. You are your own stallion who did what was necessary to survive. It may have been as much a blessing as it seemed a curse, growing up self-reliantly at such an early age. You may be in a predicament because of it, but I would not let it so readily haunt you."


"Now, I am not going to tell you to forget your past. Such scars do not fade so easily. However, assuming that you could accept your past and move on, what are some things you would be willing to work towards for a better future?"


Aria resumed position—this time opting for a more jaunty tune of Ferdinand Soar's—one ear trained on her work, the other on the stallion beside her.

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"I guess... Making friends is a start.  Then I guess stopping fighting anyone I can find. But that's going to be hard for me. Most ponies drink to forget I fight. It lasts longer and hurts more. I think pain is the only feeling that I know to be real. So I seek it out rather then a one night stand with one of the working mares on fifth-street." He sighed. And ran his hoof though his mane.


"Sometimes thoughts on my mother creeps into my mind. Then I started to feel a mix between sadness and anger. Then I seek out someone to fight, not caring if I win or lose. lately I've been winning more and more. Mostly because I've fought everyone around where I live. I've even fought some gang members. But they only know how to fight the cheap way, with more then one pony and knives. So now I branch out. But I never can find anyone uptown cause no one can fight.


I was able to find someone before I went to the bar where we met, after a  two months without fighting." He then covered his head with his hooves. "Fighting is the only way I can forget about my past. It gets really hard some nights. So bad I beg random  ponies to hit me, even bribe them. I almost started a fight with a guard member last week. If I keep doing this I'm going to end up dead.


Normally I would't care. But when I met my boss after I picked a fight with him and he won, he asked me to join his crew. Now I don't want to die anymore because I know it will make him sad because he cares about everyone in his crew.  And because of that I hate myself more cause I don't want anyone to think of me like a friend. Cause I don't know if it's real or not! " He clinched his teeth and lightly rocked himself.  His hooves grasped his head a little tighter." I need to fight someone... I need to fight someone.... I need to fight someone... I need to fight someone..." He muttered to himself as he kept rocking back and forth. 


He then looked up to her with eyes filled with desperation. "Will you hit me?"

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Lightly remembering a nice simple restaurant not far away that he remembered has the best stuff from his childhood.


"Yeah, there is this nice place close by. And, suit yourself. "


Taking the lead he'd walk across the still life swarmed streets. Not walking far we'd reach a simple homely looking resteraunt, nothing too fancy but the hearth visable from the outside giving it a lovely cozy look.


"Here it is, I was here once or twice. "


Walking over he'd open the door with magic and step aside, gesturing kindly with his hoof inviting her inside. The place looking a bit different from the inside than the casual canterlot building, wood being a very dominant thing here, rather simple with lovely carved details. The smell of good food filling the place and the warmth of the fireplace lighting the room with an amazing winter atmosphere.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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“Cool. Sounds good.” Jazz said, following him through the winding streets. She’d been to a couple of different restaurants in the area before, but all of them were decent at best. When they stopped in front of the restaurant, however, she instinctively felt something different. The atmosphere was lovely, and she could almost sense the homely warmth radiating from within.



“Huh. You got nice taste, Mr. Guard.” She said, walking in after him with a gracious mock-curtsy. Instantly, she was struck by the gorgeously rustic interior, as well as she lovely scent of food and the roaring fire in the corner. Jazz spun in her hooves slowly to take in everything, and inhaled deeply, savouring the scent of wood and edibles.



“Wow… This is amazing.”


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Walking in he'd feel the warmth that would bring him back almost to his early teens, the place changing just a little bit.


"Yeah... I used to come here with my father ever so often.. havn't been here for a while though. "


Picking a table, the restaurant being only a little bit crowded but mostly empty a simple two pony window seat as he'd take a chair.


"This good?"


Waiting around a rather fancy dressed weaiter would come over to the table, speaking in a fancy Canterlot accent.


"Your menus," He'd levitate two rather small handy menus. " I'll be taking your order. " He'd wait calmly.


Opening it he'd look through the foods, lots of soups... heck, mostly soups, with several veggie and meat dishes.

What to have, what to have.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Jazz smirked somewhat cynically. “Father huh. Must’ve been nice.”



She followed him to the table, sitting down opposite him as she rested her chin in her hood. “Fine to me.” She said, staring out the window at the patterns of frost before looking up when the waiter appeared.



Immediately, she felt her own throat dry up, and a look of somewhat terror crossed her face. Shoot! I didn’t bring a pen… Darn it. Remix isn’t here either. Forcing a smile, she took the menu and read through it, breathing in and out deeply. “I’ll have… Whatever he’s getting.” She said, somehow stopping her voice from wavering and acting indifferent in the pause. Thank Celestia I pulled it off. Gently, she closed the menu, and handed it back to the waiter before resting her shaking hooves in her lap.


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All the sights brought a grin to Stormcloud's face.  She wanted to just sprint off and never stop, feel the wind in her mane, maybe even gallop across the streams.  But she saw that Ochre Dust was cold and besides, she wasn't about to just run off and leave him behind.  Without a word, she stopped to take her scarf out of her bag to put on him.  So far, he's been very nice.  Curious even.  No awe, no fear.  That's all I need.  She felt heat come to her face, but she managed to make it go away before it became visible.  


...Only for it to become visible when he said what he said.  "Huh?"  Stormcloud stopped, checking the characters on her hoof.  


"It wouldn't matter."  She quickly put her hoof down and rubbed the back of her head, with that same sheepish smile and a slightly red face.  "Oh, yes.  They are indeed!"

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Ochre blushed as Stormcloud offered her scarf at his shivering. Normally the stallion offered his cold weather wear when a mare was cold. "No thank you, I'm fine."


When Stormcloud paused at his comment on the night, he noticed her blush, and look at her hoof. His ears perked at the gesture, but he decided not to question the matter, even as the following gesture of rubbing the back of her head seemed new. "Could you tell me about where you're from, Stormcloud?" he asked instead. "Is it cold? Warm? Lots of trees or is it mostly plains?"

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Stormcloud appreciated the change in subject.  Perhaps it's true, but I mustn't rush.  We'll just see how this goes...  "Oh, I lived on the northern island.  Summer is never humid and it always snows when winter comes (which seems to be earlier than here).  Where there isn't farmland, there's forests, lakes, rivers, and wetlands.  Where there isn't a forest, there are mountains.  A few of which have volcanoes and hot springs."  She began to look a bit nostalgic.  "Hot springs...  I haven't been in one for over a year." 

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@@Akari of Duskshire


Ochre listened intently to Stormcloud described her homeland. It was pleasant, just enjoying talking about each other's lives with somepony else, even if they didn't neatly fit into the category of pony. "I've never been to a hot spring myself," said Ochre. "Whenever I was near any mountains that did have some, I was too busy to ever go to one. Are there any dangerous animals or monsters in your homeland?"

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Stormcloud's eyes widened in surprise.  "You've never been?!  By the spirits, I have to take you to a hot spring one of these days!"  Does he need an off day or something?  "Oh there are.  Sometimes, there's wolves and other predators who try to eat the catt-  cats.  I think they're improving on security.  Sometimes the warriors have to fend off... what's the Equestrian word?  Demons.  Yes, demons sometimes attack.  Dragons also live in Neighpon, but they're few in number and very nice and wise.  But it still isn't a good idea to anger one."


She then turned her gaze skywards, to the emerging stars.  "But the hardest and most dangerous ones to defeat are ghosts.  Ghosts who haven't moved on."

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Star would notice her being a bit uneasy, but decided not to make of it anything more.


Hmm... what to buy... I could buy something from the meat menu... but no... what if she doesn't like meat? Oh, whatever... a soup will have to do.


"I guess that will be two times pumpkin soup I suppose." I'd give the waiter back his menu, before he'd walk away, now nothing but the wait for the meals.


"So, you are a musician by trade,right? What king of music do you play?"  He'd ask.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Jazz waited until the waiter had left before she relaxed, her muscles untensing as she remembered how to breathe. “Pumpkin soup sounds… Great.” She stammered out, clearing her throat in a bid to fall back into normal speech patterns.



“Music…? Hm… Pretty much anything you can play on a guitar. It’s all good.” 

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"As I may have mentioned before... I used to learn the violin. Nothing serious and I have not touched upon it for about 7 years. " 

I give a light laugh. "So, you shouldn't feel threatened by my musical talent. "


In fact I doubt I could play well even if my life depended on it.


"Anyway, you are from Ponyville, correct? I've honestly never been there of all places. Closest I got was The Everfree. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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“Violin? Hm. I’ve tried it, preferred strumming to pulling with a bow.” She said, shrugging. “It sure sounds pretty though.”



She couldn’t help but chuckle at his next comment. “Relax, I don’t feel threatened by anything with such a reliable guard by my side.” She joked, her sarcasm undeniable.



“Yup! Ponyville born and raised. You should come sometime, it’s beautiful. A lot more peaceful and tight-knit than here in Canterlot.”


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"Coming from such a fine mare I might actually consider it. "


Star looks at the fire.


"So, Hearths Warming Eve soon, what do people in Ponyville or you do to celebrate it? Here we mostly spend the day resting, eating and having family chats."


He then looks back at you.


"So, in my case that only means sleeping and cooking some fancy meal for myself. " He would chuckle.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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“Hm… I can’t speak for all of Ponyville, but I tend to just gather with my best buddy Remix. We’ve been friends since ages, and normally we spend the evening together just laughing, giving presents, and making some music.” She explained, tracing the wood grain on the table absentmindedly with her hoof.



“However, recently, she found her soulmate. He’s a really lovely guy, don’t get me wrong, and I support it fully but…” she sighed, looking out the window again as her breath frosted a little on the glass, “I can't help feeling lonely sometimes. Especially in this holiday season.”


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Cresent looked at the menu, so many good food on there so many idea's his belly said yes too

"spaghetti, bugerser, something called pinkis sala....I didn't know pinki made salsa thought she had it in for cupcakes" he thought out loud looking at the menu then looking up at Dusk "im thinking spaghetti you?" he asked

Dusk look up and down the menu, she was surprised that a place like this had so much food, then again with her usual hours it's not like she got out to eat very often anyway, she usually just made something quick and simple or herself at home. "I think the spaghetti sounds pretty good myself actually." 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Dusk look up and down the menu, she was surprised that a place like this had so much food, then again with her usual hours it's not like she got out to eat very often anyway, she usually just made something quick and simple or herself at home. "I think the spaghetti sounds pretty good myself actually." 

cresent  kept looking at the menu "honestly that sounds easyist" he said trying to find it on the menu. Eveything seemed to be written in an fancy lettering making it hard to make out what was what on the menu. "question where do they have spaghetti"? he asked trying to find his way around the menu

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"That makes two of us I suppose." Star would be filled with total understanding of the mare, then, there was one difference. "Lucky you though, at least you have that friend in the first place. " He would then lower his gaze, before turning his eyes back to the hearth.


The more he thought about her story and himself, the more downered he felt himself become. He was lonely, most of his life.... then, there is this mare... maybe he could try befriending her... or maybe something more but that idea would soon leave his mind deeming it impossible, STar knew he wasn't that much of a charmer and was far to shy to even probably get to know her well enough for that kind of thing... then again he hasn't had problems so far.


"Here in Canterlot it matters of the people too, where I grew up it was all uptight noble stuff. Fancy food, no real party, just fancy talks and meeting family..." He'd sigh. "...Which weren't really my family in the first place."


Why am I even spilling this.. it is rather private... then again, she shared some very private things too... ugh... whatever. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Disconcerted by Tungsten's alarming change in attitude, Aria was at a loss for words. Nothing could ever have prepared her for such a reaction, and so she trusted her gut on how to proceed. Centering herself, she stared back into the face of desperation, raised her hoof...


And booped him on the nose.


With a mischievous smile and laugh to match, Aria turned back to her guitar. "I'd offer to spar with you myself, but I don't think you could handle all of this," teased Aria, gesturing to her body with a sweep of her hoof, throwing him a coy look before continuing, "well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm thinking of you as my mortal enemy from here on out." The facetious smile she wore, however, suggested anything but.

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“I feel blessed every day.” Jazz smiled, remembering all the fond memories she’d been lucky enough to make with Remix by her side.



“Blegh. Uptight?” she murmured, shuddering. “I already dislike social situations, but the pressure of acting all fancy shmancy would probably drive me up the wall.”



She quirked an eyebrow at his rather enigmatic last sentence, but decided not to press it, seeing his dejected mood.


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Tungsten didn't flinch when she made a gesture as if she was going to hit him. But he did lightly twinge when she booped his nose.  He was not expecting that. He didn't know how to react, it didn't hurt, but it felt a little strange. It sort of made him forget his slight breakdown. He was calmer now.  During his life he slowly got over the impulse to flinch. Because of he seeking out to get it he welcomes any hit without the need to shy away or block.


But when she booped his nose that old impulse came back for a moment. 


He looked back at her with a his normal expression. After hearing what she said he looked her over, from her face to her ears from her hooves to her flank. He was a stallion after all. But his eyes kept to the front of her body, mostly on her eyes and hooves. 


"... Your fetlocks aren't strong enough to throw a hard punch. They're too slim and delicate." Without thinking he lift up her hoof gently even though his own hoof was a bit rough. "You don't have the hooves of a brawler... They're pretty..." He said looking at then like they were something to behold. 

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"Being all fancy shmancy is a lot more fun once you get used to it. Especially when you deal with commoners who seem to be amazed by it while to you is just normal. "


Star would lean back lightly in the chair.


"Besides, mares can't refuse a proper gentlecolt. " He would smirk.

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My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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