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private First Words [Roleplay]


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"Well being somepony who's used to being out at night like me I'd figured you'd be used to things biting you" Dusk replied with a small laugh. "Well I think it sounds like a good idea, then again I'm starting to get hungry enough to eat almost anything." It was too dark for her to really see his blush and she put it off as just the light. 

"well things that bite don't generally bother me" Cresent said smilling no longer careing about his sharp teeth showing. He waved over the waiter pony after making the order the waiter bowed and went to get the food and drinks ready. "its funny about biting things. you mostly find them in the forest of all place's something about the place being more wild then anything I think" he said


'should I ask about the cloak? naw probably should wait for a good Segway' he thought


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Lily glanced breifly at Cresent's teeth. She noticed they were sharp like hers but decided not to mention it in case it might make things awkward. She ordered at the same time he did then turned back to him. "Well I don't go out into the forest much anymore myself, don't really have a good reason to except during the winter. Even then it's mostly just because it looks pretty." 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Lily glanced breifly at Cresent's teeth. She noticed they were sharp like hers but decided not to mention it in case it might make things awkward. She ordered at the same time he did then turned back to him. "Well I don't go out into the forest much anymore myself, don't really have a good reason to except during the winter. Even then it's mostly just because it looks pretty." 

 "I honestly think winter makes everything pretty, the tree's, the ground, even other pony's even" he said rather more naturally then he thought possible. He made a mantel note to write it down sometime


"all though the only complaint I have is the cold, and maybe needing to shovel the top of the tree house off some times if the snow packs hard enough." he continued "its always a bad day when you wake up with snow in the house, then again that hasn't happened for a while now thankfully"    

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A percussive stroke cut across the incessant whispers of the audience. Waiting for utter silence to descend upon them, the musicians assumed poised positions. A surreal stillness settled itself upon the world, the oppressive silence putting pressure on her ears. With the atmosphere set, she began her euphonic concerto.


Caressing the strings as she would a lover, Aria lightly wove each note into a single thread of melancholy. Behind her, supplementary strings solemnly supplied slow, somber sounds. Turmoil lay in wait under every note, waiting for the moment in which it could envelope the piece in a more sinister sorrow.


And so it struck, a percussive, timeless note that guided the song into a frenzied waltz, instruments fighting to be heard over one another. The ordered chaotic rhythm left a furious excitement in its wake, Aria's hooves eagerly reaching for every pugnacious note it could add to the fray. With increasing urgency they ascended the scale, reaching the pinnacle sound that released them from fiery stupor.


Dissipating, the excitement was replaced by warmth radiating throughout the hall as though to touch the soul of every pony in attendance. In spite of the sorrow, the anger, the thrill of the piece, the story ultimately unfolded into that of the most valuable feeling a pony could hold: hope. At this, Aria's eyes searched for and met those two gems of topaz with which she had recently become acquainted...


With the piece approaching its heavenly conclusion, Aria pressed on. The violins lifted her spirit as they ascended in unison towards the same note, daring to broach that emotional release which could not be articulated. Though sympathetic to her plight, the violins subsided, leaving her yearning ever stronger. Taking responsibility for the absence of strings, the wind instruments added their voices in their stead. Bearing her upon their gentle breeze, she once again was lifted passionately towards that elusive moment where music transcended even the ethereal.


The note was struck, and in that brief eternity, Aria was alive. A fresh cascade of tears streaked her face, for there was nothing in this world that seemed more beautiful than that singular note. It seemed so insignificant, yet in it lay everything, herself included. She was the note, lost in an infinite sea of sorrowful euphoria whilst past and future stretched beyond the horizons. All that mattered was the present—that moment where fear and regret gave way to naught but contentment. At peace, if but for a moment, she drew forth the final warm chord, concluding both the piece and the spell it held over the audience.

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Dusk perked her ears up slightly when she heard Crescent mention other ponies, she quickly returned them to normal though trying to hide it. "I don't mind the cold too much myself, then again I guess I just kind of got used to it, not a big fan of the heat though, kind of makes me feel like I'm going to melt." She thanked the waiter as he brought them their food and drinks and took a small sip of her drink.

snow in the house, then again that hasn't happened for a while now thankfully"    


"I haven't had snow in the house almost ever, except that one time I forgot to close the window. Makes a very confusing morning. You live in a tree house?" She asked casually hoping to keep the conversation going and not make it awkward.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Star smiled, the effect only increased by how warm it was inside here.


"Then again, I'm not sure if I want to leave this place back to the cold outsides." He would joke, being almost done with his soup, staring into the nearby fire.


"Then again, going outside doesn't sound as bad as it should be considering I'll be too busy socializing. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Jazz simply nodded, pulling her scarf a little bit looser around her neck. “Yea, same. It’s so nice in here.” She mumbled, stretching and stifling a yawn.



She polished off the last of her soup, and set down her spoon, picking up a napkin instead to dab at her mouth. “Hm. Guess you do have a point there, Mr. Guard.” 

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Dusk perked her ears up slightly when she heard Crescent mention other ponies, she quickly returned them to normal though trying to hide it. "I don't mind the cold too much myself, then again I guess I just kind of got used to it, not a big fan of the heat though, kind of makes me feel like I'm going to melt." She thanked the waiter as he brought them their food and drinks and took a small sip of her drink.

snow in the house, then again that hasn't happened for a while now thankfully"    


"I haven't had snow in the house almost ever, except that one time I forgot to close the window. Makes a very confusing morning. You live in a tree house?" She asked casually hoping to keep the conversation going and not make it awkward.

Cresent saw the ear movement and chuckled to himself.

'I realy hope I didn't come on too strong just now with that, well she hasn't slapped me yet so I think im doing good' he thought to himself. Thanking the waiter that brought him his food he was about to eat in the pasta until the tree question.

"yup best place for a bat pony to live if you ask me, well that and caves arnt the easiest to shop for mostly do to" he stoped himself trying to think up a good punchline of sorts "bears and well wildlife in general. honestly I owe it a lot to fluttershy for helping me find the tree im in today." he answered wondering about the mares livings, but thought of her asking the questions first. Just to be safe

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Tungsten stared up at Aria and the other performers from is seat. He's heard classical music before. Mostly on records or digitized. But this was the first time hearing it live. The song almost spoke to him in a way from it's switch of emotions. Normal classical music put him to sleep cause it helps him relax. But this song made his heart start pumping like he was in a fight.

When the song was over he settled back in his seat and place a hoof over his face.


Feeling such strong emotions twice in one day was starting to take it out of him. Right now he was fighting back tears that desperately wanted to come out. But he was able to keep them at bay. Throughout his whole life he's never cried once. Even when he was beaten to a pulp, he didn't shed a tear. Even when his mother left. He felt like he couldn't afford to cry, and that it wouldn't help him at all, so he had to be tough and only show his emotions through fighting.  But this was the first time his tears started fighting back.


He stayed in his seat taking in deep breath to make sure his eyes stayed dry, after everyone gave the performance a standing ovation, they started to exiting the music hall.


Tungsten was able to calm himself down till he was normal again.  He then made his way to backstage again to meet with Aria.

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Having taken a bow to appease the audience, Aria trotted off the stage with trembling hooves. Though her body was acclimating to the sudden lack of tension, she carried with her the peace from that solitary measure. She even remained poised as, backstage, she came face to face with the revered pony from the lobby.


"Ms. Rosewood, the mare of the hour."


"Mr. Braym, the guitarist of the century."


"Well, to be fair, it is a new century, after all," Julian Braym chuckled modestly before giving Aria an appraising look. "You know, I have always been impressed with earth ponies that take up music; it is a marvelous sight to behold. Not long ago I saw the most elegant cellist play a piece that would surely have inspired even the meekest of ponies to war over her. It is as though you all have a magic of your own...which brings me to my point!


How would you, Ms. Rosewood, like to attend one of my masterclasses?"


Aria, with the enchanting feeling of peace beginning to slip away from her, struggled to respond. "Wha- uh, y-yes! Of course! I would be honoured to attend."


Braym nodded in satisfaction, floating a card towards her that she gingerly plucked from the air. "Then here is my information, including the schedule. I look forward to working with you. If you'll forgive me, however, I'm afraid I must be off now...music rests for no one. Except for the musicians, of course."


And with that, he was gone, leaving Aria in a state of wonder and excitement. Just in time to be the target of her building giddiness, Tungsten came strolling around the corner. Aria tried to restrain herself from rushing over to him, resulting in more of a canter. With a shaky breath, she said the only thing she dared to say at the moment, lest the dam holding back her excitement overflowed.


"Whaddya think?"

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Cresent saw the ear movement and chuckled to himself.

'I realy hope I didn't come on too strong just now with that, well she hasn't slapped me yet so I think im doing good' he thought to himself. Thanking the waiter that brought him his food he was about to eat in the pasta until the tree question.

"yup best place for a bat pony to live if you ask me, well that and caves arnt the easiest to shop for mostly do to" he stoped himself trying to think up a good punchline of sorts "bears and well wildlife in general. honestly I owe it a lot to fluttershy for helping me find the tree im in today." he answered wondering about the mares livings, but thought of her asking the questions first. Just to be safe

Lily set her drink down quickly. "Oh so you're a bat pony..?" She hesitated almost not leaving the 'too' off at the end. She still wasn't sure about revealing herself, since she wasn't a full bat either. "I've never had to live in a tree, I've always had a place of some sorts. Right now it's just a small apartment downtown, nothing to special, at least like a tree anyway." 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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"It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard in my life." He said it simply like he was talking about the weather. Even though he don't like to put a lot emotion n into his words he always said what he was thinking.  He looked her over, reading that she was very exited about something. Mostly from her slightly frigid demeanor and her dilated pupils. He's learn to tel that it was an easy way to tell if someone was exited. Or in some cases, high.


He looked her over one more time and saw a business card, he also remembered that he passed a stallion when he walked backstage. "From the looks of it you must have gotten a very good revue or something."

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Though Aria knew she was a decent musician, such compliments always made her uncomfortable; she valued sincerity over flattery. Perhaps it was the degree of self-deprecation to which she subjected herself. Perhaps it was her perfectionism. Whatever the reason, praise always felt deceitful. With Tungsten, however, despite the particular words sounding too laudatory, she felt it to be true...at least in his experience.


"Well, I take it you don't listen to a lot of good music, then," she jested, turning to her sarcasm by default. "Anyways...yeah, well, no, I wouldn't call it a review, although technically he did internally review me to come up with his opinion of me. That was Julian Braym, one of the most talented classical guitarists alive today. He just invited me to a masterclass! Should be an amazing learning experience, even if it's just one lesson. I mean, I've never even had a lesson before, let alone a masterclass. Hmm..." she trailed off, looking down at the card. "Says here they're in Canterlot...


I wonder, what does your schedule look like?"

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"Cause of my line of work my schedule is usually free. I just normally go to my bosses and help him out with whatever he needs or wait till I get a call. But I sometimes take walks around the neighborhood where my boss has his businesses set up to make sure everything's doing alright.


Other then that I don't really have work hours. Why do you ask?"

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"No reason," she said, which both of them knew wasn't true. She had not yet helped him, and felt she would be doing him an egregious disservice by leaving him suddenly alone. "Trains wouldn't be running this late anyways. Speaking of which...it's late, and once again you find yourself on the wrong side of Manehattan. Plan?"

Edited by Wubtavia
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 He shrugged. " I could just walk back home. If I get tired I'll just sleep in a park or alley. Wouldn't be the first time. I know some homeless ponies who come up town to sleep cause the parks and alleys are cleaner and less dangerous. And if you're going to suggest that I stay in the hotel another night I don't think that'll work after I broke a mirror. " He paused for a second. "Don't ask." He reached into his hoodie pocked and pulled out his head phones and placed them around his neck. 


"Plus I think you've done enough nice things for me for one day. Have a good night."  He turn around and head for the exit.

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...brilliant. What do I owe the hotel?


Mirror...wait, was that after I asked...?


You're coming with me," Aria declared, brushing her tail under the stallion's chin as she passed. "As long as you promise not to break any mirrors."


Outside, she hailed a nearby taxi returning to its post. After checking to see if Tungsten was still behind her, she clambered into the carriage. "Well?" she inquired, seeing the stallion still standing on the sidewalk.

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A slight chill went through his body after Aria's tail brushed his chin. He's been hit in the chin a few times during fights, so now it was a bit more aware of it. But it felt kinda nice when she did that. He also caught the sent of pleasant smelling shampoo she must have used to wash her mane and tail. It seems like stallion instinct was making a comeback. He was lost in his mind for a few seconds, focusing on the the feeling and the sent  But when she called to him he snapped out of it. He made a light hum as he got in with her, he moved over a bit to give her more room.


To get his mind a way from those thoughts again he  decided to start up a conversation. " You don't really have to do this. But I can tall you won't take now for an answer, so I'll go along." He took off his headphones and fiddled with them a little. "Earlier you said something about the music I listen too. It's true that most of them are not as beautiful like what I heard in the music hall. But they are still very good." He switched to a song in his playlist and hoofed her the headphone. "Here, this one of my favorite songs. It might not be to your tastes but I think you might like it."                                                                                                          

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Stormcloud looked around, noting the snow and everything.  Having come from the colder part of the country, this cold was nothing.  But still, this wasn't the Northern Isle.  "Oh yes, definitely."  Looking over at Ochre, she smiled a bit and, in the blink of an eye, wrapped her scarf around him.  "No saying no, let's get going!"

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Lily set her drink down quickly. "Oh so you're a bat pony..?" She hesitated almost not leaving the 'too' off at the end. She still wasn't sure about revealing herself, since she wasn't a full bat either. "I've never had to live in a tree, I've always had a place of some sorts. Right now it's just a small apartment downtown, nothing to special, at least like a tree anyway." 

Cresent had to admit he was thrown off from that statement, if anything most people pick up on it right away with the ears "thought it was easy being an fellow batpony yourself"


It took him a moment to realize what he just said with the following silence. "sorry, I forget sometimes other bats like to hide in plain sight. It would explain your cloak. but trees are the best being easy on my eyes during day time"  

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Dusk stared at him blankly for a very long, awkward while.She wasn't sure what to make of his discovery when she hadn't told him herself. "I..um...how did you know?" She asked while barely poking at her food. Suddenly feeling not as hungry and more scared than before. 


"Besides, I'm not exactly a bat either..It's really hard to explain. I prefer my apartment though since I have full control over how light or dark it is all the time." 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Dusk stared at him blankly for a very long, awkward while.She wasn't sure what to make of his discovery when she hadn't told him herself. "I..um...how did you know?" She asked while barely poking at her food. Suddenly feeling not as hungry and more scared than before. 


"Besides, I'm not exactly a bat either..It's really hard to explain. I prefer my apartment though since I have full control over how light or dark it is all the time." 

Now cresent realized the mistake he made with the mare. Seeing the look on her face answered more questions then he thought up and asking more politely. 

"ever herd the term takes one to know one, I'm very sorry it really wasn't my business if its a personal thing. When I saw you at the bench I thought a fellow batpony that could need some company to help her stop looking blue, or do we get darker with our coats and being sad?" he tried lightening the mood seeing no reaction he decided to cut more to the chase to help calm the mare


 "point is it was mostly the cloak you have. when I moved around as a colt id sometimes where one the same with a similar fabric if I was trying to hide any time hunters were after me or in an unsafe area" he continued


Cresent looked at the pasta "if I overdid something please let me know I mean no harm" he wanted to face plant in the pasta from embarrassment.       


The bat pony looked at his food 'plese don't leave' he thought half prying half wishing

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"Well I mostly wear it because a lot of ponies around here don't like bat ponies very much. i also got made fun of a lot when I was little, so I try to hide it." She said while still staring at the table. She much prefered to tell ponies in her own way. She moved a little in her seat looking like she was going to go but sat back down. 


"I prefer to tell ponies myself though usually. It's kind of hard to explain. I'm half pegasus and half bat. I just look like my mother." She hesitantly took a bite of her food. 


She looked up at Cresent "I guess it comes down to the whole I never really fit in anywhere thing. " 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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cresent looked up glad to see the mare hadn't left. "ignore them then. iv had my fare share of the same treatment but the best way I look at it" he paused trying to remember the words that were exact


"they are scared more then anything else. that or they know a pretty mare when they see one. or just blind" he tried to reason try to get to the light hearted mood they had before hoof.


"I could see why it would be preferred being in your hoofs, I mean" he didn't know how else to say it so he took a bite of the food then he got an idea


"so being part pegisi makes flying a lot more fun I bet right?" he asked taking another bite hopping it would bring up the mood       

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"Though, now that i think about it.. I can't say I can show that many attractions around here... everything is closing at this time. "


Star would finish his soup, looking back at her trying to think of something.


"...All I can think of is the Castle, but I doubt the night guards will let me do such a thing, far too suspicious... we could go to the royal gardens... " I think, seeing this the most possible thing. "And maybe just tell you a thing or two about the city that you probably already know due to it being common knowledge with everyone. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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