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private First Words [Roleplay]


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"Oh you brawlers and your power. There are far more elegant ways to incapacitate somepony. Think of it this way: if I were able to throw a punch with a force equal to yours, my hoof would be applying more pressure on contact due to its smaller surface area. Alternatively, if we look at impulse-momentum relationships, we can see that whilst you have the advantage of additional mass behind your punch, mine can carry speed, and both are directly proportional to momentum. Ultimately one should consider combining the speed with a sort of snap so that the time of contact is limited, maximizing the momentum transferred to the target. In this manner, swift precision can be equally as devastating raw strength, and I've yet to even delve into the science of the apex of acceleration between each muscle group that...er..." Aria trailed off sheepishly, realizing that she was rambling unnecessarily about the science of a punch with a stallion who fought for a living.


Giving a light chuckle to pass over her own awkwardness, she looked at the endearing way Tungsten was holding her hoof. Feeling rather amused by his sudden interest in it, she reluctantly pulled away from the odd sensation. "Anyways, I'll be needing my slim and delicate hoof back, if you do not mind. Alas, I am no unicorn, and this guitar is not going to play itself." With both hooves back in place, she began to lightly caress the strings, drawing forth a melancholic melody that told of a forbidden romance. "So how would you throw a punch, then?" she inquired of Tungsten teasingly.

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Jazz rolled her eyes, a smirk on her lips. “Eh, each to their own.” She said, flicking her fringe out of her eyes.



His next comment made her laugh far too hard, and she doubled over, tears in her eyes. Clearing her throat, she leaned backwards in the chair, sighing a couple of times. “Oh man, oh man. I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.” 


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Tungsten pulled back his own hoof as he sat back against the wall. He didn't mind her talking, he always preferred to listening. After she asked her question he thought about it while he put his hooves in a a boxing position. "It's sort of difrent for everyone. For someone tall they would be an out-fighter. Meaning reach more dodging and strategy with their punches.  For someone like me though, I'm an in fighter. Meaning I get in the thick of it, take punches and lay into them. 


When I throw a punch I keep my hooves relaxed." He then demonstration by moving his hoof forward slowly. "And before you make contact you clinch your hoof, adding more force. But you shouldn't roll your shoulder to much or it'll end up lacking in force. That's the basics.


​But like I said everyone punches differently. I've been told that I am a hard puncher. Meaning my hooves are naturally strong, So my punches do have a bit more impact. But for someone like you. Like you said, you would have more speed then raw power. So you would be more like a defensive puncher. You rely on counters and speed.  So more jabs, hooks and combos. As for me, anything goes." He stared at his hooves again. 


"If you were to punch me with all your strength, you might brake your hoof. Because it hurts your hoof more when you land a bare hoofed punch. When was young I had a lot of cuts and bruises on them. I broke them three times. But they got stronger." He popped his joints a little.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Ghosts?" asked Ochre. "What kinds? Equestria used to have Windigos, but they haven't been seen here in thousands of years."


Ochre looked out to the forested valley to the left of the path as they winded their way up the mountain to Canterlot. "Dragons we get on a rare occasion. As for demons, as I understand it gryphons have a penchant for hunting them down in Equestria before they cause too much issue." 

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Her laughing breakdown would force a smirk on his face, normally the laughter would be contagious but this time Star managed to shop himself.

"I didn't know I wasn't THAT convincing. " I tease.


Then, poof. Za soup arrives, as the unicorn would levitate a tray with two wooden bowls filled with yummy warm pumpkin soup.

"That was fast." I nod at the waiter. "Thank you, "


With that I levitate my spoon, and begin to gently mix the a bit steamy liquid, it giving out its sweet-ish scent.

"Haven't eaten this in a while. Certainly not something you'd usually get on a fancy Canterlot dinner. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Demon hunting gryphons?  Interesting, I have to meet them one of these days."  Stormcloud looked behind herself briefly as they scaled the mountain.  Behind them, the sylvan landscape was growing ever more distant, smaller.  With a winter-shaded view such as that, the mountain climb was nothing.  


The pale kirin stayed silent when Ochre asked about ghosts.  A shadow passed over her face, then she said,"Oh, what are the dragons here like?  Do you come to them for advice very often?"

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Jazz was about to reply when the soup arrived. Seeing the waiter, she immediately cleared her throat and sat up rigidly straight, nodding in acknowledgement and smiling stiffly.



As soon as he passed again, she relaxed once more, picking up her own spoon with her hoof and spooning a mouthful. She blew on it gently, before taking a sip. Immediately, her eyes lit up, and she quickly swallowed another spoonful. “Oh my gosh, this is great!” 

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"What? Noooo! Our dragons aren't exactly the advice-giving kind. They're big and breath fire, and tend to obsess over gems and gold. I think it's the growing up alone after they hatch that messes with them mostly. One of the princess's personal assistants is a dragon. Princess Twilight apparently raised him as a hatchling after she triggered him to finally hatch. He's got some good penmanship. Maybe he's a little presumptive, but not what I'd call aggressive."

Ochre smiled as they rounded a turn in the road, and down the way Canterlot could be seen, marble and elegant purple tile swirling upwards in its distinct towers, as if it had been poured out onto the mountain, rather than built. The moon shone upon the broadside of the marble towers, giving a glow to the city that was inviting, if somewhat cold.

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"Huh..."  Stormcloud was rather surprised by Ochre's little description of the Equestrian dragons and what seems like the only exception.  "Guess that explains the small pouch of gems I got from a scared individual.  I might've seen the dragon hatchling you mentioned, following a winged unicorn around.  A friend of mine told me there's only four in Equestria."


She looked over at Ochre's face, wondering what had him smiling all a sudden.  She looked ahead at the fantastical-looking city, remembering the few stories she heard of its architectural sophistication.  From the outside, the accounts seem to be true.  "Is that Canterlot, Ochre-san?"

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"It is definitely Canterlot," replied Ochre as they made their way towards the city. "Do you have a preference about what kind of place we stay at? The hotels are quite expensive. The inns can be a little noisy even late at night. The bed and breakfasts that some ponies run out of their homes are my personal favorite," he concluded.

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There was a wide grin on Stormcloud's face and a glitter in her eyes as they got closer.  "I can't wait.  My family back home will love my letter about this place!"  The smile relaxes a bit when she's asked about living arrangements.  "Well, I stay wherever it's cheap.  I'm going to be here for about half the year after all.  But... what is a bed and breakfast?"

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"Then you had better not give me a reason to hit you," teased Aria. She shook her head in mock disappointment, adding, "and to think you wanted me to do it in the first place, knowing full well I could have broken my hoof! For shame."

Glancing up from her work, she noticed members of the ensemble had begun to take the stage. From around the curtain, the dull roar of a gathering audience reached her ears. An odd yet expected sensation fluttered in her chest: the proverbial butterflies. Heart quickening, breath deepening, composure gaining, she turned to Tungsten. "Well, I do believe I will have to leave you momentarily. You may stay here if you wish, or take a seat in the audience. They are rather comfortable, and the first row is reserved for "plus ones" of the musicians, so to speak.

Ah, that is...if you wanted to stay. I shouldn't have assumed you would; you may well have other obligations, or else not enjoy classical music. I'm sorry if I assumed wrongly."

Edited by Wubtavia
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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"A bed and breakfast is typically a pony's home that's been adjusted to have several bedrooms with en suite bathrooms for guests. They have breakfasts available in the morning as well. They tend to be nice and quiet," explained Ochre. "Of course, if you're looking to live here for half a year, it may be best to try and rent a room with a contract instead. You might have to rent a place with a few others. For the first bit though, I think a bed and breakfast might be your best bet."

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"Oh, I see.  Well, thanks for not saying I live under a rock," Stormcloud said, the same sheepish smile back for the umpteenth time.  Then she looked from Ochre to the gate that lead into Canterlot.  Armed guards stood sentry at it, taking notice of the duo right away.  "You doing the talking?"

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 "I don't mind. I listen to a lot of music, so I like classical as well." He said simply. He pulled his hood back on and head out to where the seats are without another word. He felt like he didn't really need to say anything else.  It didn't take him to long to reach the front row. He could tell he was getting odd looks like back at the par. He was most literally the most under dressed in the entire music hall. So he stuck out worse then a sour hoof. 


But he didn't care. He sat down in a empty seat up front. Tungsten Then looked up a the stage and waited for the show to begin.

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"Glad you like it. " Star would smile with a certain completeness to it, also taking a spoonful and lightly blowing on it gently before also taking a sip. Immediately enjoy the pumpkin-y taste of delicious. 


"Just as I remember it. "

He would take another spoonfull.

"So, what do we do after this? Go our ways, or anything else I can offer?"


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Jazz shrugged. “Not sure. It’s getting sort of late, so maybe I’ll head back if trains are still running. Otherwise, I gotta head to my bud’s house anyway – the night time streets aren’t exactly the safest around.” She said, taking another sip of her soup.



“What else can you offer?” she asked, a playful lilt in her voice. 

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"If you like it," said Ochre as he stepped forward to the gate. "Hello there," Ochre started off. "I know it's rather late to enter the city, but we've been walking for hours to get here."


One of the guards came forward, looking between the two of them. "Names and reason for visiting?"


"I'm Ochre Dust, and she's Stormcloud. I'm here to show her around Canterlot over the next few days as she gets settled for taking some classes. So, vacation would be the most accurate for me, and education for her," he said, inclining his head to Stormcloud.


The guard looked to Stormcloud as he knocked on a door embedded in the larger gate. "Don't cause any panic, some ponies in town probably haven't seen a kirin before. I hope you find your stay enjoyable." The door opened, and the guard ushered the pair through to the other side.


Ochre looked to Stormcloud with a smile on his face. "Welcome to Canterlot, m'lady."

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Stormcloud paused for a moment to do a polite bow to the guards as they went through.  Once they were past the gate, she took a moment to take in all the details despite most of it being obscured by the night.  The city being mostly white and easily influenced by light and darkness, blue shadows were cast on them and the snow-covered ground.  The whole city looked almost like somepony painted it with a blue monochrome palette.


The pale kirin was silent for a moment, with a slightly awestruck look.  Then she turned to Ochre and said,"Thanks so much.  Really, really, thanks!"  In her barely contained excitement, she didn't realize her face was rather close to his.

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"Last I remember there are no late night trains to Ponyville, at least not today. So I think you will have to go visit your bud. "


Trying to think of something else he could offer tons of things would cross his mind, but two seemed particullary reasonble.


"Well, I can either offer to escort you to your friends house, since I believe there are no trains going, so you will have to stay the night. Or if you are not tired I can give you a late night tour of Canterlot, the city is quite wonderful. Maybe even show you the gardens. "


I smile, kind of shy about this, but it only leaking out a little.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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cresent  kept looking at the menu "honestly that sounds easyist" he said trying to find it on the menu. Eveything seemed to be written in an fancy lettering making it hard to make out what was what on the menu. "question where do they have spaghetti"? he asked trying to find his way around the menu

It may have been dark aside from the candles but Dusk's eyes quickly adjusted to the setting. Her eyes were big as she reached over and tapped on Cresent's menu. "Well it's right here, just above the romantic dinner for two special." She added the last part without even thinking about it and blushed slightly when she said it.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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It may have been dark aside from the candles but Dusk's eyes quickly adjusted to the setting. Her eyes were big as she reached over and tapped on Cresent's menu. "Well it's right here, just above the romantic dinner for two special." She added the last part without even thinking about it and blushed slightly when she said it.

cresent noticed the what she was tapping at, he couldn't help but blush at the title. "good thing it didn't have teeth" he joked trying not to show his blush, "I'm game for it you?" he asked the mare looking at the menu setting it down carful not to lay it on the candle on accident     

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"Well being somepony who's used to being out at night like me I'd figured you'd be used to things biting you" Dusk replied with a small laugh. "Well I think it sounds like a good idea, then again I'm starting to get hungry enough to eat almost anything." It was too dark for her to really see his blush and she put it off as just the light. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Jazz simply nodded in acknowledgement. “Alrighty, hope she’s home. Bit of notorious partier.”



She hummed a little in thought, running her hoof along the snow that coated the sidewalk. “Actually, why not? Sure. It’s beautiful out tonight, and she’s probably raving in a club somewhere anyway. A tour sounds lovely.” She said, smiling a little. 


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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Ochre smiled, blushing slightly at how happy Stormcloud seemed, before noticing the smell of fish and blueberry porridge on her breath. He bowed his head, getting his nose out of the direct stream of air. "You're very welcome, Stormcloud. Shall we find a place to stay for the night?" he asked. 

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