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private My Little Mad Max


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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/137260-my-little-mad-max-ooc/


Present Day Equestria - Year Unknown


After a period of time which bore witness to unprecedented levels of destruction and death, the blast that came from Canterlot had finally subsided. Ponyville had managed to survive the explosion, but not by much. The half of the town which was nearest to Canterlot had suffered a hefty sum of damage. Buildings were destroyed and smouldering, with the residents of that side ending up dead. Those that did survive, however, would wake up to a world gone mad. With the absence of the princesses, who were still without their powers and locked up in Tartarus, law and order had fallen apart, and it would fall to every individual pony to fend for themselves. Among those individuals were a few ponies, all with different ideals. Some had learned that the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony were killed in the blast, and thus they decided to form a clan that would head out into the Everfree Forest, which had survived the blast completely intact, and retrieve the Elements so that new Bearers could be chosen. Once that was done, they would set about restoring peace to Equestria. Others, however, suffered dreadful injuries, both physical and mental. As a result, they knew little more than to alleviate their pain by inflicting chaos and anarchy on others. This is their story.


Having successfully survived the blast by taking cover in the basement of his house, Concluded Mind decided to unlock the doors so that he could take a look at what remained, if anything was still standing. Levitating the key with his magic, he unlocked the basement doors and gently opened them, peeking his head out as he did so. What he saw morphed his face into an expression of shock and horror. Half of Ponyville had been reduced to burning ruins. Dust and echoes fluttered amidst the calm breeze that blew through the destroyed town.


"By Celestia, what happened here?"


The words scrolled through the stallion's mind, yet he was unable to find a tangible answer. Meanwhile, Mind could see pockets of survivors limping and stumbling past the smouldering buildings, some burnt and bleeding. Much like zombies, they wandered in all directions, looking for family members or first aid to tend to their wounds. It didn't take Mind long to deduce that whatever happened here was related to the battle that was raging just outside Ponyville, between the recently coronated princess Twilight Sparkle and the dark sorcerer Tirek. For them to have wreaked such destruction upon Equestria, Mind assumed it was a battle for the centuries. Just then, he heard voices in the air.


"The Bearers are dead! Who will protect us now?!"


Mind was shocked. How could the Element Bearers, of all ponies in this world, have fallen to Tirek's might? That was when it clicked in the stallion's mind. With the Bearers dead, Equestria was utterly defenseless. Ponyville was utterly defenseless. Somepony had to do something, and that somepony would be him. Leaving the destroyed ruins of his home, Mind galloped off to the Town Hall, plans forming in his head as he ran. Something needed to be done, and the first thing was to establish the current situation at large.

Edited by Wardaddy


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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When the battle was over cresent awoke with the forest he once called home burnt near to cinders from the blast. His tree house gone, his friends he made in the forest, as far as he cold look and see no sign of them. He looked and looked and looked till he couldn't find anypony, not even poor zacora couldn't escape the destruction house ablaze. Cresent tuned toward the path to ponyville, he saw more smoke in the distance "why, why would anypony do this" he said to himself shaking in anger, remose, grief, and most of all sadness. 
After his crying he wiped his face trying to calm down, once settled he had an idea, he spread his wings and flew towards ponyville, hopping against hope that somepony he knew was still alive

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Hooligan was in his store house when he heard the blast, "What the bloody hell was that?" he said.

"I don't know," said the voice in his head, "but we should probably check it out."

"Agreed." Hooligan teleported to the surface. He looked around and saw the damage the blast had caused. He saw crumbling buildings and dead bodies and ponies so injured they could hardly stand. Hooligan shed a tear beneath his mask and his grin widened, "It's beautiful."

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As cresent near ponyvill flying over it he saw more and more body's and destruction from the blast. Life didn't seem to exsist, save maybe a few fidgeting bodys. He was finding himself growing more confused then angry, one of the few buildings left standing was the town hall. How this was plausible cresent didn't know how but if any answers could be answered it would be a good start, as he glided more he saw few signs of other ponys making there way towards it as well

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Hooligan skipped joyfully through Ponyville, making sure to admire all the senseless destruction that surrounded him. "Isn't this wonderful voice in my head?"

"Oh yes Hooligan it's glorious," said the voice in Hooligan's head, "Hey what's that?"

"What are you..." Hooligan stopped mid sentence as he saw what the voice in his head was talking about, "why are all those ponies heading to town hall?"

"Cause it's the only building not destroyed."

"Not destroyed? Well we'll just have to change that won't we?" Hooligan grinned as he headed towards town hall.

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Mind finally reached Town Hall, finding Mayor Mare atop the podium preparing to give a speech to the baying crowd. Said crowd was largely made up of ponies who had survived the destruction, but there were a few who carried varying degrees of wounds. Mind also noticed one particular pony in the corner of his eye, wearing little more than a mask and a rather unsettling smile. Was he a victim of this chaos? Mind could only ponder, but not for long as Mayor Mare took to the stand.


"Ladies and gentlecolts, may I have your attention please. Today is a day in which I will not mince words. Many of us are wondering how this happened, how our beloved little town was laid to waste. Well, you will be surprised to learn that only I know what has happened here."


Mare's words gave rise to whispers and murmurs amidst the crowd. Mind was also waiting to know what happened.


"Just on the outskirts of Ponyville, a massive battle raged between our new princess and noted Ponyvillian Twilight Sparkle and the evil centaur sorcerer Tirek. The conflict ended in the demise of all parties involved, including the five Element Bearers and the God of Chaos, Discord. With the deaths of the Bearers, the Elements have become inactive and thus Equestria as a whole is defenseless. Futhermore, I have learned that the other three princesses are still trapped in Tartarus, unable to do anything to help without their magic. It is because of this that law and order in Equestria is at risk of falling apart. Therefore, in order to defend our town I have written to the Captain of the Royal Guard asking if he would send a contingent of Guards to keep matters in hoof around here. In the meantime, I will see to it that the town is repaired, those who are wounded are seen to and those that were displaced are given a new home post haste! But for now, I need everyone to stay calm and to not leave Ponyville under any circumstances."


Just as Mayor Mare finished speaking, Mind trotted up to her with intent to pass a message. The grey coated mare was happy to let him up on the podium


"Can I help you?"


"Yes Ma'am, you can. My name is Concluded Mind and I wish to address the matter of the now inactive Elements of Harmony. But first I need to speak to the crowd."


"Of course Mind. Go right ahead."


With that, Mind stepped up to the stand, taking a deep breath as he did so.


"Excuse me everypony, could I have your attention please?"


Mind's voice floated across the vast expanse of ponies, who turned to face him.


"Thank you. Now, as Mayor Mare has just told you, the Element Bearers were killed in the battle with Tirek. Therefore the Elements themselves have become inactive and thus new Bearers need to be established if law and order in Equestria is to have any hope of remaining."


Once more the crowd started whispering and murmuring amongst themselves. This did little to deter Mind, who began the concluding section.


"In order to accomplish this task, I need a team of five ponies who will accompany me into the Everfree Forest, where the Tree of Harmony is located. However, these five ponies need to be adept in what the Elements stand for. Magic, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter and Kindness. I cannot take a random bunch of ponies with me. I need ponies who can truly embody these titles individually. So please, if you feel that you represent one of the Elements, speak now or forever hold your silence."


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Hooligan reached the town hall just in time to hear the end of the mayors speech. "Did I hear the mayor correctly? Did she say Discord was dead?" asked the voice in Hooligan's head.

"Yes she did, which means we can take over." replied Hooligan.

"Excuse me?"

"Well someone needs to act as the God of Chaos, and no one is more chaotic then me."

"Oh yeah,"

Hooligan teleported up to the podium, "Everypony calm down, I know you're all devastated at Discord's defeat. But I'm here to tell you that I will be filling in as the God of Chaos. That's is all for now." Hooligan teleported away. He then teleported back, "Oh and I'm gonna be blowing up this here town hall soon so you might want to back away a bit. Thank you." Hooligan teleported to his store house to gather explosives.

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