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Harry Potter RP (reboot)

The Pixelated Pony

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Mist smiled, "I'm glad to see that at least somepony doesn't hat me because of my choice of house." Mist noticed the owl fly into the compartment. "This you're owl Derby," he said as he lightly scratched the bottom of the owls beak. "Who's a cute little guy?" Mist stopped and sat back in his chair. "Hey I don't mean to pry, but what's the letter say?"

"He's not mine personally I've never seen him before" Derby opened the letter " Dear Derby, you know me I'm your farther you haven't forgotten about me yet? Anyway I was thinking about your birthday which as I know is in a couple of months time and then I realised we won't be together! So I sent you this guy as an 'early birthday' present ~ love dad" She read

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"He's not mine personally I've never seen him before" Derby opened the letter " Dear Derby, you know me I'm your farther you haven't forgotten about me yet? Anyway I was thinking about your birthday which as I know is in a couple of months time and then I realised we won't be together! So I sent you this guy as an 'early birthday' present ~ love dad" She read


"Wow, uh.. happy birthday for a couple months from now." said Mist looking at the owl, "so what are you gonna call the little guy? Wait hold that thought." Mist turned around and rummaged through his luggage. He soon pulled out a small cage that contained a rat. Mist opened the cage and picked up the rat, "Derby, I'd like you to meet the most talented rat in the world, Kevin." He said displaying the rat proudly.

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Night Shine sighed as she heard the whistle blow. She set her bookmark and looked out the window and stared as the train began to move. "Auf viedersehen." she whispered to the train station. She felt as if they were leaving the normal world behind, as if this train leaving the station was the point of no return, surely nothing would be the same afterwards. Sharfezahn dropped from his perch to rub against her chest and pur. Night Shine smiled and bent her head to nuzzle him. "Alles gut..." she opened her mouth to speak again, but remembered she should keep brushing up on the language they would be speaking at school, "It is okay. I feel better when you are with me."

She tried to have a good time not thinking about the future, and paging through her book. After a little while, the cat twitched his ears and started pacing. When that didn't get his owner's attention, he yowled and pawed at the door. "What is it, Scharfe?" Night Shine looked confusedly at her cat and reached down to hold him back. If she opened the door just a crack to have a peek outside, she thought it would be safe.

It seemed Sharfezahl was more anxious than she expected, though, and darted into the hall as soon as the door was slid the tiniest bit open. She immediately ran after, "Sharfe! Teufelkatze! Come here!" 

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"Wow, uh.. happy birthday for a couple months from now." said Mist looking at the owl, "so what are you gonna call the little guy? Wait hold that thought." Mist turned around and rummaged through his luggage. He soon pulled out a small cage that contained a rat. Mist opened the cage and picked up the rat, "Derby, I'd like you to meet the most talented rat in the world, Kevin." He said displaying the rat proudly.

"Uhh?" Derby and the owl looked at each other "it's amazing?" The owl pecked Derby's head which she replied with an "ow! Stop bird brain!" When he eventually stopped he spied a new opportunity to cause some trouble which Derby picked up on "put the rat away Mist... Like now" She said trying to hold him back

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"Uhh?" Derby and the owl looked at each other "it's amazing?" The owl pecked Derby's head which she replied with an "ow! Stop bird brain!" When he eventually stopped he spied a new opportunity to cause some trouble which Derby picked up on "put the rat away Mist... Like now" She said trying to hold him back


Mist saw they way the owl was eyeballing Kevin, "Right of course," he said as he put Kevin back in his cage. (Note to self,) he thought to himself, (don't bring out Kevin in front of the owl.) "So, you still haven't told me what you're gonna call your owl. Unless you were gonna go with Bird Brain." he said jokingly.

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Clover looked up as she saw three of the other teachers enter the Hall. "Good morning," the alicorn mare said, politely. "Just preparing for our students, both the old and the new. They should be arriving shortly, as we all know, and I thought I had better put the Sorting Hat nearby so as not to rush later."

Mythos would be the first to speak, already making use of his charm as he replies, "Always thinking ahead, though how could one expect any less from a mare such as yourself Professor Clover."


He would offer a nod to his fellow professors also entering before saying, "Professor Dawn, Professor Stardream glad to see you both here." There was more he wanted to say to his one time friend, but he was still uncertain. He still cared about her, but they had drifted apart. Mythos had hope helping her get the position of Divination would be a start yet they hadn't spoken much.



Stardream would give a small smile to Clover saying, "Yes, though I am nervous. When I was a student here I had never thought I would actually teach." She would nod at the question of getting the Sorting Hat before offering a glance to Mythos, yet looking away quickly. It was so strange being here with the stallion, and she suspected it was his meddling that got her the position she had though the headmaster wouldn't give out a name.



Golden Dawn would nod, looking to the window overlooking the lake as he considers the students that would be crossing it that evening. There was so much to prepare for, though he would consider the other professors. Mythos especially as he had yet to see anything really suspicion when it came to his behavior apart from not being the sort of pony he could see himself being friends with.


Turning to Clover he would say, "I would be willing to get the sorting hat for you from the headmaster, if you still have other things you need to do."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Mist saw they way the owl was eyeballing Kevin, "Right of course," he said as he put Kevin back in his cage. (Note to self,) he thought to himself, (don't bring out Kevin in front of the owl.) "So, you still haven't told me what you're gonna call your owl. Unless you were gonna go with Bird Brain." he said jokingly.

"He seems to like causing trouble for a little guy I'm gonna go with... Either David or Steven, what do you think"Derby said to the owl who just stared back at her "not much of a talker eh? Fine Steven it is" she said putting him back on her head and letting him get comfortable in her mane

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@@EquestrianScholar, "Thank you, Professor, that would be very helpful," Clover replied, gratefully, to Golden Dawn. "I have the stool ready but I still need to help with some of the important security magics on the castle; the Head requested me specially to do so. So if you could fetch the Hat, that would really cut down on the time."


To Stardream, Clover smiled. "Same here," she said to the other mare. "I really enjoyed my time at school here but never in a million years would I ever have thought that one day I would return here to teach. I'm sure that you, like me, will settle down here and it would be as tho you never had been away from here."


Clover lived at Hogwarts and had her own quarters in one of the towers. While many ponies would assume that Clover would use her wings to get to her quarters via the window, the alicorn mare in fact was afraid of heights and had never flown in her life. This fear had gotten worse with the years rather than better, and Clover did her best to cover it, pretending that she much prefered to teleport or walk to places. Clover never said anything to the other teachers; she was grateful enough that none of them showed any sign of resentment or dislike towards her cuz of her alicorn status without mentioning what she thought of as such a silly fear.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Night Shine sighed as she heard the whistle blow. She set her bookmark and looked out the window and stared as the train began to move. "Auf viedersehen." she whispered to the train station. She felt as if they were leaving the normal world behind, as if this train leaving the station was the point of no return, surely nothing would be the same afterwards. Sharfezahn dropped from his perch to rub against her chest and pur. Night Shine smiled and bent her head to nuzzle him. "Alles gut..." she opened her mouth to speak again, but remembered she should keep brushing up on the language they would be speaking at school, "It is okay. I feel better when you are with me."

She tried to have a good time not thinking about the future, and paging through her book. After a little while, the cat twitched his ears and started pacing. When that didn't get his owner's attention, he yowled and pawed at the door. "What is it, Scharfe?" Night Shine looked confusedly at her cat and reached down to hold him back. If she opened the door just a crack to have a peek outside, she thought it would be safe.

It seemed Sharfezahl was more anxious than she expected, though, and darted into the hall as soon as the door was slid the tiniest bit open. She immediately ran after, "Sharfe! Teufelkatze! Come here!" 

Cresent stood there paceing back and forth not worried about the sorting hat but more so on how in Luna's mane would he get through class's with out his stuff.

"ok cres just relax...just be honist..honesty is the best policy so...ya...hey mom about the stuff we got well...no no no it shouldn't be that just keep it simple cresent!" the young colt told himself he was about to rethink when he saw a cat run past his door, that's odd. most students don't get there pets to come along do they?

"Sharfe Teufelkatze! Come here!" he herd seeing the mare dart after her cat.


"maybe she could help" he thought the first year darted out of his cart and pursed the cat. gliding over the mare talking the cat. The cat reacted like any cat would to being plucked up by a batpony. the colt did his best to hold up the cat

"ow! ow! ow! relax I don't eat cat"  said cresent doing his best to hold the squirming cat. He saw the owner approach him he held up the squirming cat  

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Cresent stood there paceing back and forth not worried about the sorting hat but more so on how in Luna's mane would he get through class's with out his stuff.

"ok cres just relax...just be honist..honesty is the best policy so...ya...hey mom about the stuff we got well...no no no it shouldn't be that just keep it simple cresent!" the young colt told himself he was about to rethink when he saw a cat run past his door, that's odd. most students don't get there pets to come along do they?

"Sharfe Teufelkatze! Come here!" he herd seeing the mare dart after her cat.


"maybe she could help" he thought the first year darted out of his cart and pursed the cat. gliding over the mare talking the cat. The cat reacted like any cat would to being plucked up by a batpony. the colt did his best to hold up the cat

"ow! ow! ow! relax I don't eat cat"  said cresent doing his best to hold the squirming cat. He saw the owner approach him he held up the squirming cat  


Night Shine sighed, taking a deep breath before reaching out to take her cat. "Thank you, sir, thank you very much."

After some precise rubbing and skritching, Night Shine got Sharfe to calm down. She looked sheepishly at the bat pony, trying not to stare at his wings, "oh, my name is Night Shine, and this trouble-maker is Sharfezahn. He is not normally like this, though. I think he just misses hunting in the barn." 

The lean cat went grudgingly onto his owner's back. He lounged there, idly batting at her mane.

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Night Shine sighed, taking a deep breath before reaching out to take her cat. "Thank you, sir, thank you very much."

After some precise rubbing and skritching, Night Shine got Sharfe to calm down. She looked sheepishly at the bat pony, trying not to stare at his wings, "oh, my name is Night Shine, and this trouble-maker is Sharfezahn. He is not normally like this, though. I think he just misses hunting in the barn." 

The lean cat went grudgingly onto his owner's back. He lounged there, idly batting at her mane.

Cresent smiled at the mare glad he didn't get hit with questions on what he eats. "my names cresent and no problem" he beemed holding out a hoof to shake wincing at some of the cuts the cat made "going to be my first year, thought id try to make an good friend or two before the sorting"

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Cresent smiled at the mare glad he didn't get hit with questions on what he eats. "my names cresent and no problem" he beemed holding out a hoof to shake wincing at some of the cuts the cat made "going to be my first year, thought id try to make an good friend or two before the sorting"

Night Shine shifted her weight, a bit nervous about talking to a bat-pony. He seemed so special, but she was only an earth pony, muggle born. Everyone notices bat-ponies, while she would normally blend into the background. She stopped fidgeting and smiled when she discovered they had something in common, something concrete to steer the conversation toward.

"This is my first year too, Cresent. It is good to meet you." She reached out her hoof to shake, but hesitated as she noticed the scratches, frowning. "Oh, sorry about that... I have a first aid kit in my luggage." she turned and gestured toward the little room where she had been seated, "Is just over there." 

Sharfezahn seemed unhappy about his perch being jostled about, but Night Shine didn't seem to notice the claws coming out, just a little, to get a better grip.

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Night Shine shifted her weight, a bit nervous about talking to a bat-pony. He seemed so special, but she was only an earth pony, muggle born. Everyone notices bat-ponies, while she would normally blend into the background. She stopped fidgeting and smiled when she discovered they had something in common, something concrete to steer the conversation toward.

"This is my first year too, Cresent. It is good to meet you." She reached out her hoof to shake, but hesitated as she noticed the scratches, frowning. "Oh, sorry about that... I have a first aid kit in my luggage." she turned and gestured toward the little room where she had been seated, "Is just over there." 

Sharfezahn seemed unhappy about his perch being jostled about, but Night Shine didn't seem to notice the claws coming out, just a little, to get a better grip.

Cresent was surprised at the hospitality and very glad of the commonality they shared. most would just run screaming after seeing a batpony tackle there beloved pet, that or start hitting him with something. Cresent then notced some of the cuts on his hoof


"maybe some band aids would be helpful" he said letting her lead the way. As the two pony enetered the cart cresent and the cat seemed to have a starring contest on terms of who would move first. He then thought up another ice breaker "I thought 2nd years were aloud pets and not first years or did they change that recently?" he asked   

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"He seems to like causing trouble for a little guy I'm gonna go with... Either David or Steven, what do you think"Derby said to the owl who just stared back at her "not much of a talker eh? Fine Steven it is" she said putting him back on her head and letting him get comfortable in her mane


Mist smiled, "Steven huh? Well I think it suits him," he said as he saw Steven sitting in Derby's mane, "he sure looks comfortable in your mane." Mist yawned, "speaking of comfortable. I'm gonna try and catch some rest before we arrive. Would you mind waking me if the snack cart arrives?" he asked Sparkle.

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Mist smiled, "Steven huh? Well I think it suits him," he said as he saw Steven sitting in Derby's mane, "he sure looks comfortable in your mane." Mist yawned, "speaking of comfortable. I'm gonna try and catch some rest before we arrive. Would you mind waking me if the snack cart arrives?" he asked Derby.

"Yeah sure" Derby replied happily " although I might fall asleep to I mean have you ever flown for three days straight with out a cloud to rest on in a two mile radius if so we have had the exact same trip here "Derby said realising what she was saying " you probably don't care though "

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Cresent was surprised at the hospitality and very glad of the commonality they shared. most would just run screaming after seeing a batpony tackle there beloved pet, that or start hitting him with something. Cresent then notced some of the cuts on his hoof


"maybe some band aids would be helpful" he said letting her lead the way. As the two pony enetered the cart cresent and the cat seemed to have a starring contest on terms of who would move first. He then thought up another ice breaker "I thought 2nd years were aloud pets and not first years or did they change that recently?" he asked   


"Oh?" Night Shine said, really only barely listening as she searched for the first aid kit, "He would not let me leave alone. My parents do not like him very much, anyway. I think they were glad to be rid of him." As if he knew he was being talked about, the cat began to squirm a bit. Night Shine gave him a little attention, and set him aside with some toy for him to be distaracted with.

She finallly got the first aid kit and prepared the antiseptic and band-aids. After a year and a half of practice, the activity was second nature to her. Once she had her things ready, she motioned for Crescent to present his hoof, "Before I begin, let me know if you have any alergies." 

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"Oh?" Night Shine said, really only barely listening as she searched for the first aid kit, "He would not let me leave alone. My parents do not like him very much, anyway. I think they were glad to be rid of him." As if he knew he was being talked about, the cat began to squirm a bit. Night Shine gave him a little attention, and set him aside with some toy for him to be distaracted with.

She finallly got the first aid kit and prepared the antiseptic and band-aids. After a year and a half of practice, the activity was second nature to her. Once she had her things ready, she motioned for Crescent to present his hoof, "Before I begin, let me know if you have any alergies." 

"ah I cant tell why" he said looking at the cat when motioned by Night Shine he held out his hoof

"only thing im allergic to is horribul pasta, wonder if they'll have some on the snack cart, probably not tho, keeping it warm would be tricky unless it was made by magic which I know mom has done but I could never know how she did it" he said more thinking out loud.

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"ah I cant tell why" he said looking at the cat when motioned by Night Shine he held out his hoof

"only thing im allergic to is horribul pasta, wonder if they'll have some on the snack cart, probably not tho, keeping it warm would be tricky unless it was made by magic which I know mom has done but I could never know how she did it" he said more thinking out loud.

Night Shine smiled, and proceeded to apply the antiseptic, expertly dabbing it around the deeper scratches before applying the gauze and adhesive. "It will not bleed for long. You should leave the bandage until later tonight to protect from infection."She finished quickly, absently listening to him talk about magic and heat, She thought about it while she put her kit back together. "I expect that keeping warm would be easy with magic. Is not very hard without magic."

She finished repacking her things and took her seat across from Cresent. "Your mother made magic every day? That sounds like an amazing life."

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"Yeah sure" Derby replied happily " although I might fall asleep to I mean have you ever flown for three days straight with out a cloud to rest on in a two mile radius if so we have had the exact same trip here "Derby said realising what she was saying " you probably don't care though "


"Just because I'm not listening doesn't mean I don't care," said Mist jokingly, "I'm kidding of course. You really flew three days straight without a break? That's some pretty impressive endurance." Mist smiled as he lay on his back. "I myself could not go that long without a rest. Speaking of." Mist closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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"Just because I'm not listening doesn't mean I don't care," said Mist jokingly, "I'm kidding of course. You really flew three days straight without a break? That's some pretty impressive endurance." Mist smiled as he lay on his back. "I myself could not go that long without a rest. Speaking of." Mist closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Derby watched how quick Mist fell asleep and seeing another pony sleeping made her go to sleep and she didn't even want to at that point it just happened and soon the inevitable happened when they reached the halfway point a mare came along with a snack trolley saying "anything from the trolley dears?" At every compartment she went to

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Derby watched how quick Mist fell asleep and seeing another pony sleeping made her go to sleep and she didn't even want to at that point it just happened and soon the inevitable happened when they reached the halfway point a mare came along with a snack trolley saying "anything from the trolley dears?" At every compartment she went to


Mist immediately woke and sat up at the sound the word 'trolley.' "Yes please," he said excitedly, "could I please have four chocolate frogs, a box of Bertie Trot's Every Flavour Beans and two cauldron cakes." As he  got his money out of his luggage he turned to Derby, "you gonna have anything?" he asked. 

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Mist immediately woke and sat up at the sound the word 'trolley.' "Yes please," he said excitedly, "could I please have four chocolate frogs, a box of Bertie Trot's Every Flavour Beans and two cauldron cakes." As he  got his money out of his luggage he turned to Derby, "you gonna have anything?" he asked.


Derby rolled over in her sleep and fell from the seat "yeah " she yawned "I'll have a couple of chocolate frogs and yeah that's mostly it" Derby handed (or would it be hoofed?) The mare some money and she hoofed (or handed) Derby her chocolate frogs and Mist his frogs, beans and cauldron cakes
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Night Shine smiled, and proceeded to apply the antiseptic, expertly dabbing it around the deeper scratches before applying the gauze and adhesive. "It will not bleed for long. You should leave the bandage until later tonight to protect from infection."She finished quickly, absently listening to him talk about magic and heat, She thought about it while she put her kit back together. "I expect that keeping warm would be easy with magic. Is not very hard without magic."

She finished repacking her things and took her seat across from Cresent. "Your mother made magic every day? That sounds like an amazing life."

"thanks ill try to keep it clean, you know your pretty good at this medic stuff" he said looking impressed at  Night Shines work


"I'm not sure if it was everyday but every time she made pasta she did, made sick days and bad days go away better"  said the colt relaxing in his seat.


"hopefully I can find a spell to make awesome pasta to help people get there bad days to go away or if all else fails learn this 'blood magic' everypony is going on about"


"seriously what is blood magic, know anything about it?" he asked the mare. tilting his head and scratching the top of it with his wing fingers  

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"thanks ill try to keep it clean, you know your pretty good at this medic stuff" he said looking impressed at  Night Shines work


"I'm not sure if it was everyday but every time she made pasta she did, made sick days and bad days go away better"  said the colt relaxing in his seat.


"hopefully I can find a spell to make awesome pasta to help people get there bad days to go away or if all else fails learn this 'blood magic' everypony is going on about"


"seriously what is blood magic, know anything about it?" he asked the mare. tilting his head and scratching the top of it with his wing fingers  


Though Night Shine tried not to, she couldn't help but blush a little at his praise, "I did this often at home. Sharfe did not like my little brother." The cat was staring at Cresent, but didn't move from his place, idly digging claws into a tiny stuffed rat toy.


When she watched him scratch his head, her mind wandered to how exactly the bones and muscles must be put together in the bat-wings. It took a long moment of silence before she remembered that he had asked her a question. "Blood magic?..." she shook her head slowly, translating it in her head, trying to remember if she had read it somewhere. The cat got out of the way as she went to look through her luggage again. Somehow, Sharfe managed to keep his eyes locked on Cresent as he moved. Night Shine pulled a book out and set it beside her as she flipped the pages. Sharfe took the opportunity to move, and take a new spot on the floor between the two ponies.


"I do not have access to many magic texts, but I have this... index." Night began to mumble to herself as she read. "Ah, 'Eine seltene'-" she stopped reading abruptly, ducking her head reflexively, "er... sorry..." when she began reading again, it was more slowly, " 'A rare... style... of magic, made by only few.' " she read the next few lines silently, mumbling a bit to herself, then shook her head, "Not much information. I think the book is not always accurate. It mentions vampire and .... Blutkreislauf ...ehm... blood..." she gestured from her heart, along her foreleg, to her hoof and back, looking a the ceiling as she thought of how to get the meaning out in words, embarassed that her english had gotten so bad, "From heart, through body."

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Derby rolled over in her sleep and fell from the seat "yeah " she yawned "I'll have a couple of chocolate frogs and yeah that's mostly it" Derby handed (or would it be hoofed?) The mare some money and she hoofed (or handed) Derby her chocolate frogs and Mist his frogs, beans and cauldron cakes


Mist gave the mare the money he owed and thanked her for the sweets. He then sat back in his chair and opened one of his chocolate frogs. After eating the chocolate he looked at the card he had got. (another Dumbledore,) Mist thought to himself, (that makes a total of five). Mist opened his beans and ate one. He gaged and had to stop himself from spitting it out, "Who in there right mind makes earwax flavoured jelly beans?" he said to no pony in particular.

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