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As Midnight song said good by to Jasmine and Electrobolt he ran in to a pony with twins and a strange colt hum "Excuse me have you seen any ponys who have made a journy here i got sperated and im trying to find them" said Song

Edited by GreenWind
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Zarely was astonished to see another pony from the meeting she hushed the twins again and turned to look at the pegasus. " I am Zarely, I am one of the group, we are currently looking for the ponies who are supposed to be here. Thanks Celestia I found one of them right?" she asked. " I have no idea where we are meeting when we finish this looking for the ponies business."


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''WAIT A MINUTE!I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WITH ZARELY!'' Screamed Shadow as he rushed into Zarely's Sight.''Star Fruit..Ponies...Cupcakes...'' Said Shadow as was running to Zarely.

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Meanwhile, Draft had wandered away from the group, climbing up to a higher level of the citadel. Looking down from his platform he could see the Zarely, Midnight and the others being joined by other ponies who he assumed to be the remaining members of the traveling party. Smiling to himself, he turned around to see the door of a massive library standing behind him. He bit his lip for a moment.

Finally, he pulled out a scroll and wrote a quick note.

'I'm in the Library, two levels up. Join me when you're all ready. -Rough Draft'

Folding it into a little paper plane he deftly threw it off the edge on the platform and turned to enter the libray, his hooves itching in anticipation at the haven of books, not watching to see whether his paper plane reached it's destination or not.


(hello again! I won't be able to play much though tonight :(

I'll let pne of you decide whether the plane should reach you guys or get lost :P if it comes to it, somepony can feel free to take control of Draft. I think he's been pretty well established.)


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Shadow was poked in the eye by rough draft's note. ''OW!WHO DID THAT?!'' Screamed Shadow as opening the note. 'I'm in the Library, two levels up. Join me when you're all ready. -Rough Draft'' ''Hmmm...Weird.'' Said Shadow as reading the note.''Well...I'm going to go find that pony I gave that star fruit to,Just so she knows who I am.'' Said Shadow as walking into the Inn.

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" I do know Draft, he is in the group." Zarely told MidnightSong. She started walking to the library " I think we should meet Draft, he sure can throw more paper airplanes to the other so we know where we are going to meet." She started humming a little tune and Lila and Lily started humming with her.


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Lily and Lila started to stay " Zary, somepony is following us. He is scary!". Zarely looked back it was that colt from the meteor. She stopped. "Hi, you were?" she asked trying not to be suspicious, she hushed the twins.


"Today has just not been my day...." he thought

"Uh I just heard about you guys going somewhere could I join?" he asked nervously as he threw an awkward smile.


(BTW: I wore a disguise and used a fake deeper voice than my characters already somewhat deep voice)

Edited by Danger Dash
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Draft hardly noticed as Jasmin greeted him. His attention was focused entirely on the extravigent library: rows upon rows of story-tall bookshelves stretched on for what seemed forever. Pegasi drifted about, enjoying the books on the top shelf while the unicorn librarians organized dozens of books at once with their magic.

Draft's mouth hung open in awe for a minute before he dashed off into the depths of the library.


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" Yes, he is in the group." Zarely said. "Go on to the Library." she told Song. Zarely hurried off in a directon the twins following behind her. "Aunt Lilac Blossom!" she cried. Lilac Blossom was Lily and Lila's mother. Zarely's aunt took the twins and they all told Zarely goodbye.


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Electrobolt had overheard them saying something about going to the library when they were ready, so he kept that in mind as he wandered around the town a little more. Once he finished looking around, he began to look for the library. "Wait..." he said, stopping in his tracks when he came to a realization. "Where's the library?" Sighing, he began to look around at a quicker pace. This was the second time he got lost and separated from the group.

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Once he heard Zarely call out for him, he looked to the North and, sure enough, there was the library. At this moment, Electrobolt proceeded to facehoof himself for clearly missing it. "I'm coming..." he replied as he walked to the library, embarrassed that he missed it so easily.

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Just As Jasmin left, Draft fluttered around the higher sections, grinning like an idiot as he perused the rows of books.

"'Rescue at Midnight Castle,' 'Fortress of Fire,' these are some of my favorite stories!" he said happily, "Ooh! And over there are the Daring Doo books!"

He flew over to another bookshelf and admired it's contents. As he came to the top of the shelf something behind the shelf caught his eye: a door, boxed in between three bookshelves and hidden in shadow and dust could just barely be seen from above.

Landing, he walked over to the front-facing bookshelf and pushed on it and found it to give way, rotating on unseen hinges. Before long the short and dark hallway leading to the hidden door was revealed. He looked about nervously, but nopony else seemed to be around. This wing of the library seemed unnaturally quiet indeed.

The hair on the back of Draft's neck stood on end as he faced the door. Taking a shaky step into the hall he pulled out and lit his lantern, using the matches he borrowed from Midnight. Just as he reached for the door's handle the third bookshelf swung shut and he was lit only by the glow of his lantern and the thin lines of light seeping through the opening above. He was about to return to the bookshelf to try and open it when he heard a voice echo from beyond the door: a sad, sobbing voice.


Against his better judgement he opened the door and entered the inky darkness.

Edited by TotalOverflow


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Once he entered the library, he went up to where they were supposed to meet with Draft. But when he saw Draft wasn't there, he asked, "Huh? Where'd he go?" He shook his head, thinking, *He must have gone out somewhere and would most likely return soon...* Looking at the books, one of them stuck out to him. "They have Daring Do here?" he whispered to himself as he pulled one of the books out before going over to one of the chairs and sitting down, reading the book as he waited for the others to arrive.

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