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private A journey into land Incognito

Wicked Funky

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"What about you two, does dinner sound good? I suppose I'll buy for everyone, not like my bits will be good where were going right?" he chuckled at the thought, economics was so funny. "What do you say one more nice dinner before we rough it?" he of course hadn't really thought that he was probably the only one there who lived a mosly sheterled life so this whole "roughing" it thing was probably only new to him. 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten@,


Aria considered Archimedes for a second. It was a comforting thought that she might be having one last night in luxury before they set off, but she could not in good conscience allow him to bear the full weight of the bill, which—judging by three of the five members—would undoubtedly be astronomical. "I'd be delighted, but I don't imagine your bits need to be wasted." 


Turning to the throne, she bowed and addressed the mare upon it. "If it pleases Your Majesty, might we have our final civilized dinner in the castle's dining room?"

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Luna looked at Aria for a few seconds, Before replying "Of course, With all you're doing for me and my sister it's the least we can do" She said giving her a smile of approval. 


 This place has a dining room as well!? Audacia thought to herself, Also wondering what kind of drinks a place like this must have. But she had to contain herself, She shouldn't drink to much. Then she would never earn their full trust given how out of hand she sometimes could get.


"Dining room eh? Sounds fancy!" She said trying not to sound nervous. 


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Aria could sense the mare had doubts about her skills. Calmly looking over the supposed warrior, she curtly replied, "there are few weapons outside of the realm of mastery for one who understands the kinesthetic nature of such things. I, for one, prefer the precision of a Rondel. It is almost as sharp as I am."




After her succinct explanation to whom she presumed was Banner, she inclined her towards Crescendo, unsure of why these ponies were suddenly keen on sharing their lives. "Aria Rosewood, as Her Majesty announced."



@, @,

"well that's a good weapon choice, need to use those myself sometime, mine is a sword and knifes for tactics but I could use almost anything" she sighed "thank and curse my stepfather for that" she looked at the picture and listened to Crescendo "I would do the same...wish I knew my father, or grandparents, life is cruel but now I'm here so I think that makes up for it" she thinks a little more "right now I do"


Crescendo tried the name on his tounge. "Aria Rosewood... That's a pretty name" Crescendo couldn't pronounce the name right, so it unfortunately didn't sound as beautifull as he thought. He looked at Banner. "Crec is sorry to hear that my friend" Said Crescendo and gave the guard a bear hug. "Yes, the world does need us, why me? Crec will never know, but Crec is always ready to assist equestria!" Declared Crescendo. He heard the word food. "A dinnder? Crec would be much delighted to participate in that!" Said Crescendo and followed everyone else 

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@, @, @,@@Yoshikupo,


He forced a smile. He doubted he'd have many opertunaties to do so in the future. "So, if we are all in agreeance why don't we adjorn for dinner? Now I'm going to be frank with all of you, I'm not a team player. Never really have been. figured I'd warn you now, rather discover it later." with a small sigh of relief he was glad to get that annoying business out of the way. 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


"Not a team player eh? Doesn't really matter as long as you do what your'e here for." Audacia said trying to give him a smile to not distance them further.  "But the dinner sounds good, When will we be having it?" She was getting hungry, As she hadn't gotten to eat anything the whole day since she got interrupted by the guards earlier.


And a mug of cider sounds real good right about now... She was getting a bit nervous once again. She didn't want to drink too much, But still, This might be the last proper drink she'll get for some time. Except for the amount she was bringing for the journey...


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @@The Down Trotten,

"well I agree with her, about dinner and the team player thing" she looks to a guard that was near them and walks over "would you lead us to the dinning room, a big adventure like this needs to have the explorers feed and prepared" Banner said in the nicest voice she could do 

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@, @@Yoshikupo,  @@The Down Trotten, @,


The guard gave banner a swift nod "Of course." not changing his stale and serious expression before starting to walk down the hallway. Just as before the huge stained glass windows were lighting up the room in countless colors. The days weren't bright very long this time of year and it was slowly beginning to get darker outside. They weren't sure how long this expedition was going to last, And they had no idea what this land was like. If they were going to be gone for a long time they had no idea how cold it would get during the winter, If it was even going to be cold.


As they were walking to the dining room Audacia asked the others "What do you think this land is going to be like? Winters coming up and it might get cold...​". 

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Might? Are winters not normally cold where you travel? Our destination is in the North. Given that temperatures seem proportional to the distance from the Equator, then yes, I imagine it is going to be bitterly cold."


As her eyes raked over every detail in the hall, Aria attempted to construct the topography of the land and subsequent climate they were most likely to come across. Determining she had insufficient information, she eventually dismissed the question as irrelevant. "It does not matter what we think the land is like. We can only prepare for what it might be, not what it will be."

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"I think I would like to trade my chain mail for a nice heavy coat then, you know, for what might happen on are journey...also medicine...I don't want to talk about why I thought about that so don't ask" she said as they neared the dinning hall "well forget that thought because were going to have food and booze, and drinks for those how don't want to get buzzed" she said almost doing a one eighty on her previous expression 

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@@@Yoshikupo@@The Down Trotten,@,  


Audacia raised an eyebrow without looking to the answer she had gotten from Aria, But she could see how it made sense.


"I don't travel to cold places  very often, I have a few times though.


What Banner had said about her coat made Audacia think for a bit. She didn't even have any armor, All she had was a cape.... It was a problem she would have to take care of after the dinner. "A new drinking buddy, eh? That's always good!" Perhaps it wouldn't as cold with some booze in her thought Audacia.


​As the guard open the door he stood firmly against the wall beside it and put out a hoof to indicate that they can enter. The room was huge, On the walls there were paintings and in the roof there were beautiful chandeliers. In the middle of the room there was a table stretching from one side of the room to the other, There was all foods imaginable on silver plates. Audacia stared wide eyed on the food before slowly walking forward to take a closer look. She had a loss of words and all she could get out was a vague "Uhh, Is.. Is this for, Uh... Us?" She wasn't used to these kinds of fancy foods and drinks being raised in a harbor and out at sea.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"ether they were setting it for a party or us, there is no other explanation" she looked at the fancy foods then at the drinks "I can work with wine, tastes better than some alcohol but what are those?" she said pointing to a dish of caviar "I'm not used to fancy foods, the fanciest food I had was small sandwiches" she chuckles a little as she grabs a seat next to some wine and what she assumed would be good to eat

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@, @,@@Yoshikupo,


"Whatever the case I suggest we eat a good fill, I don't know who the cook of our jourany wil be but theres only so much one can do over a open fire." he grabed a wine glass "So for what its worth, who will toast with me to this expedition?"  he was getting into the spirit of this expedition whether he liked it or not

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Crescendo smiled. He raised his glass og wine. "For a great adventure and future alliance!" Shouted Crescendo and downed the glass "Hmm, this is an Amarone, correct?" Said Crescendo and looked at the professor. Hoping to start a conversation with him. While waiting for an answer Crec observed the multitude of foods spread out at the table. He licked his lips in anticipation

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"I haven't the foggiest..." he sipped it and shrugged, his knowledge of wines was literally nil, he wasn't exactly high society material. Even if he was a bit of a snob "But its pleasant I suppose, so what does a fellow like yourself hope to gain from a journey such as this?"  idle chatter was not something he specialized in either, if he was going to speak it had better be to the point    


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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As she watched the others pour up some wine for themselves she grew more and more confident. Audacia filled up her glass to the very top, With some even dripping over. She raised her glass into the air spilling a little bit of wine in front of her. She took a liking to what crescendo had said and repeated it partially, "To a future alliance!".


As she drank her wine rather fast she overheard what the two stallions to her side had said, "Who cares as long as it tastes good?" she said in a bit of a sarcastic yet friendly tone.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Crescendo smile. "Old crec is a guardian at heart. I wil always help where i'm needed, so when Crec got this request. Crec decided that you needed help. Everyone knows that a blade kills, but a blade doesn't defend the important things in life like a shield. A shield has always been a strong defense symbol" Said Crescendo. He looked at Audacia "Crec agrees with you, but i apreciate expensive liquor." He then grinned "But some Ale wouldn't hurt right now" Said Crescendo and took out a bottle of the said drink

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It is too sweet to be an Amarone, and not entirely dry either. Besides, Amarone is hardly one of the best wines in Equestria; certainly not something royalty would have, I should think. It's no Flaccianello.


She raised her glass a few inches to the apparent toast to the alliance, as they seemed to be calling it. Letting her eyes drift over the food before them, she quietly listened to the idle gossip. The topics would surely hold no interest for her, but she was not listening for the meaning behind the words—only their sound. Selection made, she took for her plate fettuccine in what appeared to be a pancetta and tomato sauce. Last civilized meal indeed. The sisters certainly have good taste.

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As fast as Crescendo mentioned ale, Audacia swiftly turned her head looking with big eyes on the bottle. She remembered what she had told herself and tried not to look tempted. She decided to get some food to get her mind of it.


Audacia started to shovel foods of all sorts on her plate, "Better eat now before we'll have to live on bark and pine cones eh." She said without lifting her eyes from the food. As fast as she was done trucking food over to her plated she was about to drop it infront of her. But she remembered that on such a fancy dinner she might want to act somewhat sophisticated, and not like she's on her ship. Audacia carefully and smoothly and put her plate infront of her, Before starting to intensely devour the various foods on her plate.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The professor sighed in dismay. The wine was good, very good to be honest, but there was no tea to be found. It wasn't fancy to be sure but he was pretty sure he lived on the stuff. Forking some food into his mouth, he hadn't bothered to check exactly what, he looked at his peers in silence. The finally noticed, what was she again, ah yes the brains of the group. I honestly can't help but to find that somewhat insulting... What has all my work on griffion and diamond dog culture been for not?


He shook his head, petty jealousy had no place here. Forgetting the food he  turned to their mindful master "So, I hate to intrude into your silent requiem but if I may probe. whats going inside that mind palace of yours?"

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


Well, now I am drawn to the awareness of my own concious mind, and that this might be a sufficient answer. However, you asked what was going on inside of my mind and not simply if I were aware of it, though thinking of awareness still satisfies the initial condition. In reality, this would perhaps be the only answer I could provide without further introspection, as one does not simply think of things as passing individual tendrils of thought. It is rather a sphere of concepts not fully realized until they are focused upon. This amalgam suggests that one is not thinking of one particular thing, but everything simultaneously at every given moment. No, that is flawed logic; one must first define thinking, or perhaps differentiate between active thinking and passive thinking. I am actively thinking about this particular subject, but I recognize there are subconcious processes occurring simultaneously, such as the retrieval of thought from the aforementioned sphere. When retrieving thought, my brain would have to passively check facts against prior experiences to see if it fit with the current held view. That is, it would have to filter through all other relevant information, indicating that anything could emerge as a thought at any moment, like now. By the same token, one could argue philosophically that thinking of everything is true absolute chaos, and the summation of chaos would be nothing. I should perhaps answer his question, lest I appear too hesitant.


Swallowing what remnants of food remained in her mouth, she turned to Archimedes with a small smile. "Nothing. Sometimes one simply enjoys the sensations provided by the world...and I would hardly consider it a palace. Your mindscape is surely as valuable; you seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and that is a worthy trait."

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Banner's food was not half bad, tastes a little weird but then again she really only ate the stuff normal ponies had. Before she know it, it was gone and her stomach was not even full, she slowly drags another plate to her and pushes the used one away on to the table more. She drinks some wine and is in her own little world of food and thought, like normal for her during a meal.

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@@Yoshikupo, @,@,


"Why thank you, I think." he pondered the thought before he cleared his throat. "Alright I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty of this. As your cultural "expert" I'd ask all of you to try to keep your weapons sealed and hostilites low. In fact even if you see wild life, please no hunting. (Fortunately we're all vegetarians I can assume...). I don't know if we're going to meet any unknown cultures while were abroad but there's no need to get them frantic because we killed one of there sacred animals."  he didn't exactly like getting down to business so soon but he didn't know what else to do

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten, @, @, @,

"I get it, I'm a last resort or something" she sighed "its fine, I can take that as long as I help the state of Equestria...I'm not all that you've seen" she stood up from her chair "even if there is no fighting we will stay strong and keep living to help Equestria and the ponies living in it, including my friends, yours, and especially the princesses" she said in the most serious voice she has done this entire day "I know I wasn't chosen to be the leader but I swear I could make a close second" she thought for a second "yeah I bet Audacia is better than me at leading a team to a new land than me" she thought of multiple reasons why in that second she thought

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@@The Down Trotten@,


"You're the expert, And my weapon shouldn't be to hard to conceal with this cape anyway."  She said with a smile towards Archimedes. "​But Crescendos shield might be more of a challenge eh?" ​She said now looking at Crescendo with a bit of a concerned expression.




Audacia listened very carefully to what Banner was saying, Since she herself wasn't the extremely patriotic kind of pony she found it a bit obnoxious, She didn't say anything about it since she didn't want to come of as rude. "Don't flatter me" Audacia said with a bit of a sarcastic and friendly expression before clearing her throat. "I'm sure you'll make a great second in command." her expression was now more of a serious yet friendly one.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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