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private A journey into land Incognito

Wicked Funky

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He looked over at his future companion. "Well first let me clear something up. Civilization is merely a word cultures and societies apply to themselves to make themselves feel better about their shortcomings and to fuel a sense of superiority. I was merely making what I thought as a private lament." putting one last book into his saddle bag he sighed


"Now I can answer your question. I think its a whole lot of bunk, to tell you the truth. This sort of thing should have been done years ago, and with a larger party. Sending these five pony parties is sheer foolishness. And why now? I suppose we are facing economic hardships sure, but could the Princesses hope to gain in the wilderness? Gold? Gems? Some other ancient Artifact? This is a desperate gambit and as far as I can tell we're the fourth string picks. Honestly I'm only going for two reason's, my brother and the chance to get some field work in. Equestrian's unsurprisingly have very few books on other cultures." he paused for breath


"And what do you think Madam? What do you think of this so called expedition?"  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


A cynic? How unfortunate. I had hoped to have at least one acquaintance on this journey...


Through Archimedes's rant, Aria had continued to sift through books of curious topics, though many of them were impractical. The Magic of Music was the next to join her medical tome, being particularly alluring for its detail on unconventional mana manipulation. She realized she needed a new lute with which to experiment, however, having left hers in Manehattan earlier this morning.


Coming to the end of his speech, Archimedes in turn posed the same question she had asked of him. Without ceasing her perusal of the shelves, she spoke instead to the books.


"Well it will certainly break the monotony," she replied lightly. "Of course, I am rather skeptical of my role in this, but if the Princess of the Night hoof picked this party, there must have been some trait she saw in each of us that, when combined, she was certain would yield an optimal rate of success. How she came to know of us or such traits, I can only imagine...most likely within our dreamscapes, where our true selves are wont to roam.


I would also assume that the parties have remained small for expedience and minimizing resource consumption. Perhaps let us think of it this way. Let us say we have a single pony that has a maximum carrying weight of 'm'. This pony will require enough resources to see them at least to the new land, not including a return trip. This may include armor, clothing, food, medical supplies, what have you. At some point, as consumption of some of these items—particularly, food—is proportional to the length of the trip, one will eventually find themselves exceeding their maximum carrying weight of 'm' we established earlier. How do we compensate for this? By adding another pony, and beginning a cycle I am sure you can see.


We can end the cycle, of course, by not solely relying on items readily provided, but making use of the naturally occurring resources. The problem with this is if too many ponies are on the expedition, they'll managed to consume such resources quite easily, which may negatively impact the lives of creatures or cultures living nearby that rely on such things. I do not imagine you of all ponies would wish to see that happen.


At least, that is merely my assumption regarding the size of the party, and could very well be incorrect. I am just rationalizing your concerns, though I cannot deny the legitimacy of your other point. I would have to spend some time pondering her potential benefit."


Surely that string of sentences was the longest I have ever spoken consecutively...

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@, @,

"I saw a kitchen next to the dinning room and were going to get water as well and make it so that about 4 of a normal saddle bag is filled on them, or about every pocket on that leather armor...not all on you of anything, between us and then we will head to a store room or something" she responded and entered the dinning room to see it empty of food "they clean up fast and the door to the kitchen is over there" she pointed to the very left door of the room then walked toward it

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He blinked and coughed lightly "Well said... Pardon my rather lack of enthusiasm. This whole exploring thing, was my brothers passion. He'd find it and I'd studied it.  This expedition was a dream come true for him. And that's it, its his dream not mine . But well now he's gone and it seems I'm the last line of defense as it were. So I hope if you'll understand if I'm not exclaty crazy about this." he sighed "Have you made the proper preparations in case you don't come back?" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


Aria considered her situation for a moment. Perhaps a consequence of her being so adaptable to a changing environment, she slipped in and out of the lives of others with ease, even perhaps expecting them to accept such behaviour as normal. To her it was, and because of this, she had many acquaintances to call upon, but no everlasting connections. Nopony, in essence, would miss her.


"There weren't any preparations for me to make. Perhaps that is why I did not balk at the invitation."


She tore herself away from the shelves, turning instead to face Archimedes with an apologetic look. "I can certainly understand your lack of enthusiasm, and appreciate you approaching the task regardless. If there is anything I can do to ease your troubles... she let the offer hang on the air between them.

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He found himself not forcing a smile, true it was small it was to genuine "Thank you, I appreciate the offer but I honestly don't know what you could do to help... Have you gotten all the reading material you may need?" he thought about the question himself and sighed "My what a thought, won't be seeing a library for quite some time." 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Crescendo filled up his saddlebags with alot of supplies. He had about enough water and food for 5 months. He had 8 saddlebags stacked on his torso. He walked around a bit to test the weight, when he found out that it weighted next to nothing, Crec gave a toothy smile "Crec is ready to go! I will meet you tomorrow my friends. If you have any extra supplies you can't carry, then give them to Crec." Said Crec, and walked back towards his room

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Audacia watched the giant stallion fill up his many saddlebags with supplies before realizing she forgot to grab one herself. She looked around the kitchen in desperation, Trying to find something to use. In the corner next to a shelf filled with spices a dusty old saddlebag was laying, She walked up to it and picked it up to further inspect it. It had a minor hole in the side of it and was a bit dusty on the inside as well, But Audacia wasn't very picky and this would simply have to do. As she turned around Crec announced he was heading for his room, "Be sure to get some rest eh. We'll be up early tomorrow." She said as she continued to explore the insides of the saddlebag spreading dust all over the floor in the process. 


She walked around the kitchen looking through all the supplies they had on the shelves covering many of the walls, Getting everything she needed for their journey. She realized she couldn't fit as much as she would have wanted to when trying to fit a last bottle of ale in her saddlebag. In disappointment she put away the bottle, And turned to Banner, "I should get some rest as well, Got any idea where we're supposed to sleep for the night?". She realized how ironic it was how she could so easily find her ways in the wild, But not in a place made by and for ponies. 

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@The Down Trotten,


Aria looked wistfully at the myriad of knowledge adorning the walls, then to her pile of three measly books. "All of the reading material that I may need would be far too much to carry. Besides, it is getting rather late, and I have a few other matters to which I must attend before retiring." 


Slipping the books into a compartment separate from the medical supplies, she donned her saddlebag. " 'Twas nice chatting with you," she said sincerely, making her way towards the door. "Perhaps next time you can regale me with your thoughts on innate magic and its applications."

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Banner packed in some charcoal as she heard Audacia "well the barracks has beds on its second floor but I think that they have rooms in the halls over where they host parties and keep guests, aka yes I know where rooms are and I'm all packed up...except." she takes the bottle of ale she put back earlier and puts it in her bag "this is for you later but lets get some rest now." She says walking out of the room "hope the others got good things."

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As Banner had packed down the ale in her saddlebag Audacia had looked at her with the biggest most grateful expression she could possibly have. "Many thanks you ye, I'll just be fallowing you then." She responded as the two left the kitchen and headed for their rooms. 


They walked through the halls, No longer lit up by the stained glass windows since the sun had fully set. The guards standing next to the walls briefly straightened themselves out and held their spears up high as they passed. Not until now was Audacia getting tired, She let out a big yawn before realizing they had reached their destination.  "So I guess I'll se you tomorrow then eh..". 

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"sleep well my friend, I'll see you...and I guess everypony else, in my dreams." she didn't want to make it awkward but she thought she did as she walked away to the door across from her room. She put her bag down lightly and went strait into the bed thinking about how the adventure might go, hoping that it does not go wrong as Chain and Equestria kind of depended on them. She slept soon after as her mind wandered the endless possibilities.

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"yes perhaps we shall." he nodded to her and actually walked her out "If you pardon me I'm going to spend a few more moments here. Got one more thing to do." he smiled to her as he was once again alone. In truth he did't have anything to do but really just wanted to sleep, of all things in the library. It wasn't really the books that he liked about it either. It was the sacred quit that prevailed in the hollowed chamber of learning. He plodded over to the local fireplace and stared into the fire slowly drifting to sleep

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Audacia opened the door to her room and was instantly in chocked by the sheer size of the room, And the bed for that part. She walked up to the bed putting some pressure on the madras with her front hooves feeling how soft it was. She wasn't used to anything else then the shoddy beds they had at the inns around the docks and on the ship. 


She dropped her saddlebag to the side of the bed swell her armor and cape before climbing up on the bed, At first she felt a bit uncomfortable but quickly adapted to the softness. She was a bit excited about the next day and had a bit of a hard time falling asleep, She twisted and turned in her bed until she was really starting to get tired and slowly fell asleep.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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There was a certain beauty in the stillness that had settled upon the castle. Beholding silent sights that under any other circumstance would be bustling always proved to be a surreal experience for Aria. She sometimes strolled around Manehattan in the midnight hours just to experience it, that indescribable feeling of stillness. The effect was much the same now, assisted by arched ceilings reaching towards the heavens. Aria felt as though she were the only living being in the castle.


This illusion dissolved upon meeting one of the royal minstrels. In need of a new lute, she sought the aid of fellow musicians, and was not disappointed as she left their chambers with one upon her back. She was elated, even, for the stringed savant of the group had explained that their instruments had been crafted and imbued to be more receptive to magic. Aria was no unicorn, of course, but there were ways around that.


Aria had debated on whether or not to go to the armoury. Though she would most likely be drawing out logical courses of action to implement Audacia's vision for the expedition, there was always the chance she might be caught alone in an undesirable situation. Deciding it would've been best to have looked in dismay than never to have looked at all, Aria found herself looking through the armoury's wares.


She immediately regretted not picking up a book on maintaining armour, for surely theirs was bound to wear over time...not that she herself would be wearing anything wrought of metal. If there was time tomorrow morning, she would run to the library to find a book on metalworking. Whilst she would normally enjoy learning things by doing them herself, rather than reading about them, ignorantly fiddling with her partners' armour would potentially put their lives at risk.


Searching for more suitable protection for herself, she came across two leather jerkins that looked newly wrought. For Archimedes and I, perhaps, as the others have been here already? That's...rather thoughtful... she thought, admiring the elegant design. Feeling that such fashionable armour required an equally fashionable weapon, she scanned the room for a suitable blade. What she found, however, was something far more beautiful.


A wooden bow sat upon the wall, leather quiver at its feet. This was the weapon for her; elegant in looks, poised in position, and precise in demeanor. She resolved to get a book on archery in addition to metalworking the first chance she got. Slinging the bow and the quiver around her waist, and draping the jerkins—both, so that she could give one to Archimedes—over the lute on her back, she found herself rather encumbered.


With the hour now growing very late, and unable to gather food supplies given the lack of room she had, Aria resigned to retire to her bedroom for the night. She had to trust that the others would have collected a decent amount of rations for the group. It was not long after reaching her bedroom that she was able to pass out from exhaustion.

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@, @@The Down Trotten, @@Yoshikupo, @,


Audacia woke up with a sudden motion as she heard loud knocking on her door before two guards stepped in the room, One of the guards cleared his throat before taking a step towards her "Princess Luna would like to have a word with you all, So if you would please ready yourself and come to the throne room as fast as possible, That would be desirable.". Audacia looked at the guard for a few seconds before turning her head to the window, The sun barely peeked up from the horizon and it was still a bit dark.


She turned her head back towards the guard and with a tired and a bit raspy voice replied, "Aye... Just give me a moment." As she said it the guard gave her a swift nod and they both stepped out of the room closing the door. It took her a few seconds before she stepped out of the bed and put her hair up with her brown hairband, She looked to her side and saw her new attire she'd wear for her journey and a big smile formed on her face. As she had put it on she instantly walked over to the mirror in the room looking at herself from a few different angles, She liked her new armor, Actually, She loved it. After she was done basking in her own reflection she grabbed her saddlebag and left the room, Now heading for the throne room.


The sun had risen further and the halls were once again painted by the reflections of the stained glass. As she entered the throne room both Celestia and Luna were sitting on their respective thrones.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @, @@The Down Trotten, @,

Banner was woken up the same way Audacia was woken up "Fine, I'll come in just a second." she said getting up then made sure that everything was in her bag then looked in the mirror "I think I look fine." She said not even paying attention to the almost rats nest she called hair. Once she left she found the armor she requested near the door and put it on seeing and feeling the steel worked into the leather which felt much stronger then just leather alone, I wonder if the other two will have the same happen to them, she thought walking to the throne room. She arrived seeing Audacia there "a little briefing or something? or just a send off thing?" She questioned out loud to herself.

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@@Yoshikupo, @, @,




The sun gave a rather rood awakening to the professor. Much like his students who would pull pranks on him over the summer. Stupid punks and their ketchup... Opening one eye at a time they quickly came upon a silent royal guard standing in the library door. Quickly standing up he just nodded to the guard "I'm requested at the royal hall I presume?" the guard nodded "Then I shall be there presently ," Once again the guard only nodded and left Archemdies in peace.


Picking up his very full saddle bag he shoved one more quill behind his ear for good measure and scuttled to his room quickly acquired his hat. A old beat up wide brimmed working hat, good for keeping away bugs and sun and ran to the royal hall surprised to be the third one there, rushing a bow to the sisters he simply remained quiet. I wonder where Ms. Rosewood is...

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@All (Forgive me; I am on mobile. Prolly going to be a bland post, too. Lots of telling/informing, little showing/evoking)


A sudden knocking drew Aria out of a peaceful slumber. With a groan she attempted to burrow herself further into her pillow, until a second, more insistent knock deemed it a futile effort. Begrudgingly, she rolled unto her hooves and shuffled to the door, sleep still in her eyes. Upon receiving the guard's message, she set about donning her equipment for the long journey ahead.


As last night had been a bit of a hassle with the awkward positioning of the objects she intended to carry, she resolved to find a more organized solution. Donning the leather jerkin solved a decent part of the problem, for not only did it fashionably fit to form, but it allowed her to secure the lute on her back. The saddlebag and quiver rested on with side of her torso respectively and comfortably, which left only the bow. It took a minute to determine the best way to carry it without feeling encumbered, but ultimately she decided to secure it under the strings of the lute. Satisfied after testing her equipment with a little shake, she set off for the throne room.


Light danced about the floor in an intoxicating myriad of colours. At the end of the display sat regality, both to whom she bowed before retreating to her partners in whatever endeavor on which they were about to embark.

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Crescendo woke up bright and early. He let out a massive yawn and stretched. Crec jumped out of the bed, and started doing his normal 250 pull ups. When he was done, Crec grabbed his heavy armor, and shield. He stood in front of the door "Today is a good day!" Said Crec and flashed a grin. He opened the door and began walking towards the throne room. He walked inside "Greetings your majesties. Crec is ready to deliver busted muzzles!" Said Crescendo. His positive attitude brightening the room. He took his place next to the others. His massive frame making him 3 heads taller then the rest

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@Cruki@Wubtavia@The Down Trotten@blazedtime,


Celestia looked at Luna with a bit of a concerned expression before looking down at the five ponies standing before them. "We appreciate everything you're all doing for us, And if... When you come back safely we will make sure you will all be rewarded properly.Luna said looking a bit nervous and concerned. She took a deep breath as Celestia kept inspecting her every move "For you to get to your destination you will either have to travel by hoof, Or by boat fallowing the river towards the Crystal mountains. Either way, When you reach the mountains there will be a passage in-between them, We're not sure when it opened but it shouldn't have been to long ago since it was only recently discovered. You will be given a map to show you exactly where this passageway is located.". As Luna had said that a guard had walked up to Audacia holding his hoof out offering the promised map to her, And she of course took it. "​If you have any questions this will be the last chance you'll have to get them answered.​" Luna said looking at the team of ponies she had assembled.


Audacia wasn't interested in asking the princess anything, She only had one thing on her mind, "We're taking the boat. Right?".

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @, @, @@The Down Trotten,

"I trust I pirate can man a boat so, yes." She said with a smile looking at Audacia "if it sinks then I bet it will be from Cerc's giant load" She jokes looking at Cerc also seeing the two smarties of the group "be happy I requested the leather from the blacksmith by the way...wait wheres the professor's?" She said as a guard comes with the leather armor in hoof "I think Archemdies left this, we thought the placement was obvious, he must of overlooked it." He says placing it next to him then leaving "there it is."

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@, @, @,@@Yoshikupo,


He looked down at the jerkin "I'm suppose to wear that?... What on earth for?  Alright, alright, before I get a thousand and one reasons as to why." he put the thing on with much chagrin having to take all of his equipment off, making for a rather bemusing spectacle as the professor wasn't exactly full of grace, getting his head stuck in one of the arm holes before actually putting it on correctly. When he was done he sighed and shoved his hat onto his head "You know we look more like a war party then an exploration team..." he was having a hard time getting around that "Is there something that we haven't been told?" 


Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten@@Yoshikupo,@,@,


Luna looked at the professor with a troubled expression, "​You're no war party, But we're desperate and we might need to take violent actions to get what we need." She said looking at him not looking too happy about what she had said. "You'll need to protect yourselves as well..." Luna said sounding a bit unsure, She was nervous, And her sisters constant look of judgement did not help. 


"If that was all, Guards are waiting for you outside the throne room, They'll fallow you out of Canterlot and then it's your decision how you travel.", She wasn't as confident anymore, Scared that she was just sending another party to their demise.

Edited by Cruki
  • Brohoof 1


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Aria knew that this answer would not satisfy Archimedes. It did not even satisfy her, and only drew skepticism as she faintly remembered his concerns from last night. Not wanting the Princess to slip further into a state shaken of confidence, which might yeild answers even more vague, Aria gave her assurance before asking a more specific question; the real question to which Archimedes had wanted an answer.


"You are, of course, wise beyond our years, so I am sure your reasons are sound, but if I may ask a final question: what is it you intend for us to find?"

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