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private Inspiration Collision(1x1 with Yoshikupo)

Deae Rising Shine~

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"tell me how beautiful" "stop it!" Goldie and Emerald say to here "fine, I'm hungry anyway" she walks away into a door under the stair case "it's nice to meet you too, she can be a bit of a pain when she wants" Sunny says "oh what are you doing here anyway?" she looks at Emerald and Rising "were looking for something he can write about, got any ideas?" "well if you don't find anything, he can talk about the days in the hideout in the book, not saying where it is of course" "I was thinking more action but if we have to stay here a bit then I'm fine with something like that" Emerald shrugs "well I've never really been in the field and somepony said I would" she stares at Diamond "well then I'll go make a plan for you two...three" he says forgetting to count Rising as he two goes under a room under the stairs

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Rising again keeps listening too the conversations going on, not surewhat to say.


Wait, I go to a mission soon? Oh gosh, what if I fail, oh no, what if one get caught trough my mistake? Oh no, oh no, oh no ...


"Uhm. Your all sure to send me anytime soon to a mission already? I'm not so skilled and trained and all ..."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"relax it will take him a few days to even make a plan because he has to think of something, find info about the place, see if a weak point is there or some sort of event that could make it better for the mission, then finally he has to make the plan ingrained into your skulls to perfect calculations...its kind of like a play that has to go just right to make it all work" Sunny explains "normally I make a quick plan when a opportunity arises but what are the chances of that...anyway I'll be sure to make you into an at least armature thief as we have sometime" "I guess I'll be joining?" "yes you will, even though I know you are way better at being a thief than him" "awesome! so I guess I'm your senior in class" she snickered playfully "just be careful, ok? that goes to all of you" she leaves to go to another room in the left hall. "where do we start?" Emerald puts out the diamond on the floor "your going to take this, then fly as fast away from me" "so cardio?" "yes, then we get to the boring stuff" she got into a ready stance waiting for one of them to take the diamond

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Rising nods.


"True, I should had expected it, that it will take a while to make a plan. Well, then is enough time to train, good to know."


Rising keeps listening to them, until they pull out a diamond on the floor. He looks up to them, expecting that they do something with it.


Or am I supposed to take it?

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"I was waiting for you but if you don't want to pick it up then I will, if I do then your the one covering my flack and making the obsticals for her...I thought you would want to pick it up since you don't really know how to do that" Goldie explained "come on, make your choice so we can go, my wings are ready for you to get it"

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Alright, guess I WAS the one to pick it up. Okay, picking, and running, easy peasy. Let's go!


Rising takes a deep breath, walking to it and relaxes, before picking it up fast and starts running away, as fast as possible. He has no idea where exactly to run, so he just takes the ways he can see fast enough to enter.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"exactly what I wanted" she said seeing Rising fly throw a door was with Goldie after. She chased them making sure not to hold back on speed "oh crap" Goldie said seeing Emerald catching up then got a cane from a basket that they went by and started using that as a sort of protection against her "nice" she says going up to her and knocking the cane away "your not my target though" she started flying strait for rising as he went throw another door in the house leading to the kitchen where Amethyst was making a sandwich "whats going on? Did you come here for me?" she teases

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Rising runs as fast as possible, trying to dodge anything in the way.




He doesn't look back, he readed enough stories where a short moment away from forward can be end in crashing something. He pants more and more but keeps running, until he tripped and falls on his face, letting fall the diamond to the ground.


"Owwww, my head ..."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Emerald landed right next to him "you ok? Need to go to like the medical station? We have one of those" she picks him up off the kitchen floor he feel on which gave Amethyst the perfect view "the way you reacted made you seem like a couple" she laughed as Emerald blushed "yeah well it's because he is my friend and I would do anything when they needed help" "what's going on in here?" Goldie said just entering the room "the best couple ever that's what" "hu?" she looked at Emerald and Rising

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Rising shakes his head and stands up with her help, rubbing his muzzle.


"Ouch, I don't think I need medical help. But it hurts a lot."


He hears what they say and blushes.


She calls me a friend? She knows me for like one hour or so ... I feel honored. Wait, what?!


"Couple? Oh, nono, we aren't like that. As she said, were friends, nothing more."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"its like you want to make lives go together on a whim, as a couple I mean" "you mean like shipping?" "I ship ponies all the time, like Jade and Dark or Goldie and Dashing" "you will not mention Dashing ever again" "fine but you cant change my mind though, Emerald and Rising all the way" she smiled and ate a bit of her sandwich "uh, I'll gladly teach you about equipment and stuff now, as well as some history to learn from" Emerald looks at Amethyst pissed "well then we can go to the little museum place we have" "good idea, lets go before somepony in this room winds up choking on a sandwich shoved down there throat" "I take it I want to far" she just continues to eat as Goldie and Emerald leave to head to the museum "also the way you react makes it obvious...if you really want her then come to me when there asleep, I'm the third door to the right of the foyer" she left

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Shipping? Wha-? I'm not together with her ... but she looks cute ... concentration, Rising ...


"Uhhhh. Oookaaay ... History sounds good to me. Tough I may know the one or other story by searching. But who knows what else comes?"


He smiles, when she looks to him, more quietly, telling him to come to her at night.


"Wha-? I uh ... need to go."


He runs to the other two, trying to get far away from her.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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The three get to the sort of museum of past adventures which has many things in cases, one even had a dragon scale in it "well history, what we learn from it can help us in the future" she instantly goes over to a assortment of gems lined up in a tree like fashion on the wall "here are the gems and ores we name are kin after, each has a story to tell and Goldie look at this one" she goes to the bottom of the tree and shows tow chunks of gold ore in it "is that for me? and my brother?" "yep, but we have more pressing matters to attend to" she walks away from that and to a case with a diamond almost like the one Emerald got on the pedestal "this is one of the first stories from are family, this is the diamond that Pyrite proposed to Velvet with, bless her heart" she did a little moment of silence then perked right up again "Pyrite was lucky he even got this as he could have been caught from lack of planning many times, not checking the doors, not knowing what the inside of the place looked like, heck not even knowing what to steal" Emerald said then looked at Rising "I bet you know this already but I know you won't know anything about the rest"

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Rising follows them, entering the place and looks around in fascination.




All the stuff here even surprises him. He then also notices the special gems.


"So, that there is some kind of family tree? Woah, that looks really cool."


He smiles, interested in what they have to tell.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"I know, are family has been drawn to adventure, whether it be legal or not" Emerald says walking over to a flower which looks like a miss colored black rose "the story behind this, deals with my parents Ruby and Silver" she got into a story teller like voice "Ruby, after a long time kind of obsessed with a stallion that she helped in getting him away from the public for the murder of his parents that he didn't do, finally got with him and they had a little talk. Silver was not to happy with the thought of going with her to steal things which broke Ruby's heart. Silver was left to contemplate on what to do and tried to apologize but Ruby didn't want to hear it. He found out that there was a flower celebration happening in Ponyville for spring so he decided he would come in and steal the one black rose they were advertising to bring more ponies to come. He stole it with a few complications, he now has a few scares on his face from it and a slice that could have gone all the way throw his foot. Ruby accepted it and took him to get care here" Emerald explained then turned to her normal voice "so now I have to explain what he did wrong and why we need to not do what he did" Emerald said then explained about the whole wrongs he did, it was very boring as most of the stuff Emerald and Goldie already knew but Rising my have not

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Rising's ears perk up and he listening everything in cheer and excitement. Why the two seem to be kinda bored, he looks like a colt, who has birthday right now. Sitting and listening, imaginating everything in his mind, trying to keep everything remembered, what they said.



Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"ok that's enough history, I went over the basics and slightly advanced stuff and now my throat is dry from all this so I'm just going to end it here for today and start showing you the equipment we use" "at least Rising learned some things about all this" she said walking to the door when she saw a bloody knife in the corner "whats that?" she pointed to it "it has to deal with Black pearl, just ignore it, Pyrite decided to put it there" "oh" they walked throw the door

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"Thanks for telling me all this, I really feel honored to be able to hear that. And your family is nice, I expected worse, when thinking about that your all thieves. I am actually proud myself that I followed you, instead of just letting the guards get me. Thank you."


He smiles and follows then, happy to see so many adventures in future he can write off.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"your very welcome but you've only seen part of my family and some can be a little...overwhelming" "and down right evil" "stop thinking about him, Jade will fix it with Topaz...oh right you don't know, its a problem that will sort itself out" they reach the equipment room where tons of old fashion and things you didn't even know existed were there "did Pearl start working on new stuff again? I swear that drama queen has some very big brain for this" she picks up a grappling hook "I think we should start with a classic though" she explains how it works which kind of bores the two again as they know how it works "and reel it back in with this lever" she finishes then looks around to try and find something else there she could use and talk about.

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Rising gulps nervously, still following them, until they reach the mentioned room. Again he stares in awe by all the stuff, wondering, what they all are for.


"Woah, that is a lot of stuff you all have."


He watch and listens happily, until they where done and looks around more.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"hmm...ah ha!" she picks up a blue orb with a pick lock design on it that was sitting next to sort of identical orbs of different color and design "if I remember correctly, this can be used to tell how to pick lock something and with it at full power, it can even pick it itself" she explains as Goldie looks around at the other things finding a boot that has some fancy gadgetry on it "I wonder what this does" she puts it on and a magic blade shots out of it "what the heck?" "you know better than to mess with that stuff" "I know, shut up!" she starts pressing buttons on it which makes a lazer shot right past Rising then turn into a normal looking boot "sorry"  "uh, I think that's enough for today, its getting pretty late as it is...are time scheduled I mean" she says knowing that it was about 5:00 in the morning "you can stay in the guest room at the last right door to the foyer, I'll be in the second left to it" "and I'll be on the sixth left one" they leave going back to the foyer and say there good nights as they yawn heading in there rooms.

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Rising again listens interested, until he got nearly hit by a laser.


"Woah, watch out! You nearly hit me!"


He shivers hard, trying to relax and listens to where his room is. After some minutes to calm down, he slowly stands up and walks to the mentioned door, opening it and walks in. He smiles, laying down in the bed and falling asleep pretty fast.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Amethyst sat in her room waiting for Rising until she called it quits "I guess he doesn't want to know how to get her and maybe more of her past" she said going to sleep. Emerald remembered that the Diamond was still in the kitchen and flew over to find it gone "family of thieves, should have known" she went back to her room and had a bit of trouble thinking about Rising as a partner in the mission and what Amethyst said "yeah right" she slightly doubted that as she went to sleep

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Rising starts to dream. He was back in Ponyville, same situation as before, but this time, he was confused and stayed, getting captured by the guards. No interrogation brought anything, but they still believed, he worked with her. He got hold in dungeon, depressed and sad, when she cames and helped him escaping ... then they kissed ...




Rising yawns, rubbing his eyes, wondering where he is, until he remembers. He looks to any clock to see how long he sleeped.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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it was about seven hours making it 12:00, most of the family would still be asleep but some wake up around this time, like Goldie and her brother. "why did I have to be born a twin?" she asked as Golden was flying around there room making quite a bit of noise combined with his record playing a rock song "I'm out, see you later" she left the room still hearing the noise that come how was not heard by anypony else. Emerald also woke up from a almost identical dream but was in the place of herself and they didn't kiss "I hope those two are up" she stretched her wings as she left her room seeing Goldie "sup, I need breakfast" "me too"

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