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Clockwork couldnt understand why she had suddenly changed. <Was it what I said? Or something more?> he thought as he went to class. In the AP advanced magic class, he saw Eris, a flare of dislike swelled inside him.


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Eris was surrounded by beautiful mares as usual. He was smiling and flirting with them. As Clockwork walked into his class Eris muttered, "there he is." And suddenly the girls all starred at Clockwork with resent. Clockwork tried sitting down in an empty seat, "that's my seat!" Some mare would say as she ran over and sat in that seat. This continued until the only spot left was next to Eris.

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Eris, "oh Clocky! How nice of you to join me, finally leaving my poor little sister alone?" Eris exclaimed sarcastically. "I always knew you were weird, but I never pegged you for a 'filly dipper'." Other members of the class began to laugh and 'ew' quietly around the two. Getting no response out of Clockwork bothered Eris. Eris tipped Clockwork's desk using his hoof, resulting in Clockwork's things to spill all over the floor.

Edited by Shankveld

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Eris was a little peeved that he wasn't getting the reaction he had hoped for. Class went on as usual, Eris constantly distracting the teacher with some pointless conversation. towards the end of class Lovely showed up. Lovely approached Eris smiling, but turned to Clockwork, "I was wondering if you could help me with the homework from today." Eris fumed up, "LOVELY! Are you trying to make a mockery of our family!? I'm your brother I help you study." Eris put his hoof down snarling at Clockwork, Lovely looked as if she was about to cry. "I'm sorry I just thought you'd be busy with your own studies.." "And what makes you think loser has time? He's got studies too you know." Lovely looked nervously at the ground, "well.." "Well what!?" "He was first in your year last year." Lovely whispered. Eris' eyes widened, his face red with rage, then he exhaled and began to laugh, "oh. I get it now. You think he's better than me? Buck you! You spoiled little brat." Eris stormed out leaving Lovely in tears.

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Clocks eyes widened and his mouth dropped at how Eris had been acting toward his own sister. "He... how dare he?!" he said, his chest puffing out in anger, an uncommon thing for Clockwork. He turned to Lovely, his heart began to sink as he looked at the crying mare. "Lovely..." he began, he wasn't used to comforting another, but he had to try, for her sake. "Don't listen to what he said, you aren't a brat, he... he has no idea what he's saying. As far as I'm concerned he is dead wrong about what he said, and to deny your right to ask whomever you want for help is wrong. He shouldn't control you like that Lovely... please... no more tears... I don't like seeing you upset"

<Did I really just say that? Furthermore... I meant it too>


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Lovely had attempted to conceal her face by pushing her mane in front. She couldn't bear anypony to see her in such a state of weakness, how embarrassing. Lovely sniffled as she listened to Clockwork's kind words silently.

As the bell rang and the students left the class Emerald Jem and Pearl Sea came to see Lovely. Lovely's make-up had run from her crying, leaving black streaks below her eyes.

"Woah gurl, you like goth or something now?" Emerald asked. Lovely sneered.

"Well whatever! Don't forget about Stud Muffin's party tonight."

"He totally wants to hook-up with you."

Lovely wiped her running make-up off her face.

"Celestia! You sure are an ugly cryer." The two mares laughed in unison.

Lovely remained silent.

Emerald Jem and Pearl Sea exchanged looks and left.

Lovely sighed heavily and turned to Clockwork, "can you bring me to the closest mare's washroom?"

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Clockwork smiled gently to her with sad eyes, he gently moved her mane from her face to look her in the eyes. "Of course" he said quietly. He led her to the mares washroom, "Would you like for me to wait for you? Are you still wanting help with the homework?"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"Could you wait outside and make sure nopony comes in? I don't want anymore ponies to see me like this." Lovely said as she disappeared into the room. Many strange looks from passing ponies later, Lovely came back out of the washroom. "I can't believe you actually stayed and waited for me." She sounded surprised. "If you wanna come by my dorm and help me with homework now that'd be great, since there's this party later I have to make an appearance at."

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Clockwork smiled "Of course, I'm a colt of my word, when I say I'll wait for you then I will.". They made it to her dorm, as she got her books out, Clockwork spoke up "I Uhh... I hope you have fun at this party. Perhaps you can tell me all about it tomorrow".


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"You're not coming?" Lovely looked confused, "anypony who's anypony is going to be there. And it's not some fancy invitation only event." Lovely began flipping through her note book to find that day's lesson, "and there'll be a lot of seniors there too! Not just freshponies. It's going to be wicked fun." Lovely pinned her mane out of her face using a small ribbon.

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"Nonsense!" Lovely exclaimed. "Promise me you'll be there. You need to enjoy your academy years too. Who knows, maybe you'll meet a nice mare." Lovely thought for a moment and then reached towards Clockwork's face. She removed his glasses and messed up his hair a bit, "nerd pony my flank. You look perfectly normal now!"

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Clockwork looked to the ground nervously, "I... I might... but, promise me well hang out at some point... you're the only pony really that actually talks with me without being snide". He lifted up his glasses, slightly blurry because his short range vision wasn't too great.


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"Why not? Just try not to embarrass me." Lovely giggled playfully as she turned to a question in her text book. Lovely looked at her text book, as she got out a water bottle for the necessary spell. Lovely wrinkled he nose and closed her eyes tightly, but the water remained still. Lovely sighed, "I'll never be able to get this water to boil by tomorrow. Not matter how hard I concentrate nothing happens. I'm the most useless unicorn ever!"

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Six put his glasses back on and looked at the book, then to the water bottle. He got out another bottle and shut his eyes. The water bottle began to glow and quickly began to boil. "Ah ha!" he said as he stopped the spell, "Your problem is you are trying to raise the overall temperature around the bottle. What you need to work on is the molecules within the water itself. Temperature is based on the speed of molecules within a certain substance. Try this, instead of a temperature spell around the water, try a speed acceleration spell within the water"


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"Wow, I would have never even thought of that." Lovely closed her eyes again as her horn began to glow. Little bubbles began floating to the top of the bottle in a line. Lovely opened her eyes with a gasp, "I'm doing it! I'm doing!" She cheered as the bubbles stopped, "whoops lost my concentration." Lovely stuck out her tongue cutely as she wrote down the spell she used in her notebook. Lovely brought out a can of pop and tried the same spell, but accidentally used it on the bottle instead of the liquid inside. The can spilt on the floor. Lovely sighed in frustration, "before was just a fluke, molecules are to small to concentrate on."

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Clock shrugged and replied "Like everything, it takes practice. I was never this quick to think just off the bat. You are better than you credit yourself Lovely". He placed a hoof on her shoulder as he said the last part, smiling gently. He used his magic to clean the mess and put another soda on the table. "Try again, focus on the liquid, not the container"


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Lovely closed her eyes and began to focus. Lovely's horn lit up as did the outline of the bottle. The bottle began to shake as Lovely began to grind her teeth and than.. BAM! The bottle exploded and soaked Lovely and Clockwork. Lovely sighed heavily is frustration, "no! No! No! No! No!" She looked as if she was about to cry, but composed herself. "It's going to take my forever to wash this out of my mane and get it ready for the party tonight!" Lovely looked at Clockwork with alarm, "Sorry to cut our study session late, but I really need to get on this stat. Promise I'll see you tonight? It's at the Beta-capa house!" Lovely said as she showed Clockwork to the door and ran off to the showers.

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Clockwork shrugged, "I might come. Not sure yet" he replied. He began to walk back to his dorm, a smile on his face, for once in his school career, there was somepony he actually enjoyed being around. Perhaps all in good time, he'd be able to call her a friend, perhaps more than that...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Shorn was running for his life. Time was of the essence. A second could be the difference between him living his days in a trash bin or a castle.

Gosh. I'm late for my first day of class. MLH Forums sure is addictive.

Shorn finally arrived at his classroom and entered.

"Ahh, finally Mr. Horn. We've been waiting for you. We can finally start class."

"I-I-I'm sorry, Mr.Woods"

"Oh, we got him good" the teacher said to the class.


"Don't worry, I always do this to the last pony to arrive to class. You're fine."

"Oh. " Shorn chuckled nervously. He may be embarrassed but at least he wasn't in trouble.

"Take a seat Mr. Horn. By the way, call me Woodsie, everyone does." He heard snickering.

"Does my name amuse you fellas at the back?" Eyeing the two Ponies at the back.

"Umm, no...it's nothing"

"Oh come on, just spit it out. I'm sure the whole class would love to know what you guys are discussing. It surely must be related to Magic 101."

"It's nothing... just that the new guy doesn't have a horn"

Buck. They noticed.

"I was just thinking that...well...you need a horn to do...well...Magic"

"Well...I do have a horn.Ummm" Shorn brushed aside his mane and revealed his horn barely two inches long.

The whole class started laughing.

"Look at that!"

"That's barely an inch. It's barely visible."

"What can you even do with that?"

Shorn was on the verge of tears.

And here I thought everyone was going to be mature about this. This is going to be the worst four years of my life.




(OOC: MLH is My Little Human. Great show. You should try it sometime. )


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Roxy had asked Eris to meet her outside Mr. Woods class, which is where he was. Eris tapped his hoof impatiently when he noticed the spaz pony about to cry in front of the class. "Oh for the love of Celestia." Eris muttered to himself, it was like watching a little piglet get slaughtered. Eris came into the class, Mr. Wood was happy to see him. Eris grabbed the crying earth pony and brought him out into the hall, "what the buck are you doing? Do you want to be alone forever? You don't cry in front of the class!"

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Clockwork finished his work early, as always. He put away his books and trotted to the washroom. He looked in the mirror, seeing his glasses and his combed mane, he liked the way he looked, it wasn't like he had the full on nerd sideswipe, it was just neat. He removed his glasses and used his telekineses to mess up his mane, looking at the look it created, it was definitely different. <Do I really need to change my looks just to be liked? Why can't ponies just like me for who I am?> he wondered to himself. He sighed, he had decided to attend the party, he left the washroom with the new look, but it didn't feel right. He didn't care however, he may change his looks, but not his personality.


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Roxy finally made it to Mr.Wood's class, where she noticed some drama going down.

Eris was being mean to Shorn, as usual.

Roxy glared and made her way over to him.

"Eris! Leave him alone!"

She put a leg over Shorn's shoulders and walked him to a small unused room where he could cry in private.


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