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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/140190-ren-islands-adventure-sign-up-closes-today/


Island 1, Morning:


It was quiet. Audacias eyes blew wide open, She took a deep breath and started coughing uncontrollably. She was blinded by the bright light of the morning sun, Trying to stand up she instantly collapsed from the throbbing headache shaking her to the ground. Her mouth and throat felt dry and sore, Like they were going to crack at the most careful touch.


When she had regained a small amount of strength, She shakily stood up and inspected her surroundings. Her vision was blurry at first, But slowly the world around her started to make it's debut in her wide eyes. Under her hooves were a thick layer of gravel and stones, Her sense of hearing slowly came back to her and she could hear not only the winds carefully passing by shaking the grass surrounding her, But the sweet harmony of flowing water. As she looked around her she noticed that a small stream of water was flowing through the layers of gravel beneath her, She slowly made her way towards the clear water lowering her head trying to catch as much of it as possible in her mouth and at the same time differentiating it from the clay and grit. 


The water was refreshing, And she could now with fully clear vision inspect the environment. She appeared to be surrounded by mountains and in a valley covered in tall grass, One important question arose in her head, Where the hell am I!?.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Emerald woke up cold as she was on one of the mountains, what's happening? She asked herself looking around to see white snow all around, why in the world am I here? She got up but could barely feel her hooves. If my wings still work then I'm fine, she started to fly off the mountain slowly starting to feel her body again, I need some food and water. She surveyed the area seeing a valley which a mare was in "hey do you know what's going on? Also where I can get some food and water?" She yelled then felt her dry throat

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Island 4, Evening:

Flamestreak arose nonchalantly from his slumber, his senses clearly not waking with him as he was thinking it was a normal morning, He was used to waking up early. What he wasn't used to waking to was the massive and immensely chilly winds blowing sharply through his mane and tail forcing his hair backward and causing his fur to sprout goosebumps, or the grassy feeling on his back causing him inch profusely, or The feeling of rain crashing into his body only adding to the already immeasurable feeling of frigidness. Flame quickly got up to his hooves and was sunk by a wave of shock and horror realizing where he or should I say the lack of knowing where was.


He searched for words to explain this feeling but the words were long gone, running away from him in fear of there lives, Flame remained mute with his mouth wide open in complete and utter trauma. After standing in shock for a minute He ventured out desperately hoping find to find out where he was. Every step he took was seemingly harder and harder from the cold weather and emotional baggage but he forced himself on determined to find answers shivering all the while, He eventually did find one answer but not way he expected of wanted at all. As he was trotting Flame heard the sound of mighty waves crashing thunderously in to the side of his location. He stopped cold in his tracks adding his appearances at his location and then promptly realizing he was on a island, Suddenly a word stopped running and came back to his mind having been wrapped in a nice little package with the words "use me!" plastered on it. Flame heeded the advice "FUCK!" He screeched. Similar words came back wrapped in the same package as the first. After a river of particularly obscene words streamed out of him he was dead quiet not talking not making a single sound not even moving only thinking, Thinking about his family, friends, career, the wonderbolts, training, and his well-being. The weight of his thoughts proved to much for his body to hold his hooves came out involuntarily from under him he collapsed.


Island 4, Morning:


Flamestreak woke up hoping the nightmare was over, It wasn't he was he was still there although it had stopped raining and it was anywhere near as cold. He got back up wiping tears from his eyes, He started trotting " HELLO! Is Anypony out there!? Please help me!" The pegasus yelled hopelessly trying to find someone.

Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Island 4, Evening:

Flamestreak arose nonchalantly from his slumber, his senses clearly not waking with him as he was thinking it was a normal morning, He was used to waking up early. What he wasn't used to waking to was the massive and immensely chilly winds blowing sharply through his mane and tail forcing his hair backward and causing his fur to sprout goosebumps, or the grassy feeling on his back causing him inch profusely, or The feeling of rain crashing into his body only adding to the already immeasurable feeling of frigidness. Flame quickly got up to his hooves and was sunk by a wave of shock and horror realizing where he or should I say the lack of knowing where was.


He searched for words to explain this feeling but the words were long gone, running away from him in fear of there lives, Flame remained mute with his mouth wide open in complete and utter trauma. After standing in shock for a minute He ventured out desperately hoping find to find out where he was. Every step he took was seemingly harder and harder from the cold weather and emotional baggage but he forced himself on determined to find answers shivering all the while, He eventually did find one answer but not way he expected of wanted at all. As he was trotting Flame heard the sound of mighty waves crashing thunderously in to the side of his location. He stopped cold in his tracks adding his appearances at his location and then promptly realizing he was on a island, Suddenly a word stopped running and came back to his mind having been wrapped in a nice little package with the words "use me!" plastered on it. Flame heeded the advice "FUCK!" He screeched. Similar words came back wrapped in the same package as the first. After a river of particularly obscene words streamed out of him he was dead quiet not talking not making a single sound not even moving only thinking, Thinking about his family, friends, career, the wonderbolts, training, and his well-being. The weight of his thoughts proved to much for his body to hold his hooves came out involuntarily from under him he collapsed.


Island 4, Morning:


Flamestreak woke up hoping the nightmare was over, It wasn't he was he was still there although it had stopped raining and it was anywhere near as cold. He got back up wiping tears from his eyes, He started trotting " HELLO! Is Anypony out there!? Please help me!" The pegasus yelled hopelessly trying to find someone.

Crescendo woke up with a yawn, he was about to remove his cover, only to realize he had none. He also suddenly realized that he was some where completely else. A strong wind ripped through his mane, so he covered under his huge shield. He heard someone cry for help, so he began to sprint towards the location "Don't worry! Crec is on the job!" Shouted the huge stallion as he galloped towards the pony in need

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Island 1, Morning


Audacia still very confused, Was staring blankly into the horizon, She was suddenly interupted in her moment of utter shock. A pegasis had approched her, During the pegasis questioning Audacia slowly started to get a hold of herself again. "... Food and water?", Audacia swallowed before turning her head around and pointing at the stream of water, "Watch out for grit..." Audacia said with a very rusty voice, Feeling just how soar her throat was.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Emerald landed next to her and started drinking the water. After she finally felt her hooves again, she stopped "well that's the water down...how are you if you don't mind me asking?" She looked at Audacia "do you know anything about this weird place were in? I mean I know I wronged a few ponies but I doubt they would put me with another pony that wronged them. Uh why do I think that your not going to know anything about this place" she said trying to recall what happened to her last

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Audacia was unsure about how she was going to answer her first question, "Fine..." She simply said. She took a look around  her, "Well, Ye are right about that, I have no idea about this place... Given the question I guess ye don't either eh?...".


She thought about what the mare had said to her, Wronged a few ponies?, But shrugged it off not knowing if she should even reply to that. "So what's ye name?" Audacia said trying to sound friendly.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Well I'm..." she had to think of a name that was not her own as it may bring to the conclusion that she is a no trust worth egomaniac that she was to the only pony that she thought she would see for days "I'm Fortune, I'm not rich but I want to be before this happened...made a few enemies but I can be trusted way more than any criminal" she rubbed her head hoping she didn't make it obvious "also I meant what what your name for the first question"

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Island 2, Morning

Scarlett's eyes shot wide open. She quickly got up and looked around the nearby area. The sudden motion after only Luna knows how long of being asleep had shocked her system and she collapsed again. Sighing slightly she thinks over her what she saw and concluded she was surrounded by rocks. Lots, and lots, of rocks. Most likely a mountainous area.

Unable to recognise the environment around her, she stood up and looked around to confirm her theory, she was definitely surrounded by mountains. Quickly looking for the tallest one, she turned to face it and began walking. Her best hope was getting to a high place to try and find out where in Equestria she was.

It was at this point she realised that she was having trouble remembering who she was. She ignored this however and carried on walking, hoping that the walk could help her remember. Though there were some things she did know. She was cold, she was hungry and she was thirsty. There was snow on the mountain tops so she knew where she could get some water, but she'd have to figure out her food and warmth problem later.

Vision currently narrowed, perception dampened, she began her climb up the side of the tallest mountain that she could see from her current point of view.

Edited by Vinyl Shimmer DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Audacia thought about what the mare has said, It sounded a bit suspicious but she simply shrugged it of once again, She was just about to answer the question when she was suddenly stricken with the same question. Wait, Who am I? She was trying hard to remember, but nothing came to mind. "I.. I'm not sure..." She said with a confused tone and expression alike. She walked towards a small puddle of water formed by the stream, And looked at her reflecion accompanied by the sun. The question once again arose in her head, "Who am I?".

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"your not sure?" Emerald looks at her, trying to think of a name "how about Daring? That eye patch and missing part of your ear make me think that you have done quite a few adventures...that with your cutie mark" she walked up to her "if you remember anything, tell me" she looks around the environment "lets just figure out where we are and how to survive for now"

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Scarlett, now at the top of the mountain, was absolutely exhausted. She looked around from her vantage point and saw that she was on an island. Could have been better, but it wasn't the worst. She could see something else in the distance, over the nearby ocean. She squinted her eyes and could have sworn she saw some other land before the clouds came over and covered her view. "Dammit" she mumbled to herself. "Oh, thats what I sound like." she said to herself normally. "And I'm a female, nice."


She began walking down the mountain slowly, very wary of her current state. Her plan, get to the coast to see if there are other islands or maybe a mainland.

Edited by Vinyl Shimmer DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Audacia hastily turned her head to look at her cutie mark, A flag, Really?! She thought to herself as she let out a depressed sigh, "Aye, We should get to higher point to get a proper look around." She said inspecting the distant mountaintops and different vantages and cliffs they provided. 


Nothing especial caught her eye, And she turned her look down trying to spot somewhere they could pass the mountains on the ground to get a clearer look. A dark passage way cleaving the chain of mountains to the north was something that she caught on to, It was something that they might would be able to use to gain a better perspective on their environment. By a sort of  habit or instinct she with a push to the ground stood up on her hind legs, raised her hoof towards the passage way and exclaimed, "Set sail to to the north!" With a confident smile covering her face. After pointing her hoof for a few seconds she realized what she was doing, And with that slowly lowered it. "I mean... I think we should.. Uh.. Go over there..." She said slightly embarrassed and confused.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Still walking towards the coast, though her destination was approaching fast, Scarlett began thinking about herself. Who was she, what did she do, why was she on this island all alone. It was as this moment that the distraction of thought caused her to trip over, but just before she hit the ground she caught herself in magic. Face a tiny bit above the ground, staring straight down, she realised that she was holding herself in magic. "I have magic. This'll be interesting in the future"


She pulls herself back up onto her feet and arrives as the coast within a couple of minutes. Seeing the water between her island and the next, she sighs. "I am going to need to figure out how to get across this. Eventually."


Art by DoeKitty

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Island 3, Morning


Sharp groaned, and opened his eyes. The last thing he could remember was stumbling out of that inn in Canterlot, drunk as a lord. Now, he could see some trees, and not much else. There was a thick fog, and it obscured everything more than a dozen yards away.

"Oh, bloody hell."

Sharp had no idea where he was, and quite frankly had no desire to stay here. He began walking in a random direction, hoping to find something, anything, that would tell him where he was.


Island 3, Evening


Sharp had walked for the best part of six hours, but was yet to find anything more than a overgrown cobbled path, which had only lasted about a mile. However, as the afternoon progressed, the fog thinned somewhat, enough for Sharp to spot a hill in the distance.

I'll definitely be able to get a better view from there.

He walked up the hill, and after a few minutes had reached the small crest. He could see a huge pine forest, stretching miles behind him. The other side of the hill dropped steeply, and at the bottom was a pebble beach, and a grey sea. a few miles away, Sharp thought he could make out the outline of another island.

Canterlot isn't on the coast. Where am I?

He decided to head back down into the forest, and find some shelter. He opened the bag he was carrying. it only had a small axe, which would be of little use trying to cut down one of the tall, imposing pines. He set off along the edge of the hill, which stretched off into the distance, to find some shelter.

Edited by ForthEorl

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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"you sounded weird" she said as she got a small theory on why she talked and looked the way she did. As she flew staying close with Daring "so do you remember anything? Or do I have to just say what I remember?" She asked getting a little closer to the ground "because I don't remember anything but my name" she lied

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Scarlett sat down in just a few meters from the waters edge and closed her eyes. She was thinking of a way to get across the water and decided to check some things out about herself. She stood up and walked over to the waters edge. It was quite a nice day and there wasn't any wind so the water was still enough to see herself. Staring at her own reflection she noted a few things; "Alright, so I'm a female unicorn with a scarlet coat, also with a purple and violet mane" She paused turning slightly "And I have what appears to be a crosshair cutie mark. Interesting"


She thought over what she had just said and recognised the word "scarlet" as something more than a colour. She thought about it for a moment and her eyes widened far. She said "Scarlett! My name is Scarlett!" She sat back down again "That was a temporarily enjoyable moment" She remembered something she had seen less than a minute ago, she turned her head round to see her back and saw a saddlebag on her back. "Well" she smirked "I wonder what you contain!"


Art by DoeKitty

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"Well, Ye are more lucky then me, Cause I don't remember anything..." One thing she noticed was the diffrence in vocabulary between the two. Then something struck her, A fear like no other and she stood frozen for a few seconds. Suddenly her hooves started hastily searching the side of her body. As she felt the cold handle under her cape she let out a sigh of relief and drew her blade, Sharp as ever. "Well, I do remember this beauty, She has been with me through scurvy and and every adv.... As the Words flew out of her mouth something cam to her mind, It was like fuzzy memories. Scurvy... Adventure....?

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Hahahaha! Oh Celestia, that's just to good" she blurted out loud then realized, oh this pony is serious...oops. "sorry, its just that I thought that you were kidding about the whole pirate speak thing" she looked at Daring "I don't know how but you may be a pirate...also that sword is really cool and can help use, unlike my bag of freaking gems" she motions to the bag

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Crescendo woke up with a yawn, he was about to remove his cover, only to realize he had none. He also suddenly realized that he was some where completely else. A strong wind ripped through his mane, so he covered under his huge shield. He heard someone cry for help, so he began to sprint towards the location "Don't worry! Crec is on the job!" Shouted the huge stallion as he galloped towards the pony in need

Flame gave much more then a sigh of relief as he heard the stallion's voice echo throughout the island thanking Celestia for her mercy the instant he said "Don't", As the pony approached Flame's line of vision he took note of his appearance. Particularly noticing the ponies firmly built stature which was similar to Flamestreak's own but this pony was much taller and less wiry. He also noted his yellow banana-like coat and his fairly messy mane that was even more in disarray thanks to him having seemingly just waking up, He then looked at the bright hue of orange that boldly and comically contradicted his much darker and quieter blue hue that accented his mane and tail as well as a bow-tie that somehow managed to knot his entire appearance together. Along his appearance and his excessively intense but authoritative voice this pony looked to be better suited as hero in a comic book or war general rather then somepony stranded on a cliche island "No matter" Flame thought. "A ponies what I wanted and I luckily got one"   

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Scarlett pulled her saddlebag off of her back and down to beside her. She opened it up and looked in side. For sake of helping recoup her memory, she said the items out loud to herself as the pulled them out with her hooves due to still being slightly uneasy with her 'new found' magic. "Alright, so, here's what I have. A book, fancy pen, more books, some metal stone looking things? What are those? Anyway, I also have some sort of suit and, is that another bloody book? At least this one is the same colour as me. My god I must love reading." With all her stuff strewn on the ground beside her she lifted up her bag "How in the hell did all that stuff fit into this bag?"


Quickly putting the stuff back in her bag, she slung the bag back over her back and stood up. Noticing a couple of rocks on the ground she turned to walk inland. Glancing back at the rocks, she sighed and turned back to face them. Lowering her head, she tried focusing on the rock in an attempt to levitate it. She figured that if she had magic, she would learn to use it. Again. Probably. Focusing more on the rock, she felt a lurch in her stomach and suddenly the rock exploded. "Oh my fu****g god" she shouted as she covered her eyes, some rock flew towards here and hit some sort of force field in front of her. She stared at it for a moment before saying "Oh my god, note to self. Do not use any magic until in better conditions to do so."


Going back to the water, she wanted to test a theory. She splashed some water on to her saddlebag, she saw it run right off, leaving it and the contents dry. It was at that moment that she decided, she was going to swim to the other island. She made sure her saddlebags were sealed shut and stood by the water in a stance resembling a fighting stance. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the water and started walking.


Art by DoeKitty

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Crescendo put up his shield, to block out the wind. He looked down at the pony "You alright? This island is very rash" Said the giant stallion. He pointed at what looked like a little cave "Over there my friend! Follow Crec" Said Crescendo as he pushed through the tough wind

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Scarlett began swimming once the water became deep enough, it wasn't too hard to get the hang of. She vaguely remembered the information that if somepony loses their memories or has some form of head injury, they can usually retain their skills. While the memory or learning or using those skills may be gone, the skill itself is hardly ever lost. Within a minute or two Scarlett was pushing forward through the water at a reasonably fast speed. Within 10 minutes she was exhausted, but she was able to put her hooves on the ground as the water had become shallow enough. She walked the rest of the way.


Arriving on the next island, (4), she stood up and looked up. She noticed that the current had pulled her, north? East? She had no idea. But definitely the wrong direction. She sighed, but decided that it was still a different island. It seemed to have mountains and a forest. "Brilliant" she said "At least there are tree's here." She figured if there were any other living ponies in this area, they would be somewhere like this island. Mountains, tree's, and she thought there might be a river over there. It was getting dark, so she decided to go and lay under a tree. It wasn't that cold at all, or at least it didn't feel like it, so she didn't bother looking for shelter. Laying down, she began to sleep.


Art by DoeKitty

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Sharp had stumbled across a ruin, at the top of the ridge, that had quickly become covered in trees. It was a run-down cottage, that couldn't have been inhabited for centuries. But it was a good a shelter as any, so he looked through the doorway. the remnants of the door lay at his hooves, nothing but rotted boards and rusted iron nails. The roof now occupied the floor space; a pile of decaying wood, shattered slate tiles and scraggly little bushes that poked out of the rubble. But the walls were still there, and they provided adequate shelter from the light rain that had started. Not that he wasn't used to sleeping in the rain.


It's going to be a bloody long night, If I stay here.

Edited by ForthEorl

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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{ Island 1 / Final Stars }

a bed of flowers spanning forth in a theatrical scene greeted her upon awakening, she wondered if she was dreaming, if the ancient books she loved to read had played with her head and tussled her dreams into a vivid mess. She felt the wind against her face and thought again. This was real, it had to be. Confusion muddled upon her delicate features as she surveyed the area briefly. It looked safe enough, it of course didn't clear up any of her queries but at least there was no imminent threat. Shaking the dust from her pale mane, icy eyes would narrow to thin slits as she would gather herself to her hooves, taking a few shaky steps forward as if she was testing the ground in the case that it would melt away and she would awake safe within the confides of her bed. It didn't. She stared at the ground in morbid fascination, 'did some tomb do this?' she would think, briefly reminiscing on her collection of uncanny reading material. Somehow she doubted their involvement in the situation. She would have been afraid however the scenery seemed far to pleasant to reflect any conflicts of fear, she was merely confused. Completely and utterly confused. Taking a few steps forth she found her voice. "Is anybody out there?!" it was soft and meek and filled with panic. What was going on.

Edited by Astrara
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