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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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Scriba didn't flinch, she didn't move for a good few moments. She almost fell over, feeling light headed as she got herself back to balance "So uh, You guys have any medical areas around here? Or just someplace I could sit?" She scoffed, wiping more dirt and blood away off her face. "I would rather not get shot or die from bleeding out. Im sure that anitha could help you in some way, Could I meet with a leader of some sort?" She doubted that they even knew were there leader was, as most of them seemed to have never seen combat before.

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"Ya I guess we could, got anything to trade... I mean, we could take you to Fort 23 but we feel so cozy in our little guard house... Escorting... and from the way your looking like, pulling you all the way there... would take some time. We're getting paid for guard duty against potentail threats, not transportation." He gestured to the others, which left and came back running with a sleigh another pulled some dogs over and tied them to it.

"But I guess we're in a good mood to help a mare... aren't we boys?"




THe fortification was now complete, it could probably resist any assault without cannon. The deforestation of the area continued with a little more over 750 trees cut down, the general had big plans for the area.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scriba snorted, "Sure, why not...." She said wish a grin as she walked over to them, and got ready. She glanced around, she didnt want to abandon her group, But it was clear now that they wernt going to arive in time, so they would just have to deal with what ever this group threw at them, and she didnt suspect that this small group of ponies could do anything too drastic to start a big conflict. She needed more info, though, "So ah...Can you tell me alittle about this nation? Weres the capital?" She said, blinking rapidly. 



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Knowing the general area where the attacks took place, It was put under investigation. 10 small groups of 3-5 spies were sent out, Not to fight but to gather information under Lord Elrocs command. Their white fur made them hard to spot to say the least whilst moving through the snow. The lands were quite and barren, As they advanced through the villages there wasn't much left but ash and blood.


As they moved further south something became apparent, Portions of the forrest were gone. The deforestation of the area would clearly have an impact on the animal life around those parts. After the clear-falled areas a large wall was made it's appearance, They could see multiple individuals outside the wall. The groups stayed alert, Some of them advanced towards the wall whilst some of them stayed behind keeping a lookout and the rest started moving back to the main herd. All of the groups split different ways moving in all directions possible to avoid being fallowed if something goes wrong.


The groups whom had moved towards the wall could make out some of the individuals outside the wall to be fellow ponies of Pruine, Enslaved and captured, A great dishonor to all of them.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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"Um, sorry... Never been in the south." After travelling some time, A star fort became visible in the wall. It was manned by soldiers in the usual prussian-blue uniforms. One of the soldiers mumbled as the sleigh went past the wall,

"Damn militia, disgrace to us all."

The gates opened for the sleigh to enter. The contrast between the militia and regular troops was obvious. Inside, the soldiers were undergoing training, the violent discipline was easily seen as soldiers were flogged for the most minor offence, some of them beaten with wooden clus for more serious ones. Firing, bayonet stabbings and sword-fighting were all being practiced. Battles between teams of soldiers were being manuvered using wax bullets (still hurt, but no actual injury) and wooden blades. In the middle of the fort was a tall building, the command cener of the wall portion. A Commandor stood by watching the troops.

"You want to go talk to that guy." the militia captain said, "Come on boys, lets go back, we got that roulette to finish back in the hutt!" they all left.





The fort had camouflaged sharpshooters in the vicinity, they were armed with both bullets and rubber bullets (can cause serious blunt trauma), They were scattered around the 'Ponssian-controlled" zone. One of them spotted a group of two ponies approaching the labour camp. He fired a rubber bullet, hitting one in the head, knocking him out. Another sharpshooter, noticing the shot fired in the other. Two horseponies rushed to the scene and threw a net over the unconcious intruders, they were pulled into the fort for interogation and chained to iron chairs in the General's office. The general waited for the two to wake up, calmly, drinking a glass of wine. The office was filled with paintings, fancy furniture, beautiful gold decorations, two mastercraft heavy iron-plate medieval armours and a grand desk in the middle.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scriba glanced around the area, a small disgust growing in her. She walked slowly forward, careful not to get in the way of the many pony's fighting each other, dodging and weaving her way up to the commander, she glanced around one more time, just to make sure that noone was sneaking up behind her. She was well equepted to deal with anyone who did try and backstab her, but she would rather not have to "So....Nice place you have here, My name is scriba, and I come from a nation called anitha, its over the mountains" She said slowly, not sure what reaction she would get.



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One of spies eyes slowly opened to an extent, There was a smell, Not a familiar one. His eyes blew wide open and he struggled to move, Only to realize he was bound to a chair. To his side he could se his companion had fallen the same fate, to his relief he was breathing and seemingly well.


He inspected his surroundings, The first thing that caught his eye was a pair of armors, They looked fragile compared to what he had seen through his days amongst the Longhorns. As he kept looking around him, He was shocked to see a stallion in front of him, Drinking what looked like blood out of some sort of ice sculpture. He couldn't for the life of him remember what had happened or how he got there as a throbbing headache was tormenting him.

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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"Thats nonesense, nothing is over the mountains. Now is there? I am commandor Schmitd, commanding officer of Fort 23, the main source of..... acual soldiers for this front. Two groups of 30 ponies charged each other with their wooden practice bayonets, fighting fiercely between themselves.

"How may I be of service?"




General Trotthoof finished his glass of wine,

"Ah, we're awake." he said taking out a small metal box and taking out a ciger, "Cigar... i think not." he put it back in his jacket. He stood up from his chair, he was dressed in a dark blue uniform with golden pauldrons. On his jacket above his heart layed numerous medals.

"Now, first we land here with the bestest of intentions, we are attacked and the heads of our honorable soldiers are stuck on stakes, insulting our entire nation.... and then, when we simply repay the bill, we are sent little scruffs, probably as assassins or something." he takes out a revolver from a drwaer and points it towards the two intruders,

"Now, what am i going to do with you two... I could kill you, or let you go as a sign of... good faith" he chuckles, "But only one is needed to deliver a message now is it not so. Now tell me, what are you doing here?" 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scriba closed her eyes and sighed. Were all of the ponys around her so near sighted? She opened her eyes and looked back at him "I did come from over the mountains, I lost my group and found those soldiers" She gestured to the ones that had just left. "I was sent out as a exploring expidiushon, and I found you" She said, once more wiping blood off of her face. "I came to ask if you would like to trade with anitha, as well as asking for a place to stay untill I can recover" @@Lordav,

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What the stallion in front of him was talking about enraged him, "Best of intentions?" He started to struggle, Trying to break loose. "You come here and have the profanity to kill the sacred, And were the ones in the wrong?" He exclaimed. "If you're going to kill us don't do it like a coward." He said eyeing the gun, having heard all about the previous attacks he had a vague idea about what was going to happen.

Another group had witnessed the presumable killing of their fellow spies and decided to alert the others, heading for the group that split north. One of the other groups were nearing the main herd again, Bearing news of the wall.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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"Well, if what you say is true, Your not getting anything done here, we guard the border thats all. He looked at his pocket watch;

"Train towards the capital leaves in 10 minutes." he turns towards the door, "Attention!" two soldiers step in the room.

"They can escort you down south."




"The report said we were merely trying o stay alive when your barbaric friends arrived. Now, I dont think you fully grasp the situation your in. I have my orders, there are two outcomes, either this ridiculous matter is over or we go to war, desroy your armies, take your mares, massacre your families, poison your water, sieze your crops and burn this entire dammned area to teh ground. Now, my spies tell me of this... hmmm... nature preservation of yours. We got  fires, liquids and gases that you cant even imagine that will burn everything and not be put out, air that can kill you from a single breath or water that melts your bones. You and you backwater people have no chance against our might, so you better choose your words carefully barbarian."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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He grinded his teeth in pure anger, "You can try to bring us down, Maybe you will, But don't think we won't fight back. We won't be marked by defiance nor your threats." He kept struggling, Not willing to give up. "I swear by the name of every Longhorn we'll never give up!" He exclaimed in a screaming manner. He was acting out of pure anger at this point expecting no less then to die, He feared for his companions life as well, Whom still hadn't woken up.

Serylda looked into the sky, Spotting a familiar sight, Pandora. The large black bird landed on a nearby rock, She had a letter in her talons with she dropped on the ground. Serylda jumped of her comfortable seating upon Ursus and approached the letter. As she read it through she kept a stone cold expression, Elroc... She wasn't about to give up on the expedition just yet. She believed Elroc should be able to handle the situation, With help from Lord Nenya if needed. She wrote a letter in response stating that they were continuing their journey and the large bird returned back to Pruine.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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The sharpshooters followed the fleeing scouts towards the heard, they were wearing white camouflage uniforms and each had a pigeon for messages. They were supposed to secure information abpout the vague positions of the enemy, watching from the distace with their binoculars. They had to pinpoint the location of the enemy herd. The savages were expecting for the Ponssians to wait in their fort, they were wrong, the force was moblized ready to attack them when they were least ready.

"Thats a pitty then." he signalled behind the savages and two soldiers came in with a barrel of transparent liquid tha looked like nothing but water. 

"Now, you will answer some of my questionsions or your friend here gets.... the soak. Where is this... Longhorn?"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The sight made him uneasy to say the least, But he knew that they'd both rather die then be traitors, But who was he to decide over anothers life. He looked at the enemy in disgust, His struggle to break loose stopped and he couldn't look away. As much as he wanted to remain quite the thought of causing the death of a fellow Longhorn would make him as much of a traitor as revealing their position. he couldn't lie to them either, He'd just lead them to another herd. "I will not tell you anything, We'll sacrifice ourselves if it comes to it." The words just came, yet he regretted nothing. Forgive me brother.


Back at the Longhorn herd they were all preparing for the harsh winters blizzards and merciless cold. If they had any sort of advantage over these intruders it was the many winters that had tempered them into survivalists. With their thick fur and large size they had no trouble moving through the thick snow and the blistering cold merely felt like cold breezes.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The General smiled, he tilted his head owards the barrel, the soldier caught he other scouts hoof and stuck in in the barrel. The stallion woke up from the pain. THe liquid started to sizzle and bubble as the stallion was pulling his hoof desperately. After a few moments of screams, they took the hoof out of the barrel, but it was no longer there, the area right above the would was skinless and red, the hoof had literarly molten off.  As the stallion was in pain a soldier hit him over the head with the butt of his rifle rendering him unconciouss.

"Pure hydrochloric acid... We use it to refine steel, but i guess metal would be enough for you. Burns everything, doesnt leave a trace, a horrible way to go I'd say."

The soldiers unstrapped the unconcious stallion and held him by the barrel, his head right above the liquid, a third soldier came in holding a lid. 

"Second chance kid." the general said as he threw his cigar in the barrel which started sizzling immidiately.


With the location of the herd secure the sharpshooters made back for base. 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The pirate king could tell that the ponies of this land were forced to think what they could do for their land and not for their fellow pony. But, the law of nature still apply and basic instinct kick. And in the end most beings would choose survival. Especially his he gave the chance to go to a place with less toxic air and lots of food.


He started to think of ow he could get others to join him. But when he saw the horses that pulled his cart he stopped, along with his men. He stared at them for a while with a weird look. He then slowly walked away from it and made a point to never bring any of them back to Skerghaven. 


As he walked down the streets, avoiding any horse that he saw, he he kept thinking of ways to give the ponies of this land the chance of adventure. On the way to the harbor he saw that they started bringing in the crates of food he brought. He then had an idea. Him and his men ran over and quietly sneaked away one of the crates. Good thing they had a minotaur with them or it would have been twice as hard to lift it.. They then ran off to where they could find anyone who could use something to eat.  And the first place he thought of was the worst parts of this city.


He had to make sure to find a place where there wasn't too many ponies. If they started giving out food and then run out they might start a riot. So he had to be careful. Him and his men came upon a boarding house.  This was his first step to help give the poor ponies of this land a chance to choices on how it could help them and not their country. If he could get just one to join him, it will give him hope.


Not know how things worked in this land, he just simply went up to the front door a knocked.

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He could almost feel the excruciating pain just by sight of what happened, His screams were affect full and cut deeper then any scar on his body. He barely listened to what the stallion was saying, He was just staring at him with an empty expression. He couldn't possibly let this play out in front of him, Nor could he let this happen to anyone else of the Longhorns, Not anyone for that matter. He was beginning to question if the stallion actually was going to stop even if he got the information he was looking for, He was seemingly enjoying this. "N... No..." He had to force himself this time, It wasn't an easy decision. 


The spies had returned to the Longhorn herd with news of the wall, Enslavement of their kind, and the capturing of fellow spies. It was worse then Elroc had ever expected, And a burning hatred formed within him. He was questioning if waiting another second for Serylda was worth it, Or if he'd simply have to seek aid from another herd, The woodland herd.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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The wooden door open with a loud screetch, a old mare with glasses,

"Welcome to the saint's Cross Boarding house, are you poor wretched souls looking for a place?"

Through the door the interior could be seen. The room was the reception with a simple plank wooden desk, candle-lit with a whole lot of file cabinets behind it. Beside the desk was a bench where two guards were taking a nap. They were armed with wooden batons. The building was old and cracks in the wood were everywhere, the reception was as tidy as such an old house could be.




"Oh well." the stallion was shoved in the barrel and the lid was shut on. The other just got a bullet through his head. The general cleaned his pistol and left his tent, a messenger pigeon flew by, after opening the message he was revealed the location of this Longhorn herd. He gave a signal and the army started porung out of the fort, leaving behind a sizeable garrison. 5000 infantry, 3000 artillery-crew and their guns as well as all the cavalry left the fort in columns.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The pirate king smiled and took off his hat respectfully.  "That we are ma'am. The most wretched  souls you can come across. But we ain't looking for a place to stay. We've actually came with a gift. Kind of a small good will to this land."  He went over to the crate and opened it half way. He then pulled out a peach and then placed it in her hoof. "We've come from the land of Skerghaven and we brought many crates filled with food. But he happen to take this one without them looking and decided to bring it to a place and just give it away.


Cause it's still technically mine. I'll just give the king a gold piece before we leave." His men chuckled. 

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Scriba nodded her head "Thank you, I will remember this" She said as she followed the two soldiers into the train. She was somewhat confused, as there seemed to be no security checks, even when talking to a high ranking officer. She guessed that this would change as she went deeper into this nation, as well as that they didnt do it because none of them really beleaved that she had gotten over the mountain. She pulled out her book, and started taking note of the landscape as well as the ponys around her.



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The crew waited for some minutes before the ramp fell onto the deck and were shortly met by a small platoon of sailors in perfect order. It didn't take a fool to realize that the crew was facing a military ship, or at least some significantly organized group. Why did they attempt to shoot them down, then? It might as well be an act of war.


It was then that the ship surprised them even more when a foreign voice spoke to them again. "Der kapitän diesem schiff ist...an bord begleitet werden!" The crew glanced at each other with great curiosity. "他在說啥?" (The hell are they saying?) One of the crewmembers muttered. There was a short momentof chattering before Tougang slowly came on board with one of the crew's translators, Piao, a shorter-than average grey earth pony mare. She took Tougang's and her own sword as well, in case they needed it, and a part of her mind doubted that her eight years of studying in Equestria would be useful toward alien crewmembers. "I...I am the captain's translator!" she shouted with an accent. "We are just civilians! Please leave our ship alone! We do not want conflict!"


Haizha City, Wangyuxia Province (亥柵市,望於峽省)



Haizha was one of the northernmost cities (if it could even be called one) in the Dynasty, tucked onto the northeast corner of the country on the small area of habitable land between the mountains and the coast. The geography here was filled with low-altitude hills; some residents higher up had turned parts of the hills into farmland, and a low wall named the Zhidi Ledge served as a temporary border of the country. Several decades ago it was used to defend against tribals, especially during the Nine Tribe-Alliance War, but ever since military power in the area had decreased. The wall had mostly become an attraction for middle or upper-class tourists, who had the money and the chance to travel to other places in the country and around it.


The city only held around fifteen thousand ponies; some of them were the more exotic bat ponies of the cave-variant, who stood out due to their fish-based diet. They were a minority regardless who lived in the inland parts of the city.


After several weeks of travel, Serylda's army-sized division would approach the area. Despite the cold weather of the semi-mountainous area, there was a lack of snow due to the neutralizing coastal breeze, and the only sign was the frost collecting against the trees and rock. It was certainly not an easy trip, especially when traversing through the stranger biomes farther south.


And with a large army, the small battalion on the walls immediately noticed the loud trampling sounds in the distance during the night. Within an hour the bell was rung, and all of the soldiers as well as the civilians were up; some of the soldiers were in fact native to the area and weren't even wearing formal Liao army clothing.


"Can you identify who they are?" Shuzhu (Garrison Lieutenant) Yongxi shouted to the group of archers huddled on top of the walls. He was a bat pony stallion with a teal mane in his mid-twenties that had been unexpectedly pushed to take command after the wall and base's captain was transferred to a port city further west, and as far as he knew, he was not ready to command three hundred soldiers against a tribal ambush, or whatever it was.


"It's...It's...I don't know, Master Yan!" his second-in-command shouted. "Looks like an army!"



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After weeks on end of travel, Something finally sparked the interest of Serylda. They had entered a much more mountainous are, Fallowing the paths through it lead them up to a large wall. As they slowly approached the wall it became apparent that there was multiple ponies on top of it, Seemingly hostile. With one hoof gesture the entire army stopped at once a distance from the wall. As they noticed the archers, They all hastily put up their shield creating a layer of iron in between the two, Everyone except Serylda, She wasn't here to fight, As long as she didn't need to.




Pandora had returned to the Longhorns with Seryldas letter, It left Elroc and his herd alone, He didn't exactly understand her reasoning but there was nothing that could be done about it now. He'd simply have to be aided by either the woodland herd or the Tomb herd, Both were unlikely to help since one is prone to peace and the other wasn't exactly trained for combat. They'd seemingly have to face this task alone.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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The old  mare had no idea what the object she has been given was, her bad eyesight didn't help,

"Thank you gentlemen." she said putting it on her desk,

"How may I be of assistance? Looking for a relaive?"




Scriba was escorted by horse-drawn carriage to the station, after a few kilometers from the border, the true authoritarian, millitary-ruled aspects of the nation became clear, There were small partols everywhere, checkpoints at almost every intersection connected with long telegraph cables. The statio was surrounded by a tall metal fence, the only two access points were through 4 chekpoint counters, each having three guards standing by it, Any travelers would be stripped naked and examined before being allowed down south. THe north was much of a 'free area', pretty unpopulated with few citizens, the goverment invested no money in the area as it was of little interest. The south however was ruled under a iron hoof, containing mist of he population. Scriba was instructed to step in a cabin and remove all items for a check. Weapons needed permits, issued from the Offi ce of security of each commune, any weapon without a legitimate permit would be confiscated. 




"Conflict? That was just our way of grabing your attention and hailing your shp, I see it is efficient enough. If we wished for conflict I doubt you would be afloat now, we are from the great kingdom of Ponssia, instructed to charter the maps and make first contact with whatever civilizaton we cross our ways with. We are currently in need of a dock, I trust an escort tou your.... closest port won't be an issue, I'm sure we can arrange something mutually beneficial here." was the response of the captain. Even though this beings were inferior, he needed to gather information and set up dipomatical contact, that was his mission, even if he would gladly make a hole in the wooden rowboat the intercepted.




After a long march, everything was in place. General Trotshoof surveyed the area and put his plan into play. He had positioned his army behind a small ridge, therefore most of his units were out of the view of the enemy. He had positioned a triple-rank line of soldiers at the bottom of the ridge, another at its middle and most of his artillery on top, guarded by a third line. Behind he ridge he held the rest of the infantry. The cavalry was hidden far on the flanks in the woods awaiting orders. The enemy was just in cannon range, unready for a potential attack. The 25 long-range howitzers present were filled with chemical shells contining quicklime, chlorine, cacodyl cyanide and an early prototype of mustard gas. The enemy was roughly 5km away.

The drums started playing as the order to fire was given. The batteries unleashed their deadly mixtures upon the unexpecting enemies. Quicklime exploded above the ground unleashing a yellow veil of toxin that would cause horrible burns and blindness while the three poisonous gasses caused the most grousome deaths, suffocating their victoms or drowning them in their own blood. The gasses needed little time to take effect but the main problem was they were colourless, giving no hint of the death that lurked within them. Ponies would just start coughing, suffocating and gargling blood.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

Seeing the white flag the princess would smile, giving a sigh of relief before flying back down to the balcony. Once she had landed, Celestia would say to one of her guards, “Lets keep alert, they have shown a white flag telling us that they come peacefully though we should be ready just in case trouble arises. Still, tell the staff to set up a welcome. We must show that Equestria is hospitable to visitors.

Turning to the other she say, “Lastly, seek out a messenger that can fly swiftly to the castle. Perhaps Fleetfoot if you can find her.”

With the guards leaving, a quill and pen would appear by way of the princess' magic and she would begin to write. Yet, not forgetting about the visitor she already had Celestia look up and say with a sheepish smile, “I apologize for this unexpected turn, perhaps we can return to the throneroom and we may continue with our planned meeting?”

One thing that would be concerning was that Celestia's voice sounded a little strained, as if using the Canterlot voice and an volume spell so she could be heard miles away was more then her throat could handle.

Admittingly, there was also the realization that her subjects across Equestria had heard what she had said and might thus begin to worry. Still, she would put such aside for now to ask the dragon as they walked inside, “So what is it that you would like to discuss?”

Equestria, Ponyville - Mane Six

In Ponyville, ponies were already talking among each other and wondering who Celestia had been speaking to. Twilight and her friends had gathered at the castle, the young princess found looking through a telescope in the direction of the flying castle. Rainbow Dash had been the first to notice it, giving word to the others. They were now all taking turns to look through the telescope and discussing the situation.

“So who do you think they are,” would come the question, Twilight answering, “I don't know. I didn't even know there was anyone who could make a full size building and more fly in the air. However they have it set up it is powerful magic.”

“Looks like they are armed and ready for a fight,” Rainbow would note, with Fluttershy adding, “though there was a white flag they showed so maybe they are friendly?”

“Who comes with weapons shown if they are friendly,” Applejack would ask, and Twilight would say, “Maybe they are afraid we wont be peaceful and attack them. I have never seen of a group like this coming to Equestria before.”

The young princess would sign, before looking to her friends, “I can send a letter to ask what is going on, though I think Princess Celestia has this taken care of. If she needs our help, Spike is here for us to get a letter.” The dragon would nod as Twilight then looks back through the telescope.

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Sappy also smiled at the white flag. He hated every aspect of war, and just the idea of it made him shudder. He looked at Celestia "This was not your fault Celestia, and yes let's proceed our meeting" Said Sappy with a smile.


He cleared his throat "So i have arrived to your beautifull land, in hopes of making peace and start a friendship between our nations. I have done some research on other nations that are recorded in my book, and found out that not a lot of nations are friendly. But then i came across Equestria. The book described a peacefull nation, with excellent rulers. So i decided to try and ammend a relationship with your nation. Also we may be some of the only creatures that are over a thousand years old" Said Sappy. He took a sip of his tea, and let out a content sigh "This is a quite good tea. I simply must aqquire some of it" 

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