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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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"So... I see this more as a ceasefire then...well... in that case..... we must have a liability to make sure your not gonna just take them and go on.... but.... as a sign of good will, we will release half of them. The other half.... once the deal is conncluded." he concluded as he drank up his entire glass.

"In return.... we would like the bodies of our five fallen soldiers in the initial clash returned.... or their remains. For a proper, honorable burial."




"How dare you speak of his majesty that way. He is the most open monarch our country has ever seen! He allows the masses in his roal palace, he even comes in peron on the streets in national tours, he personally inspects our trainings. You have no right to insult his serene highness this way!" one of them bursts, "You are nothing but a buch of traitors, theives and criminals, you should alll be hunted down!" he spits on the floor in front of the king.


"We saw your cannons and your ships. We outrange you anyday! Our fortifications are made to resist your outdated vessels, schweine!" he spits as well, "We would rather die than betray our country.... especiually to the likes of you!"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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A warning siren echoed across Woodborough signaling another attack. Bridges raised,carts stopped and warships set sail. Ponies on floating farms scattered as the two sides came closer and closer. One of the largest woodburouian ships plowed through a bridge linking two fields. When it came to defending the homeland Woodborough's navy showed no mercy.


"The natives seem a bit on edge," The First Mate remarked, watching the commotion through a telescope.


"As long as they don't shoot first, nothing changes," captain Quick Breeze said, "We find the big boss, flatter him with compliments and leave the rest to the dignitaries. Peaceful primitives are all the same - as long as you talk nice to the pony in the biggest mud hut, there's no trouble. Obviously if the do shoot first then we blast our way clear and head for the open sea."


"They do have pegasi. We can outpace their ships no trouble, but I wouldn't want to face off against several hundred feathered freaks whilst stuck on a ship, even if they only have pointy sticks."


"Let the marines worry about them. Speaking of, how pointy do their sticks look?"


"Pointy enough. Cannons, muskets, nothing impressive but enough to be a threat en-mass. And they do look very en-mass at the moment."


"Relax. Put us on approach and have the guns readied, I'll have a word with the Lieutenant of Marine."


"Aye, Captain."



Dauntless steamed on towards Woodborough and the approaching ships.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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The pirate king smiled. "He ain't my king. So I can say what I like. Just like you can say what you like about me. The difference is, You can say it. But if you say one word against your king you'll most likely be punished for it.  With me, I just give you a punch in the face. Speaking of witch." He gave them both a hard punch. "How many kings do you know dose that? Just one." He smiled before setting back in his chair. 


"But that is only because I was a pony before I became a king. So if you say something to someone's face then it's that pony's right to punch you right in the face if they want. Cause you have it coming. But I'm not going to imprison you for say those things or kill you. Cause it's your right. Like it's my right to say whatever I want about your king. You see? Skerghaven was built on the foundation of true freedom. I am it's king. But I earned that title. It wasn't given to me. I've fought and see my men die. I drink with them, eat with them. Well, we use the same blasted bathroom. I don't just make appointment to come out and say hellos once in a while. I say good morning, and good night.  Dose your king fight with you in battle? And is he willing to lay down his life for any one of his people?


I doubt it."

Edited by Gloomfury
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Scriba nodded "Sure, I would need your best trained ponys....Seeing as you haven't made it across the mountains on your own yet" Scriba smiled a little at this comment "And Im sure that my country would be more then happy to let in, assuming that you can brave the mountain" She glanced down at her book once more, and looked up at the pony "Meet me in a few hours, outside of this buildings, with your best ponys and as many supply's as you can carry"  With that, she promply walked out.

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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"The natives seem a bit on edge," The First Mate remarked, watching the commotion through a telescope.


"As long as they don't shoot first, nothing changes," captain Quick Breeze said, "We find the big boss, flatter him with compliments and leave the rest to the dignitaries. Peaceful primitives are all the same - as long as you talk nice to the pony in the biggest mud hut, there's no trouble. Obviously if the do shoot first then we blast our way clear and head for the open sea."


"They do have pegasi. We can outpace their ships no trouble, but I wouldn't want to face off against several hundred feathered freaks whilst stuck on a ship, even if they only have pointy sticks."


"Let the marines worry about them. Speaking of, how pointy do their sticks look?"


"Pointy enough. Cannons, muskets, nothing impressive but enough to be a threat en-mass. And they do look very en-mass at the moment."


"Relax. Put us on approach and have the guns readied, I'll have a word with the Lieutenant of Marine."


"Aye, Captain."



Dauntless steamed on towards Woodborough and the approaching ships.

Multiple of the smaller faster ships arrived first and began to sail alongside the Dauntless. When they saw that she had readied her guns they readied the cannons. They didn't want to fire but given the way the current situation was going they may have to. One of the largest ships 'the red wolf' came close enough for the Dauntless to see onto her deck and vice versa "should we fire sir?" One of the red wolf's crew said to his captain "no not yet wait. If they do anything stupid. You know what to do..." He replied looking onto the Dauntless. "Yep sink them so badly that they never come here again." The crew member whispered realising that the Dauntless may be able to hear them

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The wine still stood untouched in front of him. Looking at the stallion he wasn't exactly sure about what to do in a situation like this. There seemingly was no better option, This one at least allowed them to retrieve the captured ones. "Very well, Set them free and leave them, They know their way back." The second demand was going to considerably harder since it was only a possibility to retrieve the remains of four. "You'll find the remains of your fallen northwest into the forest from here, The fifth is... Unretrievable." As he softly spoke the words he trembled for a second, Fearing it would anger them. Burial was one of the most important rituals to them as well and they knew how tender the subject could be.

Edited by InTEMsive


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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As the king trotted about in his office, stressed about this new pirate "threat" he noticed something on his hoof, his coat was slowly falling off, revealing his skin, white and bumpy. He immidiately rushed to the physicians and doctors. He seems to be infected by a horrible diesease, leprosy. No cure is yet known... but something is clear, this must stay a secret for as long as possible.




"His selene Highness has never had the chance to prove himself on the battlefield yet! But as he made it clear, he would be the one to lead our forces to crushing any foe that threatens us, including you and your bunch of mules!"

"Wir müssen hier raus , Kurt" The second soldier whispered, "Wir müssen seine Majestät dieses mad Hengst informieren!"


Translation: We must get out of here, Kurt! We must inform his majesty of this mad stallion.


"You say the dump from which you and your schweines come from is built of freedom! Yet you abduct those who have invited you in their ports and homes! Ich hoffe, dass Sie in den depts der Hölle schmoren !" The first guard exclaims again before spitting again.


Trans: I hope you rot in the depts of hell!





That shouldn't be a problem, our mountain corps can spare a few of its men. And we were planning to blast one of the smaller mountains down anyway to alow us easier passage, the site is easier to escalate since its still filled with ladders and pathways the sapper used. I will shortly have a team assembled.


(You can timeskip to them passing the mountains if you wanna.)




"What do you mean.... irretrivable? I trust it is not hard to remember where they were buried, surely any soldier, enemy or not, deserves a proper, honorable burial, as we have done to those.... unlucky enough to clash in our way." He slowly poured another glass, "You people have no taste in beverages I see." he commented as he sipped the wine.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Deserve a proper burial? After burning us alive? You'll find their rotten crow eaten corpses on the laying ground!" One of the angered guards exclaimed. Elroc nearly fell off his seat, As he straightened himself he raised a hoof to silence the enraged guard. He once again gathered himself, "That, That is true... And the last suffered a fate alike." He took a deep breath, "Our brave soldiers will never unite with the holy grounds and their forefathers, And nor will yours after such acts.". The situation was looking bad, And at this point Elroc saw no reason to keep up the act. He flashed a slight smile, "It's only fair.".


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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(All soldiers are recorded)


When the guard exclaimed, the four curassieurs took off their rifles from their shoulders and kept them in an armed postion, not aiming but clearly ready to intervene. Unlike the undisciplined puretians, nothing said would make them step out of line. The general stood up from his chair and spoke on a provocative tone,

"You say it is only fair.... when i believe we openly invited you to retrieve your dead and wounded right now... while you retreated upon a hill, probably willing ot let them die. I am sure we could've just...what was it....oh yes,. burned them alive... while they were lying helplessy on the battlefield, abandoned by their own kinmen? I mean, I suppose we could start collective some of your pudrid bodies, we could use something to burn... now could we not? Or perhaps, set the alive ablaze?"

He put on a serious, eye-daggering face,

"Now, I will ask again, what happened to seargent Fritz Heinemare of teh 3rd cavalry corp? As his head was not on a pole by his impaled brothers! Perhaps we should do that? Impale 400 of your own, still alive? Now... answer my question, were is he?!" hatred and disgust could be seen in the generals eyes as he raised his tone on the last question.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The pirate king rubbed his mouth as he listened and thought of what the two guards said. He has to admit, they do have a point. If they kept this up he wasn't sure others would be willing to help them or take their help.  After a few minutes he sighed and moved his chair closer to them.  "I think you two make a good point. When we get to Skerghaven I give you both a ship with a crew to send you both home. I just ask that you stay for a little while to see Skerghaven and maybe help me out.


Being a pirate for so long you tend to do things like this a lot. In fact the many years before me they practiced slavery. And this lasted for a long time till all the slaves children were borne slaves. Later on the slaves rebelled  and started a war between the settlers and  them. But the next king was able to stop the fighting. Right now I'm trying to completely stop slavery. Some of my men were slaves. But I give them all the same fair pay and treat them like my family.


I also stopped people from owning slaves and gave them the rights to be payed and buy homes. But there is still a heavy tension between them and everyone else. And now I took you both by force." He sighed and face hoofed. "Shite, I'm a hypocrite." He stood up and grabbed the keys. "I'm going to unchain you two. But I ask that you stay calm and don't try anything that I would do. Be better then me. I want to Get to Skerghaven first because if we went back then have no doubt that they would start firing at us. Could you two promise me that?" 


((Bet you didn't see that coming.))

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"We don't abandon our people, But we're not risking having more of our soldiers spill their guts through their mouth again." He now had as much disgust in his voice as the one before him. "And if you have yet to notice our warriors are collecting them as we speak. Risking their lives knowing what might await them.". Pandora, Still sitting on the stallion let out a vague shriek. "We only have one reason." He carefully stroke his hoof over the regal birds large wing, "And this is our reason, We're all children of this nature and we must protect it. Every last of our soldiers know this, And are ready to die if so be it. Don't ever imply us as being cowards or weaklings as you hide behind your dark magics.".


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The guards looked confused a each other... they were clearly surprised at the response. They went silent and looked at one another,

"Glaubst du, es ist ein Trick ?"\

"Ich weiß es nicht ... er scheint ernst zu sein ."

"Das ist, wie er aussah , bevor seine haarigen Freund versetzen uns in die Kiste."
"Ich sage, wir gehen für sie , aber bei der ersten verdächtigen Zeichen ... eine Kugel in den Kopf gestellt werden."
"Ja gut. Ich stimme zu." he turned to the captian, "We.... we agree."


Do you think its a trick?

I don't know... he seems to be serious.

That's how he looked before his hairy friend put us in a crate.

I say we go for it but at the first suspicious sign... be put a bullet in his head.

Yeah, ok. I agree






"Blasted primitives." he mumbled, "Have it your way. Your people will be released when all remains are returned to our base. This meeting is over" He stands up and the guards pull a lever on the table which collapses into a small porable serviete, so do the chairs. The pick them up and leave, heading for their horses.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The Longhorn herd


Elroc was decently happy with the results of this meeting, They'd get their people back which was the main objective at hoof. When they had returned to the main herd again a group of scavengers were instantly sent to back to the northwest parts of the forrest to retrieve the remains.


A letter was written for Nenya bearing news of the end of "The harrowing", But also that a large amount of fallen were approaching the sacred ground they would soon be buried in.


The tomb herd


A large group of ponies were already approaching with carriages of dead wrapped in furs with their weapons onto of them. It was a rare sight, But Nenya instantly recognized the jet-black bird heading towards her. A letter was dropped in front of her as Pandora sunk her claws into a nearby log laying on the ground. She was gladdened as she read that "The harrowing" had finally come to an end, But her expression grew more and more concerned and sad as she read further and realized it was resolved by battle. With a sigh she walked into her tent and placed the letter on a pile of ones like it. Does it always have to be violence?..


The north west parts of the southern pine forrest


It didn't take long the wolves to find the tattered corpses, And they were placed on carriages. As the small group advanced through the forrest it was apparent what had happened here, Trees were burnt laying on the ground and smashed, Metal shards covered the ground as well as a coating of ashes. Soon they found the least one, Pushed up against a tree there were shreds of uniform scattered all over and his bloodied crushed bones. His remains were wrapped in a large piece of leather before they departed towards the Ponissan base.


The Ponissans base


Without any way of showing that they were friendly they simply made themselves as visible as possible whilst approaching the large wall. "We've come here with the remains as demanded." One of the group members shouted towards the barrier.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Scriba wasnt sure how long had passed, but the expedition over the mountain was a blur to her. She remembered meeting with the ponys, and starting the long trek up through the area. Using the maps she had taken on her first way up, she cut down the time it took to only a few days. She had then taken them along the roads to the main city, were she guessed that embers would be waiting. 


Embers Had been waiting, has was waiting in a small shack, news of the other nation had reached them long ago, and he was trying to refresh his memory of how to deal with other nations, and there general selfishness 


     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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"Danke." The pirate king said, using one of the few words he knew in their language. He then unlocked the chains and let them drop to the floor. He went back to his desk and grabbed two more glasses and poured them both some wine. "Now lets start over. And since you both can count this as kind of a holiday," He chuckled and held out the glasses to them. "So you two can relax a little.  Now lets start with our names.


I am Captain Gloomfury Dovegreen, Pirate king of Skerghaven. Though you probably were already told about me by your superiors."

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Gaozhi galloped down the stairs and adjusted her light purple half-robes with her magic; she didn't really bother to wear any armor and only had her sword with her. "Open the gates!" she shouted to the gatekeepers, who promptly opened the large, wooden double gates to allow the foreign army in.


"That's some heavy armor right there...but they are big ponies," one of the guards whispered to another. "Heh, they are from the far north, after all. I heard from one of the bases that they have a famine and a war." "That sounds...pretty bad. Hope it turns better for them."


The two immediately went quiet and stood back straight with their spears up straight as soon as Serylda and her guards trotted in and met up with Gaozhi herself. She glanced behind Serylda, seeing the massive army behind her. "Wow...that's like, fifteen, twenty thousand? Wonder how she's going to feed them." "Shut up, she's talking!"


Upon first appearance, Gaozhi looked different from the bat pony captain from before, in that the latter had plainer clothes. She was of the nobility, and due to her family's influence in the capital, Gaozhi was automatically appointed as a major before getting promoted regularly later on. Her sword looked like a scimitar but with a flared end and thinner blade. She was also cleaner and needless to say, a bit attractive.


"I suppose the other officers up north have given you a proper introduction?" she greeted in the Pruine language, which immediately startled the translator. Her horn was glowing slightly – she had casted a translation spell out of convenience. The mare chuckled before turning to Serylda. "Anyway, welcome to Zhengshi! I know you're here for the depot – we stored some five thousand tons of food here. Enough for seven months...for your army. Unfortunately that's all the surplus we have right now. Might take some time for more to come here."


She turned around and adjusted her belt with her magic. "But if you don't mind, we can go along for a visit around town! It'll take at least two weeks or so for the message to get to my General and the Emperess anyway, so I' sure they won't mind some messing around on my part."

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"All stop," Captain Quick Breeze called and, seeing one of the larger ships approaching, nodded to a handful of marines on deck with instruments, and moments later they burst into music.


"They're going to think that we are utterly mad," the first mate remarked as the larger ship sailed closer.


"More fool them, then," Quick Breeze responded.




One of the largest ships 'the red wolf' came close enough for the Dauntless to see onto her deck and vice versa

With a gesture to the marines to quieten the music, the Lieutenant of Marine called across to the other ship in a booming voice.


"On the behalf of his majesty King Archus II of Shetland, Captain Quick Breeze of HMS Dauntless does cordially invite a representative of your great nation aboard to discuss matters of diplomacy."

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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"All stop," Captain Quick Breeze called and, seeing one of the larger ships approaching, nodded to a handful of marines on deck with instruments, and moments later they burst into music.


"They're going to think that we are utterly mad," the first mate remarked as the larger ship sailed closer.


"More fool them, then," Quick Breeze responded.




With a gesture to the marines to quieten the music, the Lieutenant of Marine called across to the other ship in a booming voice.


"On the behalf of his majesty King Archus II of Shetland, Captain Quick Breeze of HMS Dauntless does cordially invite a representative of your great nation aboard to discuss matters of diplomacy."

" should we trust them? " The first mate said to the captain.


"I'm assuming so." He replied before giving the signal for a pegasus to fly over.


The pegasus landed softly on the Dauntless. She was nervous about the ordeal and wanted to go back but her captain would seriously punish her for being a coward. She walked forwards cautiously her musket shaking around on her side and her sword nearly coming out of it's sheathe

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The gates were opened for the carriers to come through. Inside, 280 coffins were displayed in a perfect 20 x 14 formation, five of them bwing empty. They all hav the Ponssian Flag wraped around them as two long, straight rows of riflemen stood armed on each side of the coffin collection. Between the rows, on the side opposite to the gate was a band of battlefield musicians ready to play in the honour of their fallen comrades. Six soldiers came out to wheel the cart of remains in while about 180 shakled ponies were released, half of the captured number as agreed.




"Privates 223 and 224, Louis and Kurt of the 3rd company, 7th regiment, 45 th division of the home guard. We have no need for a holiday, we only wish to get back as soon as possible to continue our duties!" Private Kurt replied.




 The ponies looked around, an entire civilization, unknown to them, just past the mountains, similar to their own as well, only poorer.  They took note of everyhitng they saw, the infrastructure, industry and great areas of unused land.


"I see you have a lot of empty, unimproved land around here... Isn't that a waste of your natural resources?" The ambassador asked as they apprached what looked like a poor-ponies shack.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The pirate king smirked as he placed the glasses on his desk. "Oh come on. All work and no play will drive anyone mad. Just think about it. When will you even get a chance like this? Think of it as an unofficial scouting mission. I doubt you two get a lot of free time. So why not relax for once. Not like it'll kill you. Or is fun also illegal in Ponssia? And like said you two are gonna help me out before you leave. 



I want to smooth things over with your land.  First you two have to right letters to your families to let them know that you're alright. Oh, and I suppose you should let you meet the stallion of whom left his homeland of his own accord ." He got out of his chair and went to the door.  "Mr. Shaw! A word please. I think you need to give your countrymen the reason why you wanted to leave."

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The co-president thought for a bit. He didn't know if they could trust him yet, but they decided to help. They where after all known for their helpfullness. "Lower the scorpios and open the gates, let them through" Said the dragon. His soldiers complied, and the gates were open "Permession to enter granted" Shouted the co-president


(My apologies for the late reply :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Serylda looked around, Carefully inspecting her surroundings. Her personal guards were still constantly on the lookout for flaws in their defense, whispering to each other they discussed the guards armors and weapons. Serylda however had her eyes locked on the approaching mare,  Brave one, Approaching with no armor... 


 As the mare told her about the amount of food they could provide she simply nodded in response. "We thank you for your hospitality, The food you provide will certainly help." She looked down at her four life guards and cleared her throat, They instantly stopped whispering and looked towards the mare in front of them. "Very well, Your town is certainly... Different. Not to say that it is not beautiful, We'd very much like to what it has to offer." Serylda said and looked around once again. She was trying to sound as polite as possible and show respect towards these ponies. They found unicorns and pages rather strange still, They weren't exactly anything new but they never really understood how the unicorns use their magic. The magic they knew existed in the sacred grounds, Where they were buried so they could ascend to the afterlife.




The small team of ponies had a glance of what was going on inside those walls, They certainly buried their dead differently then them. "If they're laying in those large cases, How are they going to unite with the ground and move on to the afterlife?" One of the scavengers  whispered to another, "Ponies like that doesn't go to any afterlife." she answered and turned around to fallow the newly released ponies. 


Nenya was going from grave to grave putting her hoof on each and every weapon on top of the graves and whispering a quick prayer. After she was done going from grave to grave she bowed down in front of a large stone statue representing an armored bear with horned helmet, A few hundred other ponies were also bowing down behind her in a perfect square formation. "May you rest well, Until the sacred spirits come to carry you into the afterlife. You've displayed the strength and independence of the bear, yet the unity and courage of the wolf and the glory and pride of the eagle and it's now time for you to unite with your forefathers. You won't be forgotten as you ascend to The white feathers fjord." They all said in perfect harmony. Every last pony soon took turns at the statue to leave a offering the fallen might find useful in the afterlife, the same reason as why their weapons were laying on their graves.

Edited by InTEMsive


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

“With age comes wisdom, which I am sure you understand,” Celestia would offer, before adding as she looked to the dragon, “and to comes the understanding that conflict and war bring little but suffering. I do what I can to make sure my little ponies don't have to experience such things.”
On the tea she would reply, “Thank you, it is the recipe of an old friend. It is one of the few things I still have of hers.” The alicorn would pause in a a moment of reflection before adding, “Also I appreciate your kind words of my home, I do feel friendship is always possible.” There was admittingly still much she did not know of this dragon or his nation.
“Tell me about yourself, as to your home,” would come the question.

Moving Swiftly Away From Canterlot - Fleetfoot

Fleetfoot had gotten the notice, having been participating in a training session when called on to perform the task of messenger and had already begin heading towards the flying castle moving closer towards Canterlot though it was still a ways off. With letter in side bag, securely bound, she would fly swiftly forward.
Once arrived, she would land and take a moment to catch her breath. Fleetfoot would wait for somepony to greet her before requesting to speak with the one in charge saying, “Letter from Her Highness, Princess Celestia for the ears of whoever is leading this castle.” She just hoped all was actually well, considering for a moment the possibility that this was a trap or trick before pushing such thoughts aside.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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"Der Verräter Schwein," one of them whispered as the stallion entered the room, "You are a disgrace to our entire nation."
Shaw was surprised to see the guards unchained and could read the very essence of hatred in their eyes. He slowly approached the captain,
"I don't think that wold be a very good idea.... captian.... ponies like me are called anarchist and dispised more than anything..." he said whispered in the captains ear.
The captain was relieved to see themselves pass through and the ship slowly made into harbor. The smoke it produced was in heavey contast to the totally clean atmosphere of the surroundings. The port seemed kind of rustic and the land... the land was greener than any other soil they had ever seen, it was truly a marvel for them. As they got closer to the dragons all eyes were fixed on them. What kind of creatures were these? Was this heaven, or hell? As they reached port the captain, still on deck, awaited for one of these creatures to approach him, he didn't want to make the first move.
As the last ponies were placed in their coffins and wrapped in the national flag, the orchestra started playing a honorary song, the riflemen fired a few sycronized volleys in the air, followed by two cannon shots. The soldiers then all saluted the coffins and stepped back. Ponies in dark robes came in from behind the orchestra, led by a pony carrying a golden cross. They walked between the coffins singing a slow song in latin, wetting the coffins with holy water and praying. As they paseesd throught the coffins they went on to leavfe the fort. Ther soldier lines then separated and started picking up the coffins and folowed the priests. They  carried the coffins to a building outside the fort hidden behind a cliff, a small stone church. Behind it was a large cfleared area with holes in the ground and tomb stones. The coffins were placed in their designated holes and filled in. The stones, bearing the name of each soldier were then placed on the tombs and a final volley followed by another salute followed.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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 The pirate king covered his mouth before bursting into laughter. "And what do you think the world thinks of pirates, as saints?" He laughed some more before giving Shaw a slap on the back. "I was abandoned in the griffon kingdom and raised by griffons. I've been an outcast all my life. Mostly by my fellow ponies in Equestria. The sharp teeth mainly put them off. But In Skerghaven I am the Pirate king. 


I'm respected, loved and feared. It's others like us who make Skerghaven their home. We are the scourge of the seas, hated, despised, loathed. To everyone else we're lower then shite." He smiled. " And we couldn't have it any other way. The more they hate us the funnier it gets." He leaned closer to Shew.  "I mean look at them. They hate you so much, they wish nothing bust death to come to you. But they truly don't know why! Cause you left? Cause you abandoned your homeland? Pffft!" He held in more laughter. " Back where I came from you can take a shite in public and no one bats an eye. But if you're pony raised by griffons, you're a freak.  The irony, sweet shite the irony!" Another fit of laughter came over him. 


After he calmed down he leaned in close to Shaw again. "Just tell them how you truly think and feel. Revel in their hated. To tell you the truth, I didn't just go to your homeland to help your people. That was a bonus. I really came to help because now your king has to rely on a bunch of lowlife pirate scum to feed his land. When I met him, he looked at me like he was meeting  with a pig covered in shite. It was fantastic.


Be hated, be despised. And love every second of it." He gave another smile before pulling away to address the guards." Now, Mr, Shaw. I thing these men deserve an explanation onto why you decided to leave. Don't you agree, das Schwein?" He smirked.


((Yeah I know what it means.))

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