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@@Phosphorous @@Sporemane @@- Aethergem - @@reader8363


"A village just... disappeared? Just like that?" Foray looked skeptical. Time seemed to freeze for her as she analyzed the situation, her eyes quickly darting from pony to pony.


It wasn't the first time she'd heard weird legends before, but then again, she'd seen stranger things. Hay, even her own story would probably raise some eyebrows. Out here in the wasteland, it was her open mind that kept her alive.


On the other hoof, a village disappearing was never a good sign. If the legend was as "big" as it seemed, there would likely be other ponies searching for it, and that could cause some fights.


On the other hoof, her own survival skills and lack of injuries thus far were a testament to her independence and resourcefulness, if not at the very least cowardice. Plus, she'd certainly feel safer travelling with a group of ponies than by herself.


On the other hoof, if she were to join the group, it would be clear that she wouldn't be the leader. She never liked being a follower, but as she had no idea where this village was, she wouldn't have much choice.


On the other hoof, searching for a village in the middle of nowhere was better than wandering the wasteland aimlessly. If anypony knew where this village was, she'd at least have a bearing on how far she had wandered in the past few days.


Snapping out of her thinking train, she sighed, rubbed her cheek with oon and said, "Well... fine, I'll hop on the boat. Just don't rock it, m'kay?"

Edited by Meson Bolt
  • Brohoof 1


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Bright looked back up. The previously scattered ponies were now all in a group together. As for why, Bright could only think of one reason: they were looking for the same hidden village. Figuring that that most likely had a better idea of where it was than he did, he concluded that it would be a good idea to follow them.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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@ Meson_Bolt


"Tell me about the legend." Confusion asked softly. "Approximately, when do you think this village disapeared? 20 years ago, 30, maybe even 50?" 


She put her hoof out. "We better be on guard. Unless we want to all get cancer, we better be careful." She noticed a worn out piece of paper stuck in a shrub. She pulled it out of the leaves. On the paper, there was a picture of two alicorns. One of the alicorns resembled Princess Celestia, if she had transformed into an ugly beast. The other alicorn looked angelic. Confusion showed the picture to the others. "What do you make of this?" 

Edited by Phosphorous


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"He already said, it was seventeen years ago," Foray replied, rolling her jade-green eyes before focusing them on the piece of paper. It was quite evident that she didn't recognize the ponies in the drawing. "Looks like just some old drawing," she replied dismissively. "Why? Where'd you find it?"

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"I'm still a little winded, but what else is new?" the orange-maned mare replied, pulling her hood over her head again and tightening her saddlebags. "We'd still better be careful, there's always a chance that somepony else is gonna be looking for the same thing."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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well I see at least one pony said something to me as I fell yay ouch, Summer looked up at the pony asking her is she was alright @@reader8363, "I think i'm ok but my wing really hurts actually." Summer got up and inspected the damage she may not be flying for a while. "thanks for the assistance, um who are you? My name is Summer Sun Cloud but you can call me Summer or Cloud or Sun or Sum or you know what ever really." She gave him a smile.

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"There must have been a reason it had been destroyed." She looked worried. "The ponies that used to live here must have really hated Celestia to depict her in this fashion. Celestia might not like it if we investigate these ruins..." She gave a smile. "...but who cares. The truth about my own past has been stolen from me." She stepped on an empty carton lying on the ground. "Whether Celestia likes it or not, we must investigate the ruins, and announce the truth to all ponies! No pony should live blind!" She became energized for the search. "I do not care what danger we may face, the truth has to be revealed to all ponies!" 

Doing something that Celestia hated intruiged Confusion. She had a great distrust and dislike for Celestia. When she would write letters to her, pleading to know about her past, she never had gotten an answer. "Benevolent to all ponies..." She thought. "...bullshit!"


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"Clam your flanks, we're not certain that Celestia has anything to do with this so-called 'mystery'," Foray replied, keeping an air of elegance and authority despite her ruddy appearance. "Besides, we're not even sure this picture... thing... is from the village anyway. Travelture said he knows where it's supposed to be, so why don't we pack up our crap and head down there to clear this whole thing up, m'kay?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Phosphorous,@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture sighed, so far so good, no one has asked. He said as he levitated the paper and shed his disguise to show his dark grey fur, white rib markings down his back, black fur down his muzzle, and his Changeling horn,

The ponies there was kind, they loved Celestia, and they didn't do anything wrong. this wasn't there, must have been a pony that hated Celestia or like the idea of the eternal night."



Feeder said as he sat down

"Feeder, pleasure to meet you, Summer. Could you still move your wing?"

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"Feeder hey are you a chief?" She giggled and then winched as she tried to move her left wing "no that doesn't work right now probably either bad bruising or a sprain hopefully anyway otherwise I will be grounded for a while, hope just a sprain." She made an obviously fake smile about her own statement. "anyway what are you and your friends doing out here? this is no place for a pony, and before you ask I am a little more than what lies beneath my fur." Summer made a rather serious face after that statement.   

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"Actually, I'm a doctor and a vet. I was heading up to see what's going on. That's when I heard your moan and came to see if you were okay."

He reached into his bag and pulled out a bandage.

"Hopefully, it's a sprain or a bruise, but I have my theory and it's not good. Do you know how to apply a bandage and what exactly are you?

Edited by reader8363
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Agaricus turned to face the injured pegasus. "Hey if your wing hurts. I have a healing potion in my bag." After diging through his bag. He presented a glass bottle to the mare, that contained a red liquid.


Agaricus looked behind him and saw Travelture transforming. With a horrified look he shouted. "A Changeling!" He then made several steps away, from Traveltrue.




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Travelture back up toward the wasteland, lowered his head a little, and said as his horn lit up,

"I'm not a changeling, or, at least, I don't think I am, I don't need anything a changeling need. I can just eat regular food, I don't know exactly who my parent are, so I can't give all of ya an answer."

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@@Meson Bolt,@@Phosphorous,@@- Aethergem -, @,   




(may be a bit of a long and deep post so stay with me)

possible changeling gonna drop the act somewhat Summer's stance changed she immediately snapped her wing back into place, with no emotion on her face, she turned to Spore first "he's not lying but that doesn't mean you're not part changeling anyway. HIs heart beat is normal anyway when someone lies they usually skip a beat." She turned mostly to Travelture but was talking to everyone there "most ponies don't understand what I am, what I am is a vampire, for those who have no clue what that is I am a creature somewhat akin to a batpony, there are a few main things different, what you should be worried about is that I too feed on another's life force, with these." A pair of long white fangs protrude from her mount they are roughly 6's long "but I dont tend to feed on ponies I have morals but changelings I have no such concern with." Summer smiled evilly at Travelture. 

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@@reader8363 @


Foray took a step back, her brain working rapidly to process the information. A changeling-like being AND a vampire pony? Suddenly she felt safer with just herself and her crowbar, the latter she had pulled out of her saddlebag and was now brandishing defensively. She wasn't about to get involved and wanted to see how the situation would play out, however if there was any fighting to be done she would be quick to avoid it.


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Feeder said as he sat down  and pulled out a notebook and writing utensil,

"Interesting, I never got to interview a vampire before, tell me, or us, more about yourself."



Travelture's eyes widen with fear and started backing up. He stumbled as he shot a 3 inch in diameter rock at the vampire.

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@Meson Bolt,@Phosphorous,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,   




Summer looked at the horror she had instilled in Travelture, she could hear his heart racing the reactions of the others was also something she expected. But was totally dumbfounded by Feeder. "um that is not something I expected, um but as usual most of you probably don't want to be near me I will leave now I guess." Summer's features and stance became sad and she went to leave... why did I do that are you stupid you little philly? 

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Now standing on the sidelines Agaricus murmured low to himself. "Changelings and Vampires, oh my spores. This day is getting worst every minute. It's bad enough their are several Unicorns here. Now there's a vampire."


Agracius paused his internal dialogue when he saw the challenge, launch an attack at the vampire. He then exclaimed sarcastically out load. "Great this day just keeps getting better. I should have just stayed in bed today."




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"What's wrong with unicorns?" Foray hissed quietly, as she had previously backed up far enough to stand next to Agaricus. Eyes darting around furtively, she added, "Y'know, if we're the only normal ponies in this little group, running away while they're not looking wouldn't be that bad of an idea."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Agraicus eyes widen and his ears dropped. He was completely surprised that the mare next to him, had overheard his outburst. He tried to change the subject the only way he knew how. "Did you know that Mushrooms are not actually plants but a fungus." Hopefully this out of the blue statement was enough to distract the Unicorn.


Agaricus thought about the mares proposition. He might have a disdain for Unicorns. But he had already bin attacked by a changeling today and now there was a vampire. Anything was better than staying here. Even traveling with a Unicorn, into the vast wastelands. Coming to a decision he faced the Mare. "At this point sneaking away, is not a terrible idea, lets go. Before things get even worst."

Edited by Sporemane




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Foray frowned in thought for a moment. Leaving the group this early on would be a bold move, no doubt, but she hadn't gotten this far by being indecisive. A team of two ponies would likely be safer than a team that included a changeling and a vampire as well. And Agracius seemed to be resourceful and able to handle himself.


Nodding her head, she prepared a spell and said, "You take off, I'll cover you." She then assumed a battle stance, wielding her crowbar defensively.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@Sporemane   @Meson Bolt


Confusion followed the Foray and Agraicus. "Where are we going, Foray?"

She kept focusing on the picture. Of course if a group of ponies hated Celestia, Celestia wouldn't allow such to be publicly known. The white dictatress always kept up an appearance of being benevolent and liked by all. If other ponies knew such a fact, her reputation would be tarnished, and her power vastly decreased. It would take a lot of effort to get other ponies to see a glimpse of the light of truth through their shaded blinders, and take them off. But for now, she must keep hush, for Celestia's devotees were lurking around. Words couldn't save them, only physical evidence. Confusion decided to play as the silent and focused observer from now.

Edited by Phosphorous


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@@Phosphorous@@Meson Bolt,@@Sporemane,

Travelture allowed his heartbeat go down, he said as he started walking into the wasteland and remembering the path he took from the village

Any of ya wants to come, try to keep up, cause basically this is my home."




Feeder said, "I just want to know more about vampire so I can help them if any need help

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@@Phosphorous @@reader8363 @@Sporemane


Foray's expression changed to stoic as Confusion approached. She certainly didn't trust her -- she didn't really trust anypony at this point -- but since she was approaching non-threateningly, the mare decided it would be best if she lowered her guard. "We were gonna hightail it to the village on our own, but..." She paused and cast a glance at Travelture. "Well, I guess we'll have to follow him then. I just don't feel safe around changelings and vampire ponies and such."


Sighing and returning her crowbar back to its saddlebag, she extended her hoof and said, "I'm Foray, by the way. I don't think we've met."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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