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open The wasteland adventure RP


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Strapping on his saddlebag on attaching his goggles to his face. Agaricus began to make his way out of the skeleton, turning around to face the others. "If y'all want to stay in this death trap be my guest. I how ever am going to the cave." Lifting a flap of skin Agraicus began making his way through the brutal sand storm. He knew that he had to hurray, this was only the front of the storm. He then grabbed a bioluminescent mushroom from his bag and used it to light his way to the entrance of the cave.

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@Meson Bolt,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,@reader8363,


Summer was still dwelling on Confusions death and why she would just take her own life like that why would anypony do that. Summer walked into the cave sat down and simply looked at the others she did not want to speak, death was a somewhat new concept to her, her own excluded but she could not remember that being only 19 she wasn't exposed to death at all at her age. She looked down the cave to see what was what another perk a vampirism see in the dark.

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@@Meson Bolt@@reader8363,


Cyan put his rifle down "Name's Cyan, howdy" he decided to not ask about this dead pony in ruins, at least mot now "What are ya doing here?" Stupid question, sandstorm... 


He sit near campfire "So... You didn't shoot me, soo... Ya are some kind of merchants?" Cyan looked at bags near mare, they don't look like merchants, but it's good thing to ask at the start.

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Foray glanced up and made some sort of muffled noise. Swallowing and wiping her mouth, she reiterated, "Me?" Her tired eyes scanned over his face cautiously, before using her magic to move her saddlebags to rest snugly against her side. "No, just a wanderer like yourself. Can't speak for the others though. I'm Foray."

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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture's horn stopped glowing and changed his form into a white male unicorn and said,

"Name's Travelture, may I ask what you're doing in my ho- I mean wasteland?. Merchant, not purposely. 


Feeder got up and looked at Cyan, he said as he pulled out a few needle,

"Feeder, I have a few question for ya. 

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"Just passing, saw that giant sandstome coming, and staying out in the open ani't best solution" He looked at Feeder "then ask" 


Cyan sit on a little stones, wasn't really sure if it really stones, he was keeping his rifle close, in case somepony try something funny.

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Feeder said as he put the egg near the fire, but not too close that it would catch on fire,

"What are you doing out here, have you had any run-ins with the creatures here, do ya know about the vanished village, and.."

He looked at the gun and said with a small hint of uneasy, 

"Do ya prefer killing?"

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Foray snorted audibly, disgruntled that she had again been promptly ignored. Though she would have preferred this as it would have helped her go to sleep, between the fire, the ponies talking, and the raging sandstorm outside, it was evident that she wouldn't be able to sleep at all. Adjusting her position slightly, she simply stared into the fire, turning her head to one side and listening to the crackling of the flame.


@@reader8363, @@Orbit,  

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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt,  




"Nope, sorry" He said and looked at his weapon, then at ponies near fire "Only when I have to..." Cyan put his weapon away and take bottle of water from his bag. He drink a little and put bottle near him "So, wo are ya, what are ya doing in this big monster?" He looked at his bottle "Thirsty?"

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Feeder said as he let out a sigh,

"No thanks. My name is Feeder, I'm a doctor and a vet, well not officially. More like a traveling one. Once this journey is over, I will have been all over Equestria. the reason why we're in here is to wait out the storm. 


Travelture said,

"I grew up here, so I know how dangerous the sandstorm are. if we were outside the sand would kill us. First time getting caught in a sandstorm, my back and my hind legs were completely raw."

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@@Orbit, @@reader8363


Foray let out another annoyed sigh and faced the trio, forcing a weak smile. "I'm Foray. Weird name, I know. Me and four others were the only ones who survived after our little town was wiped out. But, after something went really wrong, they blamed me and sorta kicked me out of the group. I've been wandering aimlessly since then, and just met up with these guys." She eyed the water bottle curiously. "If they're gonna turn it down, mind if I have a swig?"

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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt,  


[To Foray]

"Not at all"  Cyan give her bottle "Sound's like ya been through a lot, at least you find other ponies"


[To Feeder and Travelture]

"First time i saw smething that big, on the other hoof...Are you guys traveling to some town? Or just traveling around, might use some company, or at least some trade" He looked at Foray and at crowbar "Ya allways carring that rusted thing?" 

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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture turned to Foray and said, 
"Wait there are others. I thought you were in the wasteland without any contact his others. If you don't mind me asking what are the others like, are they a threat if we meet them?"



"A little bit ago, we ran into a giant worm, that egg is the offspring of it. We're heading to see a village that vanished 17 years ago."


The storm calmed down until it was just a whisper. The scorpion shook itself off and started walking around.


Travelture said as his horn and the skin withdrawal into the spine,

"The storm's over. Let's head to the cave and discuss a little more."

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@@Orbit, @@reader8363


Foray took a few quick sips before giving back the water bottle and wiping her mouth. "You mean my crowbar? She's not a rusted old thing... in fact she's rather new. Makes for a good weapon, but I'm not trading her." She then turned to face Travelture. "We'll likely not run into the 'others', I left them a long while back. If we do run into them, they're all pretty good-natured, most of 'em are... well, two of 'em. But they shouldn't be trouble."

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@@reader8363, @@Meson Bolt,


"Yeah, no sense sitting here... This place stinks"  Cyan take his stuff and stand's up.


[To Travelture]

"Why are you looking for burned village?" He walk to exit, when he saw a light he heard some weird sounds, he take his sniper rifle and aim front "Something is out there, keep low"

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@@Orbit, @@Meson Bolt

Travelture said as he headed to the cave,

"That's good to know. I never said anything about it burned, I said vanished, as in disappeared with only a bed to say that it existed."


Feeder grabbed his stuff and the egg, stomped the fire out and said, as he walked up to Cyan,

"It sounds far and not hostile right now, I think we're safe. 

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@@Orbit, @@reader8363 


Getting up slowly as she was already very tired, Foray draped her hoodie over her backside and again fastened her saddlebags. To her, it seemed as though they were growing heavier by the hour, although a quick inventory of its contents showed that she was just feeling the effects of fatigue. Stifling a long yawn, she nodded and equipped her crowbar, trying her best to appear alert and ready for action, although the contrary was quite obvious.

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@@reader8363@@Meson Bolt,



"Ya think?" Cyan looked at him and put his rifle on back "If this thing will make a hole in my butt, I will blame you" He looked around "Ok, you lead the way" Cyan looked at Travelture and let him go first.


"You ok?" He asked, looking at Foray "Ya don't look good" He stand near her.

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Agaricus finally made it to the cave, as the storm was dying down. As he entered the cave the glow from his mushroom coated the walls in a dim greenish glow. Dropping his saddle bag and removing his goggles, Agaricus spoke to him self. "I don't know why they wanted to stay in that skeleton. This cave seems fine to me."

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"I'm fine, just a bit winded is all," Foray replied. She had barely gotten the words out before another yawn took over. "Okay... maybe a little bit more than a bit winded. I didn't get much sleep last night, and we all were fighting this worm thing earlier today..."

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@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,@reader8363,@@Orbit


@Meson Bolt,


Summer had been sitting near the fire the whole time to not fussed here or there she was better now, she did pick up Foray's fatigue Summer walked over to her. "I have a solution to your fatigue problem well two actually, both involve vampy stuff but both will fix you up if you want I mean it's fine you can stay tired if you want."

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Foray eyed the mare cautiously. It didn't seem like Summer meant any harm, yet she still didn't want to trust a vampire pony, at least not just yet. And performing some vampire-stuff on her in her already-weakened state was out of the question entirely. "Um, I don't think so, sorry. Thanks for the offer, but... I'll be alright on my own," the unicorn panted, slowly ambling towards the cave's entrance.

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@@reader8363,@@Sporemane, @@Meson Bolt, @,  



"So...Ugh...Hi guys?" Cyan saw other two ponies and put his rifle on back "Name's Cyan" He did notice the words "vampiric stuff"...


"Umm... Did you said "vampiric stuff?" one eyebrown get upper while looking at Summer, he noticed her red eyes but... He thought this is some legends for colt's.

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Feeder said, as he turned around and started walking backwards, 

"Guess we forgot to mention, Summer's  a vampire and Travelture doesn't know who he is. but is told he might have a little changeling in him. Any other question you have?"


@@Sporemane,@@Meson Bolt,@,

Travelture walked up to the cave. He lit his horn and torches that hid on the wall lit up. He said as he saw Agaricus,

"How are you not harmed? The sandstorms here can almost rip the skin off. I saw ponies that couldn't move cause of a sandstorm."

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