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"hmm dinner yes please, I am partial to some nice beans." Summer help herself to a portion then sat down and promptly ate it. "that was not bad at all nice amount on the spices."




Summer put her plate down and walked over to Ivy, "you have something that you're not supposed to, care to give them to me?" 

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(it's morning)

Ivy rolled her eyes and said as she reached into her bag and pulled out the ammo,

"Sure, why don't I have a gun to my head for someone to shoot, I took the ammo so I can control what's fired at. When do you think we're leaving to this village?"


Travelture opened the door to the big building and walked in. The place was full of uneaten food covered in dust, chairs tipped over, and weapons in the walls. He picked up a chair and sat in it, then he pulled out his map and planned the next place he would go to.

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Foray snorted, sinking deeper into her own sheets and turning her head away from them. "Did you guys not hear me, or are you just ignoring what I say? I'm not hungry." Not wanting to move, she used her magic to push the plate back over towards Cyan. "Hey... more for you though, right?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Summer took the magazines of Ivy and put them away into someponies pack, "you're a bad pony(guy) you dont get ammo or answers now sit there and be quiet."


@@Meson Bolt,


"I can help you Foray if you'll just let go of your prejudice towards me, please let me help you, I can make you feel like you have just been born again, but you're not going to belive me again are you?"

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Truly shocked by the offer, Foray finally turned her head to face Summer. A sudden pop in her neck made her wince, and twisting her head to one side resulted in a series of subsequent cracks that sounded like she had actually snapped a bone or two. In reality, she was simply freeing up the joints that had locked due to her awkward position.


"But I don't want to feel like I've just been born again..." Foray muttered, wondering what she even meant by that. "If you have a spell that can... I dunno, make it not-so-freezing in here, then go ahead and cast it. Except for my head, my head's hot enough already..." In hindsight, she realized her comment was meant to be taken both literally and figuratively, and snickered.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Summer stood back from that comment, "um I'm not going to turn you or anything just well it's no lose to me so you if you want to." Summer walked away from Foray and the group to a corner of the room taking a cup with her, if anyone was looking they'd see her raise a hoof to her head then the hoof moved away to over the cup where the cup was filled. Summer walked back over to her. "you drink this then you'll feel great and warm, well temperature won't bother you for a while about 12 to 24 hours."


(basing Summers vampirism on the 'The Originals' Series where vampire blood has amazing healing properties.) 

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Foray stared into the cup, a sickening feeling overtaking her. Actually, she had already been feeling sick, but just looking at the liquid made her feel even more sick. Looking up at Summer, she added, "But I'm already... or... um... my body's cold, like freezing cold, but my head feels like it's freaking on fire... does any of this make sense?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"you're getting the flu, not a light one either I know what is in this is disgusting to look at, it taste a lot better than it looks or smells, but it will fix all your ailments. But it is you're choice if you want to remain sick I will not force you." Summer sat the cup down next to Foray and took a step or two backwards then sat down a smile on her face.

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@Meson Bolt


Second sight's ears perked at Foray's complaint.


'Body cold... Head hot...'


He shook his head.


'Oh no oh god no. Not in the wasteland'

Second sight covered his face with a hoof, closing his eyes.


"Foray, I think you're sick. Not sick in the bad way, you're literally ill"


"We need to find a doctor. Is there on in our group? I don't remember vampire blood being able to cure diseases from my studies. So far I've only seen it heal physical wounds"

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@,@, @@Meson Bolt,  

Feeder walked in and said as he took the shotgun off his back,

"What seems to be the problem. Is Ivy giving you all a hard time?"


Ivy sighed and said, "I don't think did a friendly introduction. Name's Ivy Winds, and who are you all. I know Second Sight and Feeder, but I don't know the rest of you. Why is this Travelture searching for a village?"

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"W-wait... vampire blood?" Foray's face twisted in disgust and shock. "You were gonna make me drink your... your blood?" Trapping the cup in her magic for a moment, she gently pushed it back towards Summer. "Sorry, sick or not, I'm not a cannibal, and I don't intend to start now..."


Turning her head to address both Second Sight and Summer, she added, "And I don't feel that sick. Just this weird thing with my body, but it's not serious, is it?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"it is ok for you to say no, but it's not cannibalism, I'm a predator not prey, a different species all together, but it is fine." Summer took the cup and downed the contents, "my own blood never tastes as nice as others." She got up and walked over to Ivy.




"I'm sorry there love, my name is Summer and if you do anything stupid I'll kill you, i've accepted the other bandit over there and he helped me you on the other hoof(hand) I will hoof over to the guard at Canterlot and they can deal with you."


(ivy is the bandit leader yes? can change) 

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@Meson bolt


Second Sight looked Foray in the eye.


"You... Get this thing often? Is it normal for your body to b acting up like this? You don't feel nauseous, nothing?" He asked, slightly intrigued.


@Emerald bolt


"Yeah... I don't recommend handing Ivy over to the guards. I personally recommend just letting her go once you reach canterlot; she'd be nothing but a burden to the city's resources."

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"...I mean, I've never really had this before," Foray replied, thinking it over in her head. "It doesn't feel good, I can tell ya that much. As for nausea... yeah, sorta, but I'm kind of used to it." She wiggled around under her blankets. "My joints are kinda sore too, and... I feel a little dizzy too." Her face was one of worry. "Am I gonna be okay?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Ivy glared at Summer and said,

"Pleasure to meet you, Summer.

She turned to Second and said, 

"For your information, I am very socialized. I can blend into the crowd of Canterlot."

She grabbed Feeder's shotgun, sat on the bed, and said took the shells out of the gun,

"Does anyone have any mechanics, gears, tool, that sort of thing?"

(Ivy is the leader of the raider, or bandits)

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Second sight took a second ( hehe ) to think the new information over. He leaned back and said. "For now, I don't have enough information to tell what you have. I'm no medical expert; I'm really just using information I leeched off healers from before." He explained. "For now, just focus on getting more rest..."


He brought the plate of beans back to Foray.


"...and eat. I know you have no appetite, but your body will need energy to fight whatever bug you've caught."


@reader , emerald bolt


Second sight kept his eyes on Foray, barely acknowledging her existence. "Good luck socialising when you're rotting in prison, I guess."

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For a (hehe) moment, Foray scowled at the plate of beans in disgust, before taking a tiny bite and munching slowly. She gagged shortly after swallowing. "This... this is awful," she mumbled, before perking up and saying, "No offense..." in Cyan's direction.


"Look, I know you guys wanna get moving to the village, and I'm probably just gonna slow you down," she mumbled drowsily. "I can stay behind and keep the campfire going, y'all head into the village and see what you can find. I'll be fine by myself..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Second Sight leaned back once again, thinking.


'There's no way we can leave Foray alone here. The wasteland is a merciless place. It's wildlife Is worse.' . His mind briefly darted back to the giant scorpian. 'If we head to the village, we can't leave Foray alone. One of us will stay behind with her, but then, her condition might worsen over time. Nopony recovers overnight. This leaves us with one option.'




The gray earth pony wordlessly got up, and slowly walked over to the large building Travelture was residing in. He walked silently and opened the door, sunlight filtering through. He opened his mouth to speak:


"Travelture. How long to canterlot?". He paused. "Foray is ill. We'll have to stop by Canterlot for medical supplies. There is an astronomically low chance we'd find any in the wasteland and an even lower one we find any that isn't expired."

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Travelture looked up and said as he rolled up the map,

"It will take more than a day or two. Isn't Feeder a doctor, Maybe he has some medicine."


@@Meson Bolt,@,

Ivy got up and said as she placed the shotgun in her bag,

"I'm going to find any machinery in this village."

After a few minutes of walking, she found a building with all she needs

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(Megh, just get back form school and everybody is out, standard xD)


Cyan sit there and for some reason don't say a word, when Foray taste his food and sayed it awful he finally said something


@@Meson Bolt,


"Next time I will give ya dirt with sugar..." He grumble and eat one bean, it taste good for Celestia sake, maybe she is the 'meat' kind of pony. He was thinking about his food and stop when ponies start talking about Foray illnes


@,@@Meson Bolt, @, @@reader8363,


"Ya making it really complicated with this all vampiric wombo jombo and doctors, I say all she need is just some rest and hot drink and she'll be fine..." Cyan stopped for a second (hehehe...) "When ya think of that I know some merchant who is selling some 'medicine potion' and maaaybe I still know the recipe, don't know if it work but we can give it a try... Or just find some cart and put her in it..." 

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Foray gave the plate a look of disdain before taking another tiny bite. Despite its awful taste, she told herself that she had to eat something -- perhaps getting some food in her systems would make her feel a bit better. On the other hoof, eating something that didn't sit well with her might cause her to vomit, resulting in dehydration. But at this point she didn't much care about that, and she didn't want to hurt Cyan's feelings any more.


Shading her eyes and looking up at the rising sun, she said, "You guys better make good use of the sunlight if you don't wanna be out in the open wasteland at night." Pondering their options for a moment, she stated, "If y'all are gonna head somewhere, you gotta head out now. Or y'all can just sit here with our hooves up your plots and wait for Luna knows what you expect to happen." Pulling one blanket up to her neck so that she appeared to be a ball of sheets with a head, she added, "I'll be fine, really guys... I have an AR for Celestia's sake."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"Egh... Look" Cyan wave his eyes and crouch in front of her "We already lost ponies, well, ya lost one before I joined up and now Agarius is probably dead... We got raider leader in team, little worm who when grow up will probably trying to kill us, vampire, weird doctor, raider traitor with magic hand, changeling, stupid unicorn with sniper rifle..." He but his rifle in from of her "And a mare with damn crowbar as weapon... And I think ya also from stable from a look at your outfit" (ignore the second part if she's not wearing stable suit). "The point is..." he stand up "This is not really a dream team, it's bunch of weirdos and weirdos usually stay together... Or at least care..." he scratch behind his head "I dunno if I put it in right words but long story short - not gonna leave ya here... I... I should look for cart..." He put his rifle on back and go for the entrance "And remember...Dirt and Sugar!"

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(I should probably be using colored text for conversations. Also, no, she's not wearing a stable suit. She WAS wearing a hoodie, but it got destroyed.)


(Edit: Just noticed Summer uses "goldenrod" for her color, so I have to change this post...)


"I know we're a team of rag-tag misfits; heck, I doubt you could even call us a team of any sort," Foray muttered, looking at the ground. "But why I didn't expect you guys to be so... insistent on taking me with you. I'm just gonna slow you down, be another burden to carry, and I don't know why you don't think I can't handle myself. I didn't get this far with teammates, I got this far on my own wit."


She sighed. "But, if you insist, there's nothing I can really do to stop you. And I do hope you're joking about the dirt and sugar... that'd just be cruel..."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Cyan walked out the 'camp', nothing to do really..."Where the heck I will find damn cart..." He talked to himself as he get close to the three building he was planning to loot, he saw Travelture in one of the buildings, no need to worry him right now, besides Cyan don't need company right now.


He entered one of the houses, inside it looked like prewar house... Not to mention all the burnup wallpaper, wood, collapsed roof and other stuff. As he entered he heard familliar noise, he get his rifle but not barrel to enemy but the other side, just in time. Big roach jumped at him but he only bash t with rifle, no need to lose ammo "Hm, maybe she could appreciate roach meat... Nah nopony would".


Not to many stuff left in this house, some old water, rusted old knife, rotten bread and menats in toilet cabinet... Why anypony would keep it there... When he was leaving he trip over weird carpet... It was clean, untouched by flames... And have some really weird symbols on it... Well maybe it's clue or something.


Cyan walked out ruined house and start walking around village, no sight (hehehe...Oh that's so bad) of cart anyway... Egh.. He decited to go check on Traveltue



"Hey Travel, ya should check this out" He guide him to the burned house "Take a look at this" He take the carpet outside from all of that dust "What ya think is that?"

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Travelture levitated it up and said as he looked at both sides,

"I don't know, in my travels, I haven't seen these symbols before. Must be a lot older than Equestria, the one we know."

He sets it down and says, 

"Sorry I couldn't be any help. But that is strange that this piece of carpet was in a burned house."

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