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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with VinylWubs

Illiad Easle

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OOC thread: https://mlpforums.co...tural-exchange/



It was on the way back from one of her treks in the desert that she found the flyer advertising the cultural exchange, and though she didn't pay it much mind as she returned to her house, the idea of it weighed in her mind as she unpacked from her travels. Glen looked about her humble abode as she held the flyer in her delicate hooves. She had made a life for herself in the midst of her travels through the desert, and though it was nothing like the plains she grew up on, it started to feel like home. She decided she would participate, the flexibility of her schedule allowing her to do so with relative ease, and only a few days after submitting her details she had been paired with a pegasus mare of similar age. She was given the pegasus' address and instructed to introduce herself via letter. With a smile on her face she quickly wrote out a letter, hoping to make a worthwhile first impression.


Deer Miss Crescent,


My name is Glen Conagher and I was selected to be your pairing in the cultural exchange. To tell you a bit about myself, I am a young adult doe currently living in Deltrot, Troy between my frequent excursions in the desert. I have a light brown coat with small white spots and a white underbelly. Like most deer my tail is short, soft, and still a bit fluffy like it was when I was younger. I don't have a mark like you ponies but I have found a certain talent in exploring and have often done scouting for caravans and cartographers alike. My frequent excursions in the desert has given me experience in close quarters combat as I have had to defend myself against bandits and the occasional sand scorpion. I lived in Equestria for a few years before I came here, but there is still much to learn, if you would be willing to tell me about it I would be happy to answer your questions about Troy in exchange. I look forward to hearing about you and I can't wait to show you around.




Satisfied with the letter she had written Glen passed her letter off to the local mail carrier to be delivered. That taken care of, she returned to unpacking from her latest excursion.


(You receive a notification from the Cultural Exchange program stating your acceptance and informing you that you have been paired with Glen Conagher, a young adult doe in the nation of Troy, it instructs you to watch for a letter from her and to respond in kind when it arrives. You receive Glen's letter the very next day.)(Questions can be asked in quotations or in the OOC thread)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(The response letter arrived back at her house in 5 days time since the mail mare got confused. On the slip of the envelope was the Stamp of a flying feather, representing it came from cloudsdale)


Dear Miss Comagher.


That was quite a surprise, seeing how they got us both paired together as a little.. Err.. Team. I am pleased to say that you have taken the whole Cultural Exchange so well. I Guess I should explain who I am huh?


Well, to start it off. I'm Serenity Crescent but most ponies call me by my first name. Serenity. I'm a violet Pegasus with blue and yellow mane and tail. My mane is more in a Athlete style, not so much for my tail. My tail has a blue bun with the smallish.. Tail coming out of it. My eyes is sort of.. Blueish I should say.. I apologise for my bad description writing. I'm kind of new to this whole.. Exchange.


I look forward to hearing back from you my dear Friend.


*~Serenity Crescent~*

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Glen was surprised to hear back so quickly, but the timing was impeccable, any later and she would have been off on another trek in the desert. 


Deer Miss Crescent,


It's Conegher by the way, not Comagher, I know it may seem a bit petty and I understand that my name isn't all that usual for you ponies. You can just call me Glen if you like, some of my friends call me conifer since it's easier to say/spell than Conegher and I kind of like it. I sometimes wish I had a mane I could style or a tail I could do something with but it is nice to not have a lot of hair to catch the sand blowing about out on the dunes to the south.


So, I suppose we should ask each other questions as a way to get to know each other. I guess I'll go first, Do you have a job? if so what do you do? What do you do for fun? What is your town like? I like reading and building things like my dad did, I don't have magic so what I build is mostly mechanical but it's still fun. Deltrot is an interesting town, there is certainly a lot of diversity though there aren't many deer here, they mostly live in Troy or Alphyns. It's a peaceful little town that I love to come back to between my excursions in the desert.


I can't wait to hear more about you,

~Glen 'Conifer' Conegher 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Glen was surprised to hear back so quickly, but the timing was impeccable, any later and she would have been off on another trek in the desert. 


Deer Miss Crescent,


It's Conegher by the way, not Comagher, I know it may seem a bit petty and I understand that my name isn't all that usual for you ponies. You can just call me Glen if you like, some of my friends call me conifer since it's easier to say/spell than Conegher and I kind of like it. I sometimes wish I had a mane I could style or a tail I could do something with but it is nice to not have a lot of hair to catch the sand blowing about out on the dunes to the south.


So, I suppose we should ask each other questions as a way to get to know each other. I guess I'll go first, Do you have a job? if so what do you do? What do you do for fun? What is your town like? I like reading and building things like my dad did, I don't have magic so what I build is mostly mechanical but it's still fun. Deltrot is an interesting town, there is certainly a lot of diversity though there aren't many deer here, they mostly live in Troy or Alphyns. It's a peaceful little town that I love to come back to between my excursions in the desert.


I can't wait to hear more about you,

~Glen 'Conifer' Conegher


Dear Miss Glen


Huh, sorry about that little spelling error. I guess I didn't really had that much time to recheck since the mail mare always comes over to my house, wanting to buy a muffin off her and collecting the mail for ponies I know. It's weird, I guess the post office is way to bothered for Pegasus to drop in and hand over their items and what not. And really? Since you're a deer or some sort, I thought that you had a stylish mane! Looks like I was incorrect with my suggestion. But I guess that's true, considering you are a deer.


A job? Unfortunately I don't, since I'm way too.. Nerdy for business companies or just to lawn the lawns. They just won't accept that I'm like everypony else.. But.. Different. Moving on, what I like to do for fun? Well, I like to read some of my huge books that are stored in my room. I keep about.. Hmm.. 13 books in my room, 28 books in the living room and 108 in the huge storage room. Heh, as you may guessed it, I'm a bookworm. Nothing about excellent reading that'll take you far in life and learn more about Equestria's history! Huh, I've read about it and it's not to shabby I have to say. Like you wrote "It's a peaceful little town" that statement is correct. I can't wait to really see what it looks like from either a plane, boat or at least Somepony to look around. Town? I live in the "city" Cloudsdale. I wouldn't really call it a town unless you're talking about Ponyville. It's where every pegasi lives and work, unlike me who just gets her money from chores around the area. Yea I'm pretty much almost broke. I still live in a nice place with nice furniture and stuff, but my wealth is going down before I can count.. Even my bank account is running out. I would really appreciate some more money so I don't really run out.


Alright, since I've answered your questions it's my turn to ask the appropriate questions. How is it, being a deer and all? Out of all the places you've been, which one don't you really recommend visiting to? Favourite thing to do in your spare time when you're bored and all?


I look forward to hearing your replies and hopefully meeting soon.


*~Serenity Crescent~*

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Deer Miss Crescent,


Don't worry too much about my name, I just get irritated sometimes with how often you ponies get it wrong. And no, we deer don't have manes or tails like you ponies, Our tails are sort masses of fluff, like a bunny but different.


I'm surprised you don't really have a job, someone so well read as you should have no trouble finding some place willing to train you, you'd probably make a decent librarian too. I don't make much as a scout, but it is enough that I don't worry about missing rent or running out of food. Your Cloudsdale sounds quite similar to our AEther, it manages the weather throughout our nation, always on the move to bring water to the cities. I called Deltrot a town as it is the smallest, but it is about 2-3x larger than Appaloosa if that means anything to you, I guess it's still a town at that size.


To answer your questions, I suppose being a deer is nice, I've never been anything else so I don't have much of a basis of comparison. I sometimes wish I were a reindeer so I could have magic, but I do like my shorter coat. Here in Troy there is less racism than in Canterlot, so there's that. I would personally not recommend visiting Canterlot, or Equestria for that matter, but that is mostly due to some events in my life, if I could get past them then I'm sure I could recognize it for the wonderful place it surely is. I would also not recommend traveling through the deserts by yourself. I suppose there aren't any places in particular that I despise, only general areas. I really like to read when I'm bored, either in research for an upcoming expedition or just for fun. I also like to try and build things like my dad did, but I don't have the magic to really make it work. 


My turn I guess, What is your favorite genre of book? What's it like to be a pegasus? And where would you like to go if you could?


I can't wait to hear what you have to say,


~Glen Conegher

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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