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private A "Normal" walk (one on one with Rockarooster)


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It is a cool fall evening in a park on the outskirts on Poniville. The leaves are just starting to change. Flitter and Derpy just enjoyed a nice bite to eat at Hayburger, Flitters favorite place to eat. The two ponies walk down a dimly lit path in the park. 


"Hey Derpy!, did you know I used to walk this park everyday with cloudchaser?" Flitter says as she stops mid walk to tun and face the Pegasus.

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Derpy turned to face Flitter and smiled at her, she started asking some questions.


"Really, that sounds lovely, were you two really close?"

"What happened to Cloudchaser?"

"Are you still friends with each other?"


Derpy then stopped and a look of sadness came across her face.

She became sad because thought she upset Flitter.


"Oh I'm sorry."

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"yeah, we are real close, some say we are sisters" Flitter says with a wink and a boop on Derpys nose, trying to cheer the visibably distrait mare.

"you worry too much Derpy, you did not upset me" Flitter says while turning back to the path.

"I was only going to say she used to tell me that these woods are haunted" Flitter says casually and she continues to walk down the path.

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Derpy ran after her.


"Haunted?" Derpy said in a concerned voice.


"Should we go another way not near the woods?"

"What if there's something out there?"


Derpy looked at Flitter with scared eyes.

"Flitter, you're not thinking of going into the woods are you?"



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"oh Derpy is it okay, I am sure that is just some old marestail that Cloudchaser used to tell me just to scare me." Flitter says confidentially, as she slows down for Derpy to catch up. 

"hey would you like to here it?" Flitter says obviously trying to change the subject from Derpys other questions.

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Derpy looked around very weary and turned back to face Flitter.


"Um, sure I'd like to hear it, Flitter."

"But you know how I am with scary stories and how they make me feel very sickly inside, I'm willing to hear it but I'm worried about how I'll react to it."


Derpy started to tear up a bit.

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Flitter known for being a prankster has no remorse for her visibly scared friend.


“okay but I must warn you, it is super scary” Flitter says as she stops again to face Derpy.


A serious face comes over Flitter “many moons ago, there was an old pony who lived in a cabin in these very woods. Legend says that, this pony had no friends. The fact that she had no friends made her go crazy, so one day she decided if nopony would be friends with her she was going to MAKE somepony be friends with her. She would hide in these very bushes *Flitter points at the bushes around her* and JUMP OUT AND GET YOU!!” Flitter screamed to scare her friend.

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Derpy screamed as her heart began to race faster and faster at an alarming rate.


Her eyes shot open wide and she began looking around and around trying

to see if there was anypony sneaking up on her.


Flitter just made Derpy more paranoid and scared than ever before.

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"Haha, i am just messing with you friend" Flitter says as she tenderly puts a hoof on her shaking friend.


"i did not mean to scare you that bad, it was just a little joke." Flitter says clearly feeling bad.


"Here umm why don't we just umm keep walking, it is such a nice evening. A little cold though... umm yeah?" Flitter says trying to change the subject. As she feels so bad.

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Derpy's heartbeat started to slow down as she began to calm down.


"Um, sure."


Derpy then started walking along side Flitter down the long path.


"That was a scary story, is any part of it even remotely true."

"I hope not because that would be scary having a pony out there like that."


Derpy turned to Flitter with a concerned look.

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"don't know if it is true.. I mean Cloudchaser told me it was true." Flitter gets an excited look on her face "oh my Celestia Derpy, I just got the best idea ever! Lets try to find the cabin" Flitter says with clear excitement "lets go right now." Flitter grabs Derpy and tries to drag her with. "umm Derpy, what are you not coming? This could be a exciting adventure" Flitter says looking confused at Derpy.

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Derpy's eyes shot open wide when she heard Flitters suggestion.

"W....what, go find the cabin?"

Derpy started to worry.



"Why do we have to go and find the cabin, Flitter?"


Derpy started panicking and her heart started racing again really fast.

She looked at Flitter with worried eyes.

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"oh Derpy, don't be so... derpy, we will be fine" Flitter said with a stomp of the hoof for emphasis. 

"look if you don't want to come with me that is fine but I am going ether way" Flitter says with determination in her voice.

"now what do you say, you want to come with me.. I promise to keep you safe" Flitter says white she tenderly puts a hoof on Derpry head and leans in for a hug.

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Derpy looked into Flitters eyes and even though she was scared of her mind, she trusted Flitter.


Derpy then returned the hug and said to Flitter. "I......I....... I'll go with you."


Derpy felt her heart rate increased and she started to sweat but then she realised she was with

one of her best friends in Flitter and she finally felt a bit safe with her.

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"well lets go!!" Flitter says as she motions for Derpy to take a step off the path into the woods. 


As the two ponies continued into the woods deeper and deeper, the brush and bushes got thicker and harder to walk through. With each steap the crunching of leaves could be herd beneath the ponies hooves.


Flitter starts to get a little nervous and says to Derpy sounding much less enthusiastic then she did just a few minuets ago. "umm. Derpy this brush sure is think hu? haha" Flitter giggles trying to clam herself, but she knew this was no joke she was lost!

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Derpy really started to panic now, she was so scared that now they were lost in the darkness of the woods.




Derpy looked at Flitter and was seriously questioning why she listened to Flitter.


"Why did I have to listen to you and come out here?"

"Now we're gonna be stuck here in these woods forever."

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"oh pff" Flitter sighed. "we are not lost we are umm just umm exploring.... YEAH exploring.... that is what we are doing... yeah" Flitter said trying to calm her scared friend.

"Yeah Derpy I remember that tree over there from me and Cloudchasers walks. the one with the leaves yeah" Flitters voice got serious as she looked deep into Derpys eyes, "Look Derpy, do you think that I would lead you astrey? Well will be fine!!, just fallow me" *Flitter motions for Derpy to fallow as the venture even deeper into the woods*

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Derpy followed Flitter deeper into the woods, it was starting to worry Derpy as the deeper they went the more than moonlight started disappearing.


"Um Flitter, what are we gonna do if we find this cabin in the woods?"


Derpy started to worry more and more.

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"I don't know Derpy, I guess we could say there if we find it" Flitter said gesturing to the now almost pitch dark night sky.

*bam* *bam* *bam* quietly echos through the forest.

"umm Derpy, did you here that... tell me you herd that?" Flitter said as her whole body begun trembling.

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Derpy then started to shake like crazy and look around in a panic.


"I heard that too."


Derpy ran over to Flitter and hugged her tightly and shut both of her eyes and started to shake MORE than before.


"W......wwwwwwhat was that completely awwwwwwful nnnnoissssseee?"

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"Derpy you can't be scared right now. i need you!!" Flitter said as she embraced the mare for comfort. 

"look mmmmaybee it was just a trees or something.... but it is getting really dark now and i don't think we can turn back" The sky was now completely dark with only a few stars and a full moon illuminating what was left of a path in front of the two.

"lets just try to find that cabin maybe we could sleep in there for the night" Flitter said trying to sound confident in front of her friend.

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Derpy had a look of sadness and fright and concern across her face.


She didn't want to continue but knew that it would be safer to try and find the cabin instead of standing around in the darkness.

She chased after Flitter as they continued down the road that was illuminated by the moonlight and stars.


"Um, Flitter, nothing will happen once we find the cabin will it?"

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Flitter thought out loud "I dont even know is there is a cabin, for all I know this is all just made up by Cloudchaser" Flitter said exacerbated. *Flitter put a hoof over her mouth as soon as she said it* "ah... no Derpy I am sure it will we fine" Flitter said in her best most confident sounding voice, although Flitter still thinks Derpy know she is scared.

*this is not the time to be scared* Flitter thought to herself *I need to be there for my friend*

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Derpy though still scared looked at Flitter with a confused face.

She heard Flitter mumbling something before she spoke to her.


"Um....... Flitter what did you just say before that?"


Derpy thought to herself. *she didn't sound really confident, now I'm scared.*

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"it really is okay, if we are going to be safe we need to trust each other" Flitter said while stopping her hoof for added emphasis.


"now Derpy take a look around does all of this *Flitter points to the dark woods all around them* look dangerous to you? I mean heck we are Pegasus we can just fly if something bad happens." Flitter said trying to change the subject from them being lost.

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