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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Echo nodded and made a party box with her stuffed the demon into and wrapped up tightly. He was not a killer, even to something so very evil. He went back and kissed her cheek as Deja was sniffing her neck. She still loved the smell of blood wanted to be sure she would sure she would still be able to drink from her once in a while.

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"ok then it is done."


The pair come back to reality and Summer pulls her teeth out of Deja's neck. "are you ok, the smell will just be as nice but there should be no craving now, but we can fed every day if you want, but you impress me to defeat it so quickly and on your first day well even Emerald will be impressed."

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"It wanted to hurt you..we couldn't let it do that",Deja summed up what both Echo and herslef were thinking. They knew they had the small advantage of having somepony to protect was the only reason they were able to defeat their personal blood demon. If course they would never tell her. "I'm just glad you're safe".

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"well i'm impressed but you are missing a lot of blood I took a lot when I forced you in there, go on." Summer moved her neck close again, "now let me see if you can take what you need and not try and kill me this time," Summer chuckled, "go on Deja it's fine this can be a daily occurrence if you want it I seem to be getting a lot of my own way tell me what you two want."

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Deja lightly poked in to her skin not breaking it and she shook her head.she was scared shrbwoukf hurt her again but lightly pressed intibher her, feeding IFC off her sweet delicious blood holding in to her as she fed wanting more, no longer by her blood demon as he was bound but she wants it because of it's taste. She stays latched on feeding off of her rather roughly.

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"there is a difference good, I can feel it a little more love, but well you know what happens when you take too much I know it tastes good but you must learn to hold off after a while just treat it like it was you favorite food before you died, that is weird to say." Summer's breath quickened Deja was being gentle with her so it hurt iin the good way again,

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Deja sttopped one she had taken her fill and licked up the blood that she has spilled out or missed, still messy when it came to feeding which embarrassed her. She was a Canterlot elite and her she was eating with her mouth only and covering it in food. "How come this is so messy", she asked as she nuzzled her lightly.

Edited by dusk shade
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"now that is the Deja I love good, it's just well messy like trying to catch soup with your tongue, it can't be helped I'm afraid but won't be feeding on me or ponies in public so don't worry about it there are showers and washrooms, if you liked apples before you're gonna fucking love them now they taste well blood is 10/10 but the apples do the same thing to stop the hunger that will never go away by the apples are a 8 i suppose." Summer stood up, "come on let's get you cleaned up."

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Shd nodded slowly at her response scared by her mention of biting ponies at random since that was her bifmgest fear to becoming a vampire. She was terrified that she would kill someone and then Emerald would kill her for it. She looked at her a little funny at the mention of getting cleaned not realizing how much blood was in her white fur

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Summer leads Deja into the bathroom, "here," She starts at her with a wet cloth. "look don't worry about the feeding Deja, you will get used to it we all had too I don't even think about it now and I've only been a vampire for 3 months now, you too will be fine I mean I never feed on anyone apart from Emerald when I first turned and you in all that time so you will be fine. You're just afraid of something that won't happen it's natural dont worry lass." Summer finished cleaning her face and muzzle, then cleaned herself and their necks.


She walks to the door, "have a shower talk to Echo, take his lead borrow his strength and willpower you are the same pony remember use it to you advantage. I'll be downstairs with some food when you are done." Summer left and closed the door. Went downstairs and started cooking.

(off to bed now, will reply in the morning)

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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Deja wipes off the blood and showers of the blood from her coat and out from her mane and finished her shower before thinking about what she had meant about talking to Echo. Evhibhad already come up with a simple plan to try to leash her. If she was biting too much irbthe wrong pony, he would swtmitch and release since he and no trouble controlling himself.

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Summer was cooking away in the kitchen she was going to make something really nice for Deja, she put a lot of effort into the meal hoping to cheer her up she couldn't have her life partner sad and scared she was going to hurt ponies hew whole life now. Summer walked to the base of the stairs, "Foods ready come and get it."   

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Deja knew the plan wasn't perfect since she would still bite ponies ambit atbkesst he could keep her from killing them. She heard the call from below and headed downstairs to go eat, knowing the food would be great since she had a taste of Summer's cooking before she had turned them. She sat at the table and looked at her kind of funny. "Um...I will be able to taste the food, right...being dead won't destroy my tatse buds"?

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"no, no of course not why would you think that? You have seen me eat right I made a damn fool of myself in Canterlot remember?" Summer put down a gourmet pasta dish covered in a beautiful orange sauce, steamed veggies and a glass of red wine to go with it, she then placed the same for herself sat down and tried to eat it all fancy like. "Now don't worry Deja soon you won't even want to bite ponies, it will pass now go on eat I put a lot of effort into this."

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"Well there is a difference between eating and tasting what you're eating, you know", she said but lost her words at the fancy meal she had prepared for them. "Summer dear, I would usually say you need not work to impress but you have made a beautiful meal. Thank you", she said happily though he worked hard to keep her Canterlot talk. She used her magic to eat her meal with a practiced poise and elegance.

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"I'm not trying to impress you Deja, I'm trying to reassure you, you're not going to pounce on the first pony outside really don't worry but I can see it in your eyes so i'm trying to make you happy and if I can cook you a nice meal and make you smile then that is what I live for now, I love you too much to see you in pain." Summer started on her meal but again it was taking her some time to eat the food.

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Deja nodded solemnly at her words, thankful to hear them as they ate. "For a Ponyville Pegasus you are not bad at eating with poise and dignity", she complimented but quickly realized how insulting to Ponyville and Pegasi it sounded and apologized not meaning any disrespect with her word. "And I thank you for wanting to reassure me, it's just this whole drinking blood thing is new to me,so I was nervous is all".

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"well i'm not surprised, and I know you did not intend to offend me well you didn't, anyway i'm not a Ponyville pegasi i'm from the deep south really my farm is near Las Pegasus so that is kinda of where I come from I guess, you're snobbishness is coming back. Good." A wide smile covers her face, "that is the unicorn I fell in love with, you're coming back to me, now to do somthing un-Canterlot like." Summer put her finished meal away then walked over to Deja and hugged her then kissed her passionately.     

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Deja's ears went down and she smiled at the kiss, returning it I'm a very non-canterlot manner, biting her lip gently through the kiss. She couldn't help but smile as she pulldfrom the kiss. "I love you, Summer", she said and then a thought hit Echo that he couldn't help but announce. "Your name is Summer and you can't die plus you're beautiful. You're my beautiful eternal Summer and I love you. Never set you magnificent Summer Sun", he smiled. It had been meant as a playful joke but came out more peotic that be had meant.

  • Brohoof 1
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(the feels were real there, nice writing)


A tear came down her cheek, "that was beautiful, oh Echo I love you too, my alicorn prince." She pushed him off his chair onto the floor and kept making out with him, she was so happy. Between kissing, "that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard." She kissed so longingly. 

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(Thank you very much)


Echo smiled at her clear happiness from his words as he was whisked from the chair. A small thud sounded as his head hit the cloud floor as he kissd her back holding her tightly in his hooves. "I'm glad you like my ability to put words together", he said with a smile.

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"Oh Luna I love you both so much." She pulled back and lay on the floor next to him, "there another thing that I have been told, by a few others of my kind once we find that somepony the one, so to speak that is it, we won't stop loving each other like this for as long as we walk this earth, the intensity and passion will never dull, well that is what I have been told anyway." She ran her hoof up his tummy. "we should go see Emerald she can give me some pointers and help us with any questions." 

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Echo listened to what she said and smiled at her words. "So we will never lose one a other then, that is great news", he exclaimed happily but his voice stopped working as her hoof tickled his belly and he squirmed at her touch trying not to show how ticklish he was since he feared she may seek revenge for his earlier tickle attack.

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"oh you can hide that from me Echo!" She rolled to her side and started tickling him furiously, "revenge is mine!" with one hoof she was tickling his armpit and with the other slowly moving it up and down his tummy. "i'm going to tickle you to death you little bugger!"   

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Echo held strong for a while four seconds before bursting into an uncontrollable laughing fit begging her to stop and let him breathe even though he had ignored the exact same pleas from her and didn't think he would receive the mercy he begged for from her as she was after revenge

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