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The Inn is Open ( RP ) ( Yes, this RP is also always open. Long name, huh?)


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Busy with the group downstairs, Inn Keep called out to True Sight from the back room: "Welcome new pony! I'm Inn Keep, and I manage the place. I'm a little busy at the moment, so just pour yourself a glass of whatever you want first. I'll be back shortly."





Inn Keep turned back to the new adventurers. "Alright you two. Head into the portal while you still can. It opens like this every hour, and I reckon it'll close on you any minute now."


( RP your character moving into the portal here. RP your character exiting the portal into the forest HERE, in the other RP page. )

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he turned to Melody and said, 

"That was fast. Let's go before it closes."

He knew something was up, but he didn't push it. He said as he grabbed his hat and cloak out of a portal,

"I guessing we'll be back."

He placed his stuff on and took a deep breath and jumped into the portal

  • Brohoof 1
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melody nodded and followed him in, completely dismissing his comment. she went into the portal and couldn't see a thing in side the portal. "shadow are you there?" said melody. she felt like she was floating yet she couldn't help thinking that she already passed through the portal.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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True Sight jumped at the voice, looking around for the source.  "Well whenever you are ready Inn Keep I would like the chance to speak with you," the unicorn responded.  "I am True Sight by the way" she added, doubting however that the pony had every heard of her. 


The antique loving unicorn took a few more steps into the Inn seriously contemplating showing herself to the artifacts that lured her into the establishment.

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Inn Keep took a last look at the portal as it slowly sputtered out, finally dying down. The portal had closed. I would reopen in a few hours. He trotted out of the back room and resumed his post at the bar. Attending to True Sight. He donned his usual grin. "Welcome, True Sight! Can i get you anything?"

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True Sight smiled as she approached the bar, trying to make herself as likeable as possible.  Many ponies did not like someone poking through their houses and properties, but the unicorn's personal quest outweighed other's feelings.  Yet it was always better to have permission of the owner, rather than sneaking around. 


"Well no I don't need anything to eat or drink, and no room.  I do however need something from you.  That is, would you mind answer a few questions before I tell you what I desire?" the history seeking unicorn asked of Inn Keep.

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Inn Keep put away the menu he was about to give her, and raised an eyebrow. He examined the enigmatic character. The mare looked like she came to the Inn for a specific purpose, yet, Inn Keep detected no hostility in her. Shrugging, Inn Keep replied:  "Sure Why not?" 

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True Sight, more genuine this time.  "Excellent!" she exclaimed as she stomped a hoof.  "Do you know how old this establishment is?  And who was the original builder?" she asked quickly.  The age of the Inn would tell her if some of the items inside were as old as she heard they might be.  Her unique gift gave her glimpses into Equestria's and pony-kind's history, but only if her horn came in contact with artifacts created and handled in the past. 

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Inn Keep stiffened, and then sighed, blue eyes turning to True Sight. "The Inn does not have a defined age. It's an inconsistent place that lies outside of Equestria's timeline, while being closely linked." He said. "As for the original builder, I don't have a clue. The pony that handed the place down to me doesn't, either. He has only heard legends, tales: some say the Inn was created by an alicorn. Others, by an outworldly being. And some even the theorize that it independently spawned into existence."

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True Sight tilted her head, both in frustration and confusion.  "Outside of time?  What...?" None of this was making sense to the unicorn.  What did out side of time mean, and no idea who originally built it?  "Spawned itself?"  she whispered to herself.  The young unicorn shook her head, her curly locks bouncing furiously.  She sighed and then stopped the movement of her head, her horn glowing faintly in a haze of magic as she got her emotions back into control. 


"Well that is...discouraging, to say the least" she admitted.

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"Sorry, to disappoint you, Ma'am." Inn Keep sighed. "I doubt even the royal archives would contain any information on the inn. Not like ponies bother looking into it's history anyway..."


He looked behind him, the back door of the Inn still open.


"There were already plenty of artifacts and knick-knacks of all kinds when I took over the Inn. I thought that I could use them to identify the age of the Inn. Turns out, they came from various eras, some even... I don't know."

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True Sight perked up slightly and the description of the Inn.  It seemed that maybe the rumors that set her path to this place might have been credible after all. 


"There are artifacts here?  Perhaps something that I might be able to look at?" she asked.  "Artifacts and antiques are my specialty actually.  I'd love a chance to use my magic on some of your odd and ends, if I may?" 

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Walking in through the door at a hurried pace, with the wind blowing in a few leaves onto the welcome mat, Ratchet shook herself vigorously send a fine spray of droplets within a few feet of herself. Slicking her purple mane back in place and brushing bits of dirt off of her performance outfit she trotted over to the bar area, pulled a stool out and jumped on it, making a thump as her behind hit the wood ungraciously. Ratchet grabbed a menu with one hoof and buried her head in it, looking at each meal while her stomach grumbled a little.  ''Hay sandwich, Hay salad, Hay casserole, Quorn burgers with ketchup and sald...'' Slamming the menu down on the bar top, causing the glasses to shake a little, she waved her right hoof in the air trying to signal any waiter who was watching. 


Within 10 minutes her food had arrived, and as was her normal way she grabbed it between her two hooves, folded her wings behind her back and dived at it head first managing to get ketchup on her cheek and down the front of her suit, though it just slid off and fell to the ground.  As she ate her large tuffted ears twitched eagerly, and swiveled, trying to pick up on any conversation she could nose in on. 

Edited by Jestwinged

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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@Jestwinged, @Truesight


Inn Keep shrugged. "Sure, have a look, just... Try not to accidentally, uh, trigger anything." He added. "God forbid another black hole forms in the basement."


He opened the Inn's back door and went in, motioning for True Sight to follow.


( Jestwinged, I'm assuming ratchet is looking for an opportunity to butt Into the conversation )

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Ratchet leaned back lazily on the stool and watched the others slipping out into a back room, silently she slid off the chair, wiping the ketchup off her face with a quick hoof before walking slowly over, keeping her ears up and twitching to pick up the slightest noise, Her suit was squeaking a little because it had been out in the rain, she cursed under her breath, stopping for a second to slick back her mane and compose herself.


As she rounded the corner Ratchet almost bumped into the inn keep, for a moment she looked at him then broke out into an embarassed grin, rubbing her hoof down the back of her mane and looking to the side slightly.  ''Oh hey! Didn't notice you there bud, you must be the Inn keep right?'' she said , still grinning '' I couldn't help but notice.... uh ..... some mention about... potentially dangerous magic? I've just eaten and all but....'' she started hopping from hoof to hoof in excitement and talking so fast it was barely understandable 


''Can I come and watch it's just that I have never seen a unicorn perform magic up close before all though once I did but sweetie belle was just levetating some cup cakes and that wasn't very cool at al land I heard something about black holes that sounds... AWESOME ... so if I could just come in and watch that would be great I would be so... ''  taking a deep breath, Ratchet grinned cheekily again, still hopping on her hooves in excitement :D  

Edited by Jestwinged

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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True Sight began to follow Inn Keep, her expression one of determined excitement, that quickly changed to annoyance when the other pony began to speak.  The young unicorn understood that some other ponies might be interested in magic, but her magic was no spectacle.  However True was not about to voice her concern, as that might make Inn Keep retract the invitation.


"Just make sure that you keep back and out of the way" True Sight said to the excited pony.  The last thing she needed was some overly enthusiastic body bumping into her why her magic is in effect allowing her to glimpse the past through artifacts.  The display of magic the pony might see then wouldn't be something warm and fuzzy. 

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Ratchet frowned slightly and shrugged'' You're the unicorn, you know best, besides I was just tryin' to break the ice '' she said with a tilted smile, Ratchet could tell already that the two weren't exactly going to be best of buddies but she thought to herself '' Hey, what the hell, might still be interesting to check out, besides, not like I have anything better to do at the moment''


There was a few seconds silence in which she swiveled her eyes around trying to think of something to say she smiled awkwardly and said '' Sooooooo, uh, what kind of magic are you gonna be doing? Anything exciting.... energetic.... Explosive?! '' with the last word she star jumped into the air, flapping her wings to keep her frozen in place for a few moments, before grinning down at the unicorn.   :D 



Edited by Jestwinged

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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True Sight turned herself so that she was able to squarely look at the pegasus .  She titled her head squarely and severely, her mouth tight with controlled emotion. 


"If you wish to see fire and flashes, I suggest you take in one of the Canterlot Guards' training days or such.  I am not a show-pony, my magic is a bit more refined than all that" she said, then turned dismissively to continue following Inn Keep.  "I" she emphasized "will be delving into the past of Equestria, and ponykind with the help of the creations of the past that Inn Keep has.  You will not ooh and awe, but you may learn something." 


True Sight continued on her way behind Inn Keep.  It was clear that she felt the pegasus would probably not be interested in magic that did not knock her off her hooves, and that was quite fine with the unicorn.   

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Inn Keep gave Ratchet an apologetic look. "Sorry to disappoint yah, but if you see anything flashy, it probably won't be intentional."


He resumed his pace back to the storage area. "You're free to watch, though."


The group arrived in a large, dark basement. Dark, yet darker. Inn Keep pulled a nearby lever, and the room sprung to life. An audible hum was heard, and the bright overhead lights flickered to life, illuminating the room in a clinical brightness. The walls, instead of wood, were made of stone.


Objects of all shapes and sizes, some on pedestals, some large enough to stand on their own, sat around the room, most of them were covered in brown tarp.


"Christmas came early for you, eh?" He chuckled.

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A dark blue haze of magic quickly enveloped True Sight's horn, and just as quickly disappeared.  This was the only outward show of her surprise and excitement.  With all the artifacts in front of her, the annoyance of the enthusiastic pegasus was quickly forgotten. 


She stepped past Inn Keep, barely acknowledging the stallion as the lure of the secrets of the past locked within the objects pulled her further into the room.

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Ratchet wasn't really paying much attention , as they talked she picked at her hooves and examined them looking a little bored, she was thinking to herself ''Yada, yada relics... artifacts... I totally dig Daring Do and all but that was fighting monsters, beasts, demons and all sorts of crazy ---, this seems kinda lame but...'' she shook her head and noticed the pompous unicorn walking into the room, looking like she was in some kind of trance, Ratchet nudged the Inn keep cheekily and said, '' Whats her deal huh? Looks like shes in some kinda trance or somethin' ''   :lol: 

-Amateur Artist-








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Inn Keep shrugged. "I don't usually take ponies down here. The last time I did was to take them into a portal. To find an ingredient for a drink, nonetheless" he chuckled. "This is the first time I've seen someone so me mesmerised by a couple of dusty artifacts."



He followed True Sight into the room, careful not to tip over anything. He walked over and took the canvas off one of the objects, revealing one of the artifacts.


( True Sight decides what this artifact is )


"This one is the oldest artifact, well, the oldest artifact among those of which I can confirm the age of."

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Madness pushed into the door with the wind pulling out his cloak. He pulled it more over his face to hide his eyes. He sat down at the counter and levitated a bottle to him and a cup. He changed his hoof into a claw and poured a drink. Once he was done pouring his hoof went back to normal, and he gulped down the drink.

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