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planning A Meaning


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You are a newly-created robot.

In fact, you are the most intelligent one ever created. Sadly, many scientists treat you like an animal.

Eventually, you learn how to have feelings. You must escape this hell of a laboratory and find your meaning in life.


So obviously, the robot's the main character. I know that my last role play was not so successful or coordinated, but I'm hoping for his one to be sort of poetic in a way.


I want to make sure that enough people want to be part of this, then I'll make an OOC thread.


There'll be a robot, a mean scientist, a nice scientist, a neutral scientist, a male scientist, a female scoentist and a few other self-aware robot brethren.

Edited by Pilot
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Ah, the usage of the prefixes have changed. Quoted from the rules:


  • Step 1: Planning (Optional): If you only have a vague idea of what you're going to roleplay, feel free to create a thread in the Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion section with the PLANNING prefix to bounce ideas off of other members and gather interest.
  • Step 2: Make your OOC Thread: So you've got your idea already, eh? It's clear-cut and formulated? You can skip step 1 if that's the case and create an OOC thread in Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion. First, prefix your new thread with SEARCHING if you are looking for new members to join. Then title your thread with the same name as your roleplay. In the first post of your OOC thread, include a synopsis of the general plot/concept of your RP and a list of its rules. If a member's character does not meet to your guidelines, you may reject them from joining your roleplay. Another thing that you are recommended to include in the first post is a list of characters who have joined the RP, for organizational purposes. Once you have found all of the sufficient members for your roleplay, change its prefix to OOC.

Went ahead and changed it for you.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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