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private Rebuilding Equestia (1x1 RP with crispy fries)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Do not have doubts. I was able to bring both you and Scootaloo back by seeing your spirits. I can see the princess' as well. Now, I must go. You may come with or stay here. If you stay here, I will be back to check on you," said Janeri.


He began to set off towards where Celestia had said her ashes were.

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@@crispy fries


Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just stood there. "B-but...there's one more...Applebloom...we can find her for you...so that way you can go and reform Celestia..." Sweetie Belle stated. Celestia's spirit hovered over Janeri. "That's the best idea Scootaloo. We can then all reunite here...or...where the town square...used to be." Celestia's spirit stated. 

Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Very well, go gather the ashes of your friend, and we will meet back in the town square. I will be back with the princess. Good luck," Janeri said with a smile.


He set off to the Ponyville-Canterlot border, and as he had done before with Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell, began to gather the ashes of Princess Celestia.

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@@crispy fries,


(Your mentions aren't coming through for some reason...)


Celestia's spirit stirred as it hovered over Janeri. Once it spotted the ashes, it went for them, slowly reforming herself into the Alicorn Princess she was. She let out a sigh of relief. "It's good to be back again..." but sort of slumped her head down. "It's going to take very long time to get Equestria back to where it was before this cataclysm happened..." She stated. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


(Weird, I don't know what's up)


Janeri gave the newly formed princess a quick bow before saying, "It is good to see you back. There is hope for Equestria yet. Now, let us go and check up on the little ones, and see if they have they have brought their friend back."

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@@C. Thunder Dash,

(Weird, I don't know what's up)

Janeri gave the newly formed princess a quick bow before saying, "It is good to see you back. There is hope for Equestria yet. Now, let us go and check up on the little ones, and see if they have they have brought their friend back."

"Let's do that, and even find other spirits while we're at it." Celestia stated. Meanwhile, Sweetid Belle and Scootaloo were desperately trying to find Applebloom's ashes. Applebloom's spirit was desperate and Celestia could feel it. "They have Applebloom's spirit, but Applebloom's spirit is super fragile." Celestial stated.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Then I will be soft and gentle as I was with Scootaloo.," Janeri said as he began to walk to the clubhouse.


"Little ones, how goes the search for the ashes of your friend?" he asked when he got to the clubhouse, "Look, I have brought back princess Celestia to help."

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Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gasped when they saw Celestia. "Hello little ones. Still can't find Applebloom? I think her ashes could be close to Sweet Apple Acres..." Celestia stated. "Which means mah sister's there too!" Applebloom's spirit exclaimed. "Then we'd better hurry, your sister's spirit could be just as sensitive as yours Applebloom." Celestia stated.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Come children, we will go to Sweet Apple Acres at once," said Janer, exiting the clubhouse.


Sweet Apple Acres was only a short walk away from the clubhouse, so it didn't take long to get there.


"These fields are large, and the ashes could be anywhere," commented Janeri, "We will have to split up to find both the ashes of Applebloom and her sister."

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"Ok..." Scootaloo said. Just then, crying was heard. It didn't sound like a foal. It had a country side to it. "A-Applejack..." Scootaloo said sadly. Applejack's spirit was crying...a lot. There was almost nothing left of Sweet Apple Acres. Apple trees were down and the barn was completely obliterated. "We better find Applejack's ashes." Celestia stated.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Let us waste no time in doing so," said Janeri, "Scootaloo, search the barn, Sweetie Bell, search the house. I will search the fields with the princess."


He began to set about searching one of the fields for any ashes, meticulously combing through the ruined soil and husks of apple trees.

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The two went to their respective search areas. There wasn't really anything left of the house, only pieces of scrap. The fields were completely barren. A small pile of something lay ahead though. "That could be ashes...but whose...?" Celestia asked. No spirit was around the fields. Suddenly, a warmth surrounded the two. "P-please...help me..." The spirit said between cries. "That's Applejack alright..." Celestia stated. She then faced the ashes.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Janeri couldn't find anything in the fields, and went back to the house to see how Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell were doing. As he approached the house, he could feel the sudden warmth of Applejack's spirit.


"Is that the spirit of Applebloom's sister?" he asked.

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"That could certainly be it..." Scootaloo stated. "But...I don't see any ashes anywhere..." She added. "I found some ashes in the fields, I should probably bring them here." Celestia stated. She went to the fields, lit her horn and gently levitated the ashes. Applejack's spirit stirred once she sensed the ashes. She then started to reform. However, when she was fully reformed, she didn't let out her signature "Yee-haw!" Instead, she just looked around. "Wha...?" She asked seeing all of the ruins. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"You are Applejack, correct? I am Janeri. Now, you seem confused on what has happened. There was a great cataclysm, and nopony but myself was left alive until recently. Everypony was reduced to spirits, like you were, but a spirit can be brought back by bringing it its ashes, so there is hope. At the moment, we are searching for your sister's ashes. 

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Applejack was overwhelmed with both sadness and confusion. She didn't know what to do. It looked as if she was going to fall out at any second. Scootaloo went by her side, but knew that she wanted to see Applebloom. "Janeri, stay here with Applejack, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and myself will go and search for Applebloom's ashes." Celestia stated. Applebloom's spirit could be felt all around them. Applejack perked up when she felt the warmth. "Wh-what is that...?" She asked.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Ah, that is the spirit of your sister. I believe she is drawn to you. She yearns to become whole as you and her friends have done. Now, I will do as the Princess says and stay here with you. Rest assured, the Princess and the little ones will find the ashes of Applebloom."

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"A...Applebloom...c-can you hear me...?" Applejack asked. "S-sis...is that you?" Applebloom's spirit asked. "Yes...it is me..." Applejack stated sniffling and trying not to cry. Meanwhile Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were searching for Applebloom's ashes where the orchard used to be. Celestia searched closer to the clubhouse. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Applejack, everything will be alright. You need not worry. If we were able to bring back Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell and even Princess Celestia we will surely bring back Applebloom. I can promise you will be reunited with your sister."


Janeri then said to Applebloom's spirit, "You do not have to fret. All will be well soon."

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Applejack stirred around on her hooves. Just then Celestia, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came running back. "We found them!" Scootaloo said smiling. Celestia laid the ashes down. Applebloom's spirit rushed to them and began to reform herself. Once she was reformed, Applebloom looked up at Applejack and immediately hugged her. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"You see?" Janeri said with a smile. "Like I said, there is still hope for Equestria. It will take time, but we will return. Now, I say we plan our next move. Simply aimlessly wandering around assembling the ashes of those fallen, while noble, would take too long. I say we bring back the princesses. We already have one."

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"Yes. But I must warn you, my sister...Luna...will be the hardest to find and reform..." Celestia said with a sigh, knowing that if Luna's spirit was driven insane, it could transform it into the spirit of Nightmare Moon. "Then...we should start with...Twilight..." Applejack stated. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Princess Twilight would certainly be a good place to start. Her castle is here in Ponyville, so we will not have to travel far. Plus, her library would contain a great deal of knowledge, so perhaps we will find a way to rebuild Equestria quicker. Let us not waste any time," Janeri said, beginning the short walk to Twilight's castle..

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Celestia followed and so did the others. "Once we get Twilight, we can then reform her friends as well. I must warn you...Pinkie Pie will be very difficult." Celestia stated as she followed. Applejack and the Crusaders were chatting amongst each other on how they were going to rebuild everything. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Oh? What would make finding the ashes of this 'Pinkie Pie' so difficult? Has she already gone mad? If she is a friend of Primcess Twilight as you say, perhaps she can be of assistance. Perhaps you and Princess Twilight could make use your alicorn Magic to help.

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