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private [RP] Friendship / SoL RP!


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/148355-ooc-friendship-sol-rp/


Pastel Lullaby was in a good mood. He didn't normally get a chance to spend some time off - being a nurse was a fairly full time job, and although he loved it to bits, it was still nice to take a breather every now and then. The weather was lovely, and many ponies were taking full advantage, himself being one of them. Humming to himself, he trotted down the shop-lined street, glancing into the windows every now and then. I wonder if I can pick up anything interesting?

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Crescendo locked the door to his room in the hospital. He was the lead phsycologist in ponyville, and this was his only day off this week. With a sigh, he turned around from the door. He actually loved his job, and didn't feel too keen about being closed if somepony needed him. "Oh well, guess i'll check out ponyville and do some training today" Said Crescendo out loud as he walked away from Ponyvilles hospital

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It was a great day for Gold Dust; he got to explore one of the most famous towns in all of Equestria. Maybe I'll come across something just as amazing as in all the stories I heard about this place, Gold Dust thought to himself on his way to lunch taking in the surroundings, the slightly outdated housing and rough roads seemed to ooze untold history and the ponies around him seemed so happy to live here with their lighthearted chatter and soft smiles. Gold Dust himself had been assured by some of the pan flips he read in town hall that Sugar-cube Corner is the best place for breakfast and brunch, and that was good enough to make it his first stop in Ponyville.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Falchner strolled down PonyVille, a calm and apparently bored look on his face. This was one of the days pf the week where he didn't have to deal with his job, and he wanted to make the most out of it. His stomach gently grumbled in a sign of hunger. "Hm....i think i'll have a little snack" He thought, as he passed by a bakery "And i think that place will fit the ticket" He thought, beggining to walk towards the bakery

Edited by Life Fiber Infused


Your last moments willl be ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!


Link to my (Currently) only OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/falchner-r9238

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Bashful Thread continued to labour away at cleaning up after Orange Lace.  Bashful had the look of an earth pony who spent far too much time mulling about with pins and needles, thread and cloth.  His beret held them in place for use on a moment's notice, covering a mane of dark green, while the rest of him had a light blue hue, with a cutie mark of a pair of sheers clipping a spool of thread.  Most distinct were the eyes, small and frantic as always.  Clamoring to get the shop Tidy the shop, he didn't want to upset Lace again after the fiasco he had undergone. 


Still, it was a good life.  Two ponies you could rely on, a quiet life save for the occasional sneaking out at night for errands.


Fold, hang, stack, label, everything was in it's place, clean and proper.  It took a few hours, but finally it was done.  Then his stomach started to grumble.  It was a good time to get fed, the shop prepped for Orange Lace, and his morning chores were done!  Soft stepping hooves to the doorway, and closing the door behind them. 


Ponyville was beautiful, the day was something to behold.  Sugar-Cube Corner was the place to be at this hour, and he began to make his way over.

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    Gold dust soon entered the bakery with a look of awe and wonder clearly in his green eyes and on his blue coated face which were ever so slightly obstructed by his rich, golden mane. He muttered to himself, "Wow, just to think this is the place where... Well I'm sure something important happened here..." as took his place in line gently adjusting his yellow sapphire ring, more than happy to give his wings a break from all of his recent traveling.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Falchner entered the bakery, walking up to the counter and asking for a Bagel with Cream Cheese. He grabbed the Bagel and sat on a chair next to small, circular, metal table with four more chairs next to it. He slowly began to eat the Bagel, taking his time, since he had nothing import tp do


Your last moments willl be ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!


Link to my (Currently) only OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/falchner-r9238

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pastel proceeded along his way rather merrily, nothing particularly piquing his interest. Not one to be disheartened, however, he quickly formulated a new plan - one somewhat assisted by the rather loud grumbling of his stomach. Cheeks tinted pink, he quickly turned tail and began heading towards the most renowned bakery in all of Ponyville, hoping something sweet would be able to satiate his hunger.

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    Finally with his order of pancakes in place, Gold Dust scanned the room for free tables when he spotted a pony sitting alone, and decided 'What better way to get the ponyville experience than a good conversation in with one of the locals?'


    "I don't believe this seat is taken, is it?" Gold Dust inquired as he approached the cyan pony.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


Bashful Thread sat at the small elegant table, with his tea sitting before him still steaming.  He watched the small crowds passing by, occasionally playing with one of the many pins in his beret, taking in the scenes, the sight of people gathering and enjoying one another's company, the smell of the tea and baking goods, the taste of morning dew on the back of the throat, and the warmth of the morning sun. 


It's all about the simple joys really, taking in the scenery, the companionship.  And it appeared one of those little joys would be approaching him, a Pegasus walking towards him.  Taking up the cup of tea, Bashful Thread inhaled the aroma deeply, but as the pony came closer he found himself shaking a bit, getting nervous.  Trying to calm down, he put down the cup, and tried to make eye contact, even a smile even if it was nervous. 


"Um...  Hi.  N-No, the seat isn't taken...  My name is Bashful Thread... What's yours?"


Bashful's eyes started to watch in small glances the individual.  Yellow mane, beautiful sky blue, even an ornate jewel around the hoof.  What was most peculiar was the Cutie Mark, a broken crown...  You could tell a lot from a pony's cutie mark, but this one wasn't as direct.  It was more the body language that told a bit of the story, but it was still tough to look up to this pony.


Still, there are some instincts you can't shake though, and some habits that you never break.

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    Gold Dust noted Bashful Thread nervously steal a glance at his cutie mark and found his smile take an ever so slightly sinister turn, 'The sly dog. I haven't been around here for a whole day, and I already have to break some poor stallions heart.' 


    "The name's Gold Dust." Gold explained as he took the set opposite of Bashful "And I would suggest to calm down a smidge. You're in good company after all."


    It was only now that he saw just how shaken the pony was and remembered what his friend silver tongue told him about these kinds of ponies. 'Scorpions' he would call them in the same way he would call me a 'lion'.It was the eyes that gave him away, these were not lustful as he had anticipated, but analytical. They seemed to jot down every movement and never lost interest, asif every second of my action could lead to some grand revelation 'S.T. always had a way of putting everypony in their own little box. They only ever hated him for it until he proved that the box was built just right for them. Needless to say, ponies never ended up hating him for very long'


    His smile dropped as he thought about it, then returned when he remembered how highly his friend regarded 'scorpions'.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion,


"Good Company?"  Bashful reached up and took off his beret, placing it on his lap and letting the messy dark green mane reveal itself and all it's 'glory'.  "Um, I guess.  I-I don't mean to be nervous, it's just...  Well, nopony comes up and sits with me.  I'm just enjoying a tea, not trying to bother anypony.  Maybe you could say I am just trying to get away from the quiet."


Bashful shifted a bit on that last statement. It was the quiet that let him focus on himself, the introvert he normally was, and he was still recovering from his encounter with another stranger, and some of the things he saw, especially in himself.  Don't focus on that! he would tell himself.  He was interacting with a new person, it was a good time to practice. 


"I've just been doing a lot of thinking about m-my family.   Haven't seen Mother in some time, I know she's busy, and she tries to make time for us, but it's been hard lately.  Things just don't work out like you hope, I guess.  At least I have some friends to stay with, making a living as a tailor, though I am a bit of an apprentice.  It's... Oh, I am so sorry, I am jabbering on.  I do that when I get nervous, I guess.  It's not every day I see a Pegasus.  A-are you from Cloudsdale?"


Maybe it would be best to let Gold Dust do the talking.  He definitely seemed more confident in his own skin,

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    Glod Dust let out a jovial laugh before he spoke again "Me oh my, you have been out of the loop for a while, haven't you? As far as my origins, I'm the spoiled charmer from Manehattan. 'Black sheep of the Gold family' at your service,"  He finished with a bow and a short giggle.


    In his mind, however, Gold Dust was proven wrong. After all, Silver Tounge was very clear in that 'Scorpions' don't tend to care about being social, 'I'm no good at this, S.T. wouldn't make a mistake like that,' Gold Dust thought as he discreetly humbled himself.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


"Black Sheep of the Gold family?  You look like you have enough gold on you, I don't see the black... or wool for that matter."  Trying to force a smile, trying to warm to the newcomer to his table.  Gold Dust's posture changed drastically, like something caught him off guard.  What was he thinking about?  Clearly he was at least for a moment, uncomfortable, almost mirroring an expression that Bashful Thread had done more than a few times.


"I've never been to Manehattan.  Spent more time in small towns, everyone is just so much more joyful and caring here!  Maybe, maybe it's good you're here then, a fresh start.  Everyone needs it after a while. I.. I know I do.  It's like wearing a new suit.  The clothes make the pony after all, and you can re-make yourself.  Ponyville is a good place for that." 


Bashful Thread started looking at his tea, seeing his reflection in it.  "Yea... It's a good place for it.  So... What is Manehattan like?"

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    Gold Dust couldn't contain a hearty laugh 'We're dealing with a real Sherlock Pons here. At least, he's not blind.' Gold Dust thought as he responded, his passive smile now a full-blown grin, "Could you add an evil laugh at the end, I don't think you were ominous enough," 


    Gold Dust tried to continue without bothering to hear his defence on the matter hoping he would get the hint that he didn't need to "Anyway, Manehattan just wasn't my style. The architecture was every were, and I didn't like how uniform it was." 

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


Bashful Thread's ears dropped down at the comment about the evil laugh.  "I didn't mean to come off as ominous.  I was just meaning that I think it's good you came out here..."  The timid pony looked down at his tea again, and let out a soft sigh.  Taking the beret from his lap, he placed it back upon his head.  "... and I couldn't do an evil laugh if I tried.  I'm... not what you would call intimidating." 


It was tough for him not to choke on his own words.  The last statement was an out right lie, not because he wanted to be intimidating, but history has proven time and time again that a part of him scared others, and even himself.  It's one of the reasons he came here, to forget and simply 'be' a part of the community of Ponyville, watching it go on and taking in those small pleasures of a simple life.  Maybe Dust wouldn't be able to tell the difference between his nerves and the lie, after all, it all was rooted from the same mess.


"Too much architecture?  All uniform?  I would have thought the city was  a buzz with excitment.  All those people gathered around, going about their day to day, something exciting has to pop up very quickly.  I was told it was a fast city.  Not like here...:"

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    Gold Dust began to calm down with his grin and siting posture making way for his 'Lecture Persona' and at the same time became much more animated in his speech, making slight gestures with his hooves when he felt necessary. "Oh, no, what I meant was that the architecture was uniform, and that's only a problem because it's everywhere. If your not inside broadway, or a fancy cafe, the scenery get's stale and fast. The city itself is quite, alive? But that's the product of another problem: Nopony has time for anypony else. Now do keep in mind, these are not exactly complaints. It's just the perfect place for another pony." Gold Dust added some emphasis on the last two words to punctuate his point.


    'Those blind ponies are so whiny. 'Oh, feel sorry for me, I have a life-threatening illness that society hasn't adapted to, and it's actively impares everything in my life with no cure.' Ya, what a bunch of babies... Watch me go blind in a few years.' Gold Dust thought as his full mental rant about 'Blind Pony Entitlement' eventually wrapped itself around to self-parody.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


"I don't know why, that just seems to be crushingly disappointing..." Bashful couldn't even try to feign it.  He would hear stories of the big city, that of high society, of busy streets and towering structures that stand as monoliths to the greatness of the city itself.  To hear this pony speak of it so made things just a little less hopeful.


Pushing his tea to the side, he raised a hoof sheepishly to the waiter.  "Another cup of tea please!"  The waiter smiled and nodded, making a passing remark on how Bashful never seems to actually drink his tea.


There was an awkward silence after that, where Bashful Thread continued to dwell on what Dust had mentioned.  Bashful couldn't understand why it stung as it did, but he knew it did. 


Feeling along his pockets, he looked through his pockets, and pulled out a few gems and placed them on the table.  "I guess it will never be as good as you hope, you hear the stories and you expect it to be everything the stories say, but it's always better in your imagination."


Taking hold of the spoon he began to stir the cooling tea in front of him as he waited for another cup.

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    Gold Dust, unsure of just how long Bashful would remain serious, decided to try reassuring him "That's the whole reason that I travel so often, in fact, I'm a tourist to this town." "AnywayW, Manehattan has some of the best marketing you'll see, so It's natural to hear some exaggerations. Places like Ponyville, however, those places don't need advertisements. The history speaks for itself."


    Bashful seemed so fragile to Gold Dust. It was all too easy for him to break down his ideas, almost as if he was guilty of something, maybe he reminded Bashful of someone close, but It was all speculation and Gold didn't want to start jumping to conclusions like his father would.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


Bashful Thread looked across the table to Gold Dust for a moment, letting himself process the 'marketing' angle.  He tried to force a smile.  "I guess it's ok.  I hope I will see it.  I saw Canterlot once, but that was a short trip.  Mother brought us, my brother and sisters I mean...  It was, memorable, if not a little short, but that's ok.  We were together, that's all that mattered."


He couldn't help but think of Mother, and there was always a fondness.  She kept him safe during storms, under her wing.  They were never far from his heart and his thoughts, and it always brought a warmth, if not the tiniest taste of dread.  Some times, their help wasn't exactly what he thought he needed...


"The joys of being from a big family, right?  But I love them all.  What about you, Gold Dust?  Do you have any family?"


Bringing the cup to his muzzle, he tipped it to his lips, feeling the slightly warm tea press against his lips.  Placing it back down, he sighed a bit.

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    Now it was Gold Dust's turn to be serious, but would it really be wise to tell him about the less savory of his relatives? "Well, I'm not sure you can call them family per say: The gold family is notorious for their greed, and the Dust family... they mean well, they really do, but you wouldn't trust them with a toothpick if you knew any better." Gold Dust explained while still maintaining a surprisingly calm demeanor and tone. That will do, just give him the general rundown, and save the more specific events to back up a potential apology. 'Silver Tounge really is starting to rub off on me.'


    "Thankfully, there seemed to be a ripple in the 'gold family greed streak' with my father Gold Ring. He was far from perfect, but given the environment he grew up in, it still amazes me he can keep up the struggle with so much sympathy left in his heart." Gold Dust now seemed inspired just remembering his father's sacrifices, and couldn't help but show a warm smile.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


Watching Gold Dust's expressions change as he discussed his father.  There it was, that perfect moment, that fondness, that reason Bashful Thread sat here.  It was a taste and a texture he only wish he could savour longer, but it was all about moderation, closing his eyes and he breathed in the flavour in the air he felt only he could appreciate.  Love. 


Love for family, love of a son to his parent, that was always a wonderful taste.  That moment could go on forever, and Bashful would find himself completely content.  It's  a magic all unto it's own, a strength that comes from the heart and given so freely.


So it almost felt like a cruel tragedy when the waiter delivered the new tea, placing it down at the edge of the table, a spoon placed on it's saucer clinking and breaking that one moment. 


Those wonderous moments of beautiful tranquility were too rare, and often missed when you didn't look for them as he did.  That's a simple part of his nature though, a truth of what he was. 


For now though, he was a simple tailor, sitting and meeting a new friend, hearing him talk about his father, with such pride and tenderness of an old moment.  A warm smile crept on Bashful's lips when he reached out with his hoof to pick up the new tea, and he inhaled the freshly steeping tea's aruma again.  Perfect.


"I have no doubt he was a good colt.   There's always something about people when you know they were brought up by good loving parents.  I hope you love him deeply, it's a strong bond worth keeping as long as you can."

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    "Ya, uh... Man, were are those pancakes?" Gold Dust responded with a weak chukle, as he tried to wave down a waiter, with his joy quickly making way for a new found nervusness that Gold Dust couldn't quite pin. 'By the four- five, why'd he have to go into feelings on me? Im terable with that kinda stuff.' "So, ya, this towns got quite a bit of history behind it..."


    Gold Dust wasn't used to ponies talking so freely about the deeper concepts. Usaly he would be the one to inisheate that, with less than favorable results. 'It's like hes reading a que card from celestia. Is that what I sound like half the time?'

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Loud Opinion


"Mmmmm, pancakes."  The expression seemed a little forced, but Bashful continued to watch Gold Dust.  Dust seemed to struggle getting the waiter's attention, which was understandable as the business started to pick up.  Ponies of all types and colours seemed to gather here, which made it almost ideal for Bashful thread. 


Still, his eyes would keep drifting to Gold Dust, the newest face he has met.  Shifting, his body took the same sitting position as Dust had, and he raised his hoof to the waiter.  There are some advantages that come from being a regular customer, even if it was for the same thing.


"Oh Bashful, did I forget the sugar?"  The waiter said even as he was finishing up with another table.  He worked his way around the tables, and reached for the cold tea sitting beside the still steeping cup.  "N-no, it's just..."  Bashful suddenly became a little nervous, then looked to his guest across the table.  "An order of pancakes for my new friend."


"Oh, of course!  Sorry, it's getting a little hectic."  Scribbling down the order in the notepad he carried, he rushed off to complete his duties.


"Sometimes it takes a little understanding to get what you want.  Running across thousands of faces, must be tough to keep remembering them all."  Bashful tried to smile, weak as it was.  "Repetition makes things easier."


"So what do you do Dust?  Coming from such a prestigious line must fill you with pride."  Bashful leaned on the table looking with inquisitive eyes, taking in the tiny details to Gold Dust's expressions, bringing the tea back to his muzzle to inhale the scent.

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    'Don't lie, don't lie, don't lie, Half truth!' Gold Dust was repeating in his mind as every explanation he could come up with crumbled under his own scrutiny, but an answer must be given.

"According to most labour burros, I'm unemployed. However, bits tend to have a way of finding me. I just keep my eyes and hooves open for them, and never mistake any blind luck for skill on my part." Gold Dust replyed; satisfied at his ability to make nothing sound like something. "Perhaps it's for the best. If their's anything the Golds know from being close to the top, but never quite there, is that 'pride is a dangerous tool, and maybe one day, we will find a use for it'." Gold Dust finished with a few coughs while the words diamond family could be heard between them.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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