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planning A New World, A New Way (OOC)


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'Now playing voice message'




Ahem, to whom it may concern: My name is Second Sight. If you're hearing this, chances are, you bothered to touch the little crystal that arrived in your mailbox this morning. Or night. You can't really know with that damned wall-eyed mailmare making your deliveries. Luna knows why they haven't fired her yet.


Back to business, I have hoof-picked a couple of very special individuals. Individuals with the skills to accomplish this little errand on mine. And if you're hearing this: congratulations: You made the cut. I've been watching each and every one of you and *chuckle*, I must say, I was pretty impressed.


The mission I have for you is simple. Well, in theory at least. Go to a special place and fetch a very special ball. No surprise if you find all of that dreadfully boring or whatnot, but trust me: I'll make it worth your while, in riches or otherwise.


Should you choose to accept my quest, gather at the basement of the Prancing Pony Inn in Manehatten at noon, on the 27th of July. I'll give you a full briefing on the mission there.


Oh, and bring camping supplies.


'voice message end'






You happen to receive a little crystal from a delivery, you touch it, and the above message plays. For one reason or the other, you choose to accept the mission, packing ample supplies and heading to the designated destination at the specified time. 


Well, I hope that opening passage impressed you. It's vague to avoid spoiling the plot to the story




> You may only post 2 times until everyone else posts ( for example, you should only have a maximum of 2 posts between any member's 2 posts ), at which point you 'reload'. This is to prevent flooding and let others catch up. I am exempt from this rule because I'm the DM AHAHAHAHAHAHA-


> Please, for god's sake, be active.


Oh, and uh, please read the posts carefully. I'll be dropping plenty of hints and stuff.


Applying to the RP

Disclaimer: While I'm not a good RPer myself, I'm going to be kinda strict in the OCs and RPers I'll be accepting to make sure the RP doesn't die. 


> Post a link to your OC. If you don't have a page, please write out their backstory, a description of their appearance yadda yadda yadda. If you have no idea what i mean by 'yadda yadda yadda'... You're dead to me.


> Only canon pony races are accepted. I know, ironic right? Which means Shadow Beast is banned


> If your OC get's rejected, it's not because your OC is bad or you have a history of abandoning RPs: it's probably because your OC doesn't fit in to the hidden story and/or doesn't work well if the hidden characters and the other OCs. I don't want 3 chaos lovers. 


> State what equipment they will be bringing along. Try to keep it within a saddlebag or two.


> For data collection reasons, please state your country/the current time in your post. Also note in your country's time, what time you are usually awake. I won't call out any names, but who the hell goes to sleep at 6 AM?!


Now that the admin stuff is out of the way, feel free to ( try to ) join!









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This better be a joke. This has to be. Even before you posted, i specifically said that shadow beast wouldn't be allowed.

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Yeah It's alright. I'm flipping through your OCs right now, I'll tell you if i find one that's viable

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I didn't know you had the mod stuff out of the way. You can go ahead and pick whichever one of my OCs you want.

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Naw, it's still there. Janeri would be a good starting fit. Now please fill up the damn form.


Also, welcome

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Well, Janeri's got some potion making supplies plus a knife. Also, don't you already know my routine?

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Still lookin for 1 more active member. Reducing available slots to 2

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