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The Grand Tournament! ( RP )


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The OOC is here.

TL:DR of what has happened



> RP started

> OCs register for the tournament, they have to collect a form from Diva to submit to Crisp


> Copper strikes and Redwood collects shiny new weapons from Second Sight.  

> Redwood challenges Copper to a friendly match


> Everyone gathers at the arena for the opening ceremony

> Rules explained.

> 1v1 exhibition match, redwood against copper. Redwood wins.


> Explanation of how the iStone works and an exhibition monster battle is started against wisps controlled by a cameo guy named p-jay

> Photon Jet vs Jackie. Photon Jet wins

> Exhibition fight concludes. Wisps lose

> Shadow beast in critical condition, in medical wing





It was early morning. The young sun's rays cut through the treeline like a soft blade through water, if that made any sense. Over the large plains, a single notable building dominated the scenery.


The arena.


Constructed with medieval architecture, it stuck out like a sore thumb like a lone flower amidst a wave of weeds in all it's grandeur. Close to it, there were several small buildings and fenced field, presumably appearing to be for rodeos or whatnot. However, a particular field stood out among them. One was dotted with colors of all kinds. Tents. The more enthusiastic attendees had chosen to camp there overnight to secure their seats in the arena against ground rules.




Excalibur grunted. But then again, it wasn't like they were doing any harm. The stallion moved back to his desk from the window. A knock was heard on the door.


"Come in"


A navy blue mare poked through the door, clipboard in her magic. "It's almost 7. Shall we open registrations?"


Excalibur nodded in response, leaning back on his seat as he did. "Good luck, and i think you meant to use the word 'I'" he wished with a chuckle.


Looking visibly irritated, Crisp Sheets slammed the door and headed over to her post at the registration counter. After making sure that everything was in place, she looked to a bell solemnly. "Well, here goes nothing...". Using her magic, she whacked the bell as hard as she could, it's ring reverberating through the air across the plains. 


"Registrations are open!" she called.


As she did, in the distance, she began to see movement in the mass of tents, creatures of all kinds, arising from their slumber. Meanwhile, more streamed from the treeline. She looked nervously at her assistants. 'Celestia save us'



( Posting guidelines: Registrations are open! A crowd has gathered outside the registration counter. Your OC could have been int he tents waiting for registration, or could have came from the treeline, or whatever you feel like. Feel free to chat each other up too. Just make sure to tag me @Watcher or Stalker if you interact with Crisp Sheets

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@@Watcher or Stalker?

Shadow came out of a portal with a black cloak covering his whole body and standing on his hind legs. He walked up to the counter and said, 

"Hello, I'm here to register under Shadow Beast."

He reached out of his cloak with one of his metal claws and scratched his nose, then shifted his cloak to cover the claw

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@@Watcher or Stalker?,


Redwood got out of her tent at the sound of the bell. It was time to register for the arena. She proceeded through the crowd using just a bit of force, and arrived at a blue mare at a desk. Some odd hybrid was in front of her, asking to register. Redwood was slightly aggravated that she had to wait.

Edited by crispy fries
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@@Watcher or Stalker?


Copper was trotting at an unusually fast pace.  He wanted to enter the tournament to showcase his skills in battle, and he was excited to be in this.  He saw a pony and a hybrid in front of him, so he patiently waited for his turn, because he knew patience was a virtue.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Crisp sheets gave a deadpan stare at the hybrid in front of her. "Diva, Didn't you hand out registration forms for them to fill up?" She asked a blue Pegasus next to her. The Pegasus froze up, before blushing and giving Crisp a sheepish grin. "Whoops, uh, I maaay have forgotten to... Distribute the- you know what? I'll fix everything."


Hopping from her seat and balancing a stack of paper on a wing, the colourful Pegasus began walking around the lines of participants, flicking a form to them as she skipped around. "Fill up these forms to register please!" She called cheerfully.


Meanwhile, Crisp sheets gave Shadow Beast a small lanyard with a tag with his name on it. "You're approved. Go hang around till everything gets set up properly."

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Shadow noddded and took the lanyard. He slipped it over his hood and got out of the crowd. Once he was out of the crowd, he leaned against the wall, pulled out his scythe and a black rock and started sharpening it on both sides. After he was done, he started on his throwing knives.

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@@Watcher or Stalker?


Copper looked at the registration paper he was given, in which he figured it was going to happen, so it was a good thing he brought his special saddlebags.  He sat down on the ground he was on, took out a pencil and wrote on the registration papers as neatly as he could, so that the two could read it well.  Once he was finished, he gave the forms back to the pegasi waiting for him.  "I'm registering as Copper Strikes.  I don't have any weapons, so I have to go with what you got."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Watcher or Stalker?,


Redwood became a bit more aggravated at the slight incompetence of the staff. She quickly filled her form out and handed it to he mare after the hybrid had given her his.


"So, how soon can ah get to fightin'?" Redwood asked her.


She was eager to get into the action.

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Blitz landed with a dull thud in front of the registration box and simply walked up to the registration box as if nothing had happened. He wore a simple black cloak that hid most of his body and used a hood to cover his face the pony behind the counter. "I will be signing up. My name is Blitz." He said.


Gale sighed as she stretched after waking up. She had been sleeping not to far from the camp in front of the stadium and notice that registrations were already open. It didn't take long for the dragoness to find her way to the registration box. After the cloaked pony spoke, she glanced at the pony behind the desk. "My name is Gale. I'll be fighting in the tournament."

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 Diva took the form and returned with a lanyard in her mouth. She threw it, and the strap looped itself over one of the spikes in Copper's spiky mane. "You could rent some weapons at the vendor's!" she offered cheerfully, her voice clearly audible over the rabble of the crowd. "Now go knock 'em dead!"


@@crispy fries,


Crisp took the form in her magic and passed a lanyard to Redwood. She raised an eyebrow as she skimmed over the form. "You sure you're alright with just that shotgun? Give some of the vendors a shot."


@@Drago Ryder,  


The crowd shifted at the arrival of the dragon, audible 'woah's  and some stares of awe were scattered among the masses.


Keeping her deadpan look, Crispy stared at the two new arrivals. "You can collect an application form from my colleague over there" she said, pointing a hoof at the hyperactive blue pegasus zipping around the line."

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@@Watcher or Stalker?,


Maybe it was a good idea to kit herself out. Redwood would need to be on top of her game of she wanted to succeed here, and new gear would definitely help. As she walked over to the vendors, she saw a dragon registering. This would be tough for sure.


Redwood decided to go to the vendor who was wearing a cloak and sporting a mechanical claw.


"Ah'm lookin' fer somethin' to replace this," she said, holding up the Appleoosa Buster.

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"Alright, this is it." said Photon Jet from the treeline as he proceeded to the registration counter, wearing his electric powered jet suit. He wanted to join this tournament because he predicts evil will soon strike again and wants to prove he is capable of being a hero just like every creature alike.


As he approached the registration counter, he gave out his entry. "Hello there. My name's Photon Jet and I'm here to register for the tourney. I shall be using my electric powered jet suit. Thanks." He put his details down and put a stamp on the registration paper. He then proceeded into the arena. 

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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@Photon Jet


Crisp Sheets raised a hoof towards Photon Jet, a lanyard with a card in her magic. "Sir, your entry pass..."


Meanwhile, a large bright pink unicorn stallion barred Photon from entry to the arena.


@Crispy Fries


( Some vendor's have shops that look like stores in a mall built into the arena itself. The arena's really large. )


Second Sight greeted the newcomer with a nod. He looked at the weapon with a small tinge of distaste. "By replace, do you mean something that works the same way as a shotgun or..."


( I'll conduct the exchange in PM, because it's a 1 on 1 conversation. If anyone wants to bump in, tell me. )

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@Photon Jet


Crisp Sheets raised a hoof towards Photon Jet, a lanyard with a card in her magic. "Sir, your entry pass..."


Meanwhile, a large bright pink unicorn stallion barred Photon from entry to the arena.


@Crispy Fries


( Some vendor's have shops that look like stores in a mall built into the arena itself. The arena's really large. )


Second Sight greeted the newcomer with a nod. He looked at the weapon with a small tinge of distaste. "By replace, do you mean something that works the same way as a shotgun or..."


( I'll conduct the exchange in PM, because it's a 1 on 1 conversation. If anyone wants to bump in, tell me. )

Photon Jet totally forgot to obtain his entry pass to the stadium. "Oops, sorry about that. Thanks." he said apologetically  to both Crispy Fries and the stallion as he obtained his entry pass. He often forgets that he has to wait until the rounds start. He then decided to take things nice and slow and examine what the area has to offer. Since the place is really big, he does not want to wander around and get lost most of the time. "Maybe there's a place to find a map or something..." he thought to himself. He then trotted around to find where the shops are held. 

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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@@Watcher or Stalker?


Copper chuckled a bit as he felt something on his spiky mane.  He nodded at the Pegasus for telling him about the vendor.  "Thanks!" he said, his voice audible on the rabble as well.  He took off to find a vendor and, when he did, saw the same pony wielding a type of gun looking to have a different weapon.  He waited patiently like before, trying to think of a weapon he might use.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Watcher or Stalker?


Blitz and Gale both nodded and while they had noticed each other, neither was really surprised to see the other. Blitz had met Gale when he was traveling and the two had become quick friends. The bat pony then gave a subtle motion to follow him and the two soon found themselves in from of the pony handing out registration forms. "Two forms please." He said.


As she walked, Gale noticed the looks other ponies were giving her, and she felt a bit self conscious. She wasn't really used to so much attention and it made her a bit nervous.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Shadow watched as the dragon moved around nervously. Once we was done, he reached into a portal inside his cloak, pulled out a pouch on a belt, and placed it around his waist, then placed the throwing knives in. After he was done he got off the wall and merged with the crowd

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@@Drago Ryder,


The two of them found the sheets of paper precariously balanced on some part of their body before they could finish. "Here you go~. Have fun!" Diva cheerfully reminded as she bounded away, leaving blue and yellow feathers in her wake.




Second spied the pony waiting patiently from the corner of his eye and motioned him over. "Come look around for a bit while I deal with this customer here. Maybe you'll see something you like and save me the trouble of customer service. "


( you decide what you want to find, unless you want me to think of stuff for your OC to work with. )

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@@Watcher or Stalker?


Copper saw the pony motion him over to look for weapons of his own.  He nodded to him, and started searching for weapons of any kind he would like.  He saw an assortment of swords, daggers, etc.  After looking for a few seconds, he eventually found the weapon of his choice.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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As Photon Jet trotted around to find the shopping area, he was amazed by what he seen. There is not one but multiple arenas contestants can battle in. These small arenas can be good for some practice but he didn't want to waste some energy from his suit. He checked if his still was fully charged and continued to find the shop that sells maps.

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Now that Redwood was geared up, she figured it was time to warm up. She scanned the crowd for a good opponent, and her eyes landed on a blue earth pony.


Redwood approached him and asked, "Y'all look like yer decent enough in a fight. Ah need a little practice, and ah figure y'all do too, so what say we go to one of th' smaller areas and have ourselves a fight?"

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@@crispy fries


Copper looked to see the pony he saw earlier come up to him and asked for a little friendly match between each other.  He smirked at the pony.  "Sure thing, but first I gotta get my weapon."



@@Watcher or Stalker?


He motioned over to Second.  "I've found my weapon.  It's the trident over there." he pointed to the trident that he wanted.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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( The conversation between redwood and Second done in PM )


"Somethin' that would work th' same way be good. It don't need to be exactly th' same, but it should have a similar principle. And ah need somethin' with a good kick to it." Redwood requested.


Second nodded, reaching to a shelf behind him. "Since you came to my stall instead of my neighbour's, I assume that you're looking for a magical or energy weapon. Whatever you like to call it."


He retrieved a futuristic looking black and red shotgun and placed it on the table. "Here's a highly flexible magical weapon I've been working on. See the thing you're supposed to 'pump' here? It actually controls the balance between the rate of fire and power of this gun. Push it out for a big boom, or pull it back for many little 'pew pew pews'. Put in in the middle of you want a little balance between the two. Oh, and here's the ammunition."


Second placed 3 clips made of a clear material on the table. Each of them contained a glowing crystal inside of them. One had a blue crystal, the other orange, and the last green. "As I said, highly flexible. Green corrodes through most biological and metallic armour, fire burns flesh, and blue delivers a nasty shock. Just slot the different ones in the slot at the top if you feel like a little variety.


Link to ref image: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/1/1d/BL2_Conference_Call.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121003083822


Redwood put a large bag of bits on the counter and said, "Ah'll take it."


Second grinned a little, shaking his head and pushing the pile of bits back. "Here's the fun part. Renting is free as long as you fight in the arena. However, getting to take it home is another thing. Besides, I look forward to seeing if it actually works properly."



He looked Redwood over. "You... need any protection? You don't seem to have any armor of sorts."


"Y'all got a good point. Ah need armor as much as ah need firepower. Do y'all have anythin' in mind fer what ah could use?"


A small metal hexagonal device was slapped on the counter a moment later. "Energy shield. Takes a few hits before it goes down. Then, you'll have to run and not get hit for around 5 seconds for the shield to regenerate. Vulnerable as fuck to electricity though. Also magic, but much less."


"Alright, ah'll take that too," said Redwood as she put the shield on her arm and took the gun. "Ah might just wanna take these home."


"Maybe if you win something you can afford to." Second grunted.



( Traditional weapons are found in Magni's shop, so I'll add a little twist to the weapon. )


"Oh, that thing" Second mused out loud. He reached out for it with his claw and it floated obediently to him in a field of telekinesis. "It looks like a simple trident, but it has a twist. The tip's a tazer." he explained, pushing a button on the handle to demonstrate. As he did, blue lightning arced between the prongs. "The bottom is a jet. You could ride it like a broomstick through the air or use the extra thrust to close the gap or to simply have a stronger stab. I'm not going to demonstrate in the shop."

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@@Watcher or Stalker?


Copper looked amused at the weapon and its perks.  He was especially pleased with the fact that he could fly with the trident.  He nodded at the weapon.  "I'll take it."  he said.  I may not be that skilled in fighting, but I am a quick learner, he thought as he took the weapon.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Blitz took the sheet that had been given to him and quickly looked it over before filling in everything that was required. He didn't go into extreme detail over how he fought or fill in any unneeded spaces. Eventually, he returned to Crisp and handed the sheet to her.


It took some time for Gale to fill out the information needed, but she was able to finish and returned it to Crisp.

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