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"I could of gotten there faster" Harley said sadly. He started to think of every possible problem that could come out of this situation. There were too many to think of.


"You did your best Harley. Thats all I can ask


*Xiro said.*

"I love you Harley. I always will."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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(Going to help one of my friends in WoW, might not be able to post to much for a bit.)


Shadow on watched the group making sure nothing was out of place next to Star.


Fire looked at the Tv. He was thinking about doing something else. But his wound was still not fully healed...and lazy


"I love you too Xiro" Harley responded with and hugged her again.


Star looked at Midnight and Cloud "Hey Midnight" she called out in greeting.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Midnight waved back, "hello star, you doing better?" he smiled


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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midnight smiled, "thats good,"

he turned, "oh, im sorry," he looked back "cloud, this is star, star, cloud."


cloud bit her lip and smiled, "h-hello...."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Fire looked at the Tv. He was thinking about doing something else. But his wound was still not fully healed...and lazy


"I love you too Xiro" Harley responded with and hugged her again.


*Anarchy sat down next to Fire.*


*She said casually.*


*Xiro hugged Harley back, smiling. She was happy that he had come for her, and she knew that Harley would always be there for her.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Hey" Fire said with a smile.


"Hello" Star said with a kind smile.


"I don't want to lose you again" Harley said.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"Hey" Fire said with a smile.


"Hello" Star said with a kind smile.


"I don't want to lose you again" Harley said.


*Anarchy leaned her head on Fire's shoulder.*

"How you feeling?"


"I dont want to loose you either."

*Xiro said.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"A lot better thankfully" Fire said turning to Anarchy.


"Thats good."

*She said.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"How are you?" He then asked.


"Im alright."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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midnight smiled at star, then cloud, "alright, were gonna head off to that grove i mentioned, we shall be back in an hour or two."

he waited for cloud at the edge of the camp,

cloud smiled "it was nice to meet you star, hope to talk to you again soon."

she turned and galloped after midnight, catching up as they headed into the trees


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Fine nodded "That's good."


Star nodded "See you around later" She said

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Fine nodded "That's good."


Star nodded "See you around later" She said



*Anarchy leaned her head on Fire's shoulder and closed her eyes.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Fire continued to watch Tv, trying to rest himself. He closed his eyes after a few minutes too.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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*Schwartz looked around and saw all the others with the ones they loved. It upset her. K-Bar had not yet returned from her trip to Canterlot to gather reinforcements, so Schwartz was alone.*

"Hey guys, Im going to head back to Canterlot. I want to find out whats been holding up K-Bar and her unit, so I may be gone a while as well."

*She said to the other ponies and torch hounds present.*

"See you all later."

*Schwartz spread her bat wings and flew into the air.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Rain stared at her reflection in the mirror of her hotel room, unblinking. There were giant bags under her eyes and her mane hung lank and unwashed around her face. Blowing a stray hair away, she dully stood up and started to pace.

Things had changed a lot for Rain. Her steady diet of pills and alcohol had been keeping her afloat for a while, the secret double life she’d managed to keep from Six.

Six. Her fiancée, and the pony she supposedly loved. But that was the thing. Though she’d said “yes” to his proposal, it was truly because she didn’t know how to say “no”. Six was like her brother, and at that point her head was still reeling from everything that happened in the human world. Sebastian had finally demanded she make up her mind about what she wanted and, unable to respond, he’d left with 1337 and the two disappeared. Soon, the came back and to everyone’s surprise announced they were married and pregnant. Somehow 1337 (now Rachel once more) had been able to reverse the effects of her experimentation (she tried to explain to Rain but all that science-y stuff went right over her head.) They chose not to follow the others through the portal-the human world still needed saving, after all.

When Six and Rain then announced they were to be married, Shadow left in a huff, and Rain didn.t know where he’d gone. Heading to Fillydelphia to sort things out with her parents had been tiring, but she’d spent the last few days locked in her suite, not sleeping and surviving solely on the tiny bottles of alcohol on the bar. She’d burned through her pills and her mind was finally painfully clear-she couldn’t marry someone that felt like family.

She turned suddenly, knocking over the glass on the table next to her, which spilled a foul smelling liquid on the floor. She strode out the door listlessly, leaving behind all her luggage and the simple wedding gown she was to wear still on the mannequin. Rarity had begged during her quick visit to Ponyville but Rain declined, knowing her over the top style.

Walking slowly downstairs, she tossed her key on the counter without a word and pushed through the glass doors, ignoring a protesting concierge. Trotting towards the station, she ignored the stares and kept her head high as she plodded along.

As she paid for her ticket, the stallion behind the counter asked where she was headed. When she told him Ponyville, he furrowed his brow.

“Pretty mare like ya don’t wanna be goin’ ta Ponyville at a time like this,” he drawled, and Rain inwardly cringed at the familiar accent. On the outside, however, she forced herself to remain cold and collected.

“I’m sure I can handle it. What’s going on?” she asked.

The pony snorted and shook his head, ripping off her ticket and pointing to a nearby newsstand. “Good luck,” he muttered darkly, and then called “NEXT!”

Rain didn’t particularly care what was going on-if everything went as planned, she woujldn’t be alive much longer anyways-and ignored the papers, instead heading straight for the train. Once on, she took her seat across from a unicorn buried in a magazine, who glanced up and smile politely. Rain weakly forced one back and noticed he had quite nice eyes, before cursing herself and wiping it off her face.

Five minutes after deciding not to go through and you’re already checking out other ponies. You’re sick. She leaned her head on the windowpane and looked out the glass at the busy station. Soon after they started their journey, the stallion lowered his magazine and stared out the window as well.

“So where are you headed?” he asked kindly. Rain glanced at him, still leaning against the cold glass.

“Ponyville. Yo-?“ He cut her off with a gasp.

“Ponyville? But haven’t you heard of the trouble there?” he said, shocked. Rain rolled her eyes but he continued. “Terrible, terrible. What with ponies disappearing and all.” Rain perked slightly, now actually listening, as he kept rambling. “Oh horrible things indeed. Bodies turning up and the like, simply barbaric!” He looked at her sternly. “Some are saying it’s vamponies, but of course that’s just an old mares t-“

Rain jolted and he stopped, peering at her. “I say, are you quite all right?”

Rain didn’t reply. She could feel herself going pale, her body stiffening. She knew full well vamponies were anything but a story-her-well whatever Shadow had been-WAS one.

Excusing herself, she lurched to the bathroom and was sick, violently coughing as she tried to catch herself on the hard plastic walls of the stall. She sat there, shuddering, for what seemed like days, until the train grinded to a halt and a rough voice called “Ponyville!”

As much as she didn’t want to, Rain stepped out of the bathroom shakily, noticing how everypony in the car stared at her as she got off. One old mare even grabbed her hoof and whispered “Celestia be with you” as she stepped off, alone.

The town seemed deserted. Not knowing where to go, she walked towards the most familiar building-the Quills and Couches shop. Mr. Breezy was like her true father, and he’d never leave his home, not matter what.

The first thing she noticed was the door, which was slightly ajar. Mr. Breezy NEVER left it open. Her stomach lurched as she noticed the broken windows and lopsided sign. Taking a deep breath and forcing back tears, she creaked open the door, holding back a yelp of alarm at the sight and then calling, “Mr. B?”

Broken couches were everywhere, stuffing spilling out the sides, and quills spewed across the floor like abandoned playing cards. She pushed open the door a little further and screamed shrilly as something brushed her cheek. It was the feather of a quill, soaked in blood. She vomited again, and, not caring if anyone was there, bolted towards the workroom.

Opening a drawer clumsily, she pulled out a gleaming, wickedly sharp knife-one Mr. B had used to sharpen the quill points. Closing her eyes, she slashed it down the length of her leg and sighed in relief as she repeated the action over various parts of her body, feeling woozy from blood loss. Cutting was a habit she’d picked up in the human world, and one that she loved. She then weakly fumbled around and found his various pills for his aches and pains. Swallowing all three of the bottles, Rain waited for the pills and large amounts of blood to do their work. Hopefully, it was enough to end her.

She heard a creak upstairs right before she slipped into the blackness. Vamponies, echoed the young stallions voice in her mind, and Rain had enough energy for one last wane smile before she succumbed to the darkness, feeling her heart rate slowing down to a near stop.




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Shadow could feel something going on outside the forest, In Ponyville. "I'll be right back." he said as he hurried out of the forest not saying anything else.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Rain's heartbeat slowed down more as she drifted in a black haze. She thought she heard someone approaching but her ears were starting to fade into static as she drifted out of consciousness and slumped against the wall with only moments left, a puddle of blood at her feet.


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Shadow ran into the building where he thought his senses told him to go to. He stopped when he saw Rain, unable to think of what to do. This is not what he imagined the next time he would of seen her would of looked like this. Tears started to well up in his eyes. "Rain?" he merely muttered.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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(She's kind of nearly dead. She can't really respond. :P)


Rain's heart stopped.


(Okay now she is.)


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(Well fuq it, i can do what i want!)


Shadow stopped. He needed to do something now. He created what seemed to be a portal, a few second later Stitches fell out of it with a irritated grumble.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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