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ooc Of Only Ashes.

Colenso Rivers

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From the moon, the sun, the stars, the skies and clouds, the winds... The rain, all is cleansed and yet muddied by it. It tears away the glow of the hearts of men, revealing they are only blood filled beasts.

Willixshire was not a very wealthy place, but its people were much more happy as of recently. It was relatively small for a township, and rarely met news or visitors from the rest of the Kingodom of Adrovenere. The forests surrounding provided plenty of building materials for shelter, the fauna dwelling within providing much meat for food. They were heavily taxed and mistreated in worse ways for some time, but Lord Devon Willix was overthrown by his son Alex, whom had been working on the knights and guards to turn them against him. This happened but eight days ago.

Six days ago, he was tried for his crimes against his people, and four days ago he was beheaded. Lord Alex had seen Devon put many a person, both higher born and from the dirt to the headsman's ax, therefore he gave the headsman the honor, and his father the dishonor. Three days ago was a feast and festival in celebration of the new and just rule of Lord Alex Willix. In this festival he made many promises to many people, to right his fathers wrongs and to open Willixshire to the rest of the Kingdom. Things were looking up, and the people of Willixshire were hopeful, the sun was finally shining, figuratively, since it was literally overcast most of the time.

Yesterday was the day of worship. Yesterday the heavens were worshiped. Yesterday the temple and skies turned black. Yesterday it was destroyed, it and everyone else. Rain poured down and thunder cracked as the temple collapsed in upon itself, so that only screams and blood were the only things leaving the cracks in the splintered mess. Creatures rose up from the mud created from the torrential rainfall, and washed men, woman, and children from life, their twisted, grim forms killing all in their path. No knights could save anyone, they were struck down by the wolf-like beasts that could fire their spear like heads from their bodies. No child could hide, the insectile monstrosities preyed and fed. The pitch black skeletal forms were escorted into homes by the other beasts, where they would collapse and explode into balls of fire, showers of acid, clouds of toxic smoke, swarms of spiders, or bursts of needles and threads. The lord was not saved either, for a great bolt of hell fire struck his tower from the sky, the only light being the one that wiped all the people's hopes and dreams away.

By nightfall, barely a difference could be said about how bright the sky was. The rain still poured, the beasts were gone, and all was still. A few screams, cries, but they were of just the dying.

This morning, only four awoke. Their lives all gone, for what seemed to be no reason. None of these people knew any excessive hardship, even under the rule of Devon things were bearable enough. No longer. Now they hold their lives, dead, in their hands. Will they ever see light again?

The rain continues to fall.


-Rp rules-

You will play one of the four survivors of this disaster. The setting takes place in a mid-evil  Europe-ish like place. I will not allow any slaves, children, royalty, or soldiers to be played. Your whole life has been taken away, act like it. I will need your occupation, you could have been anything not mentioned above, innkeeper, whore, beggar, a saint of the church, a thief, bastard, town drunk, anything. Except for the headsman, I will be playing the headsman. Don't worry, I will be just as qualified for combat as you all are, a headsman only knows how to chop downwards with full strength (Not very effective in combat against a moving target.) and take care of any untrained peasants that make it past the guards. Which rarely happens. I will also need a full physical description and personality description. I don't need to know your history, that can be shared during the rp. I need your skill set as well. I would like an equal female to male ratio. Tell me what stuff your character has on them when you will begin, you will keep track of your inventory for the rest of the ride.


There will be stats, however, there will only be three, and you will only have seven points to disperse among them. With that said, you may not have more than four in any, nor less than one. Those stats will be mind, body, and soul. They describe the natural, untrained state your body is in. Two is average, one is lacking, three is well and four is excellent. You will also choose an element and animal to represent a further version of your character. The element doesn't need to be a basic element like fire and water, you can have more debatable elements, like crystal or chaos.


Due to the fact that I enjoy really high levels of customization, and what is actually happening to the rest of the kingdom in the rp, your character will slowly change based on the stats, element and animal, into something beyond a human. Even though they need not have any qualities of this animal or element, their capabilities will be based on them. I want you to describe their fully transformed form, which must remain humanoid. This form has a number of abilities based upon its stats. The number you have in mind will determine how much physical special abilities you have, mind determines how many mental, and soul determines how many spells you have available to you. Other than that, you will also have advantages and disadvantages based upon your element, animal and form. You will look however you wish, you can even appear to be a regular human, but I do expect some change. Be very thoughtful about this form.

Be reasonable, in these new forms, you will still have trouble killing most of these unknown creatures.


This rp is an action/adventure. It will have a gritty texture. There is permadeath, so be very careful. There will be no dice rolling, just describe your action if you truly believe your character is capable of it. If I don't think so, base off your skill set, I will voice myself.




Name- Yvo Errod.

Sex- Male.

Age- 28

Height- 6'1"

Build- Solid.

Occupation- Headsman.

Skill set- Accurate full strength axe swings, chopping wood, blade maintenance, heavy lifting, pain tolerance, heavy handed, demolition, stone laying, and ignoring others.

Appearance- Yvo is a a very well built man, with dark brown hair, cut short and messy. Not often times is he clean, but he has fair complexion otherwise. He is covered with long thick scars, and has the guilt brand on his chest, over his heart.  His eyes are a wide almond shape, but are never fully open, always about halfway closed until the flash wide right before he swings his axe. His eyes are of grey. He is missing a few teeth, but otherwise they are the only well cleaned part of his body. He is often covered with black dust, His general posture is that the same of a man whom has accepted their head be taken. He wears only black and grey, as is tradition for the headsman.

Bio- As is the life of the Headsman under the Five Divine, Yvo was the next born boy of Willixshire after the death of the last headsman. He is a mostly quiet man, only because not much engage him. When he is not adorning his hood, he can be seen in a multitude of activities, such as chopping up firewood, or activities which will earn him coin. He is well known as a strong man, and therefor is employed for work as such. Most small jobs he will only ask food and water, larger tasks he may require coin. As the headsman, he earns most of his money beheading others, but even under the rule of Devon Willix, that is rarely enough alone to sustain such a large man. His words are sincere, and must always be honest. He can also be seen as a peacekeeper, for it is expected of him to make sure he beheads as few as possible at the cost of his own soul. When he talks to others, its usually with members of the church, most of whom see him as a necessary evil. Yvo is a man of high tolerance, calm, guilt and inner fear. His well kept teeth were granted to him by the maiden whom looked after him during his conditioning, whom always told him he had such a beautiful smile. He has no family, and lives in a small home next to the temple. He does very well under pressure, and in fact finds himself lacking when there is none present. As is ritual, he makes sure he and his axe are always covered in soot unless he is in the act of beheading.




Element- Hellfire.

Animal- Monitor.

Changed form- Yvo's hair becomes the color of soot, grows lengthy and exhumes a trail of black vapor. It doesn't shine, remaining matte and without luster His eyes become black, with glowing violet veins from the outer part, fading as they trail inwards. His skin becomes pale, and half his shins and fore arms, and the entirety of his feet and hands become of obsidian like quality and material, fading to skin as veins of obsidian streak upwards. His hands and feet also end in the hooked talons of a monitor.His teeth become sharp and obsidian as well, and his tongue splits into three tendrils. All his scars and his brand open, and emit the vermilion glow of hellfire. He also grows the tail of a monitor lizard, which ends in the same obsidian black tip and is otherwise covered with ash grey scales. He is omnivorous, but prefers eating eggs and meat. His back, neck and tail muscles are incredibly strong. He has a high metabolic rate, and therefore is wide eyed and active most of the time. He has very high air intake, and high stamina for his ability to take in more oxygen with each breath. His saliva is laced with a venom that causes excessive bleeding, drop in blood pressure, and high levels of pain and discomfort, but is not lethal to most fully grown adult humans. He has very sharp eyesight, however has very limited sight within the dark. He is extremely sensitive to cold, and cannot hear too well, only being able to carry on conversation at room volume, anything quieter is beyond his hearing range. He struggles to keep his loyalty to others due to his once solemn nature being mixed in with a very intense amount of aggression however, at night when it is cold and dark, both his physical and emotional dependence becomes apparent. He possesses a great sense of taste and smell.

Physical special abilities- He is able to regenerate lost body parts, however all regenerated body parts appear to be made of the obsidian like material. If he makes contact with anything with his obsidian, and he wills it, the obsidian will grow veins into and throughout the object slowly. Finally he is granted the ability to cleave through anything but stone as if it were flesh.

Mental special abilities- He is able to see the negative feelings one beholds. He can also instill the sensation of being beheaded into any being he makes eye contact with.

Spells- Condemned- He can charge his body or anything with the vermilion, violent energy of hellfire, anything that dies by this extremely debilitating and painful method suffers the destruction of their very soul.

Terror Blast- With a focalized point of charged hellfire, he can create a blast of screaming energy, depending on how long he charges each one. This can be used to deflect swords and shields, to destroying towers given the time spent charging.

Inventory- Headsman's axe. Headsmans black and grey casual attire collar, bracers and hood.

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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