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private A surprising romance(RP between Rising Shine and Dapper Charmer)

Deae Rising Shine~

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Rising stretches himself, as he set the last point in his newest story, finishing it finally.


"Well then, I could need a drink, this deadline was way too short, but not impossible."


He takes a small bag with bits from the regal and holding it with one of his wings, as he starts walking outside to Ponyville's bar. Entering it, he greets some ponies in there, before going to the counter.


"Apple Cider, non-alcoholic please."


He pays the bits and the mare starts preparing said cider. Rising then looks around.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist walks into the bar it had been a hard day at guard training and Mist sure as hell needed a drink. As he walked up to the counter a few mares smiled shyly at him. He smiled back, they had no idea that he was gay. He sat down at the counter and ordered a beer. The mare at the bar giggled as she went to get his order

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Rising notices another pony entering the bar, noticing that he looks more like a batpony. The counter mare gives him the cider, before getting the order for said batpony and preparing it. Rising takes a sip from his cider, sighing happily by the taste. He usually is already used to the ponies around here, but the new guest here is somepony he never noticed before. Rather shy he still takes the courage to ask.


"Hey there, from where are you?"

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled at the pegasus, he was pretty cute. "I'm actual I'm from Ponyville," he said happily, "but if you haven't seen me around its probably because I've been on field training with the Luna guard." His drink arrived and he drank some, "so what's a stud like you doing in a dump like this?"

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Luna guard? Woah, should I bow now?


"Me? Oh, I'm an famous author, but prefer living in a calmer place like here in Ponyville. Was a little stressed to finish my next story, because the deadline was shorter then usual. Just finished the story, sending it per mail to my company in Canterlot tomorrow. I tought I go, drink something. I have more then enough bits to spare, so no need drinking always at home alone."


He then takes another sip from his cider.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Oh my, a famous author," said Mist with a flirty smile, "seems like you have a beautiful mind to match that beautiful appearance." Mist winked. He had always been gifted with the art of flirting. And when he had realised he was gay he simply switched the targets of who he flirted with. "So do you have a name? Of should I just call you hot stuff?"

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Rising blushes in surprise, but tries to stay normal. He always was curious about stallions, but usually prefered a mare. However, most mares are just wanting to be with him, because he is famous or rich. But he seems really interested ... right?


"Oh, uhm, my name is Rising Shine. And what is your name?"

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled at Risings obvious blushing. He hasn't left or told him to buzz off which was always a good sign. "My name is Mist Twister but you can just call me Mist," he said with a smile, "this place is kinda a dive. So I was thinking you, me, dinner. What do you say?"

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"Well, uhm, now that you mentioning it, I'm kinda hungry, so ... sure."


I get a strange feeling ... dunno if it's good or bad yet.

He sips the rest of his cider empty and stands up, taking the bag with the bits under his wing again.


"I know a good restaurant nearby, we could go there for dinner, if you hadn't had anything else in mind."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled as he got up from the counter. He was pleasantly surprised that he had said yes. Most guys who didn't tell him to buck off politely declined. "Where ever you want to eat is fine by me," he said walking to the door, he held it open for Rising, "after you."

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He chuckles, walking trough.


"Your a real gentlecolt, huh? Alright, just follow me."


He starts walking while the moon slowly rises up into the sky, the stars shimmering.


Mayby he doesn't know that I know that he is flirting with me. It is obvious afterall. The compliments, asking for dinner, holding door open ... well, he is cute ... I should stay "normal" for now, seeing where this is going, mayby ... mayby I like him too? If so, he better hopes he isn't just flirting with everypony.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist happily followed behind. As they walked Mist snuck a quick peek at Riding's flank. Mist bit his lip slightly. Damn, that was on sexy flank. "Tell me Rising," Mist said happily looking up at him, "have you ever been on a date with a stallion before? Or is this your first time?"

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Rising doesn't notice his staring, looking back at him, when he asked him.


"Generally first time. Never had a date before, no stallion, no mare, no non-pony. Your my first, so you better not screw up everything if you want a chance."


He keeps walking again, reaching the restaurant.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled, a chance of what? Mist wondered. He probably meant a chance at going out with him but Mist couldn't help but think he may have a chance at getting some 'action'. Mist got to the door and once again held it open for Rising. "Hot studs first," he said with a smile

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Rising rolls his eyes and walks inside, looking around.


The restaurant, of course, looks clean and classy, but not too much, like in Canterlot.


Rising walks to a free table without a reserved-sign and sits down, waiting for one of the waitress to come for the order.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist follows behind Rising, grabbing the attention of several mares. They giggled as his passed but when he sat down with Shining it was clear that he played for the other 'team'. They went back to eating. The waitress came over and smiled at them, "what will you be having?"

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Rising looks up.


"I take the hay spaghetti's and apple juice, please."


His ear flicks, hearing ponies mumbling something. It wasn't a secret that he was interested in both genders, but with his previous history to get a date with Rainbow Dash, probably made the ponies think, he rather takes a mare then a stallion.

Hehe, I wondering how many mares will be disappointed. Tough, nothings already written yet, let's see how serious he is with dating me.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled at the waitress, "I'll have the weat grass rigatoni please,"


"I'll get that for you in just a jiffy," the waitress said smiling at Mist. She blushed slightly and walked away.


Mist turned to Rising, "so tell me Rising, what are the novels you write about?"

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"Anything, really. Your fantasy is a big place, full with stories and stuff you create yourself. Some are more action-like, others adventures. Some comedy, some dark stuff. Nothing is impossible when your mind is open to anything. So yeah, everypony probably finds one book from me, that he or she enjoys."


He smiles to him.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled, "if you ask me I really enjoy romance stories," he said flirtatiously, "but moreso stories about unexpected lovers, maybe two enimes or perhaps just two stallions, falling in love and ignoring those who dismiss their love." His voice began getting softer with each word he spoke, "And the story always ends with a long romantic kiss~"

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Rising blushes in surprise, his cheeks getting redder then tomatoes.

I slowly think he mean it serious ...


"Uhm, uh, yeah, I have romantic books too, I could show you later? I mean, i-if it's okay with you of course. I don't live that far away from here ..."


Wait, was that just now an inviting for him?

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled, glad to see that he still had it. "I think that we should finish our dinner before we start talking about me coming to your place," he said with a sly grin. Mist saw the waitress bringing them their meal, "speaking of which.."


The waitress reached their table and gave them their food, "please enjoy your meal," she said politely.

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"I'm sure we will, thanks."


He smiles to the waitress, before starting to eat his spaghetti's, trying to avoid eye contact with the stallion in front of him.


He made me blush already, I think he is on a good way to get me. But not yet, let's see what else he is gonna do.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled at Rising, it was clear that his flirting was starting to get to him. He looked down at his meal, it looked and smelled amazing. He tuck into it and he found it tasted amazing too. He looked up at Rising, "you say you've never been on date. Would that mean you've never been kissed?" he said playfully, "If you haven't I'd be more than happy to be your first." He winked.

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Rising keeps eating, taking a sip from his drink, before he blushes again.


"Well, if the good night kisses from my parents don't count, then no. And definitly no on my own lips. But mayby you are the first kiss for me, who knows? For now ... uhm ... I noticed your like a magnet for mares. How you do that?"

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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