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private A surprising romance(RP between Rising Shine and Dapper Charmer)

Deae Rising Shine~

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Mist shrugged, "I don't really know. But since I hit puperty I've just been a chic magnet," he said as he ate his food, "I think it's cause I'm a batpony. Mares just love danger. I kissed a lot of mares in my day too. But I never felt that 'zing' that was supposed to be there. That didn't happen till I kissed my first stallion." He blushed, remembering the experience.

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"So, you feeled ... *Connection* when kissing a stallion the first time, making you realize, what gender is more your liking, hm? What happened with the stallion? As I can see your looking for a date, so something must happened, that it didn't worked out."


He takes another sip.

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Well the kiss just happened as a result of an alcohol field dare," chuckled Mist, "he never felt the connection I did. We went out for a bit but I think it was just him trying to be nice. I went on a few dates but those stallions were usually just looking for a 'quick meal' so to speak"

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"Oh, darn, sorry to hear that. Well, if this works out between us, I make sure, not to leave you."


He smiles to him, before finishing his drink, continue to eat his hay spaghetti.


Well, this surprised me. Guess his chances to get me just increased. And for a batpony, he is kinda cute.


He blushes again a little.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled at Rising, "thank you Rising," he said blushing slightly, "you don't have to apologise though. It's not your fault gay stallions arent looking for anything serious." Mist sipped his drink. This date was going really well and it seemed like Rising might actually be interested in something more serious.

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Rising smiles, nodding.




He finishes his food and waves to another waitress.


"I pay, I have more bits then I ever could use. We like to pay."


The waitress smiles and nods, laying down the bill for them. He pulls out the sack with bits and laying the right ammound of bits, with 5 extra bits to the bill.


"Ready to go, when your finished, Mist."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist happily finished his meal and got up, "let's head off say we," he said to Rising with a smile. He walked him to the door but stopped as they got outside the restaurant. He turned to Rising, "you know it really was nice of you to pay for our meal. I really must pay you back somehow," Mist said seductivly.

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Rising knows and follows him, until he stops.


"Huh? Oh, no, really, I have more then enough, you don't need to pay back in any way."


By now, the moon shines in the dark night sky, stars shimmering all over Equestria.


"It's got late, most ponies are sleeping already. Wanna come to my house, or do you live closer from here?"

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled to himself. He was more of a charmer than he thought. Only one date and he was already being invited to Rising house. That didn't necisarily mean anything was going to happen but still. "I could never pass up an opportunity to see the home of such an atrractive stallion."

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He blushes a little, nodding to the direction.


"Follow me then, cutie."


Did I just said cutie?


Blushing more, he looks away, starting to walk back to his house. Just a minute later he reaches his housedoor. From the outside, the house looks like any other. His mail box has his name standing in the same color, his fur has.


"Welp, that's my house. Trough beeing rich you might tought I have an estate or something, but I prefer a simple house."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiles, looking at the simple house. It actually reminded him a lot of his house. "I like it," he said happily, "and frankly I find a small house like this a lot more cozy." He stood there for a moment then looked at Rising, "are you going to invite me in?" he asked happily.

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"Sure thing."


He takes out the key and unlocks it, walking inside.


As outside so, inside, just normal staff like every other house, just with an extra bookshelf with all his written stories in it. And more writing equipment too. He smiles happily, stretching a bit. He then walks to the shelf, picking out one book and throws it gently to him.


"That's the romance story I mentioned."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist caught the book and smiled, "A Surprising Romance?" he said reading the title, "sounds interesting. I'll have to make sure to read it sometime." He placed the book down and sat on the couch. He looked up at Rising, "Have you really never been kissed before? Cause for a stallion as hot as you I find that hard to believe."

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He sits down on a chair, yawning.


"Yep, no pony or no nopony ever touched those lips with theres before. So many fans that want to be with me, just to be more famous. I want somepony that loves me for what I am, not my fame status in Equestria, somepony who really loves me and not only for fame and bits. Actually hard to find a pony like that."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist feels bad for Shining. Sure he had known guys who just wanted him for his body but he couldn't imagine how Shining felt right now. Mist smiled, maybe he had something that could cheer him up. Mist walked up to Shining. "Maybe its easier than you think," he said leaning in to kiss Shining.


(note: he has not kissed you he is simply moving in to kiss. You can choose not to kiss)

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Rising looks to him, seeing what he is trying to do.


Oh gosh, he wants to kiss me ... if I ignore it, he probably give up dating me ... if I give in I officially give him a chance ... what to do, what to do, what to do, come on Rising ... decision, now!


Taking a deep breath, he close his eyes and pressing his lips against Mist's lips.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist closes his eyes as he feels Rising's lips touch his own. He blushes as he feels the same spark he felt when he kissed his first stallion only this time it was better. He didn't want this feeling to end, but like all good things it had to. He pulled away from the kiss and blushed deeper, "sorry about that."

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Rising keeps locked with him, feeling strange ... but in a positive way.


Is that this spark he told about? I love it.


Rather surprised was he, when Mist pulled back. He just stares at him for like a minute, before finally realizing what he said.


"Oh, oh, I, uhm, I, uh ... I-It's fine, hehe, really."


Realizing what they did he blushes hard, even harder then before.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist saw Shining's cute blushing face and blushed himself. He hoped the blushing was a sign that Shining had enjoyed the kiss. He hoped he hasn't just messed things up by being too eager. "So...um...how was your first kiss?" asked Mist hoping he wouldn't say it was terrible.

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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"It was terrible."


He looks to him seriously, before chuckling.


"Nah, I'm kidding, it was better then I ever could had imaginated. Thank you ... really, thank you for it. I enjoy writing, I enjoy talking with my friends, but ... I feel like the happiest pegasi in Equestria right now. You know what?"


He stands up and walks next to him, pulling one wing around him.


"I give you a chance, you proofed enough to be worth dating. And who knows what the future had planned for us?"

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist smiled, he was happy to know that Shining had enjoyed his first kiss. And he was even more happy to know that Shining wanted to at least try and make this a long term thing. "I don't know for certain what the future has planned," he said playfully, "but I may have one idea." He kissed Shining again, but more passionately than before.

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"And that is-"


Before he could say more, Mist already kissing him again. Not waiting a second, he directly kissing him back.


This amazing feeling again ... I never tought my first kiss would feel so awesome ... and even with a stallion. And here I am, kissing a male batpony. I hope he doesn't have fangs that hurt while kissing.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist closed his eyes. The pleasure he felt from kissing Rising was even more amazing the second time. Mist smiled slightly, for somepony who had never been kissed before he sure was great at it. Mist decided to take it up a notch. HD moved his tongue so it was just poking into Risings mouth.

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He keeps kissing, his tail swishes happily, as he feels Mist's tongue insde his own muzzle. He blushes hard, but letting him, using his own tongue to "wrestle" his tongue.


This is amazing. He really knows what to do right. And he tastes fruity. Note to me: Why does he taste fruity for me?

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Mist kissed Shining more passionately, using his tongue to explore his mouth. He pushed Shining against the bookcase, knocking over several books. He moved his hoof through Shinings hair. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled playfully, "wanna take this to the bedroom?"

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