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private Lunacy in Las Pegasus RP

crispy fries

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@@The Pixelated Pony, @@Amorphous,


"Just take a drink and don't worry about anything," said Ballpoint as she pushed the shot of vodka back towards Sparkle. "Let's wait a couple minutes for Ironblade to show up so we can have everyone together. We should probably wait for Mist catch up too."

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@@crispy fries,

Sparkle downed both her drink and the vodka before *smack* she fell backwards off her stool and onto the ground her glasses cracking as she landed  "there... I did it... you happy now?" Sparkle said feeling slightly sick "shit that was a bad Idea... someone get me a bucket..."

Edited by The Pixelated Pony
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@@crispy fries, @@The Pixelated Pony


Mist watched the girls leave and quickly searched up exotic dance clubs into Sparkles computer. He found a lot of results. Including one that was for guys and gals. He'd have to keep that in mind.


He put the laptop down and headed downstairs to the bar. He soon found Sparkle and Ballpoint and the bar, "starting the drinking without me I see," he said with a smile.

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@@The Pixelated Pony, @@crispy fries,


A mare looked up from a circle of ponies in one corner. Her single crimson eye flitted over them for a mere fraction of a second before she returned to her game. After a brief discussion, she shifted aside along with another mare and called.


"Hey," she said in a voice like broken glass rubbing together. "You look new here. Care to join us for poker?


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@@Dapper Charmer, @@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint got off her chair, wobbling slightly as she got up, likely due to the two shots of vodka she had drank. "You were too busy looking up those exotic dancer clubs. Anyways, can you give Sparkle a hoof?




"Hey, what's your deal?" Ballpoint asked the mysterious and rather intimidating mare.

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@@crispy fries,


"Well, that's entirely up to chance, isn't it?" the mare asked. Her horn lit up red, as bright and intense as a neon sign, as sparks shot out of its broken tip. A matching aura surrounded the thin pack of cards on the table. She shuffled them, moving them in a wave pattern before neatly splitting a few cards off of the top. Her magic sent the cards flying towards Ballpoint's face, forcing her to catch them.


"There's a deal for ya," the mare said. Her companions chuckled at Ballpoint.

Edited by Amorphous


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"I'm not drunk enough to deal with this," said Ballpoint before ordering another shot and quickly gulping it down. "Okay, that's better."

She didn't have much experience gambling, but this was Las Pegasus after all, so Ballpoint figured she might as well.

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@@crispy fries,


The mare grinned as Ballpoint sat next to her. "Let's get back to the game, girls," she said, to general agreement.


"I don't know why Iron has to bring in random drunk mares. They're so easy," one pony muttered. She was quickly hushed.


"I'd wish you good luck, but it isn't gonna help you here," the mare apparently called Iron said. Then, the game resumed.


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Ballpoint was a bit tipsy now, and her vision was slightly blurred. She had never really got the hang of poker, and that along with her drunk state made it a mite difficult. When she was more or less sure it was the time to do it, she called, "I got four aces!" and put down just that. Ballpoint really had no idea how she got that, and didn't realize it until she played the cards.

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@@The Pixelated Pony


Mist watched Ballpoint walk off and looked down at the unconscious Sparkle. "And here I was hoping I'd be the first to pass out from being drunk," he chuckled. Mist picked up Sparkle and carried her up to their room. He placed her on the bed and sat next to her, waiting for her to wake up

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@@crispy fries,


Iron leaned back in her seat as the other mares whispered. She quirked her brow at Ballpoint, levitating three bits over to her place. The others tossed in more bits and muttered angrily among themselves. Iron simply smiled knowingly at Ballpoint. There was menace in her single red eye.


Ballpoint suddenly found herself playing poker with several angry card sharks. Iron watched with amusement, contributing only occasionally.


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While Ballpoint was playing, she ended up ordering two more shots of vodka, making it five in total. She could hold her liquor decently enough, but now she was definitely feeling it. "Uhh... Shtraight flush!" she slurred, putting it down. She didn't know whether she was just drunk and imagining it, dumb luck, or if some god was smiling on her.

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@@crispy fries,


The mare on Ballpoint's left side burst out laughing. "Hey, guys!" she called. "This chick's so drunk, she can't tell a spade from a club!"


The others chuckled among themselves. "Straight flush," a green-and-brown earth pony called.


"Stop living up to your name, dammit!" another pony said as they passed the mare their bits. Iron sighed, flicking some of her bits across the table.

Edited by Amorphous


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"Hey, *hic*, why don't you go shove it!" said Ballpoint as gestured aggressively at the pony who called her drunk, nearly falling out of her chair. "I may be drunk, but I can still *hic*, kick yer flank!" It was around now that Ballpoint's judgement was get impaired.

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@@crispy fries,


The other pony opened one wing and gently pushed it into Ballpoint's barrel.


She fell off her chair. "Yeah, you're drunk," the pegasus said with disinterest. "Now, I have a full house. Who wants to beat that?" She completely ignored Ballpoint as the bits started moving again. Iron's rough telekinesis lifted her off of the floor and shoved her towards the door. Subtly, Iron tossed her bits into the betting pool.

Edited by Amorphous


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Ballpoint got up filled with drunken anger, and said, "You wanna go, you fuggin' dick!? I'll fight you *hic* right now!"


Before she got herself into any real trouble though, the PA system blared, "Ladies and gentlecolts, it's nine o'clock, and you know what that means: karaoke hour!"

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@@crispy fries,


"Fuck this shit," Iron said, gathering her earnings. "Pop sucks, and I sing like a crow on crack. Bye." She tossed her bits under the ragged brown cloak she was wearing. Grabbing Ballpoint by the ear in her magic, she strolled out of the room.


"You did not want to do that, kid," she said sternly. Her left eye was hard, her right mostly hidden behind the stiff spikes of her mane. "That was Midnight you were fuckin' with. She always sits next to newbies, punchin' drunks gives her thrills. The doctors would be scraping bits of you off the walls," she continued. With a shower of sparks from her horn, she shoved Ballpoint away. "Now get to your room."


Iron turned towards the front entrance, vanishing  into the bright, colorful lights of the city. It was strange, considering  how gray her coat was.


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"Screw you!" yelled Ballpoint to Iron as she walked out.


She wasn't going back to her room yet. It was karaoke hour after all. Ballpoint stumbled over and picked a song, then went up to the mic as the music began to play.


"AAAAAANNND IIIIIII-IIIIII WIIILLL ALLWAAAYYS LOVE YOOOO-OOU," she sang, loudly and horrifically off-key.


Ballpoint's terrible singing rang out across the casino, and could likely be heard in some of the rooms as well.

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Iron strolled through the bright streets. The late hour seemed to only brighten the sparkling city. To tell the truth, it made her eyes hurt. Night was supposed to be  time for dark and quiet, but she supposed  the city never slept. If only it did, she thought. At least on the outside. The secret nightlife here was no secret; Gamblers and drunks continued far into the night. Iron wasn't looking for drink, though.


In fact, the building she entered looked like it wasn't Las Pegasus at all. The lights of the nearby buildings hid it, to a certain extent, but the only light came from its windows, the warm orange of firelight. It was just one story, small and dark and wooden, with a sign on the front that said The Shattered Talon in Gryphon. It was the tiny-yet-still-there pocket of the city for griffons.


Mercury strolled inside as if she owned the place.


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@@Dapper Charmer,

Sparkle awoke with a gift of puke for Mist and a quiet. "sorry..." as it landed on him the floor and her bed sheets making them a sickly yellowy orange combination which smelt of beer and vodka which the smell and sight of made her puke again this time only on the floor 

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@@The Pixelated Pony


Mist gave a slight smile as puke dropped off him, "scratch that one off the bucket list," he said with a chuckle. He got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom, "you clean this up while I have a shower," he said to Sparkle, "then you can make it up to mean by coming with me to the exotic dancing club I looked up."

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@@The Pixelated Pony


Mist gave a slight smile as puke dropped off him, "scratch that one off the bucket list," he said with a chuckle. He got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom, "you clean this up while I have a shower," he said to Sparkle, "then you can make it up to mean by coming with me to the exotic dancing club I looked up."

Sparkle felt terrible she flopped off the bed like jelly and onto the ground "world's worst idea goes to Ballpoint for getting her friend drunk..." she attempted to get up but fell back down and onto the ground "Miiisssstttt.... I need some help..." she said removing her broken glasses

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@@The Pixelated Pony


"Don't worry i'm on it," said Mist as he headed to one of his bags. He rumedged through his bag looking for something to help. He knew Sparkle was probably not gonna be good with alcohol but he didn't think it be this bad. He found a small bottle and handed it to Sparkle, "here, drink this it should calm your stomache"

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@The Pixelated Pony


"Don't worry i'm on it," said Mist as he headed to one of his bags. He rumedged through his bag looking for something to help. He knew Sparkle was probably not gonna be good with alcohol but he didn't think it be this bad. He found a small bottle and handed it to Sparkle, "here, drink this it should calm your stomache"

Sparkle drank the liquid and then held her mouth. "that's disgusting..." she groaned feeling slightly sick again but managing to hold back the puke whilst she was on the ground with a high chance of puking on herself and she hadn't brought any coat dye with her

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Sparkle drank the liquid and then held her mouth. "that's disgusting..." she groaned feeling slightly sick again but managing to hold back the puke whilst she was on the ground with a high chance of puking on herself and she hadn't brought any coat dye with her

"Yeah it is pretty bad," Mist said with a chuckle, "just give it a minute and your stomache should start to feel better. Now if you'll excuse me I got some puke to wash off." Mist smiled at Sparkle before quickly hopping into the shower. He turned on the hot water and the bathroom filled with steam.

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