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open Lucky Fire's First Ever Trip Into Ponyville

Lucky Fire

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Lucky Fire looked at the newest pony to arrive. This one seemed extremely nice. Lucky smiled shyly and said, "My name's Lucky Fire. Everypony's calling me Lucky though. Hey, Pinkie, did ya say you was throwing a party for me?" Pinkie looked over and nodded enthusiastically and Lucky sighed. "Well, looks like we've got a lot of ponies here now."


Pinkie piped in with, "But my friends still have to come! Wait here and I'll tell them about it.", she said hopping off to tell her friends. Lucky sat down and tilted her head. If Pinkie's friends are anything like Pinkie herself, then this will be one rowdy party. Lucky looked at everypony else in the room. "Is Pinkie always like this?"

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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"Lucky fire huh? Cute name for such a cute Filly. i've never seen you around before. Where are you from?" Blossom trotted over to her, her head tilting slightly and she gave a small smile when she asked about Pinkie. "Yeah, she is. But she's a great pony to have as a friend. It wont be long before Rainbow Dash and the others come to say hello."

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Lucky smiled at Blossom. Then Lucky frowned when she asked where I was from. "Well..... I'm from Everfree Forest. But before then I lived with mama and papa in Fillydelphia. They wanted to move here to Ponyville, but when we were in Manehattan some sort of accident that nopony knew would happen happened. It was..... kinda bad and it happened kind of fast too, like I didn't know what was happening. Mama and papa didn't make it, just like a couple other ponies. Sad really. But I cried and then the next day I went back to what we were doing before the accident.


"I would never talk to anypony again for a long time. It went to where I was scared of other ponies, and scared of coming to Ponyville. So I stayed in Everfree Forest and that's where I've been staying and probably where I'll always stay. Well, until I get old enough for a job. Mama and papa told me about paying bills and working to pay them because one day I asked why they worked a lot and they told me.", Lucky said. Lucky laid down, wondering when Pinkie would get back with her friends. Then she just realized what Blossom said.


"Rainbow Dash?! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! I've heard about Rainbow from Divon, and from what I heard she sounds like a real cool pony. I wanted to meet her since I heard about her. Now my wish is going to come true!" Lucky hops to her hooves and bounces around in circles. She's starting to open up and be her normal self again, before the accident. When the door opens, Lucky doesn't notice in all her excitement at meeting Rainbow Dash.


Pinkie comes in with a yellow pony with a pink mane, a pure white pony with a curled purple mane and a orange pony with a yellow mane and a cowboy hat on. "Now, is this the little filly you were talking about Pinkie?", the orange pony asked. "Yessiree bob! But she's not shy like she was when she first came here. What's got her all bouncy?", Pinkie asked, kind of bouncing herself now that she's seen Lucky bouncing in circles.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Blossom frowned for a moment and walked over to the young filly, placing a hoof on her head comfortingly before pulling away when she started to bounce, giving a small laugh. "Yes, you'll get to meet Rainbow Dash. " She gave a small smile and after a moment, a voice called out to them.


"Somepony said my name?" Called Rainbow, an eyebrow arching as she trotted into Sugarcube Corner, her head tilted slightly. Her eyes fixed on Lucky for a moment and she gave a confident grin. "Well, you must be the new kid in town. Hi, My names Rainbow Dash."

Edited by Dashing Blossom
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When Lucky heard Rainbow talking, she stopped bouncing and grinned widely, yet at the same time shyly. The other new ponies tilted their heads confusedly. After Rainbow came in another pony colored light purple with a purple mane with a magenta streak and a baby dragon on her back came in. She looked Lucky's way. She tilted her head as well and said, "This the new filly? Shy as Pinkie said. Though she seems to have a fascination with Rainbow." The orange pony chuckled.


"Looks like ya got a new fan Rainbow." The other ponies giggled. Lucky blushed and walked backwards a bit, even more shy now that Rainbow's here. "I-I'm L-Lucky Fire. I'm f-from Ever-Ever Free Forest." The new ponies looked at me like, 'what the hay you living there for'. Lucky knows what they want to ask. She explains the same way she explained to Blossom. After she finished they all looked sympathetic and sad for her. Then they noticed that Lucky's an alicorn. "Well I'll be. That there filly's an alicorn. I'd say the best of both worlds if ya ask me. She can fly and use magic. Hey there Lucky, I'm Applejack.", the orange pony said.


"You already know Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash now, so I'm Twilight Sparkle. The baby dragon's name is Spike.", the light pruple pony said. The white pony spoke up next, "I'm Rarity." Then last but not least, the yellow pony. She said quietly, but not as quiet as she ususally was, "I'm Fluttershy. It looks like you and me both are shy fillies. Nice to meet you Lucky." Lucky nodded and her shy grin turned into a less shy smile. "Nice to meet everypony."

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Flow had heard something going on at the Sugarcube Corner, so she went to check it out, and upon arriving, she saw that there's a party going on, "Hey Pinkie, there's another party for somepony? Who's it?" then Pinkie stepped aside, revealing a blue filly, "Eh? An alicorn? Well this one should deserve a great one," she approached her and introduced herself "Hey there little one, my name is Flow, and I'm a teacher for pegasai learning to fly," She winked at her and continued "I'd be honored to be your instructor for flying, judging by the fact that your an alicorn, call me if you need lessons," Then she saw Rainbow Dash, "Oh my gosh, i-it's Rainbow Dash! Oh wow, I envy your flying skills and your style, please, shake my hoof! Shake my hoof!"

Edited by Narutardedscum


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Rainbow gave a slight grin towards Lucky, her wings unfurling proudly for a moment and she paused, looking over at Flow. "Another fan huh? Awesome! I'll be joining the Wonderbolts in no time at this rate!" She grinned proudly and raised a hoof, shaking Flows as Blossom gave a chuckle. "Didn't you want to talk to Rainbow? I heard you asking Divon questions." She placed a hoof onto Luckys backside, lightly pushing her towards Rainbow Dash.

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Discord smiled at all the commotion " hmm, what could i do here?" He thought. He took advantage of the commotion to sneak into the storage room of the store. Discord smiled as he chaned every thing sweet into bitter and gross backed bads. He giggled at his work. He did the same to the foods on the counter aswell.

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Lucky blinked, boy these ponies in Ponyville are really nice, she smiled. Maybe she could get used to living in Ponyville someday. The newest pony to come in introduced herself, now Lucky doesn't feel as shy as she was. "I'm Lucky Fire. Nice to meet you. Oh, Divon was gonna teach me to fly. He's going to teach me the basics. Then I wanted to take flying lessons from Rainbow Dash. I love speed and heard she was all about speed. My papa used to call me a speed demon because I loved going fast." Then she blushed as she was pushed towards Rainbow. "Uh.... um. Hi?", was all she could say.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Rainbow gave a small, warm laugh as the young filly said hello once again. "Hey there Kiddo. What do you wanna know?" She grinned again, walking so that she was closer to the young filly, pausing only to blow some air up to her mane to fix it in place.

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"Ah okay, that's good that you have a teacher already, I have a lot of students by the way, so yeah it wouldn't put more pressure on me," replied Flow


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Lucky stammered before saying, "I think my answers have been questioned.", then she looked confused, that didn't sound right. She shook her head. "I mean...", she started before blushing a dark red, "I think my questions have been answered. Though I do wonder, I've heard about the Sonic Rainboom from other pegasuses, they say it's a mare's tale, but I think it's true. Is it really true, or is it as the others said, just a mare's tale?" Then she looked to Flow, "Yeah, I'd love to have you as my teacher, if I didn't have one already. I'm sorry. I hate saying no, but I do if I have a good reason."

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Rainbow Dash almost immediately beamed with pride, her wings fluttering for a moment. "Are you kidding me? Of course the Sonic Rainboom is real! I was able to perform it at the Best Young Flyers competition!"

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Lucky smiled, a true smile this time. "Here we go, Rainbow's ego flaring up.", Applejack said. Twilight stepped forward and said, "She also did the Rainboom when she was younger. Don't forget Rainbow, your Rainboom led us to get our cutie marks, even yours." Lucky looked at Rainbow with admiration. "Wow, really? Hey, maybe you can help me with mine when I get older. I'm only 5 so it won't appear yet. Maybe when I'm 7 or 8." Rarity and Applejack looked at Lucky. Rarity said, "My little sister, Sweetie Belle, is 7. So isn't Applejack's little sister, Applebloom."


"Two little fillies close to my age. They're in school right? I have papers to give the teacher at the school here. Miss Cheerilee is the teacher, right?" Applejack nodded. "If you go to their school, you'll be able to meet. They have a friend called Scootaloo. She's a pegasus. Maybe you four can become friends." Lucky nodded, "Maybe. Oh Rainbow, can you teach me to fly fast? After Divon teaches me the basics of flying of course."

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Blossom couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head as she went to go get a cupcake, sitting down and taking a bite out of it, not noticing how awful it is at first before she gags and quickly darts to a trashcan to spit it out. "Pinkie! What is in these cupcakes?! They're horrible!" She called over to Pinkie Pie.


Rainbow reached up with a hoof to rub the back of her head, giving a small smile. "Ah, right, I forgot about that one." She paused when the young filly had asked if she could teach her. "Hn...take a filly under my wing?" She arches an eyebrow thoughtfully for a moment. "Sure! I don't see why not!"

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Pinkie looked at Blossom, "Sugar, flour, vanilla.... um, whatever else goes in cupcakes.", she walked, actually walked instead of her usual bounce, over to her and looked at the cupcakes, then looked at all the other sweets. "They weren't bad before the party. Someone, or something evil is happening. Oooooh, it's a mystery!" Then she pulled on her detective hat which seemed to come from nowhere and her bubble pipe. "I, Pinkius Piecus, will figure out the mystery behind the awful confectionary!"


Pinkie then went on with her mystery deducting. Lucky rolled her eyes at Pinkie, everypony else shook their heads. When Rainbow said she'd help Lucky, Lucky squealed with delight. "Yay! Thank you Rainbow Dash!" Then she nuzzled her. "You're awesome!" Twilight went to help Pinkie. Rarity helped Fluttershy and Applejack dispose of the bad treats. Lucky looked at the treats being thrown away. "Too bad, they looked yummy when they were good."

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Rainbow smiled and nuzzled back, giving a small chuckle, unfurling a strong wing to put it around her slightly. "Hey kid! Wanna see a Sonic Rainboom in person?" She smirked and Applejack face-hoofed, shaking her head. "I knew this was a bad idea.." She muttered and continued to help Fluttershy dispose of the bad treats.

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Lucky gasped. "Would I ever! That would be awesome!" Lucky looked over at Pinkie Pie. She's sitting down, tapping her hoof to her chin in thought. She must have found some clue that she's thinking through. Twilight is sitting next to her, chin in hoof, also looking thoughtful. Lucky looked back at Rainbow with the biggest smile on her face. "Um, is the boom a huge one? If it is, maybe we should go to somewhere where Ponyville won't be hurt."

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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"Have y'all figured it out yet?" AJ called out to Pinkie and Twilight, not really expecting an answer just yet. Rainbow beamed once more before turning to lead Lucky outside. "Psh, relax. Ponyville wont be hurt. Just a few strong winds here and there!"

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midnight smirked, "rainbow dash could do a sonic rainboom in her sleep, and i think she has at one point, right?" he looked over at the mare with a teasing grin.

"in any case, what she says is true,just a few strongs wings here or there, nothing too much to worry about."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Lucky nodded, and followed Rainbow to where she wanted to do the Rainboom. "How many times did you do the Rainboom before?"

Edited by Lucky Fire

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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"Very funny midnight!" Rainbow called back to him, giving a grin before looking at Lucky once more. "I actually have to focus when I'm doing this, or else I wont be able to break the sound barrier. And I've only done it a few times, but that's enough for me!" She smirked triumphantly before unfurling her wings, flapping them before speeding off into the sky, going as high as she possibly can before turning midflight and starting to head back down, her eyes narrowing in concentration, her wings folded at her sides to make for better speed.

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midnight smiled, "we still have that race rainbow, dont tire yourself out like last time." he grinned and followed the filly and the mare outside, deciding to watch them, having never witnessed a rainboom before physically, but usually saw the edge of one, and of course rainbow dashes Rainnuke, when she destroyed one of AJ's old barns.

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Lucky started chanting Rainbow's name, she's so happy, she'll actually be able to see a Rainboom, whcih everypony she knew said was a mare's tale. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!", she chanted, jumping up and down.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Before long, a funnel started to appear around her, the edge becoming more pointed and rainbow tucked her wings in more before suddenly; BAM! a rainbow shot out at all sides around Rainbow dash, going as far as the eye can see. She quickly pulls herself up, doing a loop in the air before forcing herself to slow down, flying back down to them and skidding to a stop, putting one front hoof infront of the other, giving a triumphant smirk. "How was that for a Sonic Rainboom?"

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