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private blood imperfect rp


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As the teeth sank in cresent let out a gasp the feeling felt fresh, new, powerful, and rather fierce, he focused himself working on his memory and trying to block out the pain. The memory's emerald saw were what happened in the fractured world.


She saw everything through cresents eyes from his arrival to the world, the other emerald. From the kids, to fighting mall the first time to seeing the reports of his attack on twilights ship and the alicorns. then came how he got back to this world.  


After the other emerald called mall out on the child the blood rage called an attack, cresent called out "lets end this me and you none of the others!" The blood rage held up a wing smiled. "so you finally found them, well then lets have at it cresy boy!"


The blood rage spred his wings and charged Cresent, who readied himself for the charge the mirror glowed cresent backed into it grabbing the blood rage during its charge into the batpony. As the what looked like a thunderstorm of rainbows followed by splits of blood. 


Cresent's vision went blurry seeing the outline of the blood rage laughing "pathetic...well ill let this one not count as you...well putting you out of your misery would be sooo anti climatic. think ill take a stroll in the world....maybe see twilight...or maybe emerald....by the good look explaining this all too her oh wait...."


The blood rage delivered a hard kick to the neck the sand around them whipping around like a sandstorm...."you'll be buried haaave fun"


The memory ended for emerald and she felt a hoof on her neck followed by crescents weak voice "em....that's...that's enough....love"    

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She pulled away in a snap. "Your really sweet like this... so yo..." She stopped for a moment. "Hey! You slept with other me! Oh and you liked it! I'd slap you if you weren't like this. So he sent you back here? And he's still there? That's not good."


She offered her wrist to him. "I assume that your normal canines can actually bit me? We need to do something, but what?"

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"look I...thought she...was you...honest" cresent said trying to defend himself. He had a felling this would become a recurring argument.


Seeing her wrist in front of him he shrugged, "I haven't...tried it...yet actually....the teeth...I mean.." he was tired from the blood memory feeding and while he still had a small craving for blood it wasn't as intense as his usual blood hunger more like a curious need for it. He tried to bite into her wrist with his canine's, sharp they were but not like his vamps and emerald could tell as it took him more effort to pierce the fur she had.


Their was a small silence as cresent did his best to recover but he didn't feel the effects feeding would usually have. He looked rather embarrassed with emeralds blood on his muzzle. His ears went down annoyed "not like...the usual...damn him...." he said then looked at emerld.


"your boss...that will be....his first...target...we stop...him their....we could...end what he....plans"


Her biting him took something out of him it was noticeable, but would he admit that?      

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"Why do you keep saying boss, geeze Crescent you know Twi. Are you even talking about ours? If your talking about theirs how the heck do we even get back there? I mean how the buck is Mall so strong he's just a fragment of you? How the heck did the mirror split you from your demon? Almost none of this makes sense! If I hadn't seen your memories I wouldn't of belived any of this!"

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"Damint emerald I am talking about our twilight and I wish I knew how he got out of me but I still don't!" he said slaming his hoof on the bed he was on getting himself making him wince.


It made him pause looking at his hoof took a breath soon exhaling "the only reason he would be as strong as I tink he is, is because he took all of my pure vamp powers with him. How he escaped I whish I knew but I don't, the mirrors are the biggest question mark but you know what I mean. If he turns twilight over what's to stop him turning celestia and night mother the more we talk the stronger he gets. And ill be damned if he makes the same moves he did in that world" the batpony finished



Cresent began to move out of the bed he stumbled a bit "now we got to see twilight do you know where she is?" he said. Tears showed in his eyes but they were not of sorrow emerald could tell, he was scared and angry not a good combo for him.

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"Don't get angry at me Crescent. I don't know where she is precisely I've been looking for you for the last three months. I'd assume she'd be in Ponyville doing friendship things with the other Elements. I've not spoken to my sister either so I honestly don't know I've been here in Manity, when I asked Twi for time off to search for you she gave me all the time I needed which has been all the time searching for you."


She moved to his side to allow him to use her to lean on. "Look why is it a big deal if he does somehow? I mean I'm not loyal to Fluttershy, nor you to your night parent. Anyway he's got to get through me! I'm the best me in the universe."

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Leaning on her he sighed "sorry for yelling at you, he's wanted to always turn alicorns. And weather your their or not" he paused realizing how he was about to sound and clarified


"he turns the alicorns he can easily control the world through them, remember once you turn a pony you have complete control over them. summer and me turning her now imagine what mall would do with the power of the alicorns at his disposal he wants the world I don't doubt the power of night mother and celstia its the elements im more worried about" he said trying to walk.....  


Somewhere in ponyville it was late for the ponys at sugercube corner the music blaring through the building as a hooded batpony trotted up. Seeing the pink pony known everywhere was helping some of the gusted out


"best party ever!" the rather drunk pony called out


"woohoo now watch your step hun" the pink pony said, the clocked pony helped stable the drunk pony to the cab. Once inside the cab the batpony sighed


"well thanks mr got some party left in you?" pinki pie asked  


the clocked pony smiled "I do need to unwind may I come in?"


"of course everypony is welcome to pinkis party's come on!" the earth pony bounced pulling the batpony into the building....malls smile was of more then joy......

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"The best we can do is get back to the capital and warn my sister, then they'll be on guard at least. Otherwise we'll have to rely on Sapphire and the Elements to be alert I mean they've handled worse than Mall for Luna's sake. I mean for Luna at that come on she was more powerful than Mall will ever be."


She helped him from the tent. "We have to go now if you believe it's that important."

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Cresent nodded as she helped him out of the tent soon seeing coolwhip and their guide in the cloak. Coolwhip smiled "Cresent! now is mall out or not?"


Cresent blinked at the earth pony "how....never mind how fast can we get to ponyville....specifically twilghts castle"


The giant batpony turned his attention "ah forsaken one your awake!" it said


Cresents eyes got wide more in surprise "um...yes?"


"ive been told you have the stain in your past, do not go back to it" the giant pony said


"this stain....is more then you know" cresent said tiredly


"if you seek the outcome you desire...don't ever come back" the giant pony said


Cresent blinked and simple nodded done arguing for the day, he looked at coolwhip "right then, twilghts castle how fast can we get their" 


It was at that moment the hooded pony finally spoke

"well dear if you need to see twilight at least we got to do is make you more presentable"


In a flash cresent and emerald found themselves inside what looked like a well known boutique the batpony only herd off.   


"oh how I some days wish to talk to their seamstress still cant get the scarf fashion like still"

the seamstress complained looking at the scarf

Edited by cwhip9
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"Rarity?! How the heck did I not recognise you?... Wait why, how..." Emerald was honestly a little suprised. "Why were you in Manity? Why didn't you reveal yourself, how the heck did you manage to teleport us so far? You don't have magic like that..." She was trying to process what just happened.

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"your not the only pony who runs missions for my friend, she told us, me and the girls I mean me flutter and the rest of the elements about cresnt. a guard dating a vampony in ponyville how else do you think your still in the guard? no hun once he disapered your boss wanted one of us nearby when you found him. Also iv been needing to try to get  a taste of batpony fashion now I have so many scarf ideas!"


The mare had a giddy face then shook her head getting out of her seem stress mode back to how emerald was use to seeing the white unicorn. Cresent how ever had his face matching emeralds confused one then turning toward emerald then back at rarity


"now hold on just a second you mean to tell me all this time ive been with em"


The mare held up a hoof hushing the batpony "darling relax, remember who your talking to everypony bows before us elements as much as even dashy dosent want to admit it ill let the others know in the mean time you darling need to have some real tea" 


The unicorn went over to a table with mutipule letters strewn about it was clear the store had been closed for a bit she mumbled something about the lack of sweeti bell. She wrote something down then levitated the parchment up putting a roll and stringing it up it then, the paper dissapered.  


"now then about this mall what do we need to know, twi only told us brifley about these nasty blood rages vamps have"


The mare asked levitating a tea kettle and some cups for them to have


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"Well I suppose it's like a deep hunger in the back of your mind, when we feed you quell it a little but not completely so it builds and builds. Eventually you snap and go kinda nuts and sink your fangs into the first thing you can find. Thankfully that's usually Crescent, though Sapphire kinda bore the brunt once, when we get blood made we drink so much we can actually kill it's worrisome at times." 


She looked at the pair for a moment. "But should we not be warning my sister and Twilight about Mall?" 

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"Twilght should have recived the letter I just sent her any moment now its nice what you could learn talking with royalty and all" Rairty said giving the mare a playful wink.


She then looked at cresent "so this mall is that then, an beastly hungry version of yourself?"


"in a way yes. When I got sucked into that other dimension he escaped did a number of damage on that world even bitting that worlds twilight and..." he paused pawing at the floor looking at it. Then he looked at the seemstress still serious looking.   


"He just about turned twilight, and if a vamp turns another pony they could control that turned pony to their will. now imagine that happening by a sychopath that's why we need to see twilight as soon as possible" he said


Raritys face wen from confusuion to down right horror to hearing this, thinking her friend being controlled by such seemed frightening to her. "well then sense you put it like that drink up it will get your strength back dear"


Meanwhile in suger cube corner.......

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"Yeah we honestly can talk about vampires and what we can discuss what they can do till we're blue in the face but we have to find and kill Mall ASAP he's a threat to everyone in this world." She got up and headed for the door. "I'm gonna get my gear and find my sister and Twilight and stay with them till we get him I have no time to talk." With that she departed to her house to get her equipment. 



Sapphire not aware of anything that had occured had finished her shift and was going to Suger Cude to get some baking supplies of the cakes and knocked on the front door. 


Knock, Knock.

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The knock made by the door opening afterwords not by anypony but by saphires own hoofs, the blaring music was still playing but in a completely different sound almost like an opra was going on. 


As the door creeked open sapphire would see nopony inside working the counter or the like but the door leading to where the party room was still open, and one thing that was off more was the lack of any light in the shope at all.

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"Odd...?" She walked into the dark room and the booming music was almost deafening, but it was opera? She was throughly confused she wasn't aware of anyone here liking opera, there were are few in town who actually did at all.


She illuminated the room with her horn and headed down the hallway to the back room looking for Pinkie or one of the Cakes. "Hello? I'm here for my flour..." 

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As she lit the room up the place seemed to look like a tornado of sorts ripped through it with a very odd stench of blood in the air haning about. No bodys were found but the place showed a struggle of sorts with up ended tables, chairs broken to pices and even food sprayed across the walls.


 A loud a ear splitting scream came from the party room that was herd over the opra music, a pink blure shot out knocking into sapphire knocking the wind out of her. What she would see would be a frighted looking pink mare "Saphire oh luna im so glad to see you todays not the best day for a flour run if you get my drift"


Pinkie pie was coverd in flour and what looked like dried blood and her face was for once not of the happy bounce mare but more of the serious look rarely seen on the earth ponys face.

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"What the buck Pinkie!?" She picked herself up, her training had kicked in her head had lowered aiming down the hallway a second spell already to be shot. In this case it was a stun spell anything hit by it, well anypony normally would be knocked off their hooves or knocked unconscious if hit by one of these shots.


"Who is down there?!" Her voice was firm and direct she needed to know who was here so she could watch her fire. 

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Her answer came from two screeching ponys with familer wings and fangs flying towards the two mares. The ponys also had a unfamiler mask covering thiere eyes pinki kicked a door open and with her tail threw what looked like spice bottels onto the vamponys. The screamed louder at the hit trying to get the spice off. Soon out of what ever spell pinki had up her sleeve the party cannon was pulled from her tail and shot out at the vamponys knocking them back. The door slamed shut behind the two mares and a booming voice was herd shaking the room itself.




Pinkie loaded the cannon aiming for the door

"vamponys saph lots of them we cant let them leave this house!"she pulled the string fireing another blast onto the recovering vamponys flattening them.

Edited by cwhip9
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"This is not a defend-able position We can't hold them here, go find others and bring them here." With that she moved down the corridor and hit the ceiling with a charge which forced rubble from the upper floor down into the corridor sealing it. With that she backed up and waited, anything she'd learnt from here sister is that would only buy time. 

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"and leave my favorit customer?! no this is my home as much as it is the cakes I cant afford that lux"

Pinkie was interrupted by a loud WHAM macking the bearier crack from the other side......


On the other side of the barrer Mall had to admit this was being srcrewd up more then he thought, after trying turn the pink mare but failing that he decided to go for the next pony he found. It was like a domino effect the way the other ponys were turned after that and was surprised to see a rather muscular pony turned as well. Seeing the rather silly looking but now terrifying looking pony bend to his will made the blood rage smile.


"good my children now, then spred the gift iv given you to the town my children and the world will be ours!" a cheer ran through his now turned vamponys as they exited the party room stoping at the barricade hastly made.


looking to the muscular pony the blood rage said "don't stand their like a fool break it down now!"


"ooooohhhh" the pink pony looked around then aimed her cannon at the breaking wall


"no! you go warn the others ill hold them off here. if they leave this place ponyville will fall"

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"But Pinkie this is my job..." But she had a cannon and had seen more than she had so she nodded and ran out the shop to the castle to get Twlilght and go from there hopefully in time to save Pinkie and stop what ever the heck had happened inside Suger Cube Conner. 

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Appel jack was running a few erends one of them was to pick of flour as well seeing sapphire running did give her a raised eyebrow. She only saw the pony hear and their as a guard of twilghts but when ever a royal guard of anything was running the mare had a hunch something wasn't right.  


"whoa now saph isn't it your day of whats up?" the earth mare asked

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"A-AJ... we, hurry vampires!" She was in a hurry. "We have to get the others and stop them Pinkie is holding them at Suger Cube, but times are passing." She gestured for Applejack to follow her as she started to run back to the castle as before, get to Twilight have her send word to Canterlot and go from there.

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"wait vampires? saph you cant be serious we havtn had vamps round here sense the flutter incident" Appeljack started running with sapphire. As she looked over the mare a thought occurred to her


"why would  vampony show up here of all places? its too small and easy to pin point who is what wait" She looked from where sapphire was galloping from.


meanwhile at the castle the two were going towards  a rather annoyed looking coolwhip was arguing with of all things a guard. "look I know what time it is but twilight needs to see me its about the guard itself"


The guard who just stated his shift didn't look too impressed "another complaint can be filed at the office"


"when did you guys get an office, look that doesn't matter"


"and why should it matter if you enter?" the guard said still looking less impressed.     


"because you armor needs polishing, your captain is getting her gear now to fight vamponys not her colt friend and will be looking at you to back her up. now do you want to her to see you in a ragged armor  or in badass shiny armor now I remember her temper is worse then twilights having a lance thrown at you. now stand aside and let me in!"


The guards eyes glazed over, he was use to getting lip from just about anypony in and out of uniform not much would say him so he just sighed. "right and next you'll be telling me next nightmother gave us the day off" 


"no but as broke as you are about to be in about 5 or so id think of a good excuse" coolwhip said smiling

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