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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty

Illiad Easle

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OOC thread: https://mlpforums.co...tural-exchange/



It was a relatively calm night,


Equestria was having its trouble, as always, this time they were being dominated by plants.


Midnight Star sat in the looking tower, watching the events unfold through the enchanted glass and mirrors. He smiled as six ponies figured out how to restore the tree of harmony (In my AU they keep the elements instead of leaving them in the tree). The wave went out, once again saving the day in a wave of magic, though this time there was a new surprise.


From the corner of his view he realized something he had previously overlooked every time he watched the Everfree forest...


There was an entire little kingdom there.


He turned and refocused the windows to get a better view of it, wondering how he had never thought about it before, but the more he thought the more he remembered having noticed it, but just passed it by as if it were nothing of importance. Well, that would have to end today.


In a flurry of activity he left the tower, gathered a small supply of travelling items, as well as his nearly hoof length cover and helmet, and set out in the direction of the newly discovered kingdom.


A thestral flew out from the castle's mountain bearing a letter for the new kingdom to arrive before Midnight would. It reads as follows:


Attn: Head of governing body.


Your kingdom/nation/province has been recently discovered by the Equis Global Council (EGC) and a representative has been dispatched to, if you agree, experience and evaluate your culture and extend an offer, if they deem you worthy, to become part of the EGC and thus be invited to come to our headquarters at Archback Mountain to become acquainted with the other participating nations of the world.


If you refuse there will be no penalty, and your nation will be free to join the EGC at any point after the evaluation period has been complete.


By our count, our representative will arrive one day after you receive this notice. A description of him is as follows:


Name: Midnight Star, an earth pony with alicorn proportions and a lifespan to match, currently 1017 years old. A coat as black as his name with a white mane/tail as well as white tufts on the back of his fetlocks. His mark is a large eight pointed white star similar to the four pointed star on his forehead.

He will be wearing a red cloak when he arrives.

Midnight is the Co-Chair and founder of the EGC.


(This is a bit different from the others to be sure, but I think the premise makes for a cooler story. Let me know if you don't like the opening and I'll change it up a bit.)

(The thestral arrives at your land only a few hours after the spell was broken, he has a dark purplish-grey coat and leathery wings as well as a black mane and tail. When he arrives he will do everything he can to seek out the ruler of the land to deliver the letter before flying away.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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There was panic as the spell was shattered, no one knew what was going on, certainly not the Princess Argante. She looked around and ran towards the part of the barrier that was closest to going to the Tree of Harmony. She was met by the council members who looked at her.


"Princess, did you do this? Did you figure it out!?" A small unicorn mare quizzed her. She wanted answers and quickly. As did Argante.


"No I did not, I suspect the new owners of the Elements did this, they found the tree, and in good time I might add, those plants were covering the dome of magic pretty bad we would have lost what little sunlight we got. Come on we need to start prepping to visit the new Equestria." she turned her body quickly and ran back to the small castle with her council in tow.


Ponies were already being gathered in the center courtyard, no pony ever thought that they would be able to be free from their prison home. Argante stepped up on a small stage and a hush fell over the crowd, she looked up to the canopy of trees and started to cast her magic. Her mane and tail started to glow first, a lovely green that matched the forest, her crystal cutie mark was next. The familiar tingling of magic coursed through her as she pushed and pulled at the trees, opening them up so that her, and her ponies could see the sky for the first time, in a long time. As it opened, ponies gasped, and cried, and some collapsed with joy.


As she finished her job she looked back to the crowd, her normal colors returning. "Everypony!! We have been freed from Solano's curse!!!" she yelled and was met with loud cheers and stomps of joy. She smiled at their excitement but raised a hoof to quiet the crowd. "I know you are excited. I am too. However we must be prepared. This Equestria we know is now different. We were not a part of its history and were most likely forgotten. So for now we must stay here for a little while longer, we need to do some work before we can fully leave." she paced along the stage as she spoke, ponies nodding or looking down as she spoke.


"Well spoken princess. Everypony! For now, we need every able bodied unicorn. Meet us in the circle room!!" A old stallion had stepped up and looked across the crowd with a stern look. Several unicorns filed out of the crowd and headed to the castle. The council members followed suit, leaving Argante to continue her address.


"Everypony should go to their usual duties till we figure things out." She finished and turned. As confident as she was, she wasn't sure of the new worries that will be piled on now that this has happened. She looked to the ground her thoughts everywhere and yet nowhere. 


She walked through the old castle wandering around till she came to the circle room. Everyone was already speaking animatedly, voicing concerns, fears, hopes, dreams. Argante rubbed one of her bracelets and steeled herself. Everyone went still as she entered, watching her as she moved her way to the head chair. She sat down and looked to everyone and nodded for them to continue the debate. Remaining quiet as they spoke.


"We have to make a new barrier!!"


"And trap ourselves again!?"


"We need the protection!!"


"We NEED to recruit new guards, the ones we have are too few in number!"


"And what of the timber wolves? Do you expect our princess to be on constant watch?! We need a barrier."


"If we do that we can't leave, its like making a new prison!!"


"ENOUGH!!!" Argante shouted and every pony flinched at the harsh tone of the alicorn. She sighed and thought for a moment. Yes a barrier was needed, they had been under protection for too long. The wolves will know they can come through this area soon. Then it came to her.


"For now we will make a barrier, however a part of it will remain open, and guarded, from there we will make a path out of this forest." She stood up and looked at the council and other unicorns. "Will this be a sufficient compromise?" 


Before anyone could answer a guard rushed in. Argante rushed to him wondering what could cause such a panic.


"T-there is a unknown pony...c-creature....we don't know. T-they wish, to see you, princess." he looked at his princess with worry. 


She stood tall and went out to see what was going on. When she stepped outside and saw this pony creature she was filled to the brim with curiosity. 


"Hello and welcome, I am Argante, can I help you?" her wings fluttered in anticipation. The creature in question looked at her handed the letter to her, bowed and left without a word. Flying away through the new hole in the canopy. She stared dumb founded and opened the letter reading its contents quickly. Her eyes went wide and she turned to the guard accompanying her. "Quickly prep a room and tell the council we will be receiving a guest in one day! BE QUICK ABOUT IT!" 


The guard faltered over his feet and tripped running to go tell the appropriate ponies. Argante bit her lower lip and started to pace, causing others to stare. This was going to be a long week, she felt it.


(sorry if this is too long @~@)

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(Too long? I'm impressed at how well written this is. A very good setup for what I had imagined.)


It had been too long since Midnight was last in Equestria, but he still knew his way around the roads as he continued his approach to the Everfree forest. It had greatly expanded since he had last fought his way through its darkness, it having overtaken the old castle where Sir had, until recently, been imprisoned in stone.


Nonetheless, he made his way easily through the forest, the enchantment on his helmet glowing red at the eyes so he could see the active lifeforce of any creatures around him, making it easy to avoid, and when impossible sneak attack, those creatures in his way. His cloak kept him from getting overheated through its own enchantment.


just under a day from having left Archback Mountain, he was getting close to where he had seen the evidence of the small kingdom appear. He slowed his pace, looking closely with the enchantment to try and see any sign of life that would indicate the presence of a community. He also retrieved his map from his pack in preperation to mark out the spot once he had found it.


It wasn't long before he found the edge of a clearing, a sharp edge at that which seemed unnatural, clearly some barrier had preveiously been present, and had been there for some time to cause this degree of separation. Still, he had found what he was looking for, and marked it on the map before stowing it away.


He looked about the area to try and get a preconception of how different this culture might be from the rest of the world.

(I'll let you describe what he sees, he came in from the west. And now a better description of him)


If anyone saw Midnight they would first notice that he was quite tall, indeed he was just about, if not taller, as tall as Princess Luna, with a somewhat similar set of proportions, though much more masculine. His back and legs were covered from the base of his neck down to a hoof or two above the ground in a red sort of cloak with a black and gold triangled trim, though his long, well groomed, white tail was not covered and reached almost to the ground as well. His neck was uncovered, revealing his very dark coat as well as an innumerable amount of faint scars that seemed to stand out like grey hairs in the sea of black. His face was covered by a rather intimidating helmet with glowing red eyes which allowed his shorter white mane, which extended some distance down the back of his neck, to remain visible.


In all he was quite the imposing figure to have suddenly emerge from the forest.


(I thought it was a nice touch that they didn't know what a thestral (batpony) was. I'm excited to see where this goes.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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When Midnight walked into the clearing it was quite a bustling little town, the middle held a small circular stage and around it, was surrounded by small cart filled with fruit and veggies. There were small houses and large ones, a tavern that had some tables outside. The houses were made from old stone and thatch, much like that of the olden days. It was like stepping into the past so to speak. Ponies were gathered around doing their tasks of the day and most if not all were very dark ponies, from dark yellows to dark grays. Some would glance his way and then move along quickly, doing whatever it was they were doing and keeping to themselves.


A guard saw the newcomer and went to him quickly. "I suppose you are the emissary? Follow me." his tone was gruff, his dull blue eyes bore into the stranger, but he turned on his heel and walked to the back side of the clearing. An obvious and somewhat curt sign to follow him. What stood at the back was a moderate sized keep. The stone walls on the outside were covered in ivy, the gates were very large and imposing wooden doors, on its inside was another small courtyard with a small fountain that had stopped running a very long time ago. The two guards at the main door bowed to the head guard and opened the doors, leading the two inside. 


"Please wait here for the princess she will be here shortly." the guard place his hoof upon his chest, bowed and then left. Leaving the stranger in the large main entrance. If he looked around the stone around him was polished and clean, very much unlike the outside, the carpets that made the pathways were slightly plush, and were the color of white with black trim. There were several tapestries hung about but one was much larger, and very unlike the others. 


It was a picture of the Tree of Harmony, all aglow as ponies danced around it with one pony holding a crystal. It looked like the pony was offering the Tree the crystal as the others danced and played. 


Further in the castle Argante was preparing for the emissary. Her nerves were shot as she was dressed by her hoof maidens. They brushed her coat, mane, and tail till they were pristine. Her long white tail was then adorned with several gems. Her white mane was next, placing each gem on strands of hair took time, and Argante was running thin on her patience. She was too nervous to be worrying about this. She didnt even want to put the gems on, but the council demanded they put their best hoof forward and it was tradition that any time royalty met with any pony outside the borders the gems would be placed. She looked into the polished glass and sighed, this wasn't really her. Not anymore at least, she thought to herself. A knocking at the door caused everyone to freeze in place, and an old unicorn came in. He looked like he could barely stand as he stood in the doorway, his knees wobbled shakily. 


"He is here...princess." he bowed to her as the last hoof maiden placed a light purple gossamer fabric upon Argante's flank. She tensed and wanted nothing more than to hide. She nodded and the moment she stepped through the door, a calm was upon her. She walked the familiar hallways all the way to the main entrance hall. Hoping that she could be like her mother before her and have all calm and grace, and her fathers courage and wisdom. She stood at the top of the stairs and looked to the stranger before descending. Her curiosity was now piqued as she looked at him. She descended the stairs and made her presence known.


"Welcome Midnight Star to our humble home, I am Princess Argante, the keeper of crystals," when she reached the last step and drew herself to full height she was just a bit shorter than him, honestly she was about the size of Princess Luna. The gems in her mane and tail caught what little light was coming through the windows and glistened along her body. She moved a hoof upon her chest and bowed to the stranger. When she sat up she continued to speak. "I hope your stay will be both knowledgeable and comfortable." she finished, a very charming smile on her face as her amethyst colored eyes danced with curiosity.   

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Midnight was quite impressed by the lay of the town, he had honestly half expected this to be simply another set of ruins especially since it had been encompassed by the Everfree forest. Still it was quite the pleasant surprise to see that not only was there still a civilization here, but it was still operating wonderfully. It seemed they would be able to fit into the world stage just fine.


Midnight bowed as the clear ruler of the land approached, quickly removing his helmet as he did so, allowing it to hang from his neck by a strap as he rose back up from the bow. Without the helmet his facial features were much easier to see. His eyes were a deep blue, quite the contrast from the red glow of the helmet, and true to the letter there was a four pointed star stretching from the bridge of his muzzle practically up to the start of his mane. He gave a charming smile, and though his body seemed that of someone in their prime his eyes told that he was quite a bit older than he appeared. He spoke with a refined accent despite his ever so slightly haggered appearance from the trip through the forest.


"Ah, it is not so often that I find more alicorns in my travels. Indeed I am Midnight Star, and thus I would assume my messenger did make it safely here. It is quite the pleasant surprise to happen upon such a refined and cultured land here in the middle of what would otherwise be quite the inhospitable of forests. I too hope to learn much of your citizens and culture and with your approval bring that knowledge to the light of the rest of the world."


Midnight was mostly surprised that the ruler here happened to be the same height as him, very few in the world actually managed to match him in that regard.


Argante, being a very talented mage, would be able to detect some illusion magics based on Midnight's hooves, or rather his shoes which, on closer inspection, didn't seem to be that typical of a style. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Argante nodded and smiled most, moving slightly pass him she motioned for him to follow her back outside. "Yes but we were very..uhm..shocked I guess would be the right word. We had never seen a pony like that before. I am happy to answer any question I can. Also you can leave your things there, a maid will pick it up and take it to your room, which I hope will be fine, and I have many questions for you as well." she walked down the steps to back outside and waited for him to join her.


When he did she walked out into the clearing, several ponies would stop and bow, she would nod to them in return heading for the small stage in the middle. "If you would join me atop the stage." she spoke softly as she walked up its steps, walking to the center of the stage, she closed her eyes and her magic swirled around her, looking like a purple mist is shot out and dissipated. Soon after ponies started to walk to the stage and gather round. 


She turned to her guest, and smiled motioning for him to stand beside her. If he did so or not was his choice but Argante went and started to address the ponies that surrounded the stage.


"Everyone! This is the emissary who is visiting us for awhile, his name is Midnight Star, please be hospitable, and answer questions he might have." she glanced around and noticed some were whispering to themselves. She frowned a bit. She could understand their unease. Being from the outside world has made everyone very wary. She glance to Midnight and smiled softly then went back to the address. "I would also like to announce that we would like any stallion or mare, if you wish, we will need new trainees for the guard, if you would like to join or help, go speak to Flame Lance."


A couple of ponies nodded and a few started to leave already, but a lot were curious about this stranger and stayed for a couple more moments before going of to their own tasks. Argante faced Midnight and tilted her head to the side. "Well is there anything you would like to speak about or do first?" 

Edited by LonnaKitty
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Midnight decided to keep his cloak on him, but was happy to leave his pack and helmet with the staff. He followed dutifully behind Argante as she led him to the stage and he listened to what she had to say. It seemed like the populous didn't have quite the faith in her that Princess Celestia's did, though perhaps that was an indicator of a more healthy dynamic between the ruler and the citizens.


He turned back towards Argante when she finished speaking, "I would prefer to talk with you first before we move into the more involved aspects of culture. Namely I'm interested in the history of this place, I'd think you would have a first hoof account after all, and even though I've been around for a thousand years myself I'd never noticed this place before now. I'm sure it has quite the story provided you're willing to share it. Afterwards I would like to see more of this area you have, its architecture, art, and music, as well as how your citizens interact with each other. I would guess given you've never seen a thestral before that your community isn't very diverse and I would even guess that it is solely the three main races and you correct? In the which case you'll be in for quite the racial shock..." He trailed off into muttering about the implications of a town so far removed from the rest of the world.


Quickly though he shook his head and turned his attention back to the ruler at hoof, "But that's an issue for another matter, I'd also lie to know more about yourself if you don't mind. There certainly aren't many alicorns or immortals in this world and I'd enjoy knowing what you mean by keeper of the crystals. In return I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have about the rest of the world or myself.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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She smiled, and though the smile was genuine it was full of sadness, "Yes I will happily answer, and a thousand years hm? Well then do I have a story for you, come, we will sit outside the tavern so you may eat if you like." her demenor that was once open now seemed to close in on itself. Her eyes became sad as she walked to the tavern that was a little bit away.


Argante remained quiet and tried to gather her thoughts, she hoped that her long story would not be very long. Then again she did not know how much she could say, but she would speak only truth. As they reached the old wooded building, she took a seat and motioned to the seat across from her. As they sat an older mare who was a dull orange and came out. "Princess, welcome back, the usual?" she asked.


"Yes Orange Blossom please." her voice sounded strained but she tried to cough it away as Orange Blossom shifted to look at Midnight Star.


"And what will ya have sir?" she asked, and once she got her answer she trotted off to get them their things.


"Well then how should I begin? I guess at a few years before the incident would be best." Argante shifted and took a deep and shaky breath.


"When I was a filly, my mother and father were the current Shards of Protection, the Shards would protect the Great Tree and provide it power once every few years. It was a grand festival with games, and food, and art. Ponies across the land would come to this festival. Well, that year me and my brother, were to participate in the ceremony. Solano was to be the new Shard, he had his mark and even gained the power of flight after beating the wolves. I was determined to follow in his footsteps, as long as I could prove that my magic was good enough..." she trailed and messed with the bracelet upon her forleg. "That year though two very important ponies came to see the ceremony, me and my brother were so nervous, the ceremony went off without a hitch, the crystal was so bright and wonderful after I poured my magic into it, my brother was to place the crystal onto the Tree to complete the ceremony. However...we were attacked by a large manticore. My brother rushed out to protect us and, being the young filly I was, followed him into danger." Argante tried very hard to keep her voice from cracking, the memories fresh even though it had been very long ago.


"He took a lot of damage and I was in such shock that something, I guess snapped would be a good phrase..." she looked up and took a small breath and then exhaled, the gems on her bracelets glowed for a moment and she returned to her story. "My magic was multiplied, our great mage thinks it was the Great Trees power, but even now we still don't know. When it happened though everything seemed to run in slow motion and I...I hurt that beast, his paw was...blasted off, and before I could even fix the damage I had brought, it had left." she looked away, she was obviously a pony who wished no harm upon anything. 


"When I brought my brother back everypony was stunned, my parents, my nanny, the guests of other lands, I took the crystal and completed the ceremony by placing the crystal upon the Great Tree. It had glowed as bright as the sun, when the light faded I had both my mark, in the shape of the very crystal I placed, and a pair of brand new wings." as she finished her first half of the story and let him take it in, Orange Blossom came back with the Princesses usual order of cider and Midnight's order as well.

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Midnight was, well surprised seemed a bit of an inadequate way to describe it. "Indeed? Well, it certainly beats my story of becoming immortal, I didn't even get wings or a horn, just accepted. Besides that, you certainly have much mercy on your soul, far more than I could honestly be said to possess. To heal an opponent while still in battle? The concept goes against what I would think of as common battle sense but I suppose it could have its merits."


He sampled a few of the natural forest berries he had requested and was delighted to find that they were far more enjoyable than the ones found in the rest of the Everfree forest, "These are certainly much better than any of the ones I was able to scavenge the last time I made my way through this forest oh I guess it has been a few centuries since then. They're not quite like the ones that the thestrals have been cultivating back in the Shimmerwood forest, but these do have they're own unique charm to them."


He gave a slight smile before returning his focus, "Anyway, it seems your family was rather important way back in the day, still important I would suppose since you seem to be the one in power here. Though it does beg the question of where they ended up." His expression shifted to one of concern, "You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to. I am after all almost a complete stranger to you. It does seem though that their apparent absence is tied to why your citizens haven't been part of the world for a while."


He looked around the tavern as he thought up a way to try and keep the subject positive, "​So the festival then, that's something you haven't been able to perform for some time, do you have plans to begin it again now that you can? How long has it been actually? Now that I think about it it must have been some time ago. Oh, and please don't be afraid to ask questions of your own. My job is to act as a bridge to bring you and your citizens into their first contact with the rest of the world. I guess this would be a sort of Cultural Exchange if you would." He seemed to mutter off again before once again returning his attention to Argante. "Sorry about that, it's not often I get to deal with something so exciting as this."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Well then how about we leave the second half of my story for another time then?" she smiled a little bit of the light coming back to her eyes. She took some bites of the fruit that she asked for and nodded to him saying how good it tasted. "Well lucky for us when the barrier was place that included some of the farms, we have been growing our food for a very long time, since we could not trade with others. though we had to improvise the sun with a sunlight spell when the forest grew around us. We managed though."


She listened to him talk curious about the outside world. She was brimming with questions, but she would pace herself. When he asked her about the festival she pondered for a moment. Her head tilted to one side and she closed her eyes to think about it. 


"As much as I would love to pick the festival back up again, the world has become very foreign to us. We have to be careful where we tread, at least for awhile. And to answer your question about how long its been, its been about..." she thought about it for a moment and then finished, "About three thousand years, maybe more?" as she let it set in on how long it had been she decided to ask her first question.


"So here is my first question, albeit a simple one, what kind of pony was that messenger?"

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Midnight nodded in a slightly disappointed manner at the talk about the festival, "Indeed, it may be wise to hold off on the festival for a bit, though when the crystal empire returned, they hadn't even formed by the time you left, their celebration gave them a sense of cultural identity, a rallying point as they entered the world, though their situation was far different from yours I would guess."


Midnight's expression did brighten a bit at her question, it seemed he was the sort that loved to explain things. "The messenger? He is a thestral, more commonly known as bat pony. Another form of pegasus in a way, with leathery wings like a dragon rather than the typical feathery wings. They also have excellent night vision and prefer a nocturnal lifestyle because of it. They also tend to hunt on occasion and are more capable at digesting meat than the other races of ponies, leading to a more omnivorous diet, which is part of the reason why they are still somewhat ostracized by the other types of ponies.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Argante stared wide eyed as her mood skyrocketed forward. "That's amazing! I would love to meet one and have a nice long chat. I am sure once we get our bearings we will open ourselves up for ponies of all kinds to come around, that is what we believe in after all. Harmony above all. As long as ponies come with no ill will they are welcome. Ohhhh I am just on the edge to find out what we have missed, what has changed!" she was literally on the edge of her seat as she spoke, her true nature coming out.


"Oh so many questions, I mean, we have time, plenty of it, but how to pick is very..." her words were cut short as a ruckus happened just a short distance from them. A small pegasus colt was tussling with an earth pony, biting a kicking at the other colt. Argante glared, a flash of red coursed through her mane. "Please excuse me one moment..." she excused herself with grace, using her magic she removed every gem off herself along with the gossamer fabric, her crystal mark showing with pride as she walked to the two.


The crowd parted ways to let her through, and she stared at the colts who were ignoring everyone but each other. "Enough!!!" She shouted, bringing her hooves upon the ground, causing it to shake beneath the two and quickly levitating them apart. She handed one to a respective guard and looked at the two. "Now you will tell me whats going on...NOW."


"He tried to tell me that there were timberwolves approaching us and I called him a liar! Cause they cant see us!!" the small earth pony yelled. Argante's eyes went wide with shock, a murmur spread through the crowd quickly. She turned, looking to the pegasus.


"Is it true?" her voice was at an eerie calm.


"Y-y-y-yes princess, I saw them, n-n-no one would believe me." he looked like he was about to cry.


She knelt down and gave him a reassuring nuzzle. "I believe you small one, you have no reason to lie." she whispered to him softly and touched her horn to him, a soft glow illuminating his body before fading just as quick, the effect seemed to bring him to a calm and he looked at her with awe. Argante stood and looked around. "Begin the lockdown! Everypony who can not fight return to your homes quickly till this problem is resolved, spread it around that everypony must stay indoors!" she began walking and talking putting the plan in motion and walked back to Midnight Star. "I apologize for asking this of our guest but...." she bowed to him, "Can you help protect my ponies!?" she asked, her voice strained, she thought of possible strategies in case he said no, but she held onto hope that he would help.   

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Midnigth gave a kindhearted smile at her excitement to learn what she had missed, he made a mental note to connect her to a historian as soon as he could.


When talk of Timberwolves entered the conversation though, his expression grew a bit more determined, though still positive judging by his partial smirk, "I would be honored to assist in defending your citizens. If they're anything like the ones I dispatched on the way here this wont take long at all."


He stood from the table and stretched, his cloak rippling like a wave had passed through it as he did so. He walked over to Argante with the still confident expression on his face, gesturing towards the forest, "Shall we?"


At this range she could see that his shoes, or at least the ones on his forehooves, seemed to be an intricate work of metal, almost like some sort of machine. She could almost see through the illusion enchantment around his hooves, but it was still unclear what could be hidden by it.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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She looked a little bit longer than she should, her curiosity piqued. She shook her head though. There was a time and a place, and right now was neither. She smiled as she met his eyes. "Thank you so much!" 


She went and led him to where the young colt said he saw the wolves. They headed out of the main courtyard and over a bit away to the farmland that grew the fruit. Argante begain scouting, her ears ever moving to listen for anything. Looking for any trace that they could be found. Then she heard it. The small snapping of twig. She ducked behind a cart, hoping Midnight followed her along. 


She looked around and saw the pack. It was small, thank the sun, but still they shouldn't be this close regardless. She made a small mental note that the barrier needed to be worked on at the farms first. She counted the pack. One...two...three...five all together. Small numbers and good odds. She thanked the blessings that she had for such luck. As long as they don't reform. 


She thought to herself unsure if they should attack now or wait to see if they left. She wasn't very good at battle, only having been in a couple scrapes herself.  

Edited by LonnaKitty
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Midnight noticed the wolves before Argante did, being trained in stealth had improved his detection skills greatly, though he didn't hide when he found them. "Such a small group, this should be easy. How about you use your magic to stop any that try to get away?"


Without waiting for a response he made his way towards the wolves with hardly a pretense of stealth, it seemed he was trying to draw their attention. Sure enough they turned his way as he approached, spreading a bit though still remaining in a pack as they growled at him.


Midnight stopped a short distance from them, just far enough that they couldn't reach him in one lunge, but close enough that they might be tempted to try, and one did. The wooden wolf jumped from the pack in a lunge for Midnight's neck as the horse in question reared up on his hind hooves before slamming his forehooves down faster than one would think possible in a straight collision with the ambitious timberwolf's head.


There was a large crack of wood and a small spray of dirt as his hooves slammed the wolf's head into the ground, the rest of the body shattering from the shock of the impact.


Midnight took a step back from the small amount of carnage as he turned towards the rest of the wolves, silently hoping he had intimidated them enough to flee. "Anyone Else?


(I thought I'd let you decide what the rest of the pack did, If you want to, I could keep going if you want as well, just let me know via PM or the OOC)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


The pack looked to each other still growling at the pony, however with their leader down they had to regroup, so they turned tail and ran deep into the forest again. Argante let them go, she had other plans. She ran up to Midnight and stared at him in awe though, impressed at his strength. 


"That was truly amazing! You are quite strong!" she was as excited as a filly but then, she became very serious. She walked to the edge, right where the old barrier used to be. She looked at it sadly, who knew that their prison protected them so much. She took a large breath and concentrated very hard. A small shimmer rippled through the air, the magical trace of the old barrier, she traced it all around, figuring the dimensions of the old barrier circle.


"Got it. Midnight, I know I am asking a lot today, especially for a guest but I must have you do one more thing for me." she then held up her forearm showing the bracelet to him. "I am going to take this off, when I finish with what I need to do, you will have to snap it back in place, cause I wont be able to..." she trailed off and bit her lower lip.


She knew the risks that she was placing herself under, however with the bracelets on she only had mild amount of magic, and what she would do would require a bit more. She smiled, and snapped the bracelet off, it fell to the ground with a thud. Argante winced as sparks flew around her body, she trembled a bit and took another deep breath to steady herself. She knelt down and touched her horn to the ground. The once blue sparks turned green, traveling around her body and to her horn. The slow color change was brilliant, as her white mane and tail turned green, the ground began to shake, the earth started to rise. The color change continued to her cutie mark, the white crystal changing to the same forest green hue as the rest. 


She was making a small wall to protect her citizens. The wall stretched outward, covering the circumference of the old barrier. Her body started to shake once more, the magical strain on her body was apparent. She fought though, with all her might. She traced in her minds eye, leaving a small gap for ponies to go to and fro, that is when she collapsed. Her breathing was labored and the sparks continued to cover her body, she was practically leaking magic. Her normal body colors returned as she laid on the ground. 

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Midnight looked unsure as she talked to him, but it was clear she wasn't really giving him much of a choice in the matter. He was then amazed at the display of power as the wall rose up around the city, he was momentarily fearful that she was trapping him inside the city before he noticed the small opening. He momentarily mused as to why Twilight was the princess of magic over this talented mare.


When she collapsed he rushed to her side, only to be driven back by the sparks of magic clashing with the magic in his shoes. One of them would have to be cancelled if he was going to get close enough, and she didn't seem to be running out of energy any time soon. He quickly slid out from under his cloak, revealing a set of chainmail of just smaller dimensions sitting on him, which he quickly removed as well before he stamped at the ground. With the cloak an mail removed the rest of his body was clear to be seen, revealing many other scars across his sides, barrel, and flanks, though these were a bit more noticeable than the ones on his neck. His mark too was a bit different than most, rather than a small image of an eight point star like many would have supposed, it was quite large, thin lines extending outward to cover just about his entire flank in the starburst design.


Instantly his own enchantments were dispelled, but having removed the cloak and mail their enchantments remained. He then moved forward quickly, grasping the bracelet with a now clearly oddly shaped hoof and snapped it back on her leg. Satisfied that it would fix whatever she had done to herself to build the wall.


He looked down at his forehooves and sighed, he couldn't cast the illusion himself so until someone could his strange hooves would be seen by any who cared to look. Rather than a typical hoof, Midnight's hooves were each divided into three separate ends which sort of fit together to resemble the shape of a typical hoof, though could also be separated like a griffon's talons to grasp things or spread in a way to get better traction on rough terrain. His shoes seemed to be made with this in mind, three pieces of metal that connected together to hold the ends in a hoof shape, but that could also be disconnected to allow him to grasp. In all they were quite different from the typical pony's, thought they seemed to fit on Midnight much better than any birth defect. 


Well, there was no fixing it so he had to make the best of the situation, he sat near Argante's prone form, wondering if it would be alright for him to touch her, or if the populous would think ill of him if they found them in this arrangement. Though above all he wondered how Argante would react to his true appearance. Hopefully she wouldn't reject him for being some non-pony monster.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


When he was shocked at the attempt to touch her, she winced in pain. The shock felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. She hoped he would be able to get it one her, the pain was getting rough. As she watched him take off the cloak and mail she was filled with awe at his body. When he dropped the enchantments and saw his hooves she looked at him with new light. Not in scorn, but with admiration.


She smiled at him gratefully, though she was quite curious at his form, she didn't shy away or be repulsed, she looked at him with all the thankfulness she could convey without speaking. She laid there panting, words couldn't form cause her mouth had turned dry from the magical exhaustion. She moved her head around attempting to write out that she would like some water. After she, very badly, spelled out water, she laid there and watched, and looked. Her amethyst eyes never looking away from him. She looked at each scar one by one, her eyes never sticking to one spot.


She wondered about the stories he could tell her. Since he had lived so long, she was sure he had many to tell, but it would of course have to wait. She laid in wait, feeling like she was quite close to passing out.

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When he saw that she was looking him over he grew a bit nervous, somewhat self conscious given his lack of illusions, but when he saw that she wasn't looking at him in disgust he relaxed a bit. Still, he wasn't inclined to see if the ponies here would be as accepting as their leader. Besides, he didn't know where one would find water in this place. He quickly looked around, a farm would definitely have a well somewhere nearby, or perhaps an irrigation river. He turned back towards Argante with a look of concern, "I'll go find you some water, not that you could move anywhere, please don't go anywhere or I surely won't be able to find you again."


With that he turned towards the nearest farm and sped off in search of a well, his odd hooves gaining great traction and propelling him much faster than the average horse.


(I'm taking a liberty here, do let me know if I took it too far)


He quickly found a well and rejoiced that it had a bucket attached to it, lowering it with a bit of skill he managed to find some water at the bottom and even bring it back up without spilling too much of it. He then quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching before he untied the bucket with his odd talon hooves and dashed back off with the bucket in his mouth to where he had left Argante. He set it next to her, hopefully it was actually what she wanted. "Ya, hope you don't mind but I stole this bucket and I'll need to put it back before the farmers notice."


(The liberty was that: There was a well nearby, the well had a bucket and water, and nopony stopped him from taking it. I think they're reasonable assumptions, but I always worry about this sort of thing.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Argante laughed softly at the concept of her even moving. She watched him barrel away to look for water. She took the time to look up at the canopy of trees and just think.


'I will need to grab some unicorns to move the trees here to get natural sunlight here, I bet the farmers would really like that.' She rested her head back down and looked in the direction Midnight ran. 'I wonder if he will tell me about him, I want to know his story, he saw a lot of history. I hope he likes his stay here, even with the hiccups.' As the last thought passed her mind she closed her eyes for a moment, just to rest.


When she heard him coming back she opened her eyes to a bucket being placed beside her. Water. She eagerly lifted her head, knocking it over, soaking her head and drinking what was left in the bucket as greedily as she could. When she got the amount she needed she sat up a bit, still laying on the ground she smiled.


"Thank you, and I am sure the farmer will be okay with us borrowing the bucket." she giggled softly, her voice still a little raspy. Her eyes got a little wide though and her ears twitched back away and she shifted a bit. "The council is on their way here, I am unsure about your situation, and be sure I will be asking later," she smirked a bit, a playful look in her eyes. "but if you wish to keep it secret you should put your enchantments back on." 

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Midnight smirked at her rather uncouth actions, he wondered if this were the sort of thing she did normally, or only because she was relatively alone. If this was normal, they would certainly get along quite nicely. If not, well then she'd have that in common with Celestia, for better or worse.


He did laugh a bit at the mention of putting his enchantments back on,  "Unless a horn is now situated in the center of my head star, then I do lack the ability to put those enchantments back. My magic simply doesn't work that way. The runes are still in my shoes if you have the energy to charge them though, and I would be quite grateful if you did." He turned towards where the council was coming from before moving to put the chainmail and cloak back on. "I suppose I could tell you more about myself, but I would prefer if it were somewhere less open. If I did tell you, you'd be the third living creature on this planet to really know. I intend to keep that number as small as I possibly can."


She could tell on a closer inspection that the magic running through him was different than the typical earth pony's. it wasn't quite like anything she had ever previously encountered, then again it's likely she had never encountered someone quite like Midnight before either.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Hehe alright then, a quick recharge then." She giggled as she touched her horn to the shoes, quickly inspecting the runes before shooting them with a quick bolt of magic. She nodded at her work and got up on shaky legs to meet the council, to distract them long enough for him to slip them on. She thought about the last bit he said, there was a lot more to this pony and it made her all the more curious. She took some breaths before slowly walking to meet the council head on.


"Princess!! Are you hurt!? Are there attackers?? What is going on? Why is there a wall?! What happened to the plan!!!" the flurry of voices overwhelmed her and her head spun a bit and she stumbled sideways for a quick moment, everyone went silent as an old blue unicorn stepped out from behind them all. 


"Argante, you took off a bracelet didn't you?" he asked, his voice was calm and quiet.


She looked away, her ears folding down in shame at her mentor. "Yes. I had to! There were timber wolves on our land, the new protection barrier wont be up for some time...I...I had to do something!" old as she was she looked like she was about to cry, like a filly who was being yelled at. The old stallion shook his head and then faced the council.


"She is tired, and she did this to protect us, do not any of you dare try to say she did wrong.." the old pony stared at each member and they all looked away from him in shame. Apparently from this encounter between them all, one could tell that even though she was the face for the people, and did make decisions, they were not all her own. The stallion looked back at Argante and smiled patting her on the shoulder. "Don't cry little one, you did extremely well, this was quick thinking on your part and will keep us safe for a time. And you!! Young stallion over there!!" he looked at Midnight with a large smile on his face. "Thank you for protecting our princess here, she gets into trouble a lot!" he started to laugh and Argante blushed in embarrassment. Behind them however the council looked between each other with worried looks and hushed voices.


The old stallion shooed them all away, slowly trailing slowly after them as Argante sighed and looked to the ground. Her thoughts were rampant and she felt like she was going to faint. This was too much for a mare who hadn't had this much excitement in over three thousand years. She plopped onto the ground, very un-princess like.    

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Midnight was a bit perturbed by the actions of the council, especially the dynamic between the old unicorn and the rest of them. "Young Stallion? I am easily at least ten times older than that guy, maybe more." He turned towards Argante wondering if he ought to touch her as a show of comfort, but decided to hold back. They didn't quite have that sort of relationship.


Nonetheless he did move to sit down close to her, "So, a new question just came to mind, how does that council work? are the members elected to their positions by the citizens or are they appointed? If the latter are they appointed by you or by the nepotism of the council? In all, I think you need a bit more confidence so you aren't worried so much about the opinions of those thirty times your juniors." It seemed to him that Argante was a bit more childish than Celestia ever was, despite potentially being older than her. It was certainly an odd dynamic to encounter.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


She smiled weakly and looked off to where the council walked off. "The council we have now was appointed long before me becoming leader. They were chosen by the Great Tree for having a strong Harmony. Each member represents an Element of the Tree. When the Great Tree recognizes you, your mark glows, or if you have no mark, like I did when I was chosen, your entire being glows. Thus you gain the council seat, and have authority to help in the decision makings of the royal family." she rubbed her forearm, playing with the bracelet as she continued her words.


"And they are of course not my juniors, as I said, they were appointed before I became leader, because they were there during my parents time, they are actually older than me." she looked to him a bit sheepishly. She knew very well what she was saying was practically impossible. Barely anypony that didn't have a form of trick could live as long as an alicorn. "But that is a story for later, that I am sure you are curious about but..." her tummy growled interrupting her words. She went wide eyed and blushed heavily at the loud noise.

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Midnight looked quite skeptical at the thought of the whole council also being immortals, and seemingly lacking the ability to deal with change. "Well then, at least I still have Twilight and Cadence to be younger immortals than me. Still, I'd think they'd give you a bit more respect after all this time. Unless..." He sighed, "Have they just been sidelining you? Making the decisions themselves and using you as more of a figurehead before the populous?" 


Midnight was tempted to plot a coup right then, it had been too long since he got to be part of a good coup, but he decided against it, for now. Not that he really trusted the tree's judgement now that it had passed off much of its power in the form of the elements and balance. He stood up, a slight bit of displeasure on his face. "Well, we should get you some food then. I'd offer you some of the food I brought in my pack, but that is both in the castle and I doubt you'd enjoy the taste of meat."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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