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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty

Illiad Easle

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@@Illiad Easle,


When she saw the quizzical look she blushed deeply, while the larger stallion let out a loud guttural laugh.  "Hahaaaa curious about her choice of food eh? Aye she likes to eat the weird every now an' again. She takes after her mum with that odd appetite of hers. Och ya should have seen her! When she first married the good king, she would sneak on down here and make such oddities, like the sandwich ya see the princess eatin' right now." he chuckled more as Argante pouted, eating her pbnj and pickle sandwich.


"I caught her finally though. Aye I was curious why my food stores kept being moved and taken. Thought it was thieves I did. However I caught the queen. My goodness I had never seen a royal look so embarrassed and ashamed of her eating habits. Och it ached my heart to no end it did. So I told her, that as long as she comes before we leave for the night, she could make whatever she wanted. It looked like I gave her the world when I said that! Hahaaaa," his laughter boomed and the others laughed with him at the story. Argante smiled, she liked listening to stories about her mom, it was nice. "She became friends with us pretty quick like, we even liked some of her creations, weird as they were. When her daughter showed the same appetite, she was taught the same rules. They were quite the treat to have here in our kitchen, aye, that they were..." he trailed off a bit, everyone had gone serious, and Argante looked sad, so very sad.


"I'm sorry Sage Stone..." she muttered, looking at her sandwich. He gaped at her and pulled her into a hug. It looked like a father holding his daughter, and she hugged back gently.


"Don'tcha dare apologize ta me princess, we love ya here in the kitchen, and we above a lot of ponies here, understand the most, why ya didn't want ta come down here for ya late nights. I promise, we don't hate cha one bit wee lass, we always made sure we were stocked with ya favorites," he pulled back to look her in the eye, a soft warm smile on his features, "We love ya, and we knew you would come back on ya own time, we are happy that this here stallion was the one ta bring ya back to us." he gave a thankful nod towards Midnight, the others followed in turn, large happy smiles all around the room.

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Midnight smiled at the touching scene as he finished eating. He never was one to eat much at any one time, mostly due to the fact that he didn't really need to eat much to survive. "I'm glad I could be of service to someone here."


He then sat back to watch the dynamics of those in the room, their interactions and such. It would be the first time he could see those who had been around for thousands of years interacting with each other that weren't as immediately related as those he had already encountered. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Argante and Sage Stone kept talking, slipping into a different language and dialect. A couple others were cleaning out the ashes from the stoves to put in new wood for tomorrow. Others were picking out the ingredients form tomorrows breakfast. There was a small circle of ponies playing dice and drinking cider. Even separated into different groups, they all constantly communicated, telling jokes, seeing if others need help, just an all around warmth of togetherness. 


Argante, glanced over to Midnight and smiled, full and genuine. She walked over motioning that it was now time to leave. She said her goodbyes, and waved, the entire kitchen crew yelled and shouted saying their goodbyes to her.


She walked into the dinning hall, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Midnight was behind her. "That was a nice change of pace."


"Was it now princess?" a voice spoke from the dark, she whipped around her horn glowing to reveal who spoke. As the glow reached the figure standing in the dark, the strong figure of Hoofbeat came to light, his eyes cold and harsh. "You two being alone at this time of night seems awful suspicious don't you think?"

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Midnight raised an eyebrow at the change of language to one he didn't know, the prospect of adding another language to his studies intrigued him, he made a mental note to ask her about it later. He too had enjoyed the evening, though the sudden appearance of the rather rude councilstallion from before seemed to sour it a bit.


He raised his eyebrow yet again while his face seemed to convey the slightest bit of annoyance. "I hardly think so given we've made no efforts no make our movements secret this night. In fact I think the suspicious one is the one who seems to be wandering the halls all by themselves don't you think? Especially to be sitting alone in a dark room. But I have too much faith in your princess' trust in you to ever suspect you of doing anything of the sort. And besides, despite my less than stellar relations with its patron, the night is my favorite part of the day."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


He only chuckled and tilted his head to the side with a smirk on his face. "Oh how ponies forget the old ways, you have been allowed to be 'alone' with the princess due to the fact that it was day time and others were around to watch you, you surely should have noticed you were always watched? However in the dark of night, the princess should not be alone with a strange stallion at night, it might taint her...virture." the last word was said with a bit of sarcasm, his smile was vile, a plan in motion.


"Hoofbeat! What your saying is undignified, he would never do such a thing!"


"You barely know this stallion princess! I am only looking out for you and your interests!" he yelled back. She shrank back at the shout, subconsciously edging closer to Midnight. The look in her eye though, she had legitimate fear of this pony, but why?


Before anyone could make another move, the door to the kitchens burst open. "What is goin' on out here!?" It was Sage Stone, followed by the members of kitchen staff.


"This has nothing to do with you."


"It has everythin' to do with me, if you are so worried about our princess's purity, I can vouch the wee lass and her friend were with us. They had missed dinner and came to get food," he stepped up to the other pony, his body size towered over the other, "Is there a problem with that, councilpony?" the glare he gave, oh if looks could kill, that would be it.


Hoofbeat snorted turning and walking away, not without giving one last nasty look over his shoulder. Sage Stone glared back, "You two should skedaddle, go to bed, you have a long day tomorrow." he hugged Argante, her body still shaking. He gave Midnight a strong pat on the shoulder, and a look that said 'protect her'. He and his crew went back into the kitchens. Argante moved slowly, making the trek back to her room, almost in a trance.   

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Midnight's expression had darkened with Hoofbeat's words, a very light mist coming off of his eyes, all but invisible in the low light. He muttered to himself as he followed beside Argante, "Maybe I've forgotten the old ways because they were a thousand years deprecated before I was born. He's going to be trouble in the future, I'll have to watch out for that so he doesn't inadvertently upset the balance of the world nations in the process. His protection will leave her little more than a puppet, a facade for him and the rest of the council to hide behind while they wield the power here."


He shook his head to clear his thoughts before speaking more directly towards Argante, "I'm sorry about that, he does have a point in that we've only just met. But I promise I won't do anything of that sort without your expressed consent. While you're in my care I will do all that is in my power to ensure that no harm befalls you."


A slight smile came to his face as an idea struck him, "You know, we could just leave tonight. Drop a note saying we left already in an effort to make as much distance while the day was cool and be gone before they can stop us. Nevertheless, whatever you want to do I'll follow." 


Ile thoughts passed through his head of ways he could get back at Hoofbeat, but all of them would weaken his own standing here. No, if retribution were to be gained it would have to be in a position where he had the legal power instead of just the physical power.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


She thought about his words. Her body felt numb. Maybe, maybe just up and leaving was best. She looked up, her eyes had hardened a spark of anger, of disobedience washed through her. "Yes," she whipped around to face him, a small change, if she was not facing him face to face he might not of noticed, but her left eye was not its usual purple, but was blue. It was gone in a flash though as she continued to speak. "I will gather my things, meet me in the keeps courtyard." she nodded, her resolve was steeled as she turned around and ran quickly to her room.


As she entered, she gathered all her things, clothes, her bracelets, a pillow, and one small blanket hidden away with her clothes. She quickly grabbed some parchment and wrote a note, saying they departed early to travel far before it got hot, as well as to not have a big commotion, as well as a list of things that should be done, and directions to help the zebra she met find her way to the small town for trading reasons. As she finished it she placed it on her bed. She laughed softly at these shenanigans that she was doing. Enough was enough however.


She then got a bit sad, a glimmer of guilt washed over her, and she wrote a second letter, one that could only be found by a certain two ponies if they entered her room. She grabbed a vase that was on her nightstand, placing the letter on her dresser, and the vase on top of it. She smiled. Only the two she trusted with the secret message would find it, others would ignore the little switch around of the rooms vases. 


She floated the luggage behind her and out into the hallway. She glanced back at her room. There was no turning back now, she had made this decision. She was going to stick to it. No matter what. She closed the door, walking to the main hall and outside. As she looked to the new hole in the canopy of trees she made just a few days prior, it felt so surreal, the twinkling of stars, the light of the moon. She sighed softly. 

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Midnight was rather surprised by Argante's willingness to rebel and to actually leave that night. He partially wanted to protest, to say that he hasn't been serious in his suggestion that they leave so suddenly, but she left before hee could voice his reservations. Nonetheless, he was prepared to follow through with his words, a slight smile coming to his face as the eye mist dispersed on the way to his own room.


As he hadn't planned to stay long he hadn't fully unpacked his bags, making his repacking much faster. He adjusted and donned the full set that he had written there including the helmet so they could avoid any creatures on the prowl that night.


His chain, cloth, helmet, and bags secured he made his way out to the designated meeting spot to wait for Argante so they could leave.


During the wait he took a full stock of the situation, this kingdom had some potential on the global stage as a source of culture and history, though a bit archaic. On a personal level he realized that the feelings he had towards Argante were becoming quote similar to those he had towards a similarly colored alicorn.


He nodded towards Argante once he saw her exit the keep, no matter his feelings he wouldn't let them interfere with what was important at the moment, keeping Argante safe.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


She had yet to notice Midnight yet, she was seated looking at the stars. She was drawing pictures in the available night sky she could see. A small smile on her face. She felt his presence soon and looked at him. She grinned wide, standing and dusting herself off. She began levitating the luggage, walking to him.


"I'm ready, lead the way." her tone was confident, her eyes however told that she was nervous. She took deep even breaths to try to keep herself calm. 'Everything will be fine'  she thought, repeating the mantra over and over again in her mind.

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Midnight donned his helmet, the enchantment making the eye holes glow red as well as allowing him to see the magical auras of the living things around him, and providing limited night vision.


He lead the way over to where they had excited the wall earlier that day before pausing to look at Argante, with the helmet his visage was much more intimidating than before. "We should only proceed if you are certain about this, I will support you in either decision, just be aware of that, now..."


He turned back to the wall add if thinking. "I can carry some of your luggage if you'd prefer, it will make traveling easier. Once we're in the first you'll need to follow close behind me and remain quiet, I'll get us out of the first as quickly as I can do we can talk."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"If you wish and think it would be both faster and easier, then by all means." she stepped forward, placing her hoof upon the wall, it crumbled once more under her touch, floating the luggage out the hole first, she followed suit, waiting for him. After he was clear she placed the wall back, packing the earth tightly. 


"Please lead the way." she was not gonna back down at this point, she refused, what was happening was going to happen, no matter what.

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Midnight gave a solemn nod, impressed by her resolve though worried about the possible fallout, as a precaution he left a marked map on the town side of the wall detailing the best path by which they could be reached, by air and by land, should an emergency come up.


That taken care of he began to lead the way into the forest, following the same faint path he had followed to get to the city, avoiding the forest creatures as best he could as he spotted their auras out from the natural magic of the forest.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


She followed swiftly behind. Making the occasional glances around. As much as she enjoyed the night, she felt, scared? She was at least nervous. She followed more closely to Midnight as her heart sped up in pace. Close enough to feel safe, far enough to be out of the way.


As they traveled she thought about what has happened. So much in such a short time, and yet, it felt like it had been dragged out. Her sense of time skewed after the first thousand years. Her thoughts traveled to what she might see at this new place. Would it be okay that she was an alicorn? That she was just showing up out of the blue? What will happen?


"Uhh...M-Midnight, uhm, will it be okay that, you know.." her wings fluttered and she bit her lip a bit, "That I'm an alicorn and stuff?" 

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At the sound of Argante speaking Midnight quickly stopped and dropped low, scanning the forest back and forth with a sense of urgency before he stood back up in a relaxed fashion, then continued moving at a more relaxed pace than before. "Thankfully there isn't anything dangerous between us and the edge of the forest, so I guess we can talk now without worrying about an ambush." He spared a glance back at Argante, "Well, they'll definitely be surprised by it, but I don't think it will cause many problems, you aren't the only long lived leader on the board and it isn't like any nation would be willing to do anything about you being one. They'll probably be pretty curious to know about how you became an alicorn and about you on a more personal level, so you should be prepared to answer questions, though don't be afraid to ask many questions of your own, this is after all more an opportunity for you to meet the rest of the world than for the rest of the world to meet you. In a way, I will show you the members of the council, and you will decide whether you want your nation to be a part of it while they decide if they want your nation to be a part of it. In all the years it's existed only two nations have declined the invitation to join, and no nations have been disbarred from membership."


He smiled back at Argante, "Don't worry so much, I'm confident you'll do well. While some of the leaders may seem a bit intimidating they only have their nation's best interests in mind as you do."


With that they cleared the edge of the forest, emerging onto a flat plain that extended all the way to a beach in the far distance, the faint reflections of the stars above dancing across their vision. They found themselves in a pass between two mountains which they had not noticed before due to the density of the forest. Midnight began to make his way towards the distant shore at a leisurely pace. "I parked a boat up here that can take us down the river to Archback, it will be much faster than walking the rest of the way."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


When they emerged and she saw the full night sky, everything else fell off into the distance. Even as a filly she loved the stars, but she had not seen their full blanket in so long. She stared and smiled and turned all around, trying to see as much as she could. Her amethyst eyes were alight with happiness as she looked around.


"Huh? Oh okay! I will follow your lead." she blushed, she giggled nervously, she had only been half listening to him when they stepped out of the forest and she got distracted with the sky. 'I need to keep a grip, I get distracted waaaay to easy.' she thought, inwardly chastising herself.

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Midnight smiled at Argante's wonderment of the night sky, "Yeah, Luna really puts on quite the show when she has time to, every night is a beautiful work of art." He said it almost wistfully, perhaps with the slightest tinge of regret to it.


It wasn't long before they arrived at the shore to find a simple yet well made raft tied up to the beach. Midnight placed his bags on the center of the raft before beginning to work to untie the raft from its mooring. "Well, despite being faster than walking it will still take some time to get to Archback. You can go ahead and get some sleep on the raft for a few hours as we go, or we could pass the time by talking. Whichever you prefer."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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