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open [RP] Home Sweet Home (1x1 w/ Roxy Brightspark)


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[ OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/155660-ooc-home-sweet-home-1x1-with-roxy-brightspark/ ]





The fireponies winced as the last wall standing creaked like a rusty doorhinge before it simply tumbled down on itself; they all stepped back, quick yelps between them to warn each other, just in case.


It was an absolute mess; the tornado had done more than enough damage to level the entire area... but, in its' out-of-control state, it had simply bounced off from here, as if it were playing leapfrog - except whatever it landed on got demolished.


Like, for instance, somepony's home.


The errant winds had gotten away from the ponies that had been trying to generate it for siphoning purposes - now, there was only a husk of the house left... and a poor mare who was now officially homeless.


One of the firefighters, who'd originally shown up to evacuate ponies, came over and sighed.  He took off his helmet, and held it to his barrel.


"For what it's worth, I'm real sorry, miss... but there wasn't a thing we could do fer it."


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Roxy hugs her two babies  close to her, sure they were a dragon hatchling and a Diamond Dog pup, but they were her babies none the less. she looks at the firefighter who had pulled them out of the house just in time "M-my home" she whimpers sadly, hugging the dragon and pup closer to her chest "W-what..where are we gonna go now? I i-inherited that house, I d-do..we're going to h-have to live on the streets" she starts to cry, 


Her work had been slow for her for the past few months, and as she had inherited the home from her parents who had died a few years ago, leaving her the only living relative left in her family, she had no idea where to start looking for a home, She wouldn't have minded or cared if it was just her, but she had her two little ones to care for as well.

  • Brohoof 1


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"Ara Ara"

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The firefighter opened his mouth to speak, then his ears drooped as he simply sighed, shrugged, and trotted back over to the rest of his group, packing away their equipment and preparing to leave.  Other ponies around her were looking in her direction, but they really had no idea what they might offer her; they weren't exactly in the most expensive part of town, after all.


Still, perhaps there was still a bit of magic out there in the world...


"You!  YOU there!"


From one of the more successful local shops came the cry, and from the front stoop came a pegasus mare.  She made her way over and looked down at Roxy.  She was tall and thin, quite a fetching sight, and had a soft green coat, accented with gold zebra stripes.  The beads and baubles she wore spoke volumes of her monetary situation, as did the large gold bow in her mane.  The fact that her cutie mark seemed to be two necklaces, silver and pearl, looped through each other only added more to that effect.


However, the look in her deep green eyes was clear; she'd seen others suffer before, and she wasn't about to simply let it continue.  She came over closely and looked down at her.


"You poor dear..."  She glanced back at the pile of rubble that had once been a house, then turned back to Roxy, her eyebrows going high as she sympathized.  "... after something like this, I'm sure you're all jangled nerves and tears!  Come come, now - here, I have an idea.  Why not let's get you and your darling friends here something to eat, hmmm?  Food in your belly will help make for a more level head... now, I shan't take no for an answer; my treat, I insist!"


She held out a hoof to her, and a smile crossed her features.

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Roxy looked at the mare who had offered her and her little ones food "F-food?" she asks, tilting her head curiously, it was her experience that the more wealthy ponies of Equestria were rather up themselves and selfish, but this mare, despite her appearances was offering her respite and food. She could hardly see through her tears, but she could hear, the voice sounded familiar, which helped her feel a bit more at ease. She gently strokes the little pup's ears as well as the dragon's. She blinks away some tears as she nods "T-thank you, I.." she whispers.


Her little ones were all shaken up, the dragon, who was a heavy sleeper was still fast asleep, but the pup, slowly begun to wake up then yawn cutely, she looks at what used to be their house "M-m-mama? W-where house?" she asks and nuzzles into the mare's chest, she then looks at the other mare "pretty" she says even more cutely. 


Roxy sighs and holds her close "shh, shh, it's..it's okay. A t-tornada tore our house down b-but this pretty mare, miss..miss..." she tilts her head again "I-I'm sorry miss, I'm sure we've met before, I just can't remember where" she says to the mare before looking back to her pup "This kind and pretty mare is o-offerring us food" she says kindly to her pup. 


Most of the time Roxy would act cute and childish, as it was in her nature and it helped her babies smile, but she did sometimes know when to be somewhat mature. "I-I'm Roxy, this cute little pup is Darla and the hatchling is Silver, they're my babies and my life" she says, hugging them close.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The mare's smile lit her entire face as she looked over the three of them... she especially found little Darla enchanting, and gave her a little wave.


"Absolutely WONderful to meet you all - don't worry your little heads, now... we'll just make our way over to the closest little place where we could get a bite, shall we?"


She turned and looked over her flank, back at the shop she'd been standing outside.




From the shop itself came a small commotion, and the front doors opened.  Out came two identical twin earth ponies, both in tuxedo coats, who were scrambling to get to the wealthy mare.  When they reached her, each one stood to one side or the other of her.


"Yes, madam?"  "How may we serve, madam?"


She turned her gaze back on Roxy.  "Beck, fetch my carriage - Call, gather my purchases.  We're to have company today."


The twins looked at Roxy and her little ones; both gave a slight grin.


"Right away, madam."  One took off for further up the path.  "Of course, madam."  The other headed back into the storefront.


The mare, however polished and primped she might have looked, sat down right next to Roxy, and looked her in the eye.  


"Dearie, I'd be more than happy to help you, here.  I'm certain you have at least SOME family or friends that might help you in this time of great need, don't you?  Well, nothing to fret, then - we'll simply get you to whomever would be able to help care for you and yours.  After all, I'm sure you're simply not out here all by your lonesome... are you?"


A look of even deeper concern crossed her.  "Oh, please tell me you have somewhere to go, dearie!"

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Roxy sighs, shaking her head and looking down "N-no, I-I'm an o-orphan, mama and papa died few years 'go" she says softly, then looking up at the mare "A-and big brother..he...k-killed himself" she says softly "Darla and Silver are all I have" she says, gently stroking Darla's ears again as the pup whimpers and cuddles in. "shh, shh" she says softly, trying her best to comfort the pup.


She sniffles a little "I just..I wouldn't even know the first thing about looking for another home" she says, she tilts her head once more, most wealthy ponies, especially the prim and proper ones, wouldn't sit on the side of the street with her, let alone give her the time of day. Silver was now curled up now, sucking on the tip of her tail rather cutely.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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If the house in ruins hadn't been enough to garner the mare's sympathy, then Roxy's orphan status did the job.


"You poor, sweet dear... well, why don't we worry about some food first - we'll see what's what after that, hmmm?"


At this point, a carriage came around the corner, being pulled by one of the butler twins.  It was an extravagant coach, more fit for the Grand Galloping Gala than a simple daily outing... nevertheless, here it was, big as life ad twice as ostentatious.  As the coach came to a stop, the other butler twin popped out of the store, a pile of parcels piled carefully on his back, the top of the stack wobbling, yet not quite falling.  He began carefully storing them in the rear rack, while the other twin merely waited for further orders.


The mare moved to get up, then motioned to the carriage.  "Dearie, come.  You and your little ones are coming with me, and that's final."  Her words were demanding, but her voice and eyes were soft and kind.  "Come, come... into the carriage."


The twin packing the parcels finished, came around to the side and opened the door for Roxy.  "Miss?"

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Roxy blushes and giggles cutely, she'd never been treated like this before as she climbs in, her babies in her arms, "T-thank you" she says softly, still blushing as she looks to the wealthy mare who had done so much for her already. She sits down as the baby dragon now starts to wake up and yawns very cutely before looking up at her mama. "mama?" she asks cutely before crawling over to her sister and huggling up to her.


Roxy smiles as the mare gets in "T-thank you m-miss" she says, as she looks around the lavish carriage, her eyes glow a soft blue and her necklace glows the same color. She smiles a bit more "I-it is very kind of you t-to do this for us, b-but um.. my baby Silver only eats gems and jewels"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Ara Ara"

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The mare laughed prettily.  "Well, then... perhaps I know of a FAR better place to have lunch, hmm?"


The inside of the carriage was as opulent as the outside; silk curtains, velvet-covered seats, silver filigree trim and beautiful crystal decorations on the wall.  It was like riding in a treasure chest!


She leaned out of the window, looking down at the twins.  "Alright, you two - home, please; I've decided to take lunch on my balcony, and we shall be entertaining company.  Let's make it quick, shall we?"


Twin replies of "yes, Madam," came from the front.  The twins hooked each other to the harness, then they began to move.  The mare sighed happily, then sat back and regarded her charges carefully.  


"Now, we'll be taking a trip to MY home, and there, we'll make sure all three of you have your fill.  I certainly will NOT have anyone starving in my presence; you poor things, don't you fret one whit.  This is ALL from my heart - don't worry about any sort of compensation."


She gave a short gasp suddenly.  "OH!  My goodness!  I do believe I've been an absolute lout - I've not even introduced myself!"


She extended a hoof daintily, as if she were a high-class court fop.  "My name is Vylia Blackwater - charmed to meet you, dearies."  

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Roxy's eyes widen a little at the offer, but when she hears Vylia's name, her eyes light up and widen like a filly in a toy store "V-Vylia? Now I remember where I know you from, I did a job for your family some time ago" she says, hugging the little ones close, then taking the mare's hoof and gently takes it in hers, smiling at her "I-..miss Vylia, what you are doing, it means more to me than you can imagine, I wouldn't care if I was homeless and hungry, but my little ones..no little one should ever have to go that, let alone twice" she says, her eyes twinkling from the tears in them. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"You worked-..."  Her eyes brightened.  "Why... yes!  Yes indeed - that incident with those scoundrels that were stealing our emeralds, I DO recall that.  I believe you were well paid for that venture, as well as the other errand I sent you on.  Yes..."


She looked Roxy over thoughtfully, then grinned.


"Well, I suppose we'll speak of what's been happening with YOU, dearie; tell me, since then it's been, what..." She made a quick calculation in the air with her hoof; Vylia's math skills were impeccable.  "Two years, three months, one week, six days, seventeen hours and eight minutes since then."


She blushed a bit.  "Numbers are simply one of my many talents; do pardon me."


"But what HAVE you been doing with yourself since I last saw you, dearie?"

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Roxy looks at the mare "Well..work has been mostly slow, but there was the incident..some sort of artifact those those thieves had, it did something to me" she says softly, looking down at her necklace, which happened to be the only thing keeping the nightmares at bay "I've been having..nightmares, the same symbols keep flashing in my mind and.." she looks to her little ones "due to work being slow, I only have my savings left, which is where I put the pay from your job into, but it's dwindling down"


Silver coos softly in her sleep, still sucking on the tip of her tail as she snuggled up to Darla. Roxy sighs and gently pets both of them "I don't blame you for what happened though, there was no way you could have known those thieves were Dagon worshipers"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Vylia cocked an eyebrow.  "Day-Glow Worshippers?  Well, I'm not sure what that business is all about, but I won't have anyone so sweet as you suffering like this.  We'll see what we can do about those dreadful nightmares, too - maybe a good meal will help you clear your horribly weighted mind, eh?"


In the distance was Canterlot, easy to see from the mountain path they'd started on.  The path's slope, though, was taking them a different direction...


High above, as the path leveled out, were the tall, foreboding iron gates of the Blackwater Quarry - she'd seen very little inside, as her job had been in the mines proper, but she'd heard plenty of rumours over the past months; there was all sorts of talk about the Blackwater family... and much of it was bad.


But Roxy had dealt with Vylia before; she was a bit foppish (and had an extreme temper), but she did have a good heart.  This was further proof of her kindness, as Roxy was riding in an extravagant carriage up to a mountain mansion... not something she'd been planning to do when the day began, that was for certain.


As they grew closer to the quarry, the sounds of work became clearer and clearer.  The place was in full swing, and it had been all closed up when she'd last been here.  It would be like a brand new place to her, filled with workers and bustling with activity.


"Well, I certainly hope you're all hungry, dearies - I plan to have Beck and Call make a veritable feast for the three of you!"

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Roxy whimpers a little "Dagon, he's one of the Elder Gods, responsible for the deep ones" she says, shivering "Surely you've heard of Innsmouth?" She says softly and looks out the window, cradling her little ones in her forehooves, "Well we hadn't eaten in a while, and-and..Silver only eats meat and gems, i-if that is okay" she says softly, looking out of the window "Vylia, you're too kind to us, t-there is no way I could possibly repay you for your kindness" she says, stroking Darla's ears gently

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Dearie, please!  Don't you worry yourself about repaying me - for now, all I want from you is a smile."


The gates loomed tall, dwarfing the carriage and its' passengers.  The twins stopped at the gate, and after a moment, there was a loud metallic creak, and the gates to the Blackwater Quarry opened wide.


"Ah, home again, home again..."


Inside, it was simply bustling with activity - ponies everywhere, pushing carts and lugging equipment.  It was just as active as Downtown Manehattan - only on a smaller scale.  There was a factory-looking building, a double row of large sheds, an enormous boulder sticking out of the ground with iron doors set into it, the cavernous mine entrance in the back of the quarry yard, the water tower... it was its' own little organism, every little part being expertly tended to.


The carriage rolled through the gates, and began to wind around the side of the large building.  A short incline, and the beautiful yet subdued Blackwater Manor rose into view as the carriage crested the hill and came to a stop at the front steps.  As the twins unhooked each other, Vylia smiled broadly and leaned in close.


"As soon as we're indoors, I'll have Beck and Call start on a fine meal... and perhaps fetch a few emeralds for your sweet little one too?"  Her laugh was sparkling and bubbly.  "It's not as if we don't have enough, after all!"

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Roxy smiles softly at her, "T-thank you" she says softly at her as she continued to look round her surroundings, but the sight of the mines did make her wince somewhat, she shakes it off and smiles down at her girls, they were fast asleep again, Silver was sucking the tip of her tail cutely while Darla was wagging her own tail happily in her sleep.


"Silver does love her emeralds, I think its because they're green and are the same color as Spike" she giggles somewhat cutely "oh and Darla can't quite eat big portions yet, so her meat needs to be cut up small for her" she says, gently stroking the pup's ears with a sigh "These two are my world, they literally saved my life, you know"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Vylia's eyebrow rose in curiosity.  "Truly?  Well, I would absolutely ADORE to hear all about it during our meal!"


The door to the carriage opened, and there were the butler twins, awaiting orders.


"Madam?"  One offered his hoof to Vylia, who took it and climbed down from the coach.  Once she was on the gorund, she turned to him.


"Our guests will require something substantial to eat - emeralds for the dragon, meat for the pup, cut into small bites.  And as extravagant a plate as you can create for poor Roxy, as well... once it's ready, we shall be on my balcony.  Serve us there."


"Of course, Madam."  He spoke, then he made his way back inside while Vylia waited kindly for hr guest to debark.  The other butler offered his well-manicured hoof to Roxy, and smiled warmly at her.

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Roxy blushes as she accepts the hoof and and steps out of the carriage, "Last time I was treated like this, it was because..Luna wanted me to investigate something" she says and shakes her head, smiling at Vylia, in the light, Vylia was actually quite beautiful, and that thought made Roxy blush. 


Darla stirred from her sleep and looks up as she sees the butler gently lifting her from the carriage, she looks at him curiously, she wasn't used to ponies other than her mother treating her with kindness, she smiles up at him, wagging her little tail before Roxy hugs her and her sister close. "Darling, miss Vylia is going to make sure we're all fed, so be sure to mind your manners" she says


Darla nods and looks at the butler "T-thank you sir" she says then looks to Vylia "t-thank you miss, do you love my mama?" she asks, making Roxy blush deeply

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The sparkling laugh that escaped Vylia was sweet and tinkly, like a crystal windchime.


"Dearie, your 'mama' is as sweet as a cupcake - and YOU appear to be the frosting!"


The butler pony (she wasn't sure which one) gently set each of them down.  He smiled as she thanked him, and even gave a little bow.  The lot of them made their way up the extravagant marble stairs, towards the huge manor house.


As they made their way to the front doors, Roxy caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a maroon stallion peering at them from the far end of the manor's front yard.  As Roxy took note of him, he frowned and made his way back down the path into the quarry - but he never took his eyes off of them.


When the doors were opened, the sheer size of the manor was impressive.  The front foyer was a beatuiful sight, twin curved staircases winding around to the floor level, a magnificent chandelier, tapestries and vases and all sorts of finery that made this feel more like the Crystal Palace than the Blackwater Manor.


The twins made their way in a different direction, while Vylia led Roxy and her charges down a different hallway.


"We'll head to my room first - there, you can freshen up, and we shall have lunch on the veranda.  How does that sound?"


Roxy had worked for them before... but many ponies held the Blackwater name in low regard; stories of extortion, theft, and a number of other bad things were said about the family and its' practices... yet, with what Roxy was seeing, how could anypony possibly say such things about such a kind mare?

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Roxy nods "S-sounds wonderful" she says softly as her little ones rode on her back as she trotted alongside Vylia. She couldn't help but think of the beautiful mare next to her, she shakes her head once more, "Simply can't believe some ponies, I may be a very simple minded mare, but..." she looks around "So far, I am not seeing what others have spoken of about you" she says softly.


Darla cuddled close to Silver, who was curled up in a ball. Roxy still couldn't shake the feeling of what was nagging her mind, that stallion who looked at her gave her an uneasy feeling, she also had the feeling that Vylia was being uncannily kind to her, she smiles though and tries to focus on what was happening.


"Darla is a sweetie, hard to believe ponies still look at her as if she's.." 


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"Ara Ara"

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"... dangerous?  Oh, she looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly!"


Vylia took the moment to lean close to Darla and smile.  "Dearie, you haven't a THING to worry about with me; you're ADORABLE."  She patted the little one on the head gently with a hoof, then turned to the little dragon.  "BOTH of you, so precious!"


At this point, they reached a very ornate door which Vylia opened into what looked like a dream.  There was nothing in here that was affordable by typical pony standards; the extravagance of such was completely mind-blowing.  The pegasus mare almost seemed to flow into the room and make her way across it to the pair of doors at the back of it.  Opening them, Roxy could see a lovely balcony, and a table with a fancy umbrella over it.


Vylia stepped outside to it, gave a lively sigh, then smiled back at Roxy and her charges.


"Well?  Come come... have a seat!  I'm SURE you're all ready for relaxing and having a bit of nummy, yes?  One moment..."


She turned with a sweet smile on her muzzle and faced the doorway.  Then...




Her voice was almost explosively loud, but the effect was lessened by the direction she was facing.  Mere moments later, the twin butlers dashed in to stand at attention at the veranda door.  She looked them both over sternly before speaking to them.


"Beck, my usual, please... Call?  Make whatever Roxy and her sweethearts want to eat."


One of them nodded and took off like a shot; the other made his way over to Roxy and put on a soft smile as he leaned down closely.


"Miss?  May I take your order, please?"

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Both of the little ones giggle, while Roxy smiles softly as she looks at the butler "Um.. some small gems and jewels for Silver, some small pieces of meat, deer if possible for Darla and I will have.." she thinks for a moment and smiles "I will have whatever miss Vylia recommends" she says and looks to the lovely green mare, blushing slightly however. "


Silver coos at a rather magnificent blue phoenix that had just landed on the railing, she tries to reach out the pet it while still sucking on the tip of her tail, while Darla just looked in on awe, still thinking on and trying to take in what her mother and the kind mare were talking about before, "m-m-m.." she mouths and tries to speak.


"Yes sweetie, what do you want to say?" Roxy asks as she pets the little pup, who then reaches out for a hug, which Roxy is more than happy to oblige then the little pup points to Vylia "mama" she says then starts to cry.


Roxy hugs her, when it came to outside of work, she was pretty naive and well foalish, but when it came to her work and her girls, she was very serious, "shh, shh it's okay" she says then looks to Vylia "I think she thinks you're her mother, tell me, a couple years ago, did you happen upon a dead mother and father Diamond Dog and take their little pup to an orphanage owned by Shimmering Hope?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Ara Ara"

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Vylia grew thoughtful.  "A few years back... yes.  Yes, there was."


Her face became somber as she spoke, a distant look in her eyes that said she was reliving it as she spoke.


"It was raining - I do recall that.  I had been returning from Ponyville, after speaking with a few of my... erm, 'contacts'... and Beck and Call were pulling me along in my carriage.  When we stopped, I had no idea why... until Call informed me that there was smoke.  As smoke follows fire, and fire is usually not so keen to burn in the rain, I felt I should investigate."


She began looking over Darla carefully, trying to see if she truly did recognize the Diamond Pup.


"I found..." She glanced at the poor pup again.  "... some awful things, but among them I found a squealing, mewling bundle.  Well, as I am HARDLY heartless, I knew we would have to take the little one somewhere.  Diamond Dogs have had run-ins with the Blackwaters before, but never anything that would make me wish to leave an innocent child like that.  Not in THAT place."


Vylia visibly shuddered at the thought.


"At any rate, it was Beck who suggested the adoption center; we made our way there, and dropped off the bundle without any fuss."


Again, she looked closely at the adorable Darla, and even reached out a hoof to pet her.


"Could this TRULY be the self-same little one from all that long ago?"


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Darla coos and as she looks up at Vylia, she reaches out "ma-ma" she says softly before quickly grabbing her tail and sucking on the tip, much like her sister Silver does when she was nervous. 


Roxy nods "Shimmering said that a beautiful green mare had delivered her to the orphanage" she says, nuzzling the little pup with tears in her eyes "You have no idea how much these little ones mean to me, If not for little Darla and Silver here, I..I would have.." she looks up at her "lets just say that I was going to take the easy way out, it wasn't like anyone was going to miss me, but after I saw these two, I knew..I knew they had been through so much hardship, that they needed a mother to love and care for them, they needed...me, and I needed them"


She nuzzles both of them gently "If only they could have a second parent"


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Vylia smiled gently.


"Well... perhaps there might be some extended family yet to come, eh?"


She sat back in her comfy chair, settling in as she gave careful consideration to Roxy's situation.


"Very well, then - I have a proposal, if you don't mind?  I believe that you - ALL of you - could easily stay HERE, in the manor, with my family and I!  Truly, dearie - it's not as if we're short on rooms!"  She laughed prettily.  "In fact, as long as they're unoccupied, you're free t have your pick of which room you'd like!"


She clapped her hooves together.  "Oh, this will be SO much fun!"

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